The Caledonian-Record from St. Johnsbury, Vermont (2024)

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The Caledonian-Recordi

St. Johnsbury, Vermont

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1 CALEDON I A -RECORD MONDAY MAY IB 1933 PAGE SIX days with his parents Mr and Mrs A Rrewer Mrs Paige returned to Haverill Mass Friday after spending a week with friends here and St Johnsbury Mr and Mrs Chauricey Barn- ett spent the week-end with Mr and Mis Clyde Warren East Ryegate Mr and Mrs William Duval buve moved Irom a tenement in Wanted Articles For Sale Concord The Henevolent Society met with Mrs I (avid Crockett East St Johnsbury Wednesday afternoon Muy 4 twenty eight were in attendance Mrs Paige gave a very interesting talk on her trip to Florida where she spent some time during the winter Refreshments of molded salad hot rolls cookies tea and coffee were served by the hostess committee The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Harold Ruiter Wednesday June 1 Mr and Mrs Elmer Reed were guests of their daughter Carpentei and cement work promptly attended to Get my prices on all jobs James Murphy Tel 727-W 224tf flat alto Buescher saxophone Reasonable Collins Farr 104 Main St 253-258 Cedar posts in all sixes Gilman Brothers Tel 255-M 246-203 Bantam hatching eggs Tel 918-J rm( TWf GLQOm Block to Henry George Miltimore went to spend some time in her family Union house Mis Friday brother 253-258 Wanted To Buy We need Used Tires Must bf suitable for Retreading No break not too old The Goss Co mtt Used furniture Tel 163-M3 253-258 Mrs Howard Bennett and family St Johnsbury Day Newport High neat Mr and Mrs Howard Day and Derby By 10 To 3 Scare daughter Pearl of Newport were guests of Mrs mother Mrs (Continued from Page Five) Used white enamel corner lava tory with trap faucets and fittings $500 A good used hot water 231-M Hov-ey 254 tf CALEDONIAN-RECORD CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 10c per line for one Insertion 6c per line for two three or four insertions 4c per line for five or six insertions Average five words to the line Names telephone numbers sudresses must be included when counting total words Advertisem*nts ordeied for irregular insertions take one time insertion rate MINIMUM CHARGE 25c BILLS All classified advertisem*nts to be acceptable for limited credit must be ordered by a telephone subscriber All other ads must be paid for with copy Semi your remittance with copy to insure prompt publication ERRORS If an error is made the advertiser should notify 770 immediately The Caledonian is responsible for only one incorrect insertion CLOSING TIME Ads received after 11 A cannot be interced under the proper classification until the following day Ads Are Payable In Advance To Avoid Delay Remittance Should Accompany Your Order CALL 770- ASK FOR CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Lost Lost: Gray cat with white throat and white collar mark on neck Tel 80!) 258-26(1 Lost: Pair of glasses on Summer St or Central or between Summer St school and St Johnsbury House Tel 809 258-260 LYNDONVILLE Marguerite Perkins of Lyndon-j ville a senior at the University of Vermont was recently elected permanent secretary of this I senior class $175 with 7 in arms Brown Lyndon-' 265-260 pullets I Dahlberg Tel 834 -M 255-260 refrigerator Has glass and one Perfect condition place with li-1 right A Vance 258-262 set Two tone size crib 53 by 30 Good price for 1036-W 258-263 1 ey Bin man Searlcs and Skoll were good for the final three tallies which Newport put over in the sixth A hit by Eaton and an infield error meant another run for Derby in the seventh The Newport infield flashed two double killings as the feature of their play in the field Jimmy Cavanaugh Dale Brooks and Bobby Searles ran off the first in the sixth with Hunt and May on the paths Len Derrick pulled the second one unassisted in the eighth With one out May walked and Palin cracked a hit which sent him around to second Eaton who had 5 nursery been meeting the ball squarely on most of his trips to the drove one on a line that had hit written all over it Derrick was coming in fast expecting a hunt and he took the drive and dashed buck to the hag to cut off return tank $500 Tel Lawn chairs high backs Norris ville Tel Last 35c lb Susie 6 ft McCray ice four doors three with mirror Ideal for business cense Price is Albany Vt i ivory Large mattress like new cash Tel Help for the next 4 months of Send 1 THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY MAKE the most of your reading hours Enjoy the wit the wisdom the companionship the charm that have made the ATLANTIC for over seventy-five years most quoted and most cherished magazine Send $1 (mentioning this ad) to The Atlantic Monthly 8 Arlington St Boston Franklin Hovey Dental X-Ray OiugnoP2 Open Mon liars and Sat Evenings By Appointment 33 Mam St Bhone 6(1 RYEGATE Ruth White of East Ryegate a senior at the University of Vermont was recently elected permanent vice-president of this senior class White of East Ryegate a sophom*ore at the University of I Vermont was recently elected the sophom*ore representative from the Agricultural College to FacultyStudent Council Beaton (Tf South Ryegate I a sophom*ore at the University of Vermont was recently elected the sophom*ore representative from the Arts College to Faculty-Studnnt Council Wanted-Female HOLLAND Licensed AW- Funeral Livestock Wanted Old or injured cows and horses to fed animals Howard Tel 195 250-273 109 Main St Phone 705 CLASSIFIED AD REPLIES At 10 A today there were replies i the Caletl nian office for the dver Users having the following letters BOX BOX Pastry cook Apply in person at Woodsville Cafe Woodsville 248 tf Woman for general housework to have charge of home Ray Miller 1 St Johnsbury 253-258 A middle aged woman or girl for housework in small family Must like children and be able to cook New and second hand harnesses gwedinh Maaitp and collars One hay horse 9 years Health Thru old weight 1450 One pair brown and black weight 2800 Several odd horses Turner Barnet Vt 250tf ARTHUR Masseur and Treatments also Almyra Lunnie Sunday Chauncey Barnett has commenced his work as Motor patrolman between and Concord Mrs Martin has opened Misses Hazel and Eleanor Osgood came Friday from Great Neck I where they have positions Miss Hazel returned Monday night Eleanor remaining for an indefinite stay Mr and Mrs Claude Miltimore i and daughters Bernette and Sally Ann of Bane were over Sunday guests of Mr mother Mrs A Miltimore Flunk Pierce was a business visitor in Franklin Saturday and was in Waterbury on Monday on business Miss Mildred McFarlin has finished work at the Spanish Villa St Johnsbury and is employed at Green Mountain Hall Adolphus Forrest of Bane visited his sister Mrs part of last week Mrs Higgins was with I her son Floyd Higgins and fam-j ily from Wednesday until Saturday Mr and Mrs Willard Buker Newport spent the week-end with i relatives in town Miss Mavis Wilson was home from her school at Salem-l)erby for the week-end Mr and Mrs Ira Peck and Mi and Mrs Kenneth Morrill St Johnsbury' were at their cottages at Shadow Lake for the week-end Mr and Mrs Clarence Williams of East Concord visited his mother Mrs Minnie Williams Day taking her for a ride to visit her daughter Mrs Will Dodge and family in South Newbury Mrs Yvonne Lebeau and Mrs Georgia Forrest visited Mrs Louis Jenson the last of the week Fred Lillicrap and Harold Lunnie were visitors in Barre Friday Mrs Carrie Williams went i urday to Massachusetts for a vist with relatives Miss Gagie Frost of Providence I is visiting at the home of Mrs Mary Whipple Mr and Mrs Graves were in East St Johnsbury Monday Mrs Elwin Twombly and son and Mrs Freeman Isham and daughter who have been patients at the home of Mrs Graves i have returned to their homes Visitors of Mr and Mrs Graves during the week were Mr and Mrs Bailey and Mrs Zora Clark of Passumpsic and Roy Blodgett of Danville Francis Southworth Concord Reducing erfect BESSETTE Physio-Therapist given in your home by appointment 6 Harvey St Phone Conn 257-258 donville Real Estate For Sale 75 acre farm six miles from St Johnsbury trout brook watered pasture mail delivered new roof on house and barn electric lights never failing spring water running into house garage and milk house Price $1200 Half down Might trade Situated in Waterford on road from Stiles Pond to Concord village Cash paid for old or injured horses Bean Passumpsic Tel 1148-M 252tf Furnished Apts Furnished apt Tel 970-R 122tf Furnished Apt 18 Central St 253-258 If In The Line Of Modern PLUMBING SUPPLIES WE HAVE IT DUNBAR Tel 75 Barnet Vt Newport Sheehan ss Rooney cf Hinman cf rf Searles lb Skoll If Hamilton Cavanaugh 3b Brooks 2b Derrick 3b Totals Derby Ladd 3b Chase Darby lb Hunt ss May cf Palin 2b Eaton If Perkins rf Kiehne ss Totals Innings 1 2 Derby 0 2 Newport 3 0 Two-base hits: Skoll Hamilton Cavanaugh Three-base its- Sheehan-Searles Sacrifice hits: Rooney Stolen bases: Rooney 2 Hinman Skoll HanMltOn Brooks Eaton First base on balls off Sheehan 2 Hunt 1 Struck out by Rttoney 1 Sheehan 5 Kiehne Livestock For Sale 3 room furnished Apt 29 Summer St 240tf A DOW Exclusive Agent St Johnsbury Vt room furnished apt 24 Central I 240tf St SAVE MONEY ON: Accounting Auditing Balance Sheets Bookkeeping Budgets Cost Accounting' Income Statementa Inventories Investigations Labor Recorus Statistical Statements Hire a trained and experienced Accountant $100 PER HOU1? EDMUND 5TELLL Frost Ave Tel 121f HORSES HORSES A carload of Ohio farm chunks to arrive Monday May 16 Another carload to arrive Thursday May 19 These horses are all gentle and well broken We keep the prices down and sell them with a money back guarantee Also cows taken in trade Lesnick Livestock Co 1 mile north of Marshfield on St Johnsbury road 255-258 2 tenement house at 25 Mt Pleasant St See Sam Garund 38 Maple St 253-264 Tenement house henhouse garage barn ties 3 cows Tel 721-W1 257-262 Dan ille 256-258 The guest speaker at the Club on Wednesday aftei-I noon was Dr Paulsen who gave a paper on Happi-i ness and Long after which there was a lengthy discussion Double plays: Cavanaugh-Brooks durjng whlch Dr Piulstn ailSW3r ed many questions It was voted that the next meeting be held at the town hall on May 24 when Miss Alice Wilson of St Johns to Searles Derrick unassisted Umpires: Rublee-D Kelley FUR SALE: Equipped blacksmith g(0ck bull Tel 721-MI shop on rented land village of St Johnsburv including shafting Belts pulleys anvil bellows lathe taps and dies saws small tools stock lumber and wired for electric power Could be used for other business Adjoining shop is a building used for living purposes bed Furnished Furnished rooms 24 Furnished room for Rooms Central St 243tf SPECIAL PRICES TO JUNE 1 10 Discount on Monuments Cemetery Sand Blact Lettering and Cleaning 15 Experience All Work Guaranteed CARROL1 ANAIR Box 155 Hardwick Vt man on Main St Tel 927 246-257 mi bedding stove etc Price for every bury is expected to speak The thimr ash Archie now Hardwick and the Cabot oman thing is $200 cash Archie Dow 30 Guardian of A McLaughlin 258tf Comfortable rooms St Railroad 253-258 Mrs sermon theme at the morning service at the Congregational Church Sunday was Mis Mother Call ed Him Emmanuel God Wit The young choir sang ar Room 57 Pearl St Tel 562 253-258 26 Large pleasant room St Tel 927 Railroad 246-263 was at his home for hymn Roses and a vase week-end of carnations presented by Mrs Miss Lucy Nichols was home Fred Flint in memory of her OLLIVER Dealer It Granite Marble MONUMENTS MARKERS 8 Clinton Avo St Johnsbury VI Housekeeping Rooms Two light housekeeping rooms heated and lighted 28 Summer St 253-258 3 or 4 rooms furnished heated and lighted 2 Pearl St Tel 714-W 258-263 For Sale or Rent mother Mrs Elizabeth Lawler were the decorations Mrs Gould Miss Jeane Moore Leroy Tyler and Roger from her work Day Mr and Mrs and children of at Danville for Louis Hammett Lincoln spent the week-end with friends Jlane Barnet attended an inter Village farm 20 acres of land House in A-l condition complete bathroom A wonderful place for market gardening also 5 room cottage garage and garden good repair Both located at Lyndon Dunbar Tel Lyndonville 167 258-263 clubs as well as the local Chamber of Commerce have been invited to attend Miss Maida Johnson and Miss Catherine McDonald of the Seni rr Class of High School attenl-ed Open House at the Lyndon Normal School Wednesday Schools were closed Friday that the teachers might attend the an nual convention of the Northeastern Vermont Tri-County Association at Barton Mrs Harold Sykes attended the funeral of Mrs Etta Pinkham at Lyndonville Wednesday afternoon Mrs Pinkham resided here The Home Demonstration group of West Danville was entertained Tuesday at the home of Mrs Harold Sykes At noon a dinner was served which included salads sandwiches pie and coffee Mrs Lorna White Home Demonstration Agent gave a talk on Mr and Mrs David Cassady and Mr and Mrs Lewis Brill of Lyndon called on Mrs Rodger Wednesday Mr and Mrs Carroll Crane of Franconia were in town Thursday to attend the funeral of Situations Wanted Male DR VITTY CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN NEUROCALOMETEJt XKAY DAILY: 10-11 AND r- EVENINGS: MON WED SAT 7 8 PHONE 208-M PYTHIAN HLG WILL HE SERVED! Genuine Orange Blossom Diamond rings are the unanimous choice of all smart young people and the replacement choice of lovely matrons who refuse to reveal their oge with outmoded rings Position by reliable young married man with chain store experience Good driver Will accept anything Write Box Caledonian 253-258 denominational conference at the Congregational Church Barre Monday afternoon and evening Rev and Mrs A Fisher have been guests of Mr and Mrs Rogers in Portland Me Mr and Mrs Glenn Pearl Francis Gochee Miss Viola Edmunds and iss Harriet Gould motored to Burlington Sunday afternoon Mrs John Murphy is a guest of relatives in Medford Mass Mr and Mrs Phelps motored to Barre Saturday Mrs My belle Perry Drew and Miss Louise Drew of Cambridge Mass called recently on Mr and Mrs Gleason Mrs Grace Brown returned GENUINE Situations Wanