160 Compute, SolwSvcSupl. 466 furniturefitehld Goods 476 Medical Supplies 470 Jewelry ft Watches 466 runiiiurtHsehld Goods DRE'ssjcKTa'nTiottd, iirw THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1998 17 466 FunijiuiHsh.ld Goods AEB Twin Canopy, whitegold. 6 drawer ChestHutch ft Desk Ci TIMES fldLb Ulf MLB 4AH n.nnillKr SfllMtSur Slinl vrKrKrmrv TRo" 466 Goods wood ft glass $225. 81.1 536 3694 45 1 Macftirwrv 7nd Tools 430 Articles For Sale 436 Auction SalesSvcs 424 Antiques Collectibles 47.4 Antiques obo. Walnut dresser, good fa $75 Dining room wleaf ft BUDWFI5F ER 16 rcTMPAQ PRFSARIO 45447 $9 75 PER GRAM CATALOG I 813 78 5021 As new $2400 813 345-2576 TIMES rvu I i ullr-i fipm THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1998 Ci boorliriQ Adapting Consignments 480 Musical Instruments 484 a I Goods Svcs.
Collectible steins cond. $69 obo 813 7 23 3000 hairs $125. (2) Itallun mu 14 monitor b. sounaDiai IlUg choirs $150 ea 83 343 4749 CENTER Wail 845CFDrtaer 10" Calloway ENTERTAIN 486 5ionysCmnsHobbis Roll ol Wolkers $75' Coll 813 733 4885 1 5) $89 00 Iv message 813 5 79 9058 424 Antiques Collectibles pEM6rUL.LV Autooumhed Porcelain Shirley Temple tig urine incls cert ot authenticity $85 Norman Rockwell figu rines by Goebel United States $75 ea 8)3 397 5164 DAY BED $50 Heavy construe tlon, box springs wlegt, free 350 Pets OEDTWIN Eleclropedlc, brass finish headboard, excellent i Olid 1300 813 eves unit, hltcvbrass ft Ma'rYiAl Art's videos structional, Kung-fu to Kali, approx 60 SIQeu B13 5.30 3493 MINK STOLE $95 Panasonic camcorder, new $395. Noil 813 323 1746 SLEEPER SOFA Off white, lust MONITORS, Color, VGA, $40.
Super SVGA $75 813 525-9136 PENTIUM New 200 MX. 3.2 gig HD, 24xCD, 32 Megs Ram, 33 6 mrxii irl SVGA S5 813 59', 98 PENTIUM MMX mulll media, LOOSE DIAMONDS Storting at $1200ct from 1 cf to 2V4 ct Coll 813 456 3266 RECLINER Lift chair, mauve, as new. $300. Batli stool, 4 leg cane, toilet mils $5 813 527 1936 ES I A 1 I AN I luuts a. INVEST ART AUCTION Sun March 22, 12 Noon tlurchord's ABI69 813 821 1 1ft 427 Appliance! ffEfRIGPRATOR Kenmore 26 cubic side bv side wtcemaker.
Indoor waterIce dtspensor, almond, years old $940 813 855 8291 REFRIGERATOR Kenmore, almond, 15 cu ft, Icemaker, 5 yrs. new rood $275 813 942 3387 UVoPHOnE lRO Alio Seli.ier Super Actiun 00. wglg bag ft orig. case 2 MP's $1600 A great dtoll 8 13-521-1 524 Beilha titanium Ilex 125 IJkenew iJni4(X)BJ3J44 3372 3S5 Pot SuppliesServices AQUARIUMS glass wdivlders. Used for salt mfiliress szo ttlj 544 043 gloss, $150 obo 813 797 5797 421 Garage I Yard Sales Clearwater Area 1 1 ATP HlE 17.
Offset press plate maker other access, $1500 CASH 813 447-7900 ATLAS LATHE Bench top model. 6" swing, chucks, tall stocks, steady rest, milling at tachment lots ot tooling Mint condition $2700 tukes all Coll 813 446 8464 purcltased In Nov 1250000 Itieresu, 81 i 111 0125291 004 GOLF Great Bla Bertha TJnver DAY BEO, MAHOGANY sleigh look, trundle, mint, 1 yr. old ENTERTAINMENT CENTER 3pc, stain gls doors $500 Qn sz set, like new $300 813 937 0252 SCOOTER Batt chgr, seat lock ft swivel. Like new $650 Lift chair recllner $395 813 785 5814 NECKLACE MENS 190 GRAM chain, Italian figoro. $1000 firm.
813 392 7899 AFRICAN GREY CONGO 3 vrs old, Incredible talker wcage $750tirro. 8)3 576 8671 FELLOUZIS FINE ARTS Bl monthly SUNDAY Auction 813 585 1109 ABI5I7 Swimming h- Outsido of SAXOPHONES Tenor, Conn, very good cond $550 Alto, or fresh water. With filter systems and cabinets 4 units 813 572-0600 days 813 319 0089 eves NINTENDO SUPER 2CONT 3 GAMES LIKE NEW $69 813 399 9463 Conn $350 813 8 0683 MAHOGANY GOV. Winthrop desk serpentine drawers $350. dometop trunk $100, Small Remington bronze $150 813-392-582) iiiit nit'i it-uny syslem wsoll wore.
$799. 113 571 4.118 PENT IUM 166 w2 gig HD, 24X CD rom, 33 6 modem, kevhd. ENTERTAINMENT Center, pecan finish. cond $40 813 527 1322 AWE 64 soundcard $899obo Delta Scanner PC monitor output to TV $229obo video Director editing svstem for Windows $99obo. Sony Storstatlon 2 1 GB (ditto) ext tape backup for Windows $79 obo.
All like new 813-584 2099 COMPUTER CRAFT WE WILL BEAT ANY ADVERTISED PRICE http raft pc 3170 24 Av SI Pete 813 327-7559 SCOOTER Pride 3 wheel elec mint cond. 2 vr factory worr SlOOOobo 1 3-734-3143 SLEEPER SOFA, yellow floral $10. co*cktail table, corner hexagonal table, end table with glass top, cabinet style end table, (all beige) $50 ea. Dining roam table, beige $100 King size bed $150. Call B13 931-9790 CASLER 511 Moving es tate garage sale.
Everything must go. Fri ft Sat 9 3, Sun II 3 DEXTER OR 1451 (off Nuis ery) Thurs ft. Frl. 9-2 Collectibles, jewelry, mlsc VIOLAS, 15" Louis made In Ger many $200 French 1594" $100 10-, firm shaft, like new. $250.
813 579 9296 GOLF MEMBERSHIP For Sale Bellevlew Blltmore, Clwtr, $30txyobo Eric 113-122-2087 GOLF MEMBERSHIP Full club. Cresent Oaks entry CTb 11500 Irons fee 813-786 1 6 79. GOLF New Taylor Bubble 2 SHEET MUSIC Old. 20s lo 60s $40 All button collection $50 will separate 813 345-6125 ANTIQUE 1880'S HALL STAND Buffet, corner bookshelvs $150 81.1 799 8409 tor llisp HAND CARVED FURNITURE from Thailand. Teak Wood sofa, coffee table, 2 chairs, 2 end tables, very rare.
Pd. SSQQO obo 81 I 593 86) I $5 (onlemp. QEcMK Outside of Citrus OMEGA SEAMASTER 300 Prof'! diver's watch whellum release ll'ouooo 813 842 8928 POCKET WATCHES Wall El gin Mis 6-l6 10 Ms and 12s $30 $60 ea 813-937-3251 CAGE Large woodwire animal cage $20 wooden bird perch $20 813 547 0869 OFFICE CHAIRS $30 dlx pecan wood desk $95. Epson Printers SlOOeu like now 813-586 7564 mouse, worr. 1599.
113 787 9646 REFRIGERATOR Sears, 16cf, frost free, harvest gold, can deliver, $100 813-393-7973. REFRIGERATOR side by side. Ice water In door, new, $750. BI3 528-2305. Incls cose ft bow.113 898 9NI Tampa Machinery Auction 2nd Sat Monthly (813)986 7799 (AB135) www tmauctlon.com AUCTION Hills Sheriff's Depl 32B 8263 Cswav Blvd Tpa, TLC 813 626 5050 AUIBS3ABI322 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER beautiful oak, 5'x6'.
Moving HARD COVER FOR SPA Never used, cost $275, SSSCrlHCl Vt. 113-577 $664 HOT TUB 2 person. Deluxe model. Teal, $895 813 536 2110 rq nw aik isog ll3-77J-0all DAYBED white ft brass, com plete wtrundle ft mattresses, never used, boxed, cost $850 must sell $250 cosh 813-662 9175 DISK 2 piece, -shaped, 5 drawer. Excl cond.
Medium Oak. $125 813 367 1 456 DESK 3 piece, shaped, with shelf ft file cabinet drawer 5Vobo. 813 360-6900 BANDSAW Craftsman 12" Electronic, Tilt-head wroller stand, extra blades sanding attachment. $250 Craftsman 10" Compound Mltersaw wac cess, $150. Swlngllne electric rod Nailer, $20 813 328 1125 SCOOTER wnew batt, $450 whlchalr wtt rest $100.
balh seals $25 ft $5 Quad cdnes $15 commode $25813 398 5217 BEDTWIN wnew frame, new maple color headboard. $65 obo 813 596-0282 BED, I win 'SHAKE it head board complete $55, 2 Oak bookcases 8 13-86 1195 BED- Twin with headboard, mattress ft boxsprlng, nearly J.75 Coll 813 392 5554 UEDROOM 7 pc. Solid Chert On, 4-poster rice bed Triple dresser, trl-view mlr ror, 2 pc. highboy, 2 night stands. Never used.
Worth $5500 Sell $3200. 813 712 0990 4EDROOM child's: davbed trundle, dresser wmlrr, desk SlvyoDO BI3 549 1019 VIOLIN 1850 Mogglnl carved head, Shdkespeare. very good cond S50tiode 813 648 5420 OOG CASE, large. 4 months old. great shape, folds up, sturdy.
$85 813-393-5795 DOUGLAS AVE, 2066 Moving sale. Everything must go! ThursFriSut 9-5. OIL TANK STAND SOgal with 40 gallons, new oil $40. Exer else Step $40 813 321 5477 AFRICAN GREY CONGO Talking Parrot, verv healthy $7S0tlrm 813 960 -1096 AFRICAN GREY mature 2 $500 ea. or swap 1 for Solomon Isl Eclectus 813-943 9084 BREEDERS Nandvs sexed pair S2O0, single i $125 wcage.
813-384-9071 leave message CANARIES Red Factor, and others, $35 to $50. Beeper 813-587 7148 HUltuooK Pentium 120. 1 1 gig HD, 16MB Ram, lOx CD, 813 595-7208 17" Dell monitor new $249; 15" SVGA mon $130 813 623 5302 SOFA 3 mos. new $450 Futon new $400 Lane recllner 3 mos $399 $2O0 each 813 938 9380 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER Black lacquer, like new cond. RING 3 ct 14 kt gold Diamond essence.
Gorgeous. Must tee $200 813-725 3309 driver 100 ft Artajtitli Aus trallan Blode iron set 400 4J9 My Odi "stuff' REFRIGERATOR Top freezer $125 STOVE Self cleaning $125. Both almond color 8, ex-cellent tondillon. 352 683 390 1 $1,200. 813 B27 8332 SCOOTtnS 2 Amlgo, I Rascal $200 $450 Private Party 8 1 3 797-5050 VIOLIN 1910 Salvador De Durro.
Fine condition ft voice $650 81 3 942 6064 FISH TANK 220 gallon, all new equip wmetal stand, $800 Call 813 527-8747 PADLOCKS, Medeco Brand name, high security, set of (3) keyed same $75. 813 399 0763 I 970 US 19 Clw 813 536 1X19(1 Dylianiic JKMd $390 Bl 3 847 4666 tun v'. yi js, (J8 7760 BOOTH Ian 36" 5hpBlnks HVLF gunmoulding gulllotlne13" 2hp dust col $1000 will sep 813 891 6086446 2395 SOFA GOLD COLOR with TWO MATCHING lounge CHAIRS $95 B13 595 6432 KERRY UK ioo (corner ot Coachman 8. Drew) Weds ft Thurs 9 collectibles, an tiques, lots of odds ft ends REPRODUCTION Furniture, mahogany hall stand, pedestals cabinets, French desk cabinets Si bronzes $5000 or sell sep 813-584 6878 lye msg ANHEUSER BUSCH Original wooden solid beer box celebrating the Bl Centennial. Rare item.
Surprise contents included $100. 813 578 0059 EXCELLENT WEDDING GIFT 1 1 40pc wedgewood bone China service Katuni Crane pattern Unblemished" $850 RING 38 ct diamond I4kt gold engagement. Cert opprolsal 'GOLF" Ping Driver 1 ft 3 PENTIUM P-200 MMX $550 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER dark wood, holds TV, stereo, VCR, mirror bar wglass ruck, Ughled, good. $300. 813 550-0165 $790 Asking $400 813 304 5853 WALKER $25.
3 I 111 node $10 Quad r.ane $15. Alum udi cane $5 Walker wwhls $40. All like new condition. 813 399 9463 Woods Eve 2 Like New Both $99. nrrn BI3 787 4880 mew, still In box Call 813 461-0031 PARROT CAGES 12), 20x20x23, 20x20x60, good cond $75 for both 813 577 1372 BABY CRIB ALL WOOD, GOOD CONDITION, $50 357 621 3737 SOFA 16" ft Loveseat.
Loose pll low back Beige ft wh stripe or OBO 813 392 3280 HOT TUB 45 gallon 8 person must sell this weekend $9(K; obo takes II away, 113 137-8773 HOT TUB 7' double luumi never used, redwood cablnei. $1675 813 784 3350 HOT TUB Portable with cub net ft cover. Great conditio Must Mill SIN. 1 1 3-433-1 715 JACUZZI 6 person wlounor, teal marble, works good S700OUO B13 844 0496 RING Emerald, genuine Colum blan, IVS cts, lovely. 14K gold REFRIGERATOR, Whirlpool 22cuft with icemaker, almond.
gd cond $135. 813-799-6981 REFRIGERATOR wtr ft ice disp $1000. Satellite dish $500 obo 813 78 2810, 352 666 2701 VIOLIN, full, excel wood tone, Ebonv trim, canvas covered oblong case; hair bow like new sold tor $595 $200 813 6422513 VIOLIN qudrter size, excellent condition wbow ft case $200 813 985 I4 coll evenings PHOENIX AVE, 615 Murch 26 28, Thur Frl ft Sat. 9 -4j S. oft Gulf to Bay BRIDGEPORT Mill, DoAII bandsaw, Hardlnge AHC, HeakJ grinder, Moore rotary table.
Hardness tester, 40" DESK business size, modern, left hand return ft chair. $225. Bookcase, solid wood $300 813 345 7979 DESK ft CHAIR $50 Glass col fee table $50. Gloss end table $15. Chair (white) $20.
Home gym $50 Coll 813-906-9269 COMPAQ Presario 2200, Cyrix 180, 1.6 HD, 16 meg RAM. 33 3 faxmodem, WIN 95, AVt yr on site warr, $495. HP 7270 PI64, 32 meg RAM, 2.5 HD, 28.8 tax modem, 3D stereo sound, full duplex ph sys, 2 meg Video. WIN 95 $695 813 372-1748 ENTERTAINMENT CTR Oak, exc. 2pc 72x75x16, holds up to 35" TV $500 813 822 3066 Burgain $395.
813 9 1 9225 co*ckATIELS (4), Sun Conure. 3 proven pairs love birds chicks, cages ft breeding boxes $600 or trade for baby African Gray 813 B6o 3237 1 365 Livwtotk WORD PROCESSOR Cunon 12" mon. Jet print, nearly new. $2258 137340969 AMIGA 4000. DCTV, Genlock.
GOLF SWING TRAINER tor driving ranges, solar powered, tees your boll, gives your club speed Paid $4300 will sell for $1000 813 989 8139 WALKER Deluxe 4 wheel wseat $125. Wheelchair wfoolrest $200 Folding walker, $25. Bath choll, $25 813-347-019 SOFA BED $45 Chair $25 Twin beds $35 ea Small entertain menl center $45 813 669 9034 height gages Ml J55 439 BabyKids "Shir Outside of Citrus II PEPSI MACHINE II Good shape $450 8)3-846-90)2 PINBALL MACHINE Williams 1974, Super Flight. Exc. cond.
$400. Coin oper ated Video Game Punchout. Exc. cond. $300 813 787 7904 PLAYBOY MAGAZINES 72 is sues 1990 to present, 2 annlver sary Issues, $100.
813 581 2821 STETSON DR 1858 Moving Sale 9am Thurs, Fri 8, Sat Furn, Plover Piano rolls ft parts, decor items much more ETHAN ALLEN SOFA Sn blue print, exc cond. $350 Call 813-864-5069 Modem, oineru Much hidwr STOVE, $75 Refrigerator, 14 cu ft $225. both almond, Ken more, good cond, 813-712 1291 COMMERCIAL TABLE SAW Like new. Delta 3hp, 52' Unlfence $895 obo. 813 536 7180 whulch, sm diesser whulch, nighlstond $950 813 527 6096 BEDROOM- GIRLS CANOPY set, off white, gold trim, with nitestand, bureau, desk.
Good cond $150 813 733 0302 aft 5. BEDROOM set 3 pes white formica tops $275; Microwave $30, Portable TV $30; Lawn i nower 22' $75. B13 522-63 1 4 VIOLINS 44, Bretlon 1994 $145 Frlnke 1948 $225. Schwiez 1813 $475 Mlllonl $450 813 866 6576 sltwr, $l400obo 113-525 9031 RING hand mode, gold topaz, beautiful! Serious Inquiries only. $800 obo 813 823 MOI RING Men's: Vi carat, 14k Gold nuggett, must see.
Apprdlsal certificate over $1000. sell for $370. 813-789-3195 DESK GORGEOUS SOLID oak, 7 drawer, mint! 54x25, co*ckATIELS Grays $20. Fancvs 813-869-3638 WALKER NEW INVACARE RON 1 WHEELS $60 813 847-4730 SOFA black lthr couch ft loveseat $1200; Thomasvllle green lthr loveseat ft chair ottoman $1,000 813-822-8332 BEANIE BABIES American Trio. $1299.
Erin, $199. Princess Di. PVC, $300 PE. $175. Mople SpOly, $750 Maple, $225 Brittanica $700 813-581-9553, Cell 946-415) 352 754-8541 SIGNED BASEBALL Wilbur Robinson (Hall of Famer) Judge Kennesaw Mountain Landis (1st commissioner).
813 824 1 33 GOLF ft TENNIS Family Mem bershlp, Crescent Oaks Country Club. $1300 Buyer pays transfer fee. 813 847 7740 IVIICROSOFT NT Server BEDTODDLER, Little Tikes with Simmons mattress exc cond $65. BI3-821-1979 V4 li. Pd $l0tielj $595 .813 443 FILE CABINET 2 drawer legal locking, off white $35 BI3 443-0005 JACUZZI (Softside) Moving musl sell Ptl $2195, Sacrifice, $1700000 813 399-0143, 781 364, STOVE gas, almond, almost new $300.
2 AC's. 6 ft 17000 Btu $12Vea 813 527 6167 586-133 MHZ 16MB RAM, 2.5 GIG HDD. 24X CD ROM. Sound crd spkrs. 2MB Video 33.6 faxvoice modem.
1.44 FD Win '95B, 14" SVGA. Kvbd 8. Mouse $625 obo 813 545-3888 PGR 813 419 8371 421 Garage Yard Sales Dunedin Area 12 CUT OFF SAW Sthll. 760AV 14" $650 813 847 5788 5LL. unopened $495 941-756-1699 DESK Reteutioncomputei desk.
It oak wood wslale gray lop, usk $50Qobo 813 393 3352 SOFA ft chair $100, end table glass top $75. Alt excellent condition. 813-526-6599 ARABIAN MARE WFOAL, The Real McCoy breading top ft bottom Filly at side by TAMERAX. Halter exp. Eng West.
Loves people, willing to please. Great Brood Mare $3500 oboterms. 352 860 1340 HORSE SHOEING Trimming Richard Iversen, AFA Certified. 352-628-9186 BEDDING SET Poddlnglon Bear sports. 5 pieces wmobile 8, lamp.
Cost new $300, asking $150obo 813-734-9203 POOL HEATER HEAT Pump, brand NEW, 5 yr warr.heats lg pool $1795 813 661 9493 anytime I'RINTER Epson Stylus Pro XL 20dpl. Unopened box. New $699 813 392 7693 DELTA UNISAW fence $500 STOVE gas, Magic Chet, white, like new, $275obo. Call Jason, 813 848 0955 RING Rare, 2.61 ct blue tan zanite, w1.65 ct bagette diamonds, VSI clarity, I4K gold. 12.7 gram total wt.
Appraised $5100 Sell $2950. 813 839 6811 WANTED Top Cash for: Tiffanv, Sterling All Works ot Art Bunhard Gallery 813 821 1167 UEOROOM SET 5 pc, king, white lacquer, exc. cond. Orig $3000 Sell $1200 813 38 1485 813 868 4470 JACUZZISPA 7 relaxing iels, 220 power, amenities. Llkt new 813 937-7175 POOL 15' round with extras.
25 yr warranty $1000 813 572 6679 DESK ROLL TOP Oak finish, with lock ft lamp. Excellent condition $290 813 726-4199 FUTON Moving Sale. Losl our lease Everything 95 price Bring truck. Cash talks. 1136 E.
Fletcher 813 978 0059 FUTON queen size, 8" mattress, 2 months use. Paid $450, ask Ing $175. 813 595-9339 WHEELCHAIR $175. Walker whls $15. Both good cond.
Car penter tools $60. 813 579 8694 WHEELCHAIR Breezy 11x16 It wt, sa foot rests, remov arm rests, gel cushion, 12 lap tray. Extra adl leg rest (left). $550000 Heml walker $30. Commode $30 Full top trayM5.
81 3 791-B804 ly msg. HEATHER DR, I486 Thur, Frl ft Sat, 8-4. furniture, misc items. Ceramics (greenware, bisque, paints ft brushes, fin isned pieces) Park on gross SOFA- flex steel, pillow back. Good condition.
Paid $900 SACRIFICE $200 813-773-1110 OIECAST Loose Hot Wheels, T-hunts, ERTL, Am-muscle 118, Mbox Premiere, Yesteryears, EFSI, rornlca. Solido, Model cars, Aurora AFX-Great Prices SlOup Pager nights, 813 673-2211 REFRIGERATOR frost free $60. Exrc equip: Trim rider $50. Stepper $25. 813-524 9295 BOYSGIRLS CLOTHES 0-4T, 51 H0 813-799-6981 STOVE Gas, new $200.
Washer Dryer $150. Built in dlshwash er $60, all excel 813 524-9295 GOLF ft TENNIS Family Mem bershlp. Save $500 Country Side CC. $3500 813 784-5611 GUN SAFE, extra large, will hold 40 long guns. Moving must sell $1500.
113-867-8900 GUN SHOW MANATEE CIVIC CENTER March 28 ft 29th. 9 5 1-75 Exit 43 W. to Haben Blvd For info call 813 149 6439 liEDROOM SET 5 piece, white oak $600; Smith Corona Typewriter $50 813 344 2288 DRILL PRESS 16 spd, Chicago Tool $200. 4 spd 40" wood lathe Chicago tool $70. 10" Skll table saw $150 8'" Delta mitre saw $95.
Or oil $465. B13 821-2707. IBM 386 PS 2 4 Meg Ram, 80 Meg HD, monitor, keyboard, mouse $140. 8 13 669 9115 386 LASER 11 and color monitor $275 813-797-9655 ROLEX All models, pre owned, buysell, w1 yr warrty. Yates Jewelers, Tpa 813-253-2164 co*ckATIELS Lutlnos with Orange cheeks 2 for $99 813-863 9193 co*ckATOO 5 yrs old, male.
2 cages, very entertaining. $1200obo 813-894 0375 co*ckATOO Breeder Sell Out, Moluccan Umbrella. From $600 813-546-3050 leave msg co*ckATOO Med. suiter ed, tame, sweet loving, Iron cage. $1100 813-725 5898 co*ckATOO Moluccan, male, approx 5 yrs.
Healthy, beautiful, affectionate, wlarge iron cage $1000 813 593 5764 HEPPLEWHITE table. 3 leaves, fold under legs, needs repair, appr $1600 Best offer over $100 813 535 3923 book BUNKS BEDS wmatch. SOFA Franklin Dual recliner. Custom grain dual massage Storage arm rests. 1 vr old.
Very nice! $595 BI3 888 7183 BAY ARABIAN MAR Family horse wStubben Eng Saddle $1 OOP 352 628 5312 ROTO TILLER TROYBILT $425 EACH, negotiable. 352-684-2103 YAMAHA HS-6 wMDR, 9vrs old New $12,000 NOW $4000 Call 813 376 4762 Iv msg 100 PIANOS NEEDED Grands Spinets Consoles Instant Cash Paid We Buy We Sell We 1 rode Thoroughbred's Classic Keyboards 113-797 1157 ALESIS MIDI VERB 4 $170. Hush 11CX noise red. $110. Behrlng Euro MX 1602 $225 Peovy Dynamic Sys.
Contr 100 Peavy XR-SM Mixer $300 Nandy 101 GT $155 2 Ige boxes misc, cords $300. DOC R231 Eq $100 813-822-5122 Nice coses, compl wmatt STOVE GE, elec, with double oven, excel, cond $160. 813-321 5660 or 813 345-5292 FUTON, solid wood, honey oak, mission frame, thick matt Unused $25 813 920-2798 DESK solid mahogany, lust refinlshed, 6 drawers, can deliver $80 813-547-6644 DESK ft SWIVEL ARM CHAIR Natural oak, roll-top, 29x60, perfect. New $1500, sacrifice $600 Call 813-734-9847 421 Garage Yard Sales CntrvsideSfty Hrbr Area '3 PENTIUM MULTI MEDIA, monitor, MS natural keybrd, 4.1 gig HD. 48 meg ram, TV card, Internet ready, speak ers, mike, sound card, mouse, CD, 33.6 modem, loaded software $1500 813 532-0231 IBM Cyrix P-200 MMX 32 Mb RAM, 4 Mb video, 24X CD ROM, 16 bit sndcrd, 33.6 DFV modem, 2.1 Gb HD, 120 spkrs, 14" SVGA digital mon W95 inslal.
$875. 813-906 8327 cond. $l65all 813 786 9223 ROLEX Ladies 18K President, in box, like new. $4900 813 410 1505 BEANIE BABIES Princess $225. Cubble, Legs, Curly.
Valentino, Bucky, Speedy. Velvet, NIP, Lizzy $15ea. Spooky. Flip, Hoot, Snowball, Magic 522eo 813 393 2142. WHEELCHAIR Electric, never used, fully loaded.
Cost $7000 Asking 54000olX) 813 864 9413 PACKARD BELL 486 Multl me FORKLIFT 1972 Towmotor, T-40, needs ring gear, $1700. 813 585 1279 TRUCKLOAD SALE FUTON PEP PINS KELLOGGS 1940s official orange and white beanie. 27 pins in all. First $400 takes all! 813 937 1201 SOFA ft Lift top coffee table. 1 yr old, exc cond, paid $760 Firm $350 813 579-3920 365 Livestock Outside of Citrus RUGS PAKISTANI, 6X9, beige, brn, blue $3500 obo.
4x7, Tree of Life, beige brn rose. $2000 obo 813 586 4194 From $99 Largest selection. best price 8 1 3 539 1 369 POOL Above ground, 1996 1 5 round, incls ladder, mtr flllci needs Inr $6O0Obo 813-841 4210 POOL FILTERS Cartridg, type. 15) 75 sq. ft.
a 175, (5; If id. W. a ITM. 1TV7W4340 POOL HEATER- HEAT Pump, brand NEW. 5 vr warr, treats lg 8 13-645 1 9493 anytime PUMP submersible water pump, New $150, sacrifice $12'.
813 849 1457 lEDROOM SET 7 pc lite color dbl bed, triple dresser, chest, 2 nilestonds $875 813 526-4475. BEDROOM SET Antique $850; Lamps French Prov. Cedar Chest $175, also Chair $45; Fans $5, Quilts $75 813 391 1996 BEDROOM SET Bossett, Qn Dresser, mirror, 2 nlght-stnnds S3()uobu 813 360-5642 CANOPY CRIB WHITE WOOD GOOD CONDITION $99 813-710-7240 CRADLE WBED $45 Lt, pool $15. Stroller $25. Activ.
rocker $10. 813 799-6981 STOVE GE electric, almond, self clean, like new. $150. Re modeled kitchen. 813-786-9344 STOVE GE, 8.
Kenmore Dishwasher. Almond color, 4 yrs Work greal $300 813 525 2529 HERNANDO SPORTSMANS CLUB-Rlfle ft Pistol Range. Trap Shol Guns 352 59 9931 WHEELCHAIR wnew gel cushions $500000 Shower bench $25. Potty chr $40. 813 323 6875 GENERATOR Coleman 7000.
IBhp Briggs ft. Stratton motor, mint cond $950 B13 327-3403 DESKS (2) oak, 30x60, 4 draw ers, office style, good cond. Steal at $50eu. 813-797-5792. HAVERHILL DR.
2836, CLWTR Moving Sale. Wall unit, stereo, leather sofa Ivoeseot, round oak table, chairs, patio set, antique desk, clothing, lawn equip. Th-F aft 6, Sat 8-4 Cash only. 797 5450 ROLEX oyster perpetual date, s.s., white face with arable numbers, oyster bond, bought new 1197, box, papers, 1 yr warr. Bought new at Mayou's $2300 813 931 4048 SAFE John Tann TLTR 30X6, Corona model, $3200 813 781-7901 LGB TRAINS 100 Year Jubilee complete set.
LGB Trolly Cor. All in boxes. Excellent condl-tion $650 obo 813 B63 5251 AGED BAY MARE, good hlth. bomb proof. 15 hands, nego to good home 813 996 3523 FUTON White metal frame, $100; Mediterrean.
style credenza $35; recllnerrocker, blue $35 813-784-6777 SOFA ft LOVE SEAT Brand new, floral, modern $295 ft $395 i 3 Loveseat, modern, new $290ea; Queen pillowtop mattress, new with frame $195. Call 81 3-344-3220 BEANIES THINGS SHOW 4598. 114. Tables avail 40 Snell Isle Blvd 813-822 4982 dia, wcu, keyboard ft mouse, $250, 113-590-6570 Monitor avail 586 133 24xCD, sound, modem, 1 2HD, SVGA, Umb Ram, lots SQftwore $625 obo. 813 595 2295 COMPUTER STUFFIII New ft used hdrdware software Great prices! $5 ft up 813-785 4421 'OOMrvix, 2 1HD, 16meg, 16xCD, 14" mon, modem, lohrs Tuto-rial $935 813 528 2013 GENERATOR Homelite 4000 watt, BS Industrial, new.
$1250000 813 397 0275 co*ckATOO Mulloccan. old wbrand new cage SI500all 8 1 3 393 532 DINETTE SET Blk Base 42 X42 Glass Top ft 4 Matching Arm Choirs $3.50 357 683 8675 LASER RANGE FINDER Bushnell Yardage Pro 400 very ticcurdte $249 813 937 1201 NORDIC TRACK "PRO" with work-out computer ft video CRIB, BEATRIX POTTER Bedding, never used. Yellow White. $90 813 595-0689 SEWING MACH Union Special dbl needle wpuller, chain stch GLIDER ROCKER ft ottoman PENTIUM COMPLETE SYS terns, 16 Meg Ram HD, CD Rom modem, sound card, svga monitor, win 95, keyboard, mouse $495. Call 813 328 8232 HARRY TRUMAN MEMOIRS Signed Ltd Ed $575.
Franklin 197B Ed World's Writers Lthr Gold 10 Vol $400 813 784 5668 TP' mtr $950. 813 391 7020 wcushlons unused cosl $275 sacrifice $175 813 855-5512 STOVE Jenn-AIr, electric, works great, all accessories. $450. 813-522-3020 STOVE JennAir Grill Top, Works perfect $250 obo 813 865-6065 432 Svqvihni t. a 1IEDROOM SET Boy's twin trundle, chest, desk whutch ft chair, nightstand.
Ash. Excel cond. $395. 813 725 7575 TRASH ft TREASURE SALE at McMullen Booth Elemen tary School, 3025 Union Street, Clw. Fri, March 27th 2-6.
School grounds WHEELCHAIRS 1 for $250, 1 for $140; Wolker wwheels $50 All In good cond. 813-894 0767 WHEELCHAIRS 1 wremovable feet $150 Other $99. both ex cel. cond 813-581 6953 WANTED Used wheelchairs, van lifts, scooter lifts ft other medical equipment Call 800 252 3054 813-849-2577 APPALOOSA Registered, 4 yrs old Beautiful mare. Unique palomino color Green broke.
Asking $2500 BI3 862 4494 AQHA, 16 yr. 16H, w7)6" West show saddle, Westengdres 5Q9e $2.500 813 S4S 4931 ROLEX PATEK A. LANGE Buying Chronographs Moons, Repeaters Large Collections Gold Wrist or Pocket Watches Last day buying March 29th Buyer Tom ErtUll 813 3606645 love seat recline, wfold-down tbl ft dwr $450. Coffee, 1 end tbls $100. Bookcose $50 Roll top desk $60.
81.3 328 1199 DINETTE SET country blue, solid ook, pedestal table, 2 leaves, hutch ft 4 armchairs $600000 352 666 8072 HOLE HOG 3" Allied, for installing casings under streets, driveways sidewalks, new $3500. Sell for $750obo. Call 813-432 5614 785-3681, CRIBBED CHILDCRAFT 3 in 1, wdresser changing table. Like new $300. 813 527 5941 SEWING MACHINE Singer $65 Water Softner $100; Reverse SAP Like new, aqua acrylic fin ishm wood coblnet, lounger extra lets, hot seat Must sen moved out of stole.
New sell $1200 3.2 596 7303 BEANIE BABY CLEAR BOXES- 2 for $5. New rectangular boxes. I'ixlVixZVi, Protec live tags $13100. 813 596-3757 HI RISER 2 Beds ft matresses ALMOST NEW! $150 813 B49 1 162 Pertecl cond $750 813 84 649 PIN FISH TRAPS LIVE. $19.
113-531-4045 UsmosiS $150 352 650 070 HEDROOM Set brown wicker ft co*ckATOO Sulphur Crested. Friendly, learning to talk. Lg cage. $1000 obo. 8)3-381 7107 co*ckATOO Umbrella, female, 2 yrs, hand fed.
loves often-tlon, wcage $1000. 813-854-1270 co*ckATOOS Pink Moluccan $1200. White Umbrella $800, both wcage 813 -54J 1200 FRANK SINATRA My Way '68. NY NY 79 W24M gold ploted records, photo signature In Ironies SSOOpoir 813 861 2042 GUITAR Yamaha acousticelec, Gibson amp. Sell $500 Casio Keyboard 100 813 528-2013 CRIB iCHANGING BL Beaut, solid maple, like new.
Cost $850, sell $375000. 813 392 8221 SOFA ft LOVESEAT black con temporary oversized Great cond. $IB0both 813 772 0451 DINETTE SET Solid Oak, Excellent Cond. Asking $350. 813-376-8572 wood Iv green wrought iron 1 .1 old $500 obo 813 26 7684 SEWING MACHINE Singer Fashion mate, good cond.
Ask ing $3Vobo. 813-545-0811 PACKARD BELL Legend Supreme 1100, 2.1 GB hord disk drive, 16 rnb EDO ram, 33,600 bps bit-in modem, Win 95, Epson color printer S1800obo 813 .145 3409 421 Garage I Yard Sales Palm Harbor Area 1 4 ROLEX Sub. 1BK. SS, box and papers. $4250 GMT 14K SS, $2200.813 526 4954 JOINTER 6" longbed Paid $700 new.
Used once, $400 obo 813 536 2180 HIDEABED $50 Lg wall unit $35 carpet 12x12 tan $35 wh wkr ch $40 recllner $125 813 895 4595 SOLAR POOL HEATING sys tern, 7 panels, $700obo 4 other equipment 6IK347 4246 POKER TABLE 52" 8 sides, woodfolding wood legs, excel lent. $99. 813 393-9)51 STOVE Kenmore 30" Drop-In style with oven. Self cleaning, black, good condition. $75 Call 813-323-2153; 347-7004.
WAHERDRYER extra cap Excellant $350. Will deliver 813 796-8286 TANNING BED INTERNA tional 24 bulb, exc. cond 3 "IS'? 41 Business Equip I Svcs. Outside of Citrus PRINCESS $125. ERIN $150 Other Beanies 3 for $25.
813 525 8067, 813-894 503 SEWING MACHINE Singer 480 (rkKifiii IBM 386DX VGA color monitor, Keyboard, mouse, $140. 9222 AQHA 9 year ranch mare. 15 hands Excellent handle Well muscled $2500 813 856 5903 AQHA '96 Philly, 1100 lbs. Skipper 8, Doc Bar bred 5250Cyobo 352 796-5473 SOFALOVESEAT Blkbelge stripe wloose pillows, $200 Futon $60 Bl 3-525-8446 Iv msg BEDROOM Fastlake 1870s Queen bed, 8' headtootbd, 8' vanity drs sr, smaller washbowl drssr, $1600 813-547-6133 WATCH Men's, Jean-Claude, Gold, 44 diamonds. Pd $3975 Sell $1000 813 447 3304 HIDEAWAY COUCH $30 Love seat couch $20.
Blue velvet couch $20. Tom 81 3 541-6216. ig cug sou. 813 546 1182 DINETTE TBL w4 arm chrs on casters, 1 leaf, almond, $299; DR table w4 chrs ft 2 leaves, china cab S450; Danish arm Chrs 2, wolnul $60 813 669 939 LADDER RACK for mini Van $75, 28' fiberglass extension ladder $150, manhole ladders available 813-932 5966 SPA 3 Seater with pump filter heater. Ask tor $99 firm after 2pm.
813-527-2675 CRIB Like new, incl matt $85, Hook on chair $20, Potty $10 Spring Hill 352-686-9279 CRIB MATTRESS SET toddler bed, deluxe, excellent cond. $400 obo. 813-527 2142. RFDROOM SET, CA King bed, twin Armolre wllghted bridge ft mirror, dresser w6 drawers Irm Droxel Heritage $l5007set; Living Room set wcouch, 2 chairs, Octagon, beveled gldss coffee table, exc cond. $1200, 'OOL TABLE 1" slate.
8x5', drop pocket, good cond, new felt $450 813 539 8684 SEWING MACHlNEtable, Rex MOVING SALE AT COBBS LANDING. Everything must go Leather living room set, dinette set, patio furniture, 2 bedroom sets Call for appt. 813 787 3910 IBM Lexmark 4039 16L laser printer, hl-speed 16ppm. 8700 copies, extra cartridge. 4mb ram, network option, duplex, 2 drawer $1500obo.
813 587 6560 SOFA ft LOVESEAT, bluegrey floral, loofe pillow design. New $300. 113 360 1726 SPA 5 Person, Wl.ounge 3HP TEDDY BEARS Steitt WDW. VIB's, Roikes others. Look Ing for good home $15 to $1500 613-847-141 1 WASHER ADMIRAL White.
Like new. $175 obo 813-372-1588 LAMPS for table (2), Cork base, 12" high, $30 ea. 813-734-3268 comm. upholstety $800 Days 813861-3328, eves 352 686 9005 PLATES CHINTZ Royal Winton, Summertimes (3) excellent condition, $75 eoch. 813 848-8922 CONURE Front Head.
Red fe male, 5 yrs old, great for breeding $350obo 813 393-5707 CONURES: Sun, Cuban, Nandy, Gold Cap, Bl. Crown, White Eye, Patagonian, Cherry Head. Babies 8, Adults. SS. IANJO 5 STRING $1100 NEW, asking $550.
Incls. hd shell case, access. 352-564-0762 i ARAB GELDING, 4 yrs old, loves people $1500 wtock OBO wk 791 2486 hm 813-535-8251 WATCH Mens Tag Heuer, I8K7 SS auto. Sharkskin band. Mint 1 mo old.
Pd $1650. Sell $1050000 813 622 4292 POOL TABLE 1" slate, leather pockets, carved legs Mitchell $1000. 813-577 5971 DINING BOOTH Wood Good cond. Comfortable. Seats 4.
$125. 813 548-1598 Burdinesall leather oversized PRESSURE CLEANER Simp son PSI 3000, Titan Speedflow Paint Sprayer; 7x10 Hvv duty 15" Trlr 813 581 2770 AB.DICK, 360 PRO, T51 Col-orhead Exc cond. $3995 obo 813-253 5331238 8700 BANKRUPTCY Sale-Lurla's display cases, whse racking. Pump, 1 HP Blower, 26 Jets, Redwood C3b Cover, All Elec. Controls, Never Used $2475 813 930 2252 CRIB, Simmons, white washed oak with mat tress, $250 813 822 8332 sofa, love seat hairoltomon Pd $4000.
sell $2000 813 785 4244 SHUTTERS ROLL electric, from 2 sided porch, good cond creme color $2500 813-393 1613 SOFALOVESEATCHAIR greywhite stripe, exc $250. Sotaloveseat beige wwide pastel stripes $200. Moving! 813 360 0994 evenings WASHER DRYER almond, large capacity, good condition $90. each 813 942 8224 LIVING RMDINING RM South western style, waccess, 6 mo old, $5000obosep. 813 841 6360 ORCHARD HILL CR, 3971 mov Ing.
lots of good stuff, turn, dishes, toys etc 327 329, 8 6 NEW PI66 comp sys w14" mon Itor, lots of hardware, $925obo Jim 813 726 1153 Ext 333 PRINTER Hewlett Packard B70CXI professional model Ink jet $400. 813 345-7578 P2-233 MHZ, 32M RAM, 2 5 HD, 32x CD, 15" Monitor, must sell. $1400. 813 581 3233 PJI, 32 MB, 3 GB HDD. CD-ROM 33, 6 bps, 14" soft wore $850 813 44 0232 eyes AUTOGRAPHS wcertlflcates Brandon Lee, Mel Gibson Dennis Quald, Jim Cdrrev.
All $200 813 869 9468 LIGHTED DOLLHOUSE Log cabin, furnished Made wlove. $500. Must see, very special1 Call 813-584-0755 POOL TABLE 4 x9' Brunswick, 1" slate top. Good condition Plays great. All access.
Incl. $550 obo. 813-738-1189 DRUMS VINTAGE Slingerland, 7 piece, Blk, Zlldilon cymbals, all hardware, very good cond. $1100, will consider trade for boss boat. 352-341-0115 SPA 7.5 7.5 above ground.
DOLLHOUSE appraised ot DINING CHAIRSTABLE white wash, 60" extends w18" leaf 6 chairs. In box. Cost $2700 sai rilke $1200 813 273 8193 gondolas, 813 458-4121 WEDDING RING-LADIES 14k gold. Ovdl diamond. .7 ct ISI3 Band contains 11 diamonds, .55 ctSI2 $2100 Ap praised.
Neg. 813 545-4718 PRESSURE WSHR Craftsman, 1800PSI4 SHPgas engnever used $295 firm 813 441-3099 BEDROOM SET full size bed, complete, dresser wmlrror, chest of drawers, night stand $500 813 526 0189 WASHER 8, DRYER Amana, white, deluxe, SS tub, under $4000, selling for $800 obo Must sell! Call 813 866-1893 SLOT MACHINE $295 (813)327-2281 gas htr, 115V pump, blowei, 6 seat wlounger, cover ui SOFA ft LOVESEAT Confemp. ARABIAN Ivanhoe Sulton son 2yr gld, Royally bred bay wst hunt $)500tirm 813-545 5402 AUSTRALIAN SADDLE New $795; sell $250. Western Saddle, new $695, sell $200 All never used. 941 858 7383 BABY PIGS tor sale $35 ft up.
LIVING RM SET 3 pc. modern, multl color, as new $375. 2 walnut bookcases $250 813 526 445 TOSHIBA, new. Black, Infino, 2 GBHO, Pent. 166, Windows 95, Games, software.
32 MB RAM. Paid $3400, sell $1875 813 586-1160 200 MHZ PENT. COMPUTER 2.5 GB HD, 80 MB RAM, 100 MB Zip drive, 32X CD ROM, modem, speakers. 2 yr worr. $925 813 462-0178 VIsaMC P.
RING NECKS. 813-525-6419 CONURES, SUN, JENDAY. Goldcapped Handled babies, affectionate ft tame 352 799-764)1 813 787 4873 INDIAN RING NECK Wcage. POOL TABLE 8 4 slale npv RIDING SWEEPERVACUUM warianty $500 BI3-B3-ail with oak trim, greyblue tones Exc. cond $350.
813-943-9419 CONFERENCE TABLE Oval, 7'x4 Cherry finish with 4 swivel, high-back, cloth, exe cutlve chairs. New $2000. Sell $400 813 789 0071 SUPERBOWL PATCH Collec tion I thru 31, new patch every year. $500 or will trade for car Call 813 446-8385 EGG CUPS (250) $2000. 5 Ron Lee Clowns (ret) $450.
2 Red Skelton plates $500. Will separate. 813-347-6963 black veil Includes acc EXC. cond. $550 813-866 9825 JUNGLE GYM Step 2 wone swing slide.
Exc cond. New $450. Ask $250obo. 813 376 7450 DINING Cherry wd set, 72" Oval tbl w18" leaf, 6 Queen Anne chairs unused still boxed, cost $1500 sell $675 813 258-2362 American Lincoln Model 2uoo 4B" brush wcurb sweeper. SLOT MACHINE Bally, 25.
30 yrs old. $750. Legal in Flo Coll 813 328-2246 LIVING Rm Set, 6 Drexel Dining Set, 6 chairs, Chrome Croft. $275ea. 813 321 3739 GUITAR 12 STRING HD shell case, beautwoodsound, asking $550 352 564-0742 ORGAN KAWAI SR4, LIKE NEW COND.
WITH BENCH $1500000 352 621-3450 WASHERDRYER combo, Maytag. $50Oobo; Kltchenalde stovemlcrowv combo, $400 obo; Whirlpool 21.6 cf SxS Re-frlg, $350obo 813 394-7799 ZIMBAL'S ROLEX Buy Sell Service Ared's Largest Selection of Pre-owned Rolex Watches. Custom Diamond Accessories 1150 Cleveland Clwlr 813-442-7913 Dumpster lift, 337 hrs. Asking $4000 352-754 6159 SOFA ft LOVESEAT Formal Barely used $200 COFFEE TABLE Unique! California Oak $300 813 392 3699 TY BEANIE BABIES Easter female, vrs old, ready breed. $150 352 683 5272 POOL TABLE 8' state top Auto return waccessor $380 obo 813-34-9508 Hamp, Durok, York Many to choose from 352 596-3490 1CSI CD recording system, card, cables, documents Incl.
$325 Installed 113 .147 07.32 eves PLAY FORT WOOD Rope, fireman pole, prte Iddr, mnky bars, 10' slide $750 813-376 7518 BIG YARD SALE Frl ft Sat 8 5. Household, furniture, SOOOwatt Coleman gen (almost new) Much more. 6915 San Marcos Dr. 8)3-869-6487 COPIER Minolta, 30CPM. Low copy counl.
Auto feed, cabinet. 1 yr old. Cost $9390 Sell for $1650 813-723-9183 RflRI AND COMBINATION SLOT MACHINE Casino type, tokens, great entertainment 1 yr worr. $395 813 804-1567 1940 1 GUMBALL Machine embossed glass, $200. I950's Sears bicycle, all original $100.
813 323 5189 LIVING RM SOFA, Recllner ft Chair, taupe wook finish exc cond. $425 813 786-6435 Bunnies, set of 3. $60, will separate, many other Beanies avail. $10 $50 813-596 3360 DINING Cherry wood table, Queen Ann style w4 uphols. chairs.
Unused- Cosl $800. Sac rlflce $300. BI3 254 7444 BEDROOM SET Henridon style, king bed, 2 ntstands, dresser, mirror, corner desk, 2 chests, etagere, S17o0bbo; Di ning Rm set, Ethan Allen Table, 1 leaf, Pads, 6 chairs, server, $J700obo 813-545 8323 BEDROOM SIT KINO 6 Pc, complete dork wood, dll linens like new $6S0bbo. B13 577 6610 Charles Pope Cellular 352621 219) machine: table saw wsllding GELDING 9YRS OLD Very gentle Smart and beautiful 1st $1500 813-372 8260 LOVEBIRDS Fischer, Peach face. Pled Lutino; co*ck-otiels, pearls.
Pied 1 Lutino. $20 $50 813-539 7148 SOFA ft LOVESEAT French Provincial off white, excel cond. $500. 813-736-4749 486 DX CD ROM, SOUND card, spkrs, modem spkrs Win9S; SVGA monitor, keybd, mouse. Complete system $425 813 328 8232 WASHERDRYER Excellent condition, Kenmore 90 series Set, $300 813 345 1655 4M Musical Initrameirts ENGLISH Soveriegn Rings $500 each; 2 ct cluster $1500; table, shaper, planer, lotnter morticer, $4250.
813 347 3328. PLAYSET Tlmberworks Lodge. Wooded slides, swings, more! $550 352 683 6363 5MOKERGRILL Trailer mounted. Custom built. S900 813-677 8672 Krugrond $1200 813 345 6773 Outside of Citrus PRINCESS 01 8, Prince Charles engagement commemor.china figurines, 2 wedding mugs 2 books $35 $2500 813 867-15)2 REMMI NGTON SCULPTURE "Coming Through the Rye" (4 Horsem*n), sacrifice $3500 352-795 3814 POOL TABLE: Brunswick, 1 yr old, slate.
Mufioganv wocces-sories. New: $4800. Sacrifice for. S3200OOO Budweiser pool toble light SI 25 813 772-9015 POOL TABLE, FISCHER 1 PC slale, ball return, new felt, Exc. $995 813 392 5362, 544 1 233 TABLE SAW $300 iointerplaner $200, router $50, circular saw GELDING ARABIAN Gentle, willing, 14.3 hands.
MUST $1500 obo 813-856-1489 DINING HUTCH ft BUFFET Ethan Allen, classic maple, beveled glass doors, open side shelves. Excellent condition. $1850both orobo 813 57 9228 COPIER Sharp 7 76 bl ft wh Good condition. $325. Coll: 813-525-3847 btn 4-6pm COPIERS Xerox 5220 personal, new toner cartridge.
Asking $200 813-545-7871 aft 5 WASHERDRYER GE, go condition. $150 for both. 813-864-8439 leave message 4V0 Telephone Equip Sys Outside of Cflrus SOFA ft LOVESEAT (Levltz), light beige wearth tone pll lows, 5 mos old, $675. Endcoffee lubles $70 both. 813-443-2558 SWING, infant car seat, activity gym, NoJo crib bedding set, lots more, $10-100 813 398 1 1 34 $50, more 813 545TO3Si SPA indooroutdoor $700 Double recllner wdual massage $275.
Call B13-536-0289 LIVING ROOM, 7 PC. $1950 BEDROOM SUITE 5 PC $1900 DINING ROOM, 10 PC. $2400. All Thomasvllle French Provincial. "Chardonnay" fruitwood In showroom cond.
and more than 50 OFF Cost. 4 pieces of DREXLER bed room furn. $1700. TIERRA VERDE ISLAND 813 866 867', IJNLIM. INTERNET ACCESS Includes free E-mail ft web- site.
813 553-6284 MACINTOSH LC2 12 Meg, 14" Mon, CD-ROM, Kvbd. Soft- ware Free. $500 813 442 7800 17" SVGA MONITOR excellent cond. $775. 386 computer, no monitor $40, 813-527-6733.
MONITOR CORNET 14" SVGA works fine $75. 813-327 8402 100MHZ PENT 24mg RAM, 340mg HD, ext 230mg, Optical drive, W95, OFC97, 14" SVGA, mon, modem, Epson Printer, spkrs, $495. 613 546 3687 24 trk recorder $6800, PA cabinets $500, 4 trk recorder $1000, Fender amp $500; Range ex pander $75. Syn box $50, DBX stereo $50. more 813 535 4560 GOATS, DUCKS, CHICKENS 8, Geese All sizes and Breeds 15-up.
813-856 5 737 FRANKLIN MINTS, Danbury Mint, '93 94 Davtona lineup Nascars Serious collectors only $800will sep 813 398 3481 TILE TOOLS complete business set, used 5 times $600 obo. 813-441-4617 oft. 6pm. MONKS TABLE wbench $600 Twisted cherry Hall Tree $275 Bolstered Carriage Seat, $300 John, 813-323-1595 BEDROOM SET, King bed ft back, drsr, mirror, end tbls, neutral, $275obo. 813 797 6144 BEDROOM SET King size, solid oak, light bridge, 5 pc.
Cost $8900 2000 obo 813 847 7583 THE CLIMBING Thing for chll dren. Pressure treated wood, ws I ide $125. 813 360 4768 BUSINESS PHONES Used veur warranty Save Dlr 813-446-2178 COLONIAL HILLS It 5313 Whippoorwill Dr, 327, Frl. wtrbed. beautiful sofa ft more CRAFT A GARAGE SALE: River Ridge Rosewood sec tion.
Thurs Fri Sat l-4pm ESTATE SALE 3115 Westridge Dr, Gulf Trace Holiday. Wed Thurs, 9-2. Furn, dishes. organ, clothes, tools, sm oppls HOLIDAY Bueno Vista Trailer Park, 2142 SHADY COVE Fri 8, Sol 8am, brass ft copper STAND UP NBA JAMS 4 plover arcade style, $700obo. 813-844-5312 days or eves SOFA multi-color, excel cond.
$60. Dining rm table, stone ft glass, 4 uphols chairs, 1 year new $695 now $420. 813 733 0254 MACAW Blue gold 3 months old, hand ted, very tame, incl large cage. $1000 8I3-B62-0476 MACAW, Green Winged, verv tame sweet, talk, with large coge $950 813 399 0017 MACCAW blugld lyr tame, talking wiron 6' cage. $600, trade for bird' 813-397-0623 MOLUCCAN co*ckATOO Young hFed 1 yr wlrg cage $1650 813 781 7295 WASHERDryer GE, good cond.
full feature washer, auto dry dryer, $225pr. 813-596-6570 WASHER DRYER, Hotpolnt. Good condition. $150 Call 813-849-9167 POOL TBL hand crftd, Mitchell crvd oak side railslegs 1" sll lthr pekts. w2 Tiffanv lamps, access S1800obo 813 596 7610 LAWN EQUIP, WE PAY CASH Also Sell ft Repair.
NewVised Parts. JO AL's 352 860-1377 DESK ft CHAIR WAREHOUSE Quality NEW ft USED Office Furniture 50-75 off 813 276 1883 DESK L-shaped Secretary ft lateral tile, 4 drawer, harvest tone $250. 813 726 1756 TIRE CHANGER, Coats, great accessories $750. 813 581 8223 DINING RM cherrv solid wd, dbl pedestal tbl, 96" w2 Ivs. 8 plush Queen Ann chairs.
Unused, still boxed. Cost $3,000, Sell $1,250 813 258-3848 DINING" RM NEW Broyhlfl, pine, custom pads, paid $7500 asking $1200 813 376-8572 MICHAEL JORDAN auto graphed basketball. $250 Call 813 363-6453 AMP PEAVEY renowned 400, dudl channel, excellent for lead guitar. Excellent condi tlon. $350000 813 734 7686 TODAYSKID CAR ft, Gos pump Fisher-Price kitchen, Tool-Qench.
$25. each 813 397 6944 PENTIUM COMPLETE SYS terns, 16 Meg Ram, HD, SVGA moniter, win 95, keyboard, mouse $395. Call 813 328 8737 STATUE OF LIBERTY, 1 with lamp. $700 obo. 813-522 0482 leave message LIVING ROOM-ENTIRE SET, 6 pastelsoak wood, Incl sofobed, $375 813-392 8559 SOFA, sectional, 4pc round really nice 6 mos old $4200 new Sell $1500000 813 833 1008 RACING HELMET Simpson, new, full face, white $300obo 813-772-9015 PALMS ACE HARDWARE Crystal River, 352-795 4366 Service All Brands Mowers! Author ized Snapper Dealer! ill II ROYAL DOULTON LADIES Eliza, Nicola, Winsome, March, October $200 $250 ea Some signed.
813-381-7429 CARPENTERS Tool Chest brass corners $100. 2 Charlie Mc Carthy's $75ea. other collectibles $2550 81 JJ63J4447 TIRE CHANGER Rim Clamp, Coats, good air operated. $1300 813 461 2304 APTIVA-IBM 200MMX E24, wrrlv $749 IBM .28 14" mon $159. $870 for both 813 819 1237 PRINCESS DI BEAR $200 ERIN BEAR $225 Call 813 345-7614 WASHER I DRYER llolpoint, white set, less than 1 year, $175 each.
8)3 548 1351. HEDROOM SET kng, Paul Bun-van style, 7pc, drk pine, exc cond. $1500 813 864 -2718. BEDROOM SET Light wood $400 COFFEE TABLE 2 glass Ins. $40 813-944 3423 442 Bicycles AMPLIFIER Crown ft Micro Tech 1000 power amp.
$950. 813 772-7354 pgr 405 2840 DESKS EXECUTIVE $100 Right Returns $50. Credenza $75 813-789 5851 BUSINESS TELEPHONE Systems. Low cost, used 8. new.
813-884-8125 BUsInESSTEIE PHONES New. used, Ige selection, lov. We sve all malor brands VoiceData 813 799-2919 CELL PHONE- SONY hand held, fits in palm, brand new jist $60 sell $200 813 528 56.. STOVE GE ELECT $75 Micro Convection $100; Elect. Dryer $90; Infinity Spkrs $150; Casio Kybrd TK 650 75 813 360-6057 Outside of Citrus HANDSOME CHST TB GLDG 6 vrs, 16.1 hds, big mover for dressage, event HJ.
Illness forces sole $2500. 152-796-49IS PEKING DUCKS. LIVE. $4each 352-544 065 352-544-4047 POLISH ARAB 9 yr old Gelding, gorgeous, willing, success in Comp 8i trail, current dressage, 14 3 hands. $2500obo Beautiful 16 hands, APP MARE, 7vr old.
Comp, trail, loves to jump, start dressage $2700. 352-527 9759 RALEIGH PRE RACER; Ex eel cond. accessories incl, block. $200 813 867 7393 SOFA SLEEPER exc. cond, $200.
Round kitchen table chairs, good cond $30. Queen sz Waterbed, good cond, $150 Coll after Spin 813-531-6438 GATEWAY 2000 PENTIUM 540 HD, 16 Meg, CD-ROM, Sound card, modem, WIN3.1, WP5 1, Quicken, games, more! $650 813-844 3099 Lawn I Garden DINING RM oval tbl wleaf ft 4 upholst. chrs, mtchng lighted china cab. All oak color veneer $300. 813 B23 2892 Iv msg.
HOLIDAY GARDENS 2133 Lyra Dr: Sat 8-3 Collectibles, antiques, books, crafts, misc TOOL BOX Snap On, 12 drawer, 45Hx54Lx28D, Teal green. Like new 52500 813 8J8 7454 LIVING ROOM SET 2 couches, beige, 2 end table, 1 coffee table, pine wood, 2 matching lamps, 1 year old, paid $1100, asking $550obo Entertainment Center, pine wood $55 813-866-0677 WASHERDRYER Kenmore 800 series, largest capacity, exc cond $200 813 826 1612 SHIPS for nautical decor. Great gift for men 8 boys. New In box. 813 397 6778 AUTOHARP wcose $99obo Easy to learnplovchord will demo.
813-521-2983 PACIFIC Poroletts $200 ft Green Cheek Conures $250, proven pairs Baby green cheek tame pet $150. Cages accessories incl. 813-835-5073 Outside of Citrus SUPER NINTENDO $55, exer bike $25, 2 chair beds $25 ea baby swing $10 813 522 6370 BEDROOM SET QS, mahog any, 2 nght stnds, dbl dresser wmlrr, chfro. matt, exc cond. $550 813 392 1219 for appt FAX MACHINE Sharp, less than 1 year, $125.
HP coloi printer, $300 obo. 813-393-4940. FLOW BENCH Clean air svs. 5' whood ft tdble $190. Like new 813-446-9647 DIAMOND BACK Vertex Carbon Fiber Mountain Bike XTXTR Tl speed ploy pedals.
Manitou 4 fork, '23 lbs, exc. cond. $900obo 813-724 3834 VERDITE STONE Sculpture of African woman 16" fall, from Zimbabwe, verv beautiful 750obo 813 944 2374 1 Internet Services Outside of Cilrus UNLIMITED X2 54K As low as 1st mo free No busy signals, free tech supp. Integra 813-712-0450 WELDER Titan 8, ACDC, Rebuilt eng, 813-848-0826 WASHERDRYER Kenmore, Series 700, white, 4yrs old, SI 75 ea. or $300 pair.
813 784 6777 0 BEANIE BABY Princess $140. Erin $18 813 596-9643 DINING RM Provencial, tbl chairs. $300. Sofa bed $250 Very nice 813 391 4020 otter 4p SOFA SLEEPER, Recllner 8, coffee Ibl, $300. China Hutch, $150.
Dishwasher, $150 Other REELS Penn Intl 50TW $400, Daiwa SS1300 $10(1 All new, in box, 813 854-2325 RIFLE 30-04 Modell917 Incl scope. Good condition. $250 firm 357-683-5024 Chapter 581 131 FL Statutes re TANNING BED "Grande" 24 PENTIUM 200 MMX, 32 MB SDRam. CD Rom, 3D snd crd 33.6 modem, mse, kybrd, incl software. Newl $695.
Up-grades available 613-461-5060 HOLIDAY "HUGE SALE" 2006 Cemetary Rd. (Anclote Blvd to Calvary to Cemetery). Thurs, Fri ft Sat Something for everyone! EVERYTHING MUST GO! Tools, lawn equip, LIVING ROOM SET, Bedroom set, and Family room set. Exc cond. $600 813-848-3593.
quires that anyone advertising misc Herns 813 363-7076 WORK TABLES Three 2x8; 2- PARAKEET 7 Lovebirds, 2 co*ckatlels, 3 Quaker Parrots cages nest boxes $6 $75, or all $600 813 544-0631 BANGO5 string, Martin Sigma. Never been ployed. New. Pd $1099 Sell $500 813 545-3898 BASS GUITAR, B.C. RICH with amp.
$350 352-688-1064 bulbs Less than 24-hours used $1,999. Call 813-547 1167 DI CHARLES Royal Wedding 10" beer server, wht wroval blue. $750 813 391-2025 HEDROOM SET Qn, Blk Laquer, Pedastal Bed WMatt Hdbd, 5 Dr. Dresser, Desk ft Bookshell $450 .152 683 8675 XMAS PLATES, others, cut glass, figur ines, collect old jewelry, willow, MORE! SIOK will separate 813-526 2555 WASHERDRYER Sears Ken more, new, Commercial capacity, paid over $1000 Asking S75H'ODO. 813 321 7024 DINING RM SET, antique, carved Spanish walnut, table w6 chairs, buffet, glass china cabinet $7200.
813 725-2146 2x6; 4x4 Glue table, burcner blk tops, Instapak 715 glue gunpump. $1375. 813 347 9590 BMX BIKE 1998 Robinson Reb el, V-brakes, odyssey seat, diamond back pedals. Quality! $230 813 384-1696, 813-455-1242 I ABELER Accufost III Pres sure sensitive labeler. Applies 1000 labels per hour.
With manual. $750obo 813-536 8186 pldnts or nursery stock must provide publisher of advertisem*nt wa copy of certificate of registration. Certificate must be included in the odvertisernent PYGMY GOATS Males and Females, all colors. $65eoch. 813 856-0317 486SX25MGZ Pdckard Bell 4MB LIVING ROOM SET, SOFA, LOVESEAT MULTI COLOR, HOO BI3 327 6153 CELLULAR PHONE Motorola StarToc 8500 series.
Vibro Black Incl accessories. $500 813 942 8400 PHONE SYSTEM Pan ner 10 lines. Music on holu Good cond $350 813 865 6479 TOP CASH PAID For business telephone systems. Will plo up OultCom Inc 813 36B-00B1- TANNING BED Wolf brand, $1800 813 367 2386 RIFLE Remington, 22 SA, Speedmdster, Tasco scope, os new cond $285 813 796 1431 BEANIE BABIES Current $7 50 $15; New $10 $25; tired, $25 $50 813-327 1391. NATURE'S HIDEAWAY Huge Neighborhood Sale! Frl ft Sat, 9-3pm.
Furniture, tools, sport-ing goods! Bargains galore! ram, 210mb16ms HD, 2400 Baud modem. Monitor, spkrs. CD rom. Canon printer, pro grams. SSuOobo 813 841 0637 UNLIMITED Internet Access Free Hmepq $15.95 mo X2-lsdn I.I inn lSMIU 546 1 .111 46? Electronic Equipment Outside of Citrus DINING RM SET Beveled glass top.
mrbl travertien base. 4 al-mond chrs $400 813-360 5446 PARAKEETS $9, Lovebirds $20, co*ckatieis, $23, Nanday Conure, $l9Vpair 813-343 6157 PARAKEETS Indian Ringneck breeding pair, green $300, $400 w7' pedestal cage 813 823 1074 TENT HEAVT DUTY 30' 30' DRUMS 6 Piece Premier, 5 ZBT Zilllans wall boom stands, killer color, like new. $1200 813-842 4422 BICYCLE Girls 20" bike $15. Aeroflt, $35. 8)3-321-0341 CRAZY QUILT CLOWN By Red Skelton, sold out edition, signed thrice, $4000 nego liable.
813-866 9471 JIM SLIM Mini Woodworking Show JET BOSCH LIVE DEMOS Thurs. March 26, 10am-4pm. 813-848-7277 OFFICE FURN High qual desks ft file cabinets used by soft wore CO. 813-724-8353 Ext 230 LIVING ROOM SOFA Carson's 88x68x29 green cloth. $650.
Rose Chairs $1.50 813 469-4015 QH Mare, 7 via, I5H, $900 Shetland, paint, colt, 5 mo. $400; Shetland, black, 8 yo $1100 813-823 7272 RIFLE Remington 270 cal, model 700 wRedlield Scope Exc shape $450. 813 796-9419 COMPOST-FREE Horse ma nure. Available anytime. 9410 125th St, Sem.
813 397-6488 Willi poles curtains $800 813-935-7194 BEANIE BABY Erin $175. 352-848 290 WASHERDRYER stackable, full size. Whirlpool Ige cap. $475, must sell 352-666-1287 WASHERDRYER Whirlpool $75; self propel lawnmower edger $150; 5 drawer metal desk $35, stereo receiver $20 all good cond 813 -786-9169 LADIES JAMIS Hybrid, mdtfe 1.6GIG-120 100XCDROM $105 BEDROOM SET qn. size, wal nut laminated, 7 piece, very good cond $350 813 7B7-S679 BEDROOM SETqn sz, drsr, chest, 2 nlte stnds $300.
3 end tables $35eo 813 578 4454 MEDROOM SET queen size, white washed oak, $3,000. Bedroom set, queon size, light wood $800 813 822 8332 DINING RM SET hutch, Ethan Allen, dark wood. Reduced $650. evenings 813 586 5551 TOOLBOX- Diamond Plate lor IVING ROOM Sofa, loveseat. chair, 2 end tablescoffee table xc cond $400.
813 526 9013 SR 52LITTLE 11255 Pine Forest Dr. NPR. 328-329 8am-5pm Huge Yard Sale. Furn, appls, tools, misc 813 856 1977 SHOWCASE $150, tern man nequin $100, (4) clothing rack rndrs $25ea more 813 586 3684 PANEL CHINESE SCREEN $600. Call 813-938-1374 red finish, less than yr old, excel cond, $250.
813 789 6739 IWWiWIIitlO MMX SYS 166 233 $68S90895 I2.1"TFT Pent Notebook $1745 Paul 813-521 2779 1:521 4569 DIXIE CHOPPER 50" 20hp hydro drive, $1800. Call 813 796 6977 SOFA Verv comfortable. Perfect for watching the games For more Information on adding this logo to your ad call your Sales Representative or call 813-894-1141. RIFLES Sovrige Model 110 Cal. 270 wscope, comp.
wcase $40; many others avail 813-778 2628 PARROTLETS Breeder Sell Out. Special prices. $60 each Coll 813-321-87)2 QUARTER HORSE Mare. Saddle. Gd Trail Horse, Team Pens, Intermediate Rider, 14 Yrs Old $1450 352-683-2173 BEANIE BABIES RETIRED Righty $500.
Lefty $500 Seamore $200. 813 581 3955 DRUMS Block Ludwlg 5 pes, cymbals ft stands $600obo 813-595 7352 ask toi rirk DRUMS Mapex Orion, 5pc hrdwrcvmbals $B50. 2 PA spkrs, stands 5300 B13 323 4301 small truck $150, Shower fi berglass new $100; Stvrofoam packing peanuts all you want FREE. 813-343-4514 JIM SLIM Mini Woodworking Show JET BOSCH LIVE DEMOS Saturday March 28 9am-lpm 813 535-5461 OINING RM SET RATTAN New gls tbl, 42" sqr, 4 fan chrs CANNONDALE MENS road racing bike. 54cm, like new cond.
$350. 813 446 8291 Iv msg. LEADING Technology 286PC, ANTIQUE IVORY WANTED bv Pvt. collector whales teeth, figurines, etc 813 360 0623 LIVING ROOM SUITE couch, loveseat, chair ft ottoman, beautiful iade green leather, $2300. 2 Piece lighted oak EDGER Sear 3.0 $75 813-392-5521 WASHER ft DRYER Whirlpool, super capacity, 6 cycle, light cream $400pr obo 813 797 5792 STAMFORD DR, 10924 Thurs FriSat New used items Porcelain dolls, baby furn, hshld items, lots ot bargains PARROTS-MEYERS Small birds wpersonallty Born 210.
Lovingly hand-raised $450. Call BI3-786-1378 BEANIE BABIES TY, Harley, Disney, Grateful Dead and Ty Plush, $7 and up 813 869 9024 RABBITS Dwarfs to Giants All colors and sizes. Pets, live or dressed $5 $25 813 856-0458 compl wprinter computer desk wshelves. Great for let ters, etc $250000 813-595-1561 wserver $400. 4 rattan din.
rm chrs, Pier 1 $250. 813-393-0270 DINING RM SET Seats 6, hutch, dark wood. Pool table, SOUND SYSTEM Professional Peavey LlveD.l. $4000iuo 352 637-4164 leave mssg STYLING CHAIRS 3 leather pump or recline $100 ea Robert BI3-S36-0998, 527 8200 Iv msg BANK SURPLUS SALES OFFICE FURN. New.
used, deep discounts. 10707 US 19 Clwtr.813 525 0202 SOFA VERY GOOD COND. 2 wing back chrs good cond. J300QII. 813 856-9454 SCUBA BC'S SEAQUEST Like new.
$175. US Olver $75. Fins, etc $50. 813-345-8356 SCUBA CLOSEOUTS Nautical Dreams 813 784 7593 china cabinet wbeveled glass TRIKE ADULT 3 WHEELER Easy to pedal, Idrge basket, new tires, $99 813 849-9160 GUITAR AcousticElectric Yamaha APX-7, nice. $375 Clearwater 813 530-0835 MICROPHONE Astatic Echo.
Max 2000, EM 2000. new In box. $99 813 785 903 SCANNER AOR AR 900 27 to 950 MHZ. No skips 100 Channels $165 813 541-400? SPEAKERS D.J OR BAND, Kustom brand, powerful. Paid uver $700 Sell 5350 8I3J42J404 WORD PROCESSOR Brother Word Processor.
Ex. cond. $9Sobo 813 577 6064 TRAFFIC LIGHT on stand, fully functional, tor display $175000. Forge on wheels electric bellows $200obo 352 596 8192 HUMMELS figurines plates, great gifts, $35.00 up. Call after 5:00 p.m.
813-960-8923 456 CamerasPhoto Equip. Outside of Citrus LAWN MOWER 21" Self Pro pelled Rotarv, Mntgmry Ward Like new, $150 813-546-4565 PB 486 SX, 33 mlu, 261 mb hd, WASHER GE, excellent condi tion. No rust, heovv duty. $125. 813 577 3447 42i iWIMMii $3WwjU SJM 811 931 886? HEDROOM SET solid oak, verv nice, cost $3000 new, sell $975 obo Coll for details 813 398-1010 BEDFOOM SET Tnomasvllle oak 4pc ON, confemp.
modern. $1000 obo 813 465 5494 BEANIE SALE, old ret al DIS COUNT prices. Many curr. Start $4.95 813-804-9404 $500; maple ft black formal glass dining table w4 chairs $800 813-381 3165 bus, ph REGISTERED SSH blkwhite. gated, mare, 6 yrs, 15 hands, gentle.
$3S00obo. 813 986 2527 SUN CONURES 3-4 weeks old, will wean, $185. Vet tech owned. 813 344-1551 TV 19" FISHER Portoble, Cu ble ready, color, perfert pic ture $80 352 678-4159 SOFA BLT IN RECLINER New, taupe leather $395000 813 721 3000 sound wspeakers, Epson 3250 printer, vga monitor. $550 Call 813-797-07 72 BMX GT SPEED SERIES Clip less peddles, Power Lite bars, $595 813-547-8045 Iv message DINING RM SET Smoke glass top wchrome base table ft 6 chrs.
$150obo 813 596-7308 GUITAR B.C. RICH. Wrath, Red Floyd Rose P.U. Made in USA. Bought lor $1200 will sell tor $650 obo 813-58 1 9511 BEANIE BABIES 4 bunny set LAWN MOWER 42" Dixie Chopper $1900.
Call 813-360 4761 BESELER 4x5 black 8, white en larger 8, processor, $975 Call 813-595-6082 WATER HEATER Gas, $30 An tique gas kitchen stove, $50. Wall AC unit, $50. 813-321 5790 TREADMILL $45. Rattan twin hideabed couch $75, Navy blue mini blinds $25. 813 861-5434 SALE! SALE! SALE I SALE! BuyingSellingUserVNew Office Furniture Brokers 2887 22 Av St Pete813 327 9779 LIVINGROOM PIT GROUP Greal for large family.
Looks Great! $350 obo 813 846-7988 SOFABED modern, oatmeal mauveblue, excellent cond ARMANI 20" Porcelain oriental lamps $250. 42" Porcelain bride doll $350obo. 813 586 2790 BEANIE BABIES Seamore. $200; Digger. $135; Br.
Teddy. $65, Ret $20 $65 813 530 3278 $70. Complete. 75 current set $899. 813-469 4015 SCUBA GEAR complete integrated scuba system.
Large BC. dive light, knife, bag -r extra Pro sub DVC BC med. New cond. $350 813 736 1544 UMBRELLA co*ckATOO oar rot, 1 year, extremely tame, beautiful cage, outdoor stand, car seal, $900all. 813 3 72-0236 TV, Radio, Stereo, CD Outside of Citrus PROFLEX 856 large, full suspension, tool kit, pump, great cond.
$850obo 813 943-0617 GUITAR CAME RA35MM Minolta XG-M $150 813-373-5437. H.P. PAVILION 233 W17 "moni tor, flat bed scanner, printer, color copier. Less than a month old. $1,500.
813 581 245 DINING RM SET solid oak, hand carved bear paw, w6 wind-sor chairs $1,000. 813-577-7769. Fender USA Strdlo Pro Deluxe model. STANDARD Bred, wht I6H 7yr $1350 2yrs Arabpaint, green broke $850000 813 856-6392 TB GELDING, elegant gray, 16.1 Reserve Champion schooling hunter at Venice $7508 OBO Pat 813 867 8617 LAWN MOWER New! Scott 21" 6hp, $250 3hp Craftsman gas edger, almost new $125 caster TV 20" Sony $125 Blk entertainment ctr $85 MenWomen lea-therickts $50 $100 HI 3-536-4155 telephoto 80 200mmmagnifier 2x, auto tele envtr 2x, 3.5 auto 4M loot! Server. HOOVER CONQUEST 14 com mercial vacuum, like new $175.
Dehumidlfier, like new $125. 813-399-2053 BEANNIE BABIES Princess Di $100 Erin $125. 813-441-23M LOVESEAT ft CHAIR- Colonial, comfortable. Great buy for $99. Coll 813-397 5554 with hardcase, mint cond, pd JAMIS EUREKA MTN.
BIKE SOFABED white, exc cond, $150. Must sell, moving to boatl 813-5I7-926J 813 734-2589 $1200. asking $750 813 393-2959 zoom, f2 8 B5mm multi coated, pwr winder Vivitar fish, BRADFORD EXCHANGE GWTW Golden Anniversary Plates $25 each 813 5 45 0 758 Front Shock, Rapid Fire, like new $400 813-865-0119 AMP Mcintosh MC2205 $850, MQ101 1700 Receiver $250; Speakers ML1C $400. Al: monuol55VC reds BI3 576 6753 SCUBA GEAR Microreg ft pilot dive computer. 6mm 7 pc wet suU.
dive bog. BC, fins, mask. 4 mo old extras. $950obo. 813-321 0488 4 pee bedroom suite, wbox spring ft mattr; Whilaker dinette set.
Solid oak table, smoke glass inserts, upholst Chairs, all In exc cond, Rainbow Vacuum wattachments, 2 brass lamps, 6W white Christ-mos Tree. 352 688 5343 BANKRUPTCY Computer office equip Auction 328. Call 813 548-9303 for brochure Boy Area Auction Services. LOVESEAT off whiteblue stripes, $100; 2 chairs, blue $50 ea. 813-521 2258 case, ex cond $425 813 584 2568 DEPT 56 SNOW VILLAGE, most retired, houses acce-sorles 352 688 0358 LAWN MOWERS all types, rid ers self propelled.
$40 ft up Call 813-547 0922 leave msg WHITE CAP PIONUS 2vrs. hand ted, cage avail Beautify feathers! $125 813-397-0623 BIRD FAIR- Suncoast Avian Society, Sun. March 29. 9om-5pm Minnreg Bldg 6340 126 Ave N. Largo Admission GUITAR GIBSON 1953 flat top sunburst ft Guild 1957 Guitdr Must sell! i 150ei 1 813 585 3431 SOFAS (2) 7 ft.
sectionals, 1 Is queen sleeper, modern, must see! $050pr. 813-596 4871 qft 6. 0 tides hi DINING RM SET solid wood rock maple, antique drop leaf table w7 leaves, 6 chairs-seats 2-10 ft lighted glass front hutch 76x55x18" $1500. 813 S44-7181 uiNING RM SET walnut, table, 72x40 incl leaf, 1 arm ft 4 side choirs, good, $95. 813 345-4313 PRO FLEX 957, all XTR, 25 lbs, race ready, new $3000 sell for $1750 813-988 8800 TV RCA 25" CONSOLE $50.
Lazyboy sleeper sofa $50 Loveseatsleeper, $50 75 gal salt wafer aquarium $300. Stereo cabinet wglass door $35. TV stand on rollers $15. Wardrobe cabinet $65. Book TB GELDING, PCHA Medals res.
champ, chldrn's hunter, sweet, mellow, hord worker, I6H, 7 yrs, $12,000 813-937-3110 MARY JESUS, Waadcarvli over 100 yrs old. Call 813-376-7146 CAMERA Auto Rollelflex, twin lens, 2Vfax2V4. MX1, mint con-dltion. Case $595. 813 327 8402 AMP ft PRE-AMP Macintosh C26 ft Mc2105 Both exc cond.
$1000. Call 8)3 596 4 758 10VE SEAT SLEEPER Plaid, Like New, Orig Cost $800 Sell $200 352 596 1009 BEANIE BABIES Many styles available, Including Erin. $10 8. up. 813-397-2509 or 39 7 7910 BEDROOM SETTWIN Light wood wflower pattern, $450.
New matlresses $250 2 Bed spreads linens, new pillows, lamps, $190. 813 319 0004 BEDROOM SETS 6 PC cherry oak $500; 6 PC black. $400 Washer $100 Glass dinette $250 Entertainment ctr $60. Exerc rnoch. $30 813 588-1505 SUITF 5 Pi $1900 DINING ROOM, 10 pc $2400 LIVING ROOM, 7 pc $1950.
All Tnomasvllle French Provincial. "Chardonnay" fruitwood In showroom cond and moie than 50 OFF Cost 4 pieces of DREXEL bedroom turn $1700 TIERRA VERDE ISLAND B13 866 B625. NOTICE TO FIREARM ADVERTISERS: Handgun advertising from prl vale parties Is not acceptable for publication in Times Clas SCUBA U.S. DIVERS Octopus, 2 Micro Regulators Pilot EAN Dive computer, 6 mo old. S400fiim 813 578 6411 SOFASLEEPER Ethan Allen bluegreen floral, dbl size, good rond $700 B13 733-1206 EMERSON 16 mHz.
Sony 11" monitor, mouse, keyboard, Panasonic BftW printer w14 gnmi's $3500110 .157 686 SI. Under 12 Free. Info-Joe TB GELDING PCHA Medals CAMERA Goodkin Lucita ARMOIRE Art Nouveau, fruit wood, early 1900, 72x46. she-it. TRACK BIKE 58 cm, Zeus frame, $325.
813 725-7436 813 521 9121 Linda 541 4724 421 Garage Yard Sales Hillsborough County shelves (3) $20ea Craftsman lawnmower $50 813 586 3525 stain glass, $1500 813 789 4297 res. champ, chldrn's hunter, sweet, mellow, hard worker, 16H, 7 yrs, $12,000 813 937-31 10 BEANIE BABY Princess Bear (PE) $140oOo, 813-367 2925 GUITAR Ibanez UV7-string Mint cond wcase. $950obo Quenton 813-535-0899 GUITAR Martin 1969 D-I2-35S, highly figured Brazilian rosewood. Fishman. A handsome COllOCtlblOl SMW.
813 446-4448 GUITAR MARTIN 21 with case, built In '60's, excel cond lOVESEATS (2) white, floral print, Entertainment center, walnut, tvvcrstereo, storage, $75. 813 391-4706. exposure machine, like new. For comm'l graphic artist or printer to produce stats. Has a Telesor 105 mm exposure lens.
$400 obo 813-937-6614 SOUTHWEST qn sz sofo bed club chr, ottoman, dbl re clfner, $800 takes all. 15 mos new 813 856 2978 5HOTGUN 12 GA. over ft under SKB ITHACA like new, $700 813 392 5098 BMX BIKE Red-Line, Pro Line, 3Pc. cranks, V-brakes, excel cond. $550.
813 393-1842 CONURES 3 SUNJEN DA CROSSES. Hand fed Babies, tame talking $175. Call Days, 321 9091 813 933 3003 sified. Likewise, advertising for automatic weapons of anv kind and any other firearms for war are nol acceptable. 1AWNMOWER 20" cut, 3 5 Briggs ft Scration eng.
Totally recond. $55 813-528-1478 MOWER, 1996 TORO PRO LINE, 33" cut, 12 5 hp Kohier, Echo weed whip. Echo stick edger, Echo blower. Package deal $2500 352 688-5242 MOWER- 20" Homellfe, 5hp good cond $100. Cedar slat doors $75.
813 323-5437. 486 DX 4 100, 16 mb. Complete system wSvgo monitor. Win dows 95 more. 8 months old $350 813 736 1544 co*kE MACHINE 1949 all origl nal.
Works! Mint! Call for de falls. $4000 813 345 0397. VACUUM KIRBY Generation all attachmntsshmpooer 2mos Pd $1200. sell $495 813 547 9321 ODESSA 9515 Hanlon Dr off Moblev Crawley follow signs Sat Sun 5 hshld furniture COOLER WALK IN (2) 9X12 ft 10x16 $3000 for both obo 352 621 0714 35 564 0611 164 Food Service Equipment Outside of Citrus HATCOhumidltv" ion'liolled holding cabinets New. Cost $1100 Sol I $1WI JI3 535-6927 BOOTHS sinqles $50, doubles $100, ft 8 FI wall benches $100 Please call 813 536 6688 COFFEE HOUSERnstaurant Liquidation Solel Ctwtr.
Man notion Coffee Bar, Country side Square. 2 days only, Fri Sat. March 27 28 Corn'l rcfrlg VOICE MAIL ADVERTISERS Remember to enter the svm bol before your access code when retrieving Voice Mall box replies. (931741655) '97 ERROR Happy Holiday Barbie blue eyes on the back error $59 813-54 7 0166 SWIVEL CHAIR Gold OINING RM SUITE 10 pc $2400 BEDROOM SUITE 5 PC $1900 LIVING ROOM, 7 pc $1950 All Thomasvllle French Provincial. "Chardonnay" fruitwood in showroom cond.
and more than 50 OFF Cost. 4 pieces of DREXLER bed room turn $1700 TIERRA VERDE ISLAND 813-866 8621 I OVESEATS 3 $30 3 chairs $20 ea Dinette $20. Chest $10. Music renter $25. 813 733 7637 SHOTGUN REMINGTON 1100 12 gauge shot gun $250 813-546 3186 JUNIORBovs Black, Redline.
340 Compe. Brand new. $175. 813 319-3151 CAR AMP 280 WATTS, Avalanche, bridgeable, new still In bo $90 813 390-1312 CAR STEREOCASS 1997 Sony 140 Watts $175 1997 Boss amp 550 watts 2 channels $150 New condition 813 527-0395 CAR STEREO Power Acoustlk 60x6 amp $300obo. Sound stredm class A 6.0 high cur rent amp 600 watt, .5 OHM stu ble wFultron 2-wov Xovti $425.
Bandpass box tor 210's $75 813 72 0573 BABIES Citron co*ckatoo, Suns, Greys, Eleanora, co*ck atiels $35-5900 813-799-2020 MARILYN MONROE limited Ed plates, 3 coll series boxes, $30per pit 813-518-7245 Excellent condition $25 813-397-4068 THOROUGHBREAD(S); 7 yr old. 16. 2H, Chestnut Mare, beautiful, has raced Winner! By Imperial Fling $1800 6 yr old 16H, Grey, Mare, Excellent breeding, By On To Glory. Sound $3200 Retiring, Call: 352 796-4238 aft 7pm $3350. 813 586-6855 CAMERA Hasselblad 500 cm, 12 mag, 2.880mm, 45' prlzim, 2x ext.
Extras, exc cond. $1800. 813 536-8423 GOLF CLUBS. TIGHT LIE copy $35., Ping Eye 2 Copies 3-S S65. New Cond.
Drivers, FWay Woods, Put ters. Many others. Very low 422 MONITOR BLOWOUT Sale While they last! SVGA. 28, 14 $75.00, 15 (ai $150, 16 $200, 17 13) $275, 20 $400 813 593 7600 BARBIES 95 96 Happy Holi days 95 is $55, 96 is $40, new in box, 813 547-0166 I TABLE brown hexagon ft 4 low WATER SOFTENERS 2 prof rebuilt, 1 family size $275, 1 condo size $250 813-791-2274 WATERBED kg sz $150 Above ground pool $125 New B-ball net $100. all obo 813 541 7530 CCM TANDEM BIKE 3 gears, GUITAR Ovallon acoustic condition 2 yo.
Beautiful MAKE UP TABLE White with mirror ft stool $50 813 546-4565 17" SNAPPER TILLER Used twice $500, obo. 22" 10 Speed Schwinn $50, obo. 352 746-9897 $600 back cap! chairs. $85 813-577 2691 SKIS-ELAN IN Tyrolla bind inas $175. Elan 175 Tyrolla bindings $150.
Erbacher 175 Marker bindings $125. Ski blow-out! 813 586 3499 AVIARY, $550 352-596 5162 SLOT MACHINE Bally, casino style wstand $1, 3 coin play, restored $1 295 813 825-0222 hand brake Good condition $250 813-595-6300 3 525 0077 Ive msg. prices. 352 596 7527 MAGAZINEBRAD PITT Play girlSlOOtrade: BB Prlnc Erin, CAMERA Penlax Mesuper, 40-80 Pentax. $350 70 300, $125, Seconlc 428.
$125 813 327 8402 MOWER 48" walk behind com mercial, 17hp Kaw, like new, must see $1375 813-669-6762 TANNING BED INTERNA SUTEKI 27" RACING BIKE iUKEBOXES 1994 Rowe I00E with 100 CD's $4100 1988 See 486DX266 16MB RAM, 410HD Monitor Win95 CD Rom WSnd ft Spkrs I 44 Flbppy Mouse KB Fax -Mod $45 352 686-5071 Maple, Libearty 813 586 5823 THOROUGHBRED 2 year old. ready to begin training $2000 Call 352-583 5885 1 ABLE Round oak, 4 Wind sor choirs, $250 Lane lowboy cedar chest, $150 813 894 B206 Paid $277. Sell $99. Excellent tional 24 bulb, exc. cond 3 y.o.
$1750 obo 352 795-6602 FREE 2 Lovebirds, to breeders only. White doves available 81 3-669-963 1 DOLLS Hummel, vinyl, 1950's. mint $150. Goebel, chariot, pr girl ft, boy $75. 813 797 9734 burg with 60 CD's $1400.
Free WORD PROCESSOR Smith Corona PWP 6000 plus. Beauti ful cond. $195. 813-898-8232 condition 613 525 4665 SPINNING Rods (2) 7' one- perm one star klngfishbridge rods $85 00 813 522 8062 MOWER 72" Toro Groundrnas ter. Recent motor.
Sitting. Needs carb. $7200 813 869 0351 delivery setup 813 894 6910 MARBLE PEDASTEL coffee table, 42x42 square, with 27x27 end table, Travertine off white, $400 113-719-4297. MARBLE PEDESTAL TABLE rose color, 4 Country French chairs with ball and claw feet, $900 813 789 4797 Above Top SS Paid for old ret TY Beanies 813-455-2172 METAL DETECTOR EXCALI BUR Mlnelab, under watet $600 35y63 00 13 or 795-7741 484 Sporting Goods Svcs. Outside of Citrus TABLES: COFFEE END, liEDROOM YOUTH Twin trundle, bookcase, desk, dress er.
Scan Design. Excel cond. $500 813 581-8905 Iv msg. Bedrooms Wicker Many To Choose from! Must sell I 813-876 1566 dlr BEDS 2 single frames, light hendboard, like new, $150 813-392-0749 LIGHTING Svstem Speedotron D-1202 Power Pack Brown Line. 4 heads, 2 exl cords for heads.
2 light stands, umbrella ft. cose. $87Sobo. 813-825-0713 units, kllchenwares, rest, fur nishings, piano, sound equip, office much more. 813- SCASH ON THE SPOTS Will Pay Top Dollar For Clean Furniture, Antiques, 1 piece or Complete Estate Liquidations.
ab1090 STARKEY AUCTION 813-547-6998 THOROUGHBRED beautiful mare, ride 6Vor breed. $1500 Call 352-583-5885 TANDEM BICYCLE Good condition. $325. 813-822 4263 430 Articles For Sale Outside of Citrus 3S0(Vh Hi P233 MMX 32mb SDram, 6.4 gig hd, 24xCD, 17" svga. 56k mdm, Ivpcl card, scanner, 4mb 3D VC, software $1850 813 535-0158 LIBRARY TABLE Golden ook, claw feet, excellent cond $525.
Call 813-525-4737 KEYBOARD Syth Korg Wavestation EX wcase Mint $650. 813 376 5581 DINING RM. table, 48" round, thick bevel glass top glass base, 4 rattan chairs, upholster cushions, never used, new $2000; sac $750 813 866 8740 DINING rm table, solid wood, white pedestal base, 4 chairs, 11" leaf, $299. 113-920-2791 DINING RM TBL 42X61, ft 6 Chrs, Spanish Style $300, 2 End Tbles, Pecan $40 ea. ft Coffee Tb r569 7.I6 for di; TENNIS BALL MACHINE Prince Pro, good cond.
with 200 balls. $150 obo. 813 895 6058 MOWER Craftsman, 12hp, 6 spd, elec, catcher $1400 value now $850 813 323 7153 34 7 7004 127 ApptMUKe: Oak $1257both. RecllnerLovc seal $100 Call 813 5 76 5100 TABLES-GLASS TOP. Unique styles.
Finished your colors. $100 $500 813 535 8309 MICROSOFT OFFICE '97 Pro fessional edition software Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Ac cess and Outlook New, still sealed. Full version, $150 81 3-343 2552 MURRAY GIRLS MOUNTAIN CAR STEREO SPEAKERS HO Jensen 3 way self-cont Nev, $75, fur $39 813 570-9099 DSS SYSTEM NEW, STILL IN BOX $99 ASK FOR BOB 813 671-9498 HI-END AUDIO EQUIP, excel cond, powerful, 2 pair speakers, Bozuk Paradigm. MEAT SLICER llobarl HANDSOME 8 yr TB Gld. 16 Hunter Dressage Trails.
No vices. $3500 obo. 813 398-7650 TRIPOD for PHOTOGRAPHY ElevatorHUSKY IV. New $349 Exc. cond.
$99 813-772-8435 BIKE. Used once, excellent SLEIGH BED 8, mattress Excl cond. Full size. Dresser $1500 both firm 813 343 2535 X5 WALLY WATT SHED, $150 obo. Looking for a 6x8 shed olso.
Call 813 527 8601 cond $65 813 448 0012 KEYBOARD, Yamuha, model PSR5700, 61 key, wstand bench, mint cond. New $3700 Sell $1150000. 81 3 584 8469 A TO FIREARMS best deals new used. 9033 66th St N. 8 1 3 541 1433 or olozstuff.com TENNIS RACQUET Prince Pro 6 balls, $.30 $125 value.
813 823-4444 MONITOR 21" Hitachi SVGA $1600 new 6mo old. .22 pitch. 5800obo trade for laptop GREAT BUY 813 528 8734 MOWER Craftsman 5.5HP, 22" cut, 94 mdl, self-prop, new corb, exc end $1 50 813 578 6509 MATTRESS ft Box, Sealv, Full size, extra thick. Used, clean. 2 sets, $69.95 a set.
King set. $125. Con deliver. 813 943-9377 TV 19" Color $30. (FRICAN GEESE, PYGMY 8, nubien goats, roen ducks, canary breeding cages mini-pin dogs $30 to $300 352 628-3561 ANTIQUE CLOCKS Wanted One or Collection Toll Free I B88 452 7671 Member NAWCC STONE MOUNTAIN BICYCLE 18 speed.
Huffy $75. 813 398-4189 TRIPOD WOODEN From Civil War period. Mint condition. $300 obo. Call 813 446 5857 370 Livestock SuppiiesSvcs Outside of Citrus TREES-LAUREL OAKS 10 12 ft.
farm grown $85 each. Free Delivery 941 619-8115 BEDS 2 TWINS matching wbox ft matts, comforters, bedding, exc cond. $6Ved. 8 1 3 79 7 5 7 92. Microwave Oven 1.6 cu It $40 TV Center $29 813 573 6056 AC, frig, rge, wshdry, vac, TV, comprs, mwr, edgr, bike, frzr, sngr.
cb, vcr $495, 813-545-1362 KEYBOARDS Technics SXKN 5000 New Delivered $7750 BAIT CAST NETS 8' $79, 10' $99, 12' $119. Klngfish special 12' mesh $109. 813 596 3297 WAKE BOAR DEMO DAY FREE SUN. 329 Call Tackle Shack, 546-5080 APPLIANCE CENTER Always best in rebuilt pre-owned appliances, 14 yrs. serving Citrus Co.
maior credit cards, Hwy 44 Medd owcrest orea, 352-795-8882 aulumnllc $750. 113212-0814 YOGURTicE CREAM MACH. 2 Taylor soft tech models $4,000 obo. 1 Ice Mach. Manitowoc series 450.
All units great cond. 813-796 3354 BUY, SELL, LEASE Mow ft used Equip, ft supplies 9190 Ulmertoli Rd. 813 586 1579 MATTRESS King size. Boxsprfng ft frame. Simmons Deluxe.
$200 813 360 5446 DINING RM Tbl. 6 chrs, 44x67, $1000. 2 Wing back llv rm chairs, $150both 813 367 1 373 WALL UNIT 3pce, TV, curio, EMMETT'S COMING Em mette Kelly, Jr. retired Pieced $75 $i500 813 867 1 430 SECRETARY 1880's, 70" tall, excel cond $550obo. BI3 844 0039 Ive msg.
MOWER gas, 22" cut, used 2x $145. Feather-lite gas Weedeater, never used $50. Electric Bldck ft Decker 2hp Edger $60 813-821-2707. Pnlnnil I 500 $1,995 I 888 750 18.1.1 Movuiri $1500 y3347476C LASER DISC compact disc player. Pioneer, auto turnover $300 813 586 5461 CANNONDALE R-300 STREET RACE 63 cm.
Excellent cond. $375. 813 360 7182 bar $500. King bedroom set $350. All like new 813-593 5414 422 Merchandise Wanted Outside of Citrus ADULT VIDEOS VARIED SELECTION.
EACH. Coll 813 541 3243 433 Arts ft Crafts Outside of Citrus MANDOLIN 1930 Stratolin bv Gibson. Fine condition $295 3S0 Pets Misc Outside of Citrus HAY New York's finest. Grn. June cut.
Timothy Clover Ochard grass, alphla $7bale. con deliver 941 739-9010 CRESCENT OAKS Golf ft Tennis family membership Sacrifice $1800. 813 372-8917 PENTIUM II 233 Svstem, 32 RAM, 4.3 gig HD, 14" SVGA, 56k modem, 24x CD, warran-ty, lot more $1299 813 726 4046 MAC PERFORMA 6115 CD, 32 meg Ram, 15" color moni tor, modem, software $900 Call 813-393 7829 MINOLTA 400 SI, 35 1 05 mm lens, 100-300 mm lens, extra l.d. flash, misc. filters, bag, strap.
Complete outfit like new. Optional tripod wcose. New $975, asking $650 obo Call M-F, Scott 813-784-1717 WALL UNIT "Art Deco" MATTRESS Queen pillow top box spg, $150. Sleeper sofa, $50. Precor stair stepper.
$50 Coffee table. $20 813 864 2208 813-942-6064 BOOKSHELF solid wood $25 Executive Desk $250. Stand $25 Wall unltentertaln ment center wwet bar $500 813-376-8821 BOOKSHELF white washed $50 Round nidpie table w4 chairs $85. Lamps $10 ea. 813-786 5433 BIKE Ladies 26" Huffy, Shi mono 10 speed, teal.
Excellent condition $65 813-319-6345 MOWER, SNAPPER 28" sit-on exc cond. attatch. tor mulch, ft catching $1200 352 688 3232 427 Appliances Outside of Citrus Absoiulely Gorgeous pd $4000 SACRIFICE $1000 813-773-1110 OINING RM tbl. Contemp gls. wdesigner brass base.
8 brass chrs $600 813 896 2BI8 DINING RM TBL Ivory french prov w4 chrs, $225; Server, $225. Like new 813-595-3W4 MANDOIINS A -mode I PIANO- PLAYER electrified, 28 roils, totally rebuilt restored $1499. For detoils 813 786 1188 ALPINE PURIFIERS Fresh as mtn air, state of the art. Only 5 left tor $400 eg 813-392 7793 iALLY'S LIFETIME GOLD Membership (2)- Good at all facilities ft services, Nation BIG GUN SHOW! St. Pete Bavfront Center March 28 ft 29 Sot 9-5, Sun 10-5.
Adm. $5 Concealed Weapon course $30 485 Eeds Bluegrass F-5 scroll body $250 DOLLS kitchen decorations, handmd in Russiabeautiful lg seleclwhsle $3 $10 813 434-3213 WANTED Oak, Cherry, Quality Antiques. Collectibles, Furn Peaco*ck's (8)3)535 7495 or 535-7847 We Buy or Consign ALBINO BURMESE CAGE IN CLUDED MUST SELL! $100 813 822 0329 HORSE TRAILER. 1994 ALL aluminum, 2 horse Hart, dressing room, like new. $7500 obo 352 848 0256 WALL UNIT German, 3 sec EpmeiT! OTP' Both new 813 822 7281 MARANTZ 7325 rec.
$275; Pioneer, EQ, REVB. cassette, dvndmic processor, $275 all Mint cond 813-526-6753 MARTIN LOGAN CLS Electrostatic speakers. Highly rated. Great condition. $900 Call 813 273 3115 MATTRESS, queen, pillow top, 2pc $175, King set $250, Queen set $99 813-920-2250 BIKES mans lspd, mountain $40 Girls lspd, bike $30 Verv good cond 813-938 9188 MOWER- TORO 36" Proline, walk behind, 12V5.hp Kawasaki 2 blades $1295 obo 813 781 2679 lions, carved, ft lights.
MUST SEf $950000 813 398-6411 HASSELBLAD Super Wide w12 mag. Excellent collectible. $2550 813 784-8535 AUTOGRAPHED Sports Collect Boxing, Golf, Baseball, Every Sport $1 0 700 813 584 1928 BED SEALY PLUSH Unused was $900, sacrifice $275, con deliver 813 633-3076 AC 5125 GAS DRYER. $95 GAS WALL HEATER $75 813 895 4595 BRASS BED Queen complete PENTIUM 166 MMX Comp. svstem 32MB 720HD SVGA monitor, CD Stereo, modem Win '95.
$850obo 813 789 1990 FRAMEstanding Adjustable mini quill or needlework. $25. 813 447-0648 BALL PYTHON 2yrs old, 55 gal glass tank accessories. $140firm 813-381 7239 MIXER12 CH $500. 4 track $200.
Amp $300. Mikes, spkrs, ped als, cables $20CVwill seperote Must sell. 813-522 1168 DINING Rm Tbl Oval w6 chrs, $350 2 lamp end tbls, $l50ea; 5 drwr chest, $75 813 345 9550 WALL UNITS (2) $50 each NOW BUYING Mahogany, An tique Furniture, Estates. Call Jerry Bytleld 813 398 3886 ab80 For Into 561-44 2128 ARDIOFIT PLUS SEARS, PushPull exercise machine. Exc.
Cond S95 352 527-008) BRAND NEWI Men's 26" 21 spd Thunder Ridge. Titanium, PLEASURE 15" Tan, silver, $225. like new 352-754-1095 firm othropedic mdtlress set, never used, boxed, cost $850 must sell $250 cash 813 662 9175 MOWERS Reconditioned. $35 up. 813-447-7506 Dark wood, 2 cabinets Good condition.
813 547 4044 1FFORDABI BEDS Top Quality. The Wholesale Sleep Center 353 144 8882 OILl IARDS LIGHT IKELITE HOUSING N6006 Sigma 24 70 SB 103, $1100. 813 586 1296 alt 5:30 or Iv msg NASCAR collection hats, cars, tires, pictures, helmets etc au-togrophed $10 75 813 584 1928 BEDS twin $150, Panasonic mi crowave $60, washer $75, 19" Zenith TV $20 813 532-9573 eves AC, 2 5 Ton central heat air $250.00 Runs good 813 988 4620 hoi on steel, SI 10 813 Bl 1561 MAC 400 Performa wcolor Mon DINING Rm Tbl w4 chrs. solid wood, light clr, leaf, Fontana GALLERIES, In! Designers individuals framed imported Papyrus Picture, hand painted 25x35. $850 813 345 0250 BUYERS 8, CONSIGNERS OF Quality Merchandise.
abl)29 813 524 8660. EUREKA SALES SPEAKER-SUB MTX, 8" In bo $50, Super Pro competition 40(-In box $150 Competition RCr cobles $10. 813 578-641 1 NASCAR, Rusty Wallace, Miller 2 Car $750. 813 510 6948. 485 Exercise Equipment ORGAN General Music Sapphire, Disc Drive, Bench.
Like newl Must sell. 53500obo 813 87 77M Grp, Nice! $325 813 398-1010 itor Laser Printer 1440 Mo dem COMPLETE SET wsoft ware $750obo 813 526 0200 WATERBED king, bkcase hdbrd $150. Dresser, dbl mlrr $125. Both It wood 813 343 2173 L3UNK BED 6 piece set, med stain, heavy Carolina Pine Stackable $500 813 789 2054 NISHIKI, 12 speed bike, used twice, like new. $450 Bill B13 578-0518 MOWERS- USED ready to go, all name brands, all In excel cond, 813-581-5222.
SADDLE Crates Barrel racing 14Vi" seat, used very little Pd $1600 sell $500 352 59 7 8608 BED TWIN, MAPLE 4 POST, frame, ft mattress set. Ex. Cond. $70 35? 746 939? 458 ClolW BEDSPREADS- King $35; Full $25; Twin $10; Queen $30. All $90.
Call 813-526-1657 ANTIQUE 90 piece Dinner set $400 Antique sofa, 2 end tbls, brass lamps $500 813-321 9620 AC 2 TON Trane condenser AH. 5 yrs old $400 3 ton Rheem $250. 3 ton Trane $300 460 5028, BI3 528 1820 BOAS 3' Dumerial female, 3' Brazilian rainbow male; baby Hog Island $500 oil 813-726 1714 BUNNIES Dwarf, Lop mixed Lop, white, black, loupe, brw $20 eg B13-443 3464 BUNNIES Dwarf 8. Mini babies, many colors, $15 In time for Easter Call 813 32 3 3863 DINING RM Ibl wleof. 6 chairs country stvle pecan excel cond $425 813 393 1642 486120 16 MB Ram 510 HD 24X COBWEB AUCTION SRVC Al ways buying or consign Mon Sat 8-4 813 578 6100 AB1306 CRAB TRAPS- BLUESTONF new, galvvlnyl, $10, $12, $14 813 321-0792 SADDLE English Riding Saddle GLASS beautiful, handmd from Europe, lg variety, wholesale prices S4-t30 813 434-3213 SPEAKERS Genesis Genre I 3 way tower, excel rood S4t0 813-327 6153 Outside of Citrus HODYSTRIDER P.
Joli structional video new $300, asking $180 35? 683 5614 WATERBED king, Irg mlrr lighted hdbrd, all oak, wave less matthtr, must see! new ABINET solid oak for Micro wave, cutting board, 2 shelves Exc cond $65 813 898-9377 445 Building MaterialsSupl. ORGAN Hammond Model H382. excel cond, wrhythm $700. Excel tor church 813 593 5645 WfRESSSAII 10 OFF ANY MATTRESS SET WAD TWIN SETS $99 FULL SETS S129 QUEEN SETS S1s KING SETS $199 DAY BEDS $89 BUNK BEDS S99 Sealy, Simmons, Bassett New and Used Furniture DISCOUNT MAI FRESS WORLD vsti RIDER EXMARK LA7.ER Z. 40" cut, 25 HP, only 50 hrs, $6950.
813-7B5)280 rum. 17" BINGO MACHINE ELECTRIC table model plus set of balls $150 obo 813 642-9690 17 HUM, 33.6 tax mod, SVGA mon, 1 44, printer, kbd mouse spkrs sttwore $850 352-796-9658 Outside of Citn $1700, sell $375 813 669 66? SHOP BEALLS OUTLET FAMOUS BRANDS! LOWEST PRICES! EVERY DAY! AC'S WANTED Dead or Alive! Top Dollar Paid Will Pick up DC Appliances BI3 541 1446 CRAPS TABLE 6'x3Vi' John, 813-323-1595 KILN computerized, $750firm. Call after 6pm 813 866 2603 leathers, $400obo 813 447 3277 TRAILER 4 HORSE 6 8" high I9B5 Bumper pull, brakes, tack strg, 2 axel $2200 813 726 8153 CARDIO GLIDE Weslo 3R7, DESK ROLL TOP HONEY OAK $300 Danish table set wextention ft 4 chairs $250. Kitchen secretory white $125 35228 9063 466 FurnitoreHsehid Goods Outside of Citrus COMMERCIAL IBM 9585. Igig RIDING MOWER 12hp, 36" cut, 6 sp, elect start, like new $550 St.
PeteClwfr 813 532 9880 AC 3 ton packaged with heat for mobile, never used, must sell! $1125 813 531 5563 AC 5000 BTU to 29,000 BTU, coolheat cool. Priced to sell, $85 $400 813 522 5890 BOOKS Over 700 used books. $400. 813 5B5 2477 4' PICKET FENCING Post WATERBED king, semi-wave less, blk lacquer wmlrrror ft 2 dresser $500 813 593-1644 HUMMELS 8 figurines $45-5210 eoch or $975 for all 8. 813-595 1058 TEXACO Airplane 7 $29.
Texaco trucks $20. Hess $22, Exxon $10. BP $11 813-347-3555 STOVEPARLOR heatwd 1860 Cast iron ornate showstopper Windowdoor $1000 813 786 6688 Never used. Paid $300 lost year, Sell $150. 813 868-5131 ORGAN Kimball EP4, like new cond wbench.
Appraised al $800 Sell $29Vobo 813-937 1201 ORGAN Kimball Swinger. All Functions. Like New, Sacri-flee $S00obo 813 -526 4640 FERRET Albino male, 1 year old. with cage ft. accessories $150000 813 706 1450 1V msg l(; leave message included Excellent cond $125.
813-545 8225 IAMCORDFR SHARP com plete $500 firm. Tripod $25, electric Inside grill $10. Cobra uzzbuster firm $50 Van trailer hitch $50dbo Regulation airline medium size pet Cdrrl-er $25. 813-523 8880 HD, 32 Ram, 17" XGA, MS Of flee ft MS Publisher $900 813 544-4709 I Uhmii 424 FISHING ROD Penn Interna tional 50 with int'l rod ft line Like new. $600.
813-595-4274 PRINT MOUNT like New, Heavy Duty 64x44 $950, New 2,200 813 360 6502 458 Clothing Outside of Citrus CROSS TRAINING bench, car RIDING MOWER 8hp, 38" cut, newer Briggs ft Stratton eng, $300 813 323 2153 345-6107 ALUMINUM VINYL SIDING dioglide, new $900 sacrifice CARPET used, 135 sq yrds, $2 95 per sq yrd, will separate St, Pete. 813-381 0204 WATERBED Queen, semi waveless, like new, complete wheolei $210. B13 52 4483 7WHM MERCHANDISE AC 650 btu Emerson quiet cool Like $200 oho 813 804 7836 soffits, tascla, new must sell 47t per foot. 813 381-9195 1 1 EREO Cass ft 8-track 2 laroc speakers $65. wood wglass top coffee table $25.
813-736 2144 STEREO Fischer amfm dual cassette, 110 watts, 25 co player, surround sound, video tv, warranty $600 813 397 1054 STEREO Sony intregroted Amp tape, amfm tuner, 2 studio craft spkrs. WooaVglass cab! ne I S775obo 813 392-0981 STEREO YAMAHA CD player receiver, tape deck, $100nl Needs work 813-544 9253 ORGAN, Lenny Dee's, Custom SOLOMON IV tor Windows, Accounting software. Never been used New $5000 Sell $1000 813 789 0071 FLY ROD custom 12 wt Loomls, Penn International 4.5. like new, $500 813-391 7736 436 AiKtkm Sales Svcs 12950 Starkey Rd. t.drgo BFADED LADY PURSES, new ft old, $5 to $50.
Call 813 384 2305 RIDING MOWER Murray 30" 12hp, rear eng mulcher. exc cond $475obll 352 684 1234 WblkSofUlmerton 813 581 7342 ARPET 12 24 off white, sculptured burbur, 195 years old. $225 obo 813 392 3031 ized Hammond jouo. a-i condition. $12,000.
813-867-5231 WATERBED Queen size. Pine, new heater, good condition. (lOOobO 352 686 1947 IVORY COLLECTION Netsukes, Estate sale Coll 813 585 8785 CHINALENOX brnd new, 8 5pc pic. Blue Pinstripe, 2 plrtrs, 3 srvg bwls, 1 wlid. Popples on Blue S950obo 8)3 577-0088 Mo Fr 9 7, Sa 9 6, Su 11-5 BRICKAUGUSTA STREET 50c each delivered.
Pager 813 790-0777 or coll 360-0587 FLY ROD Custom bit 1 pc. 13 AC AIRHeat, NEW MOBILE Home (or House) 5 vr warr. $795 B13 661 9493 onytlme ORGAN, LOWERY MX 2 4YRS WANTED: antiques, furniture, estates 1st call the rest then call the best. For highest prices paid, coll Mary 352 596 3318 HERITAGE ANTIQUES MALL 40 Dedlers. 103 NW US )9, Crystal River 352-563-5597 la weight w4, 5 Flnnor fly reel est $1100, sell $600 813 585 3029 BOB MACKIE DRESS sz 12, $325.
Lir pantsult 12, $75, lthr coat blk med $100 813-345-43 BAR 7 11x3-8x2?" exc cond, beautiful ui ethane oak top, Indldn motif, Buffalo nickels ft beads, 7 stool. $500 8I3J4J1747 BED.J0OFFWAD MATTRESS SETS RIDING MOWER Murray 30" cut, HHP rear eng. Like new cond $350 813 586 5012 PENTIUM 150 Win 98, NEC 16" monitor, 24xCD rom, 33.6 mo dem $650 Dot matrix printer, 24pin, $75 813 869 7984 old, like new, used little, ex tros $8000 352 597 8418 CHAIR, ottoman, lamp, $30 all Area rugs, tupperwore, com forters, more $50 all 813 9164 WATERBED SET Queen. 5 pes, dresser, mirror, 2 nlghtstands, real nice $475. 813-724-8176 MATTRESS SET Queen $200 Night stands wdrwrs $60 ea.
2 lamps $50 ea Wht wicker hdbd $80 Bar stool $50 B13 517 1289 RAILROAD COLLECTIBLES $250 or will separate Call 813 343-4945 421 Garage I Yard Sales St Pete E. of U.S. 19 Area 2 GOLF brand new Wilson CIGAR CASE LEATHER Holds 2clgor5 $20 813-814-9311 AC, Buy, service, sell used windowwall units, heatcool Collier Cooling, 813 548 7285 FERRETS 1 white, 1 brown, wcage supplies, won't sepa-rate $150 813 547 6869 HEDGEHOG BABY, hand raised, with tank all needed supplies $50. Adult breeders $25 813 736-6461 JAPANESE KOI ft. Fancy Tails.
Over 200 Water Garden Fish $2 ft. Up Guaranteed 813-857 9234 KANGAROO Lg Wallobv Ba bies. B-feedlng, P-trainabie. Great Pet $2500 813 526 2593 POTBELLY BABIES Tapqual Ity. Extra small Make great pets $75 8.
up. 813 856 6255 BRICKS Designer ceramic faced bricks, white drizzle on blk for planters, patio, accent wall, Walnscoat, entry ways. Orig price, $2 75 each. Sell for $.50000. 8I3-86B-5394, days DINING ROOM II pc texing ton solid cherry wood.
China ft buffet, 66x44 double pede stal table w2 leaves. 1 Queen Anne chrs. Never used, worth $8900 Sell $4500 813 7124)990 DINING' ROOM CHAIRS Chip pendale: ball ft claw, 4 side $700, 2 arm $500. 2 Straight leg $300. TV 27" Sony console $150 48" round solid brass ft glass designer dining room table $250 36" Octagon breakfast table wsolld wood pedestal $250 solid MdPle dropleaf table w3 leaves $300 2 Crystal lamps S200.
2 solid brass lamps $100 2 Wing bock chairs cream wfloral design $150 Pecanglass tables, sofa, end ft coffee $150 Assorted polnt-Ings ft etchings 813-719-6124 OINING ROOM Henredon to ble, 6 chrs, buffett, pd $10,000. asking 813 573 3714 OINING ROOM SET Beautiful solid dark wood table w2 leaves, 6 choirs, hutch buffet and matching desks Exc con ditlon New $3200 Asking $95 813 B9 1498 Bev Hills 222, homecon tents, view: 1 to 3pm March 7. 15,20 detailsterms. Realty Ex ecAII AMeri Auction ABI390 AU1966 AUI967 352 527-0074 ORGAN i.owrey Model Prome node LX 400, Hardly used AsklP9 $43,000 813 193 7010 RIDING MOWER Snapper, electric start, 8 hp, runs great, $450 813 393 4655 Prostaff, oversize Irons ft woods, all graphite shafts $240 813 785 3609 $350both. 0(3 734lB' EXERCISE BEDS 3 Tone -0 Matlc, as seen In the finest spas S200ea or all $500 813-515-0277 EXERCISE BIKES 3 to choose from, all in excellent cond.
$75 all or will sep. 813 5 72-4653. HEALTH RIDER with video Cost new $500 Barely used, like new. Sell $225 813 399 9463 HEALTHRIDER Llfestyler, Bv Sears, Brand New, vz Price Cost $200, Sell $100 352 596 68' 5 HOME GYM Joe Welder Cross trainer, nice shape $50olfer Call 813 906-9249 CLOTHES-LADIES MODERN styles. Sizes 12-14.
Over 100 pcs. dressy dresses to casual. $5 each 813 863-1991 CHAIR swivel rocker uphol. on tique white, exc cond, com fortable. $65 813 446 8131 WATERBED Single, slate blue padded sides, 3 drw ped Exc cond $90 813 846-7808 ANTIQUE TABLE Queen Anne, 48" round.
2 leaves, excel cond i4i0 after 6pm 4(6 24X CD ROM 8 MEG RAM, 56K modem, sound svs spkrs, Super VGA monitor. Win '95, $475 813-841 0214 26TH AVE 1140 Tools, hrd ware, hsehold items, collecti-bles, books, much more Frl Ba MOVED' Dinette, sofa, 2 twin mattresses, cherry highboy, oriental Items, pictures Musi sell $25 up 113 773 11)0 AC CoolHeat Buy Service Sell. Wall Units Must Credit Cards DC Appls 813 541 1446 SLOT MACHINE COLUMBIA 1947, 25 Cents. Ex Cond $900 352 628 5287 GOLF brand new Wilson Damatte.mlx match, trade ins RIDING MOWER Walker 36" cut, factory new 20hp Kohier ORGAN Lowrey MX2 retail $48,000 Sacrifice whole sale S999B will trade 813 393 3313 IWIN, eurh piece WATERBED Super single, white vinyl, 1 year old, $75. 813-784-0534 Prostaff, oversized irons 3 PW $90 Why huv used 813 785 360'; FURNITURE 2 Tudor chrs J300 Daniel Lee cupbrd S300 Rocker $100 813-527 9297 CARPORT OR PATIO COVER New, 20', can make smaller $487, will deliver.
813 381 9195 FORMAL DRESSES $15 $30 813-528-8595 engine. $2 700 813 39 1454 119 S29 CIGAR HUMIDORS Hand Crafted Solid Exotic Woods, Complete WGuages $200 Ea 8, Up 1-813-867-0961 COMPUTER DESK ROLL Top, $100 telescope trl-pod $40. beginners guitar instruction book. $25. 813 546-4413 89TH AVE NE-H Frl 9am No early birds Tools, collectibles, clothes, misc.
Sat ft, Sun also. AC HEAT AIR GE Like new 14.000btu, 110 Volt, window unit $195 Call 813 398 3993 ABSOLUTE AUCTION Thurs 326 ot 10am. 6709 W. Linden dr hom*osassa, 32 DW, al mostSac. boats tools, etc.
Parsley Real Estate Inc AB383 352 726-2628 or 726 0650 406 Computer 16MB Ram, key board, mouse ft SVGA monitor included $200 813 527 6733. OFFICE FURN Desks, Chairs. Stereo Svstem. All for $700 or will separate 813 5 78 1979 TAPE DECK Dual, Kenwood KW W6010 $75, 7 Sony speak ers, IQOw ea. $85 813 531-3323 TV- 13" ft 19" Color, 159en Excellent pic.
Microwave $39 Can deliver. St Pt 113-122 511 TV13" SM. 19" SM. 23" S165. 25" console $85.
Microwavi $30. Works good. 113-522 566.. TV13" COLOR GE rirrVfm rodio ft alarm. Exc condition $4C 813 595 8071 WICKER TABLE ft CHRS $350 4 llv rm chrs $50ea 2 end tbls RIDING TRACOTR John Deere 44" cut $550000 Call 813 771-1719 GOLF CART 1995 EZ GO with automatic charger ft suntop, greal shape $1375 81 3-627 9555 FULL, each piece QUEEN, each piece KING, 3 piece sets BUNK BED, wmatts DAY BEDS from ELECT.
ADJ. BED BUDWEISE STEINS, varies styles, varies prices Storting at I'M 3S2 746-0612 424 Antiques Collectibles Outside of Citrus PRE-COLUMBIAN Pottery (4), Huacua's, 1 textile $75. each 813 868-3606 $99 SI29 $169 $799 wcottee tot $Jtw. hi y6 445 AC UNIT lOOOObtu $150, 5500btu AC unit $80 Coll 813-462-9096 IBM P200 MMX NEW IN BOX 32mb, 2 1 HD, 33.6, 24x, 80wt speakers, $699 813 938 2555. ORIENTAL RUG 9x12, new con ditlon.
A must see! $1000 Call 813-525 3406 PRAIRIE DOG PUPS Great pets $90 Taking deposits Call NW MADISON CIR 234 Huge Yard Sale lots of good used vacuum cleaners, fans, lamps, few antiques (off 62 Ave near 4th St N) Thurs Sat 8-3 ORGAN Lowrey Parade Deluxe NL30, 1993, retail $73,000. cur rent appraisal $7900, will sac riflce $6,000 813 948 6700 ORGAN Lowrv Celebration LX5O0. Take over payments or balance due $24,000 Lve msg 813 596 8658 CONCRETE INTERLOCKING Pavers Sale- lOOOsq ft $1350 delivered. Free esl 813-626 7176. DOORS WINDOWS Auction Sat Sun Apr 4 ft 5 Fabulous savings don't miss 813 572 5664 FUR COAT While Russian Fitch, ankle length, sz 8, exc cond $1500000.
813 5957880 MINK STOLE Platinum. Excel, cond. $625 813-581-6838 CHAIRS Queen Ann wcarved curved wooden legs. Ladies Thomasvllle desk, siooea 813 726 2501 CHAIRS (WING) 1 off Wh. 1 blue multl flame stitch, exc ea 11 3 735 3400 CHINA CAB solid oak, lighted.
longxtWdeep. must sell. 1l $200 813 391 8428 CHINA CABINET Drexel. 80x42. lighted, medium finish.
exc cond. $475 813 393-3851 for into 813-664-9611 SPRAY TANK 200 Gal. New 5HP Briggs. 100' Elec Hose ft Reel, All Frame. $700 OBO Call Dave 352-666 -1147 GOLF CART '85 Club Car, mint cond, curtains, seat covers, windshield.
Coll 813 868 5394, days 436 Auction SalesSvcs, Outside of Citrus tISSI Collectors cards 1976 Orig Never punched out from fac tory Mint SI25 set 813 32 8467 CREAM SEPARATOR Intrn'l Harvester, vintage, Works $180 813 738 8404417-5473 HOME GYM, Welder 3 Station Like new cond. Call for de tails. 5200obo. 813 5 38 0911 PATIO FURN. 6 ft table, 4 arm chairs, 1 side 1 lounge chair, CUSt cushions $350 113-823 0351 PENTIUM 166 2gig HD, 16 mg Ram SVGA mon, Sound cord, spkrs Wrrty $599 813 539 1023 5IAGHORN $10 Peace Lily 15 MOVING SALE Brovhlll sofa 8, loveseat, natural colors $500; 2 blue rec liners, $100pr, round dinette set $100, king size bed.
excel cond $300, Aztec area rug, coral ft green $40, orig. Health Rider $200, "The Burn er" gym equipment $200, misc. Item $1 $50 613 319 0800 AC UNITS 1200 BTU (21 700 BTU'S. 120 volt, $150 eoch. Exc.
cond 813 866-6400 AC WINDOW UNITS Sharp 18K 230V, 9mo's old, $300. (4) 5K 115V $75eo 813 392 1778 eve BASKET BALL Cards, Levy Al clndor To all collectors! More SlOOOobo 813 532276 FENCE CHAIN LINK Installer Has 800' Posts, Rails, Caps, Gates All or Part 813 360 0610 GOLF CART electric. 4 wheel, 1985 model, work fine, charger $500 613-546 -6740. DEHUMIDIFIER 30 pts Ken more $100, crib waccessories, good cond $4li B13 360 448! TV )9" GENERAL ELECTRIC $99, RECEPTION IS GREAT 813 736-4259 NORDIC TRACK Challenger with electronics. Good condi-tlon $150 813 738 027 WEDDING DRESS, Alfred An gelo Dream Maker, size 10.
Detachable train $475 OBO 352 684-0263 Rubber tree $5 UP rotons $2. tUP 113-345-4411 PATIO SET 12 pieces Includes 2 gliders, fully cushioned Alu mlnum $400 Call 813 528 6676 ORGAN Lowrv, 265 1990 model, Roll top, genius, music course. Sold for over $9K. Socr $7500obowilldelv 813 804 6435 CHURCH COMPUTER "I Win3. 1.
VGA mon, Quicken $250000 lakes! 352 684 0558 iMTIRESS BUDGET Ctr 8325 Ulmerton Rd, Largo Vi ml of Belcher 113-531 4078 Mo-Fr 9 9, So 9 6, Su 11 5 BED- A absolutely Beautiful Queen set. Flrm-Ortho, new in plastic S16S. Con deliver. Call Now 813 ill -UN SET Ethan DINING ROOM WATERPUMP Sears Vlhp, Dork pine. Tbl w7 Allen STAR WARS 12 exclusive Han i.
Luke, Hon TanTan, S20O eoch or S350set 941 729 8022 FLOORING, MAPLE Still In packages, pre finished. Must sell $2.50 per sq tt 813 307-0062 DESK $200. thair $150. credenza $100. copy machine $200.
fax machine $50 B13-392-I9I2 WEDDING gown exquisite lace TV 25" COLOR CONSOLE Great picture, $70 Call 813-541 1376 leafs, 6 chrs. Deacon bench ft NORDIC TRACK Pro. computer, pulse moni toi $200 813-867-7994 GOLF CART EZ Go 1993 excel lent cond, lights, windshield, seat covers, new batteries $1800 813 458-3782 pressure 7040 Asking $75. 813 545-M1) AC 5000 BTU RVMS Good New condition only $95 Coll 813 804 2793 ORGAN New Estev Americano CHINA CABINET solid cherry wood lighted hutch ft buffet unused still boxed cost $7200 satiiflce $850 813 251 5104 IBM 486 PS-2 DX 5066, refur blshed, SCSI HD, 467mb $195 Monitor 813 544-0212. PATIO SET Winston, glass top table w6 chairs-3 swivel rockers, $600.
Bar w2 bar stools $700 B13 575 3631 pearls, sequins, Alfred Angelo sz 6 Ing slv, romantic style nvr usd $350 Fran 813 525 2617 Paid $15,000. Sell tor $12,500 Iregdm 1 1 1, $135 813 376-8562 SCAG 52" ZTRRider $4000 obo BARBIES Limited Ed. Wizard of OZ set Dorothy others. The Enchanted Seasons set Snow Princess others. Classique set: Benefit Ball, all others.
Soda Fountain Sweetheart Coco Cola 1st in series A other Barbies Hallmark complete set of Christmas A Valenties Bar bies $6o up. Plus Hallmark Ornaments Happy Holidays 1993 1997 others $60 up. AM Mint cond never removed from boxes Call Donna 813-345-3981 Ive msf BARBER'S CHAIR early 19O0's. Koken, restored S7S0. 813 596 5584 GARAGE DOORS (used) $2l5takes all.
Pager I 800-709 7301 DISPLAY CASE lighted wgls shlvs, lock drs, dprx 18dx30w" x5h' $175ubo 813 398 1010 Lesco 36" walk behind $1500 Ightd 2pc china cab. $zor 113 861 3766 1-1N-34I-4217 DINING ROOM SET Pecan, lighted china, table w4 chairs $1000 obo 813 525 3406 TV 25" RCA console. 43" wide $150 Also white console $150 613-595-0993 NORDIC TRACK "Pro" ski mach wmon Ab Works Er cond 813 376-620 RABBITS breeders sellout. Flemish Giants Champ stock, show qual, everything goes! $500000 8)3-528-8995 RABBITS FLEMISH GIANTS Grev, white. Quality! 10 weeks.
$20 813-632 2073 REPTILE RESCUE AUCTION Buyers A. sellers wanted. Sun 45 Coll for into 813-544-0090 SKINKMONKEY TAIL Wizard, vi snake, inc aquarium ft, fixtures $250000 813 895-1461 SUGAR GLIDERS I pr wbobv. lg cage, accessories ft, toys $375 firm 813 869 9024 SURANEMESE BOA 3ft Fe male with high orange Striped toil, $250 813 857 9833 H1NA I A All New. beaut queen closet tall, 18" BED obo 6x12 trlr $900 obo.
Also ORGAN Wersl Wega, CD dlgita GOLF CLUB Adams tight lie clone, graphite shaft, never hit, $49. 813 539 7888 WEDDING GOWN ivory, size 6. SOFTWARE Office 97 Pro. $125 WP 8 Suite $100. Full version newsealed 811 947 1240 ortho quilted, ip plastic whvv wide, 5' Ing.
dk wood, all glass, AIR CONDITIONER Window, 18.000 BTU BTU heat Like new Original warranty Westinghouse $550OBO 813-536171 DX600 G. speakers, perfect PATIO Ibl glass top 42" 6' 6 chairs, 3 bar stools, tlbergls wicker, beige $375 813 393 1 647 other gas tools 813 854 2259 cathedral train, full slip, never worn, $750obo 813 327 4126 OLYMPIC WEIGHTS 310 LBS dty frame, nvr used wwarr. food cond. $400. 113-524-1243 $12,500 Illness BU 392 4513 HUGE TILE SALE Sm Lots 89c, Lg.
Ou 99c sqft 3101 22nd Ave 813 327 0594 CUCKOO CLOCK COLLEC TION all German. 16 totol SI 500 8I3B15 908I DRAPES, SHEERS dbl hvy duty rods, excel cond, light 0ltL6 pr $750000 813 58 906 TV 25" RCA CONSOI color, remote. $100 113-714-6777. $225 Will deliver 111 104 190 PIANO ACROSONIC bv BUNTON 50" RIDER w180 I on 25H motor. Like new $4200 813 343-1179 DINING ROOM SET table w2 lenves ft 6 chrs, pecan, neutral fabric, $1300 813 784 5942 ESTATE SALE-Dining 9 pc pecan wd $960.
Llv rm set 9 pc-L shape couch-4 chrs, coff tbl, lamp, 2 small figurine marble stands $1675. Lg lamp w5 figurines $330 Inlaid mar ble tbl $225 Yamaha organ 5 $675 All mint cond 813 573-8570 MOVING SALE Rattan furnl ture Sofa, 7 chairs, coffee to ble, 2 end tables $300 Rattan glass top table and 2 chairs, $85. Washerdryer $125. Brass and glass coffee table and 2 end tobies $50 813 733 4105 PENTIUM, CO ROM. mo dem, 14' SVGA, Win 95 ft Of flee 97, $625 813 835 4987 Baldwin, excellent condition Olvmplr Bench, Lot Machine, ABBack Machine.
110 lbs. Standard Weights. Will sell all tor $450 813 784-8969 PIT GROUP Southwest colors, no rips or tears, needs clean ing $27VOPO Bl 3 844-0491 ESTATE SALE 361 14th St March 27 28-29 Everything must go 8cm-4pm doliy 421 Garage I Yard Sales St Pete W. of U.S. 19 Area 3 1ST AVE 6461, 6463 SAT 9-5.
Furniture, clothes. odds li ends. BIG YARD SALE everything I must go 5577 64 Way (N oft 54 Av nr 66 St) Thur Sat 9 4 MOVE-IN SALE 5300 28th Ave i Too much stuff' Nice items Good cond Ihur 9 4 421 Garage Yard Sales GulfportS Pasadena Arte 4 CLINTON ST 2B08 Movinq sale Everything must go! Thuryf riSat Born I 421 Garage I Yard Sales Pinellas Park Area 5 WEDDING Gown Mermaid sz 6 button up train wmotching head pc. Opalesent sequins wpearls $550 813 733-0708 DISHWASHER Whirlpool, brand new, $700obo Call 813-781-9875 J1000 BI3-869 H) co*ckTAIL TABLE, end ft holl table, mtchng stool ft mirror IQn Anne I $700 813 775 14O0 co*ckTAIL TABLE Real Red wood wsmoked glass top $75 Coll 113 4471177 SCHWINN BLACK PHANTOM 100th Anniv model, Mint! Still in orig bo $2500 813 585 .1431 DRAPESSHEERS different colorssizes $99 takes all or separate 813 724 5622 lumber Good, Used, Odd Lots, 2X4X10, 2X8X16, 2X4X16, Treated ft Plain $350 Takes All! 352 596-7330 GOLF CLUBS "ADAMS" Tight Lie copy 13 16-19-24 degrees Graphite $SVeo. 813 344 3322 GOLF CLUBS Armour TlOO, Irons ft woods.
3-PW 1-3-5, unused $950 813-340-3095 GOLF CLUBS Big' BerthaKing Cobra copies. Men'sLadle's never used $199 813 360 6380 YAMAHA 1997 WARRIOR Perfect condition. $3700 813 -8694)35 PIANO -ALL USED DINING ROOM SET table pads, 6 chdlrs, breakfront. tmffet 813 417 4450 PENTIUM 166 mhz. 2.5 gig HD, 24xCD, 16ram modem, mouse, keyboard, $599 813 595-9287 DRYER $90.
Good working condition deliver 813 528 7285 BUY RENT SELL 813 572 9497 WEDDING GOWN never used, size 10-12, asking $400 or best offer, 813 367 3342 ENCYLOPEDIA Brltannlca. leather, 1994, wGreat Books txjofceose $950000 B13 548 7352 RATTAN 6 pc natural Living rm set earthfones, good cond. ask ing 1550obo in 725 0369 RATTAN FLORAL SOFA. 7 chairs, 2 glass tables. Excel lent cond $600 813 5270370 The PIANO MAN Since 1951 MICA VANITY 5' wdouble sinks ft fixtures, light color, exc cond $225 813 522 1295 GRASSHOPPER Excell cond 721 Kubota eng.
52" 1020 hours Call 813 447-6414 DINING ROOM SET Washed oak, table, 6 chairs, with iellv cabinet, excel cond. like new, $300 813 319 4215 48666 12MG RAM sound card modem, CD, mouse, keyboard $250000 813 321-4504 Iv msg 355 Ptvf Supcifiej Svcs. TV 25" ZENITH CONSOLE $125 Vacuum, Wards like new. $40 813-826 3471 TV 32" Sonv Trinitron with PIP. 2V4yrs old Excel cond ljSlJJ134)79l3 TV- S3" TOSHIBA, color, 1 year old, with entertainment unll $800 813 546 2022 TV 40" MITSUBISHI Walnut cabinet Excellent con obo 811149 7670 TV 45 MITSUBISHI big screw PIANO Antique Grand Scale Wing ft Son, bit 191 1 beautiful harpsicd key SS00 8I3 785-898; DRYER GE Electric, white, heavy duty, used only 1 year $150 813-319-8197 WEDDING GOWN New Never worn $150 each.
Sizes 6, 8, 10 ft 12. 813 726-2015 ENCYLOPEDIA World Book $150 obo Books, 25 $2 furniture, 8)3 784 218 PROFESSIONAL Stvle Fitness System, Marcv Power Series wvideo ft manual. Barely used. Must sell. Moving $200 worth more 941 756-0741 oft 6p PROFORM Cross trainer, multl station exercise $300 foldownv treadmill $75 813 584-7427.
SOLOFLEX complete 1475, Nordic Troc Walklit Treadmill $200 813772-0183, Iv msg. STAIR STEPPER BARBIES Enchanted Seasons Series Autumn Glory $95 Spring Bouquet $95 Summer Splendor $95. Snow Princess $140. Bob Mackle Sun God dess, $185 Moon Goddess $155 Queen of Hearts $240 Dorothy from WOZ $250 813-547 2290 or 813-547-0166 REMODELING new carpet ft pads, doors, tons, appls, toi-lets 81000, will sep Bl 3 367 7527 TREES LAUREL OAKS 10 )2 ft, form grown 185 eoch. Free Delivery 941 619-8115 MOVING large overstuffed chair $125, chest of drawers $75, sm desk $35, sm music stand $20 B13 347-0081.
RATTAN Lane, 4pc set, like new $450 White sectional $135 lamps $35 813 323 MODEMFAX CARD tor lap top, Motorola, 33.6, cell comp, new in box $85 813-895 1213 FABULOUS ESTATE ANTIQUE AUCTION SAT NITE PREVIEW THUR 10AM-8PM FRI SAT 10AM-6PM Important, contents of Snell Isle Estate. Fabulous 19c 70 Amer. European furniture, over 100 lots! Furnishings for every room of your house. Investment 19c artwork paintings many listed artists over 30. Beautiful Persian carpets all kinds 8.
sizes over 75. Amer. brilliant cut glass crystal Outstanding marble bronre statuary Important Meissen, Dresden, P.M., Limoges, etc. Gorgeous lamps chandeliers. Fabulous 19c French Tiffany clock collection! Estate jewelry diamond solitaires over $75,000 worth" Art pottery Rookwood Roseville Huge amount ot sterling, Tiffany, Frances 1st, Stieff Rose 8, more.
Ivory statues rare Nippon. Investment Steuben. Lallque, Loetz, R.S. Prussia, Wavecrest, etc. Over 450 ob iects d'art Plus much more! If unable to attend auction, leave bids at preview FREE-PUBLIC WELCOME REE -PARKSECURITY 10 BUYERS PREMIUM AB7825 AU684 JOSEPH'S GALLERY 813-895-2361 1116 9TH ST ST PETE NINING ROOM SUITE Brov hill.
1 arm chair ft 3 chairs. $550 obo 813 866 3673 OR YE GE, top of line, Unused $150 obo, 2 bucket seats $100 813 862-0333 PRECIOUS MOMENTS- 1st Issue, no marks, $195-225 each 1 Plate $90 813-581 1774 alt 5 FRANCISCAN desert rose lug arcreamer $40. Cupssaucer, $l2set, exc. cond 813-343 5580 RATTAN SET High Deco. 6 bor 6 piece.
Good condition All for $600 813-971 7888 Call AM. CAROUSEL HORSE Authentic, solid wood, 4'Hx4'L, Ready tor new point $1000 813 734 9867 HIGH BOY 8, chest of drawers, nightstand. chair, $950 BI3 573 4615 WEDDING GOWN, (size 10) off shoulder, extra long train, v-shaped veil Never worn $450 813 391 3869 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER Cherrv, 6x6 wall unit $100 New Roper Dishwasher, cream color $75 813 581 8498 GOLF CLUBS CALLAWAY New gold irons 3-SW graphite It flex $699 Ladles Call. Irons graphite 3-PW $599 LH War-bird 3, 5 ft 7 woods $99 each LH Ping Eye It irons 2-PW. 3 mos old $450 813 538-2334 GOLF CLUBS-Calloway War Bird Driver $145.
Ping Zing Irons $395 like new 813 796 7061 MOVING SALE Dresser, highbov. night stand $100 SLIDING GLASS DOORS, 6X12 wscrn door, 3 panels, like new $250. 813 789-6124 475 hems lor Handicapped Outside of Citrus RATTAN natural, pastel sofa. 2 chrs, end table, co*cktail table like new $750 obo B13 360 71M LAPTOP MACINTOSH wcarrv in, hardly used. $995 Call 813 522 6578 PIANO Baldwin, console, wal nut $950.
Call after 6pm. 113-393 2119 PIANO BRAMBACH Baby Grand, Apartment size, 4'6" Good cond $2000. 81 3 796-41 56. PIANO St CASH PAID SS For Your Silent Plana Ihe Music Gallery 813 530 3304 DRYER HOTPOINT excellent condition, works great, needs timer, $75. 813 391 7823.
DOG OBEDIENCE CLASSES A dog worth owning is a dog worth training at Critters ft, Canines 357 6B 2770 3S5 Pet SuppliesServices Outside of Citrus DINING ROOM TABLE Double pedestal. Cherry wood. Oval wleof New $350 81 3 3 76 4892 DINING ROOM table w1 chrs. solid pecan new finish ft uphol 3 Ivs $600 firm8l3 577 2636 sofa bearecitner, six icen more WD $200 813 544-6409 MOVINGI Coffee ft 2 end tbls, blond oak, glass tops, like new $150 Round kitchen ped table. SOLAR COLLECTORS (2, wtr htd), 4'xlO'.
excellent condition, $40Qobo Call 813 535-6598 47TM ST 1MMB (Off d9th St i 110th Ave Ni Estate an- HP 4 LASER PRINTER $650 813 561 7987 WEDDING GOWN wtraln, classic Victorian, veil cren incl, sz 9 10 Worn once. $500obo. Sheilo, 813 527-2633 WEDDING GOWN wtrain, veil, white, size Silk flowers, bou quets etc. $295 813-443 3809 LARGE COLLECTION of Franklin Mint Precision model cars, fire engines, mo torcvles trucks $5610 takes all OBO Also 2 large solid oak display cabinets paid $1200 ea will take $600 ea or $1100 both 813 526 0621 after 6pm DRYER Maytog Good condition. $75.
813 530 4133 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER oak $200 Bookcase, tall $100. Twin bed complete $100, 1 Low Rider bike $150 18 sod Huffv Durante bike $125. 813-896 1815 FAX MACHINE Brother $175 Refrig. works, $60. Speokers.
large $65 VCR $40 813-461 431 3 ligues. etc. Weaihur, 9-2. Dlr used very little Like new Can deliver $80 813-547 6644 STEPPER lite Fitness 9100, new, $1395 Treadmill, protes slonal Spirit 5T 200 pro grammoble, $900 Tennis ball machine, brand new $400 Coll 813 449 8338 DINING ROOM TBL gloss top. GOLF CLUBS Cleveland irons.
TA3, 3-pw. hit 3 times $500 813-804-6419 or 343 5576 2 swivel chdlrs $45 BI3-39 4815 RATTAN SOFA ft loveseat print cushions. Good condi tlon $200 000 352 684 1 1N Rattan Wicker Furniture Warehouse full! Must sell! 113 176 1566 dlr PIANO ELECTRIC YAMAHA 66TH 5T 10707 Suite F- OF EE ft 2 END TABLES $70 Tubular chair $25 813-895-3539 COFFEE TABLE SIN Traditional washed oak, 30" square like new 113-595 3994 COFFEE TABLE (Dolphin) Piece of art! Large glass top. with fins $1100 113 526 1211 COFFEE TABLE ft mtchng end tbls. glass ft stucco $300 2 Lamps $100 1 3 547-9672 CONFERENCE table ft 6 chairs $500; 6 PC rattan set $150.
lub chair 125 113 447 5334 CORNER TABLE $350. TV table $400 Coffee table $350 Chair $75. 1950's floor lamp $125 All Hovward Wakefield JCOIJ 1)1 1327jfr71 COUCH 16' circular, rvn. Recllner each end ft queen bed In center $950 113 715-0263 COUCH 6pce sectional $400 Dresser $40 Dinette coffee table $300 813 536 5311 9mos new 4 hairs, $500 Musi SPA Turaolse $700 Fiberglass shower $50. Commercial car pet tiles, blue, $75 Tinted plote gloss 813 327 055.
SONY DIGITAL CAMERA lOxzoom w2 baft records on 3.5" disk $575 813 797 8868 loi DRYER Whirlpool, lg. capacity, white, multi-cycle, good cond S60obo 813 506-6323 AIR COMPRESSOR (Sweetwa ter) for multiple aauarium use. Like new. $300 brand new sell, moving! 113-517-9245 Like new Paid $7400, sei $750 813-446 7304 Frl Sat, 9 4. office fixtures, video equip MOVING SALE Bedroom $275 Dinette $150 co*cktail ft end table ft lamp $100 813 787 5756 Ml I KH 8U 546 6407 WEDDING GOWN wtrone.
low neckline lace ft pearls. Size 14 $350obo 813 584 1515 BED Adiustable, twin let, with extro long mattress, henlmes soge $55vVboth 113 715 4244 FED antique, round, king size with foot bench Including linen 1250. Call 113-311-6174 BED-CANOPY 4 paster, black wrought iron fram Unused, In box Cost $5N Sacrifice S155. 113 251-0243 BED. Head ft toot board, fullqn.
Southwestern, 2 yrs, Pert cond, $3N lu Ml-3777 BED HI Riser, twin beds wbeautv rest matts. $75. 113-577-2561 BCD king pes SIM. Couch $51. Rocking chair $75.
Recliner $50. Dining tbl 4 chairs Drexel $350 China cab $2O0 4 PC twin bed set $300 Grand mother clock $750 Antique sewing machine $1 '5 Desk ft chair Drexel $250 2 mahog any end tbls $150 2 ige decor ki I4C1 BED, KING, Serto Perfect Sleeper, S2M MOVINOI 113-361-0994 evening tlED King size Simmons beauty firm 4 yrs old pd $1200 ask $500. drk pine drsr ft night stand $125; sofa 4 vrs old good cond light blue stripe $150; dinette set wrushlon swivel chrs exc cond 1175 1134)44-0361 BED kinq. wbrass headbd $425 SW rorjr tl ft loveseat $550 rib wmatt $40 813 373 5114 BED MATTRESS Stearns ft Foster king set wtrome $70. twin mattress set wfrome $50 double dresser wmlrror NO, bookcase $20.
teak ster eo oW net $40, 813 311 2157 BUFFET Oak. 1880's 2 pc, mlr ror top wmolded glass doors excel cond. $1200 813 863 7644 CHARMING TAILS Collection $2400 for 154 pcs. retired current 813-375-5656 Mnhoqanv asking $125000 813 393 8950 oak robinet, learning remote good cond $650000 113-444 2506 TV 45" MITSUBISHI In oak cabinet, with doors, on whreio 1500obo 613 7 72 9015. TV 45" ZENITH BIG SCREEN $500'obo Coll Joson ot 813-5M 4472 TV- 44" MAGNAVOX Picture in picture $700 Coll 613 773-0088 ask tor Joe TV 5" 139, 19" 179 27" 1117 25" console 199.
VCR $60 Ah color, cable ready 11 3 pt 67jj' TV 32" RCA bio screen, wunl versa! remote, PIP, RCA con nectlons $1 2O0firm 813 97l 55 GOLF CLUBS left handed. Callaway. Great Big Bertha, 1 ft 3 woods, tour model 3-sw. Irons, Tommy Armour putter, bog stand $490 813 393-3511 FREEZER-Commerclol 23 cuft, alarm, lock, Gibson, good PIANO GRAND $3200. Call 613 449 8338 FAX MACHINE ft OKIDATA Laser Printer 400-OL, $125 eoch.
Call 813-736 8239 OAK FLOORING Pre finished only $2 49 sq' I ree estmts 813 535 687 111TH PLACE 5912 FrlSatSun 8-4 Rain or sr-ine MARBLE COFFEE TABLE LEATHER llv rm set, TEAK hutch $1,500 813 327 9018 wrjr 613 327-0869 AOUARIUM, 135 gal, oceanic stand, lights. UV ster protein skimmer, filter, complete with 46 66 426 HD. 16 Meg RAM, SVGA monitor, keyboard ft mouse $250 obo 81 3 937 5696 P233 MMX 32 MB ram, 4 gig, 24x CD, S6K modem. 14" SVGA, warr $999. 813 533 0288 JIM Bf AM DECANTERS $5.
to $200. 813-846-0042 WEDDING GOWNS Size 20 $225 Size 12 $150. Both with elegant trains Details 813 345 7575, FREEZER Commercial erlrgs $600 l.rm 813 577-2636 SPRINGWOOD PIANO Great for the beginner Recently tuned and will deliver. $350 Call 813 323 7274 5120 Lily St, FILING CABINET 3 DRAWER WITH PEDESTAL. Kenneth City area 145 813-397 3060 RECLINER fawn color, Strat olounger, pillow bock wzipper excel cond $150 113 541 3519 RECLINER mauve $100 7 bor stools.
irorVwood, $7Seo Pink swivel chair $50. 113 541 1351 FORD 1993 AEROSTAR XL 35k, pwr hoist, Sundance scooter for hndcpd $8500 813 943 3013 HOVER ROUND MPV Re-enforced for person up to SOOIbs Ex)ro le seat. Pd $9350. Sell for $3150. 813 341 0500 MOBILE CART lthr, wide seat, Pd $2500 Asking Only $900 cond.
oft loom 813 920 4086 RECLINER LIFT CHAIR Like new $325 Coll after 4pm 813 526 7209 SCOOTERS AT SOURCE ONE 1 11. vp round LTV $450 Pride Shuttle $695 Pace Saver $795. Pride Sundonre $1495 CALL MACK ot 613 539 1551 WHEELCHAIR Top of the line with luxury cushioning. Exc cond $550obo 813 596 61 Or. GOLF CLUBS LH, Taylor cop ies, 3-PW.
SW, 60, $200. XPC WOOCtS 1-3-5-7 $150 813 596 7169 THEATRE SEATS (2) Circa 1930's, good shape $75poii 813 441 9244 Imperial 22 cuft. good condi a. $250 111 521 1633 470 Jewelrt I WoiciVt STEPPER Life Gear Super Climber with computer SIOQobo 813 546 2946 TREADMILL DP, 2HP 10MPH, $200 4 drawer chest $20 813 7174770 TREADMILL electronic. Life style LSIOOO, like new Owner leaving state $400 813 Sll 1635 448 Heovy Equipment Outside- crt Citrus DINING SET Ethan Allen, mo pie table, leaf.
4 chairs, $1200 new, excel $275. 113 3W-4JW1 DINING SET Oval table. 4 uphol chairs, dk wood, china Cdb excellent $300obo. 113-347-5244 DINING SET solid oak, hutch, table, pad, 6 chairs $300. Flex Ible Flyer $75 813 532 3996 DINING TABLE ft Hutch, Link Taylor Exc fbl 66 107 1 chairs, $1400 113 319-0321 Near iv4vth r-ri only, 9 Ipm.
turn, lolb of hshld misc Outside of Citrus 460 Computer SalesSvcSupi. Outside of GOLF CLUBS Lynx Block Cat FEEZER Institutional size upright 3 vrs old exc cond. pd P200 MMX 16 MB ram. 1 6 gig, 24x CD, 33.6k modem. 14" SVGA $799 813 533 0288 PIANO Heinfzman, upright grand Humidlstat, bench, looks ft plays beautlfullv $1200 obo Bill 813-530-1370 FILING CABINETS 3 large, 3 drawer, lateral, 42x52x19, ex eel cond $IOOeo File cabs, le gol sie ttOea 813 '97 5'W Irons, 3-PW, 6 wks old.
s.uv obo Coll Mike 813 559 7972 oe $1000 as $500 813 844-0368 1S0 GROVE IRONS BALL with new Crosly, K5D hook $150 813-446-5857 AOUARIUM 55 gal oak stand, lots extras, pump, filter, etc. exc cond. t400 obo. 813-527-2142 AOUARIUM 55 gal, sit wtr. blk laquer filters, corals 8.
extras $350000 B13 397 6045 AOUARIUM 55 gallon, com plete, monv extras $249 obo FREEZER, white floor model. ood grain. SECTIONAL IMO'S 4 lov. back, beautiful Pas'ei mint areen with pink fleck, must see MOO. 1943 Nioara vibrat ino recliner with orig manual, work great, needs recovered tlOO 813 300S331 GOLF CLUBS New Cobra ft TV Magnovnx 421 Garage Yard Sales South Guff Benches Area 7 BELLE VISTA rP fS4l SPB.FN9-3 Lotsof furn.
yard tools, goif clubs much more IBM 486 50 8 Meg. 212 drive, keyboard, mouse. 14" color monitor, $199 813 7B9 06I1 RECLINER swivelglider, large over-stuffed, leather. Paid 11400 1600 obo 813 5324)054 RECLINER, wicker frame, exc beige fabric Costs $450 sell $50 813 360 1644 cond Approx 18 cu ft picture capability BRACELETDIAMOND Tennis I2ct, Sll papers, 14kf, below wholesale $1500 813 391 4296 DIAMOND RINO beautiful marquis, 1 ct, divorce causes sale, 11100 113 733 7511 oliowov driver copies, 55, TREADMILL Llfestyler, motor Ized, runs fine. $175 Call eves wknds 813 536 6366 picture 500000 GAS BURNER 1200 BTU, metal standtable, tank connector.
cookout, $45 113 736-2181 Coll 813 532 2118 813 58 698' graph shafts. 149 613 536 3635 Call 813-538-2101 484 ONLY $400; ft 36 ONLY $200 with keyboard, monitor mouse, 813-127 0740 GOLF CLUBS New Ih 13 5 met ol wds 858, copies SS graph shft. 1129set 813 536 3635 RFADMILL NORDICTRACK WalkFIt, excellent cond $125 813 544 9253 COUCH and recllner Blue good condition Very comfortable $JS0botri 813 789 1498 COUCH ft CHAIR matching $150, end table $10. King size GATES 5 sets of Ornamental wrought Iron gates $1000 obo Call 352 684 1180 PASS A GRILLE 305 Gulf Wov I TV RCA COLOR Stereo w3 yr warrontv ports labor 5 Bose speakers wSnrround Sound ft JVC receiver $1,91 Obo 813 843 4 744 HOT TUB Softub portoble, holds 4 adults, no spec wir ini usos 110, motor ft pump lest than 1 vr old. incl cover $1000 813-M5-I291 ROCKER RECLINER CHAIR, rose $25 81 123 1240 800 12 Av Lot 622 COMPUTER CRAFT WE WILL BEAT ANY ADVERTISED PRICE Complete Systems 686 700mmx $578.
686-233mmx $633, K6 233mmx $676, P-233 mmx $623. PI I -233 $999 PII-266 $1099, 1 1 300 $1189, PH 333 $1599 Multimedia Internet Ready IBM P200mx Tx 1Mb $155 GO CART Factory built ANTIQUECOLLECTIBLE 200 Dealer Extravaganza 337 1-5, 328 9-5, 379 1H 30 SAPASOTA FAIRGROUNDS Admis: S5 Fri, 43 SatSun wad tTT if Mf WORD PROCESSOR $2570R best offer 813 531 6062 pad 171. iimmsi AOUARIUM 55 gallon, complete setup. $300or best otter 613 323 8921 AOUARIUM 58 gal Oceann stand, lites, protein skim, filter neater, coro'. $3O0 613 420 7344 Mitsubishi ft AAagni TV'S 77" iM 'ere otnj f-omiiy An tique furniture, dishes, glassware, oriental1 rugs, knick knacks, pictures, linens, costume jewelry, many household items Fri 10-4 DIAMOND RING LADIES, 4.12 ct.
princess cut diamond VSI, I with 21 princess cut invisibly set diamonds, plat loom 24 kt gold Certified op proisoi value $45,110 Asking 113 7N-N1I Diamond Rings 1 ct PIANOORGAN Yamaha Clovi nova CVP4. Excel. Full kybrd. rythm, bench headphones books II 400OQO 813 644 5770 PIANO PLAYER 12495 w60 rolls of music. Sting II, by Aeolian 113 3974)355 PIANO SCHUBERTShlny Black, inc.
condition. New, 1 yr warranty 1)500 113 715 9445 PIANO STEINWAY vertegrond 57 upright blck satin lacquer Classic' 113 121-6549 14150 PIANO WBENCH, Console, Excellent cond Must Sen $650 You houl Call 113 716-5723 9t MM Supplies Outside of Cttrut DRILL PRESS 13' DELTA BENCH 1 I 990 on METAL STAND-LIKE NEW $145. 1 DELTA 2 SPO. 16' SCROLL SAW ON STAND 40 560 $130 OBO 352-628 9063 3 months new 5hn $600 813 527 3121 SECTIONAL 2 Piece Like new, will deliver $775 113-144-01H vox, with remotes Excellent COUCH liqh' ton leather full size, overstuffed $425 Call 113 363 6453. rond! 5300 eoch i 1 iw HEWLETT PACKARD Laser Jet III.
Excel, cond $375 813-581 798 TREADMILL PROFORM Crosswalk bv Sears, 3 yrs old new 1500 sell $200 813 789 5894 TREADMILL Rnadmaster hardly used $100 firm 613 525 1989 TREADMILL Too of the line Compares at $7495 Still In box Must sell $875 61 3 535-4977 OVEN Built in Jennolr. blk gloss Gas Grill. Downdraft Jr $300en. 813726 1756 RANGE 10 Toppen. almond excellent condition $95 813 546-2435 DINING TABLE w4 chr Wrght iron Oct 12" LF, Flo menco Pot $35 113-393 7227 DINING TABLE w1 chairs.
$1000. plus misc household turn $100 $500 Col 1 113-397 5952 DINING TABLE wslxchairs white tile top wmtrhrtg hutch tmos old $450 dinette table w4cholrs $100 113-799 77SS DINNC ROOM SET formal country, 6 chairs (Incl 2 coot Jlahted hytcAJTM. 8I153135I7 DRESSER. Chest of drawers T.V. stand, matching.
Red ft Black. Scan Design Coffee Table Gloss ft Blan- Iror $150obo 813 194 4422 GOLF CLUBS Ping Eye 2 Graphite shaft Irons, Oranoe Dot, 2-PW, 1475 813 938 1000 GOLF CLUBS Ping original Eye, block dot, 3 PW. $700 ohn 613 367 2947 GOLF CLUBS Ping Zing, 2 Irons, 3 PW, new grips Excel $425. Also avail Ping Sedona Putter, BeCu SW 357 799 4571 GOLF CLUBS, bike, tools, misc appliances, furniture $99 4450JOJs1Ave 813 0770 ELECTRIC POWER TV Zenith 19" color, wo-ks great $175. COUCH ft LOVESEAT All VASELINE GLASS Must sell collection $400, will seporot.
Coll Rob 813-725 1626 GRACELAND WINE 6 bottles in crote, 40th Annlv of Jo; House Rock $2600 CHINA CABINET 1940s. Ma nogonv, curved glass door $400 813-856 9401 BEANIE BABIES Prlncett DI Bears $l65en Coll 813-593-064 or 536 8984 PETER MAX I 10" original painting 4 2x3' signed postrr $250 $4500 941 778-0812 4 R. BLISS mounted Eogle knives, Franklin Mini 90obo 813 772 9015 PERSIAN RUGS Silk Ghom Tabriz Perfect condition $5000 8133W 007V SMOKING JOE CAMEL 8. Win ston Lighters, Shirts, Shorts 130 PCS $400 813 560 50 36 CABINET oak, shelves, excel lent cond $150. Desk with choir $100 813 323 543 DINNER SET Currier Ives Col lectobte Blue, 43 pieces $99 SECTIONAL Bernhardt, like new, 4 pc taupebeige, modu lor, flexible pieces Orig $7700 sac $1200 obo 113 715 49M Care WHEELCHAIR Tuft HI 3 785-1010 Or 786 115 IBM P233mx TX 1Mb $195 IBM THINK PAD 770C.
16 meg http www craftpc rom ram. Win 95. 3 8 mndem. IBM ram. Win 95, 38 8 modem.
IBM Challenger wcharger. Like tbls, coffee ft son table, $900 WELDER PORTABLE Miller Big Forty on frll. $1995 Chopoff SAW (14ln) ft other equip. 352 716-3255 4515 new $7000 obo 813 784 4 GRANDFATHER CLOCK Almost new, beautiful, 3 chimney $950 obo 813 531 PC SERVICE 494 Utiliiy Trailers Outside of Citrus WEIGHT BENCH Leg Lift, Over-Head, Solid Bars, ol! steel I25lbs $99 813-392 3391 Range lappan. Microwave range incl hood good fiva.r 47 $300.
813-725 4772 RANGE TOPGRILL WITH fjowndroft Vent 36" White, vis 1800 Still In Box GROWLIGHT SYSTEM with tracking, $400 813 591132 GOLF CLUBS Putter. Face of a TEARDROP, bodv of PING Stainless steel $40 113 895 sool ABSOLUTE AUCTION THURS. 6:30 PM 3-16-91 Belleair Blltmore Estate ft More! Mohog BR, tbls, chrs; deco chit; Splnnet ft Kneehole dsks; Oak curios, tblchrs, Chippendale sofa. Oriental buffet, cabmirror; corner stands; rocker, etc. Ficks Reed whw ration sofa set cof ends, etlgere, tblchrs.
buffet; Henry Link whw BR, ET cntr; DRs; Bossett ft Bridge BRs; Univ. whw tblchrs; I eather sotachr; teak tbls, whw desk chr; wall units, sofassets; rolftpdsk; okcoses; ET cntrt; Bakers racks, coftends; T-cart; beds, davbed. bunkbd. TV's; VCR; refrlgs; sfove; mlcro; lamps- foosball; kid carstovs, etc PM, China; Ainsley, Sterling; Boople; Venetian; Collector ft Tiffany plates; Hoeger; A.Drake ft Knowles Dolls; Oriental plaques ft vases; jewelry; gloss; rugs ft more. View lOom Sale.
Mai Cr. C. PEAco*ck AUCTION CO "The Professionals" ABI60 AU175 10 Buy Prem Jim Peaco*ck. Auctioneer 6196126 Ave N. Largo 113 535 7495 813J35-7W7 PIANO Wurlirzer, beautiful, Cherry, humldifer, exc cond $1200obo 813 367-6597 45! Ma(hiery Ami loots Outside of Citrus SPICE GIRL DOLLS Complete of $.
New In box Rare tt being discontin ud. $254 cash Few indivldu als, SS4Vc IU-W 7M BEDROOM COLLECTORS Hevwood Wakefield, twin set frame, boxmatt, 2 nltestonds chest of drawers, ladies dress Ing table wround swivel seat no mirror, 15000 BI3-784-57W PICTURE 3 hand crofted in 3x5 frame, dorx blue velvet background surround fore ground mode of shells, music A suitor motif, vcr, tostefu' tiff 813 066-6526 BED ft mttfttess, dole 145 Vol vet burgundy sofa 135 Patio furn table chairs ft 2 lounge chairs $100 Oinnette set 150 Din rm set 1100 Humidifier 130 813 577 1420 191-6177 BED Queen cherrywood sleigh hdbrd ft ftbrd set wbik wrought iron unused still boved tost $550 sell 1225 111 25ft2315 nO Roll awov Dinette se' 28 Draftsman desk 15. End tobies 13. more 113-314 54)91 BED Serto Perfect Sleeper Mot IXK UBQ 813 8634)662 SECTIONALSOFA 3 PC Lane, like new wwrought Iron coffee table $1,000 BU32II SECTIONAL SOFA, 1 PCE dark grn cloth, Incl 2 recllners, Moeowov comportment, qn sofa sleeper ft cornerplece I ynew 11225gbo39353j3 SECTIONAL SOFA large, rat ton, beautiful ftorol print $325 Glass coffee table ft end table $40 good cond 11354)1 74W SLEEPER-QUEEN ontique DPFSSER OAK 5 drawer. very good shope $65 111 797 5792.
WORKOUT STATION All pur pose' BMI, with 400 pounds of weights! $500 613 847 SrompsCoiM'HohbiM Outsido of Cirrus 70 ct oval $1200, 47 ct pear $1550, 47 ct heart $650 Ct rnd $450000 352 597 4394 DIAMOND SOLITARE 2.30 ct color $3300 1 ,01 ct GSI2 $2150 1 01 ct E51 $3150 113-6114105 DIVE WATCH CITIZEN Aquoland Pro, 2 bonds. $175 obo. Coll ENGAGEMENT RINO 80 ct brilliant cut. has all popers. appraised at $2600, set! $1200 Day 531 2445, eves 113 5 79 9452 ENGAGEMENT RING (CZ).
2 CT, pear shope center stone. 6 stones 1275 cosh 352 6N-5N1 GEMSTONE A Loose Emer olds 1 15 carat, emerald cut t450rvr 113 535 9915 aftr 3om AOUARIUM- 60 gal fresh, wwood stndnew. glass cover exotic goldfish, pump125 gal clean, cleon. $400 613 397-9111 AOUARIUM 75 gol solt, Hi stand, complete set up. monv extras $375 813 934 7236 AOUARIUM 8' 14 GAL SALT water Metar hoi I ides 4 set up no stand $600 813 726-1714 AOUARIUM 80 gal wook stand $400 firm, beautrfu' coral incl 813-384-005 AOUARIUM Awesome lOOooi comp, Mag 350 Peng 330 DWIS pump $625.
813-M8-3W6 AOUARIUM Custom 200 gallon Mini reef, lighfj, chiller, wet dry, ozone Complete setup $25011 obo 813-938 9313 AOUARIUM-salt water 760 gal new pump ligW Inc coral 8. i Sll0bo 813-593-1444 "FFRIGERATOR 16cf GE 11 iremoker almond $100 Micro $50 813 576-0172 421 Garage I Yard Sales North Gulf Beaches Arte 6 BAY ESPLANADE 931 Bch Fri Sat 8-3 True old fashion est sale no reasonable offer ret 1970 prints, frames, Icort, nuttings, parrishes, sheet mu sic. pottery, 'amps, toys, flsh'g lures, pattern glass PS Prussia, flow blue, Hummels. figurines, bks 35 yr collection DEVON DR, 1M Clwr Bch. take 1st 3 left turns Antiques, col 42! Garoae i Yard Sales Largo Area 9 TFpp cyv tools, mlsc household items FrlSat-4.
Sun 11 3 obo. II 721533, 460 981 COUCH ft matching sofobed loveseat, dining room toble ft 4 chairs $tXVoboS 113 945 0417 COUCH ft STUFFED CHAIR ontloue $1,000 single wo terbed ft desk set $200 Pino fwrtgjoblell 00 JW44t! COUCH wfootool, floral, $300 Dining set, ft wd. 4 chrs $100 Sealy mattress, pillow top. kg sz 1380 all like new 113-523-4205 COUCHES SIN ft Aswllonres. futon, micro, fridge, more AJIIJnsgt ft.
113 717-4)14 COUCHES (2) end tables ft mini rrfngeratof. oood cond 400rrl' 111 1944)241 HERITAGE 2 Kirby sweeper convenient grp attachments ft rug renovator $200 Sharp mi crowave, lyr old. exc cond $175 Stereo shelf svs wdual coss. 3 disc player, less than lyr old, new $329 sell $175. Peel face recorder ft plover 70 topes $150 813 53 3750 GOLF CLUBS, laylor Mode II Driver $150.
Odyssey Putter 143, Ping Putter $30. Adorns Driver $125 113-577-2413 GOLF CLUBS: Titlelst DTR 3 SW. good rond $150 SNOW SKIS Volkl P9 SLC, 195 CM. Scott racing poles $200 113-194-4422 FI ECTRIC SCOOTERS 3 WHEEL. Reconditioned FROM $4N Shop warronteerj Parkwood Medical Equipment 613-149 2577 100 25 3054 HOVEROUND LTV electric seat lift.
Like new Cost $5000 Sell 11450 Call 113 716 3222 LAMP PSORIASIS 6FT upright $50ctbo Pd $1500 Clears skin fast. 113 392 4 729 LIFE ALERT MACHINE Good condition 19vobo. 113-723-9167 LIFT CHAIR S4N, wheel chair $706 bed side comode Ill Ml 2954 after 5 or wtrndt AfE UTILITY tRAILER enclosed 110AC, 17 volt DC. cor ramp Electric brakes. $4200 w'out hitch $4400 whltth ft dec brakes 813-375-8516 IH 14 OPEN TRAILER singhS axel, mesh sidings, tool box, spring loaded gate $950 113 7114006 4X1 UTILITY TRAILER Hi rolling, base is old popup RECORDERRtel reel Tas con 181, I frock console, like new, SSN.
113 711 3431 SAX SOPRANO good cond. high key, pldvs well, 7 necks, 7 mouthpieces $450. 6)3 447 15N SAXOPHONE ALTO Buescner. Good cond $350 613 796 4154 1 SX IN DITCHWITCH PLOW with ottotchments $2000 813 I27-JS1. 32 X40 SOLID STitL work to ble $100 Vorious Boston gear drives S20eo.
110 volt 2000watt generators $50eo 12" Rodlx feeder $300 813 939 8070 case Incl $89Sobo 813 458 4858 PRINTER Digital DEC Writer 65 color printer, never used, like new $200000 B'3 867 1537 14" SVGA MONITOR $85 Petium 200MX romputer $499 813-894-2135 34 DX with VGA color monitor, keyboard, $115. 113-527 -6251 44 OX 13 8mg Ram, 33.6 modem. 14" SVGA mon. ft more. Mliari527J534gft Jpm PENTIUM 210 MMX, CD rom, modem, sound, spkrt, extras.
$500 Pgr 136 4066813 734 1 848 IBM 7(6 clone. B7W monitor, keyboard. Ponosonic printer, great cond $150 813 393-6130 DRESSER Triple 2 mirrors, 7 night stands, queen head board. $250 813 392 0542 ON-SITE or IN HOUSE 3170 24 AvN 5tPete813 327 7559 17920 US 19 Clw 813 536-0090 COMPUTER EXPRESS We will match any Advertised Price Complete Systems Intel 166mmx $599 233mmx, $969 PI I 233 $1259 00 Multi-Media ft internet Reodv 325DRAM 3.2 HD Win 95 http 7wwwedpexpress.com Goldstar II" SVGA $179.00 Pre-Owned Notebook $400Ud We Buy Used See Our Reseller Specials 11618 49th St Clw 813 572 5308 "EFRiGERATO Amana 26cf water ir disp white, 4vr new $500 113-523-4205 Chest Fruit tress ft noirsp'ing. M'" ir pns rirm 614-JOt) 156 DRESSER Triple wmlrr of Drawers, 2 tables wood.
$300 152 614 2010 1 IONEL TRAINS Some Post War ft Some MPC. Besi over $500 113-717 SS1I, MOTE CONTROL Airplane lir bar n'lo I'S I. rn oei-vrr tit. 113 532 9140 HOME SECURITY ALARM portable, no Instai or fees, like new $225 813942 91(30 OOLF CLUBS lap Flight rour Oversize Irons Firm grnohite 1. 3-sw.
2 yrs old. 1425 Wise exceLcond 1275 I' 3 343 7975 SLEEPER SOFABassett, mod ern, queen postel colors, exc rond, $275 813 446-S601 SETS Twin 190. Full Size, BED coiiet rion ui wnn spore oar'- SAXOPHONE Alto, Yamaha model YAS73, stood condition $475 Coll 113-3fr54t DRESSER Trpl, French prov, Ivstry $235 rnHrr; Chest of drwr I 1245. Hr new 113 595 3994 REFRIGERATOR frolt tt. 1 yrs rtw, elelux wlce "Oker $7M new asking $456 ill 540-tTW REFRIGERATOH GE 14 2 Ice mcKrer, almond, mint s-xyj mj $(04lU) TABLE 1940S mahogany 42" round $200 Corner rat, matton glQSS doors $300 813 595 3603 DOLLS Mode to Antique Selling collertjor $5 im 113-34-I7W! I'lOobo 813 546 5775 57: I ENOK Fine Snow Lily China, Moonspun crstol Perfect cond Cream wplotinum bond 124pc place settrnos, 8, beverage glasses var other pes ra-ns $120, Queen, Frames ust sell 113-906 mw 1820 DITCHWITCH trencher boring attachments ft trailer like new S75M.
113-127 0516 ALIGNMENT RACK Hunter, rolling iacks, turntables ft align svs $2500 813 461 2104 rl uellverv sirMBrr JACUZZI BATHTUB ft Match ng designer Toilet, Kohier brond, paid $500, sacrifice Call 113-526-4477 mem 5Pi.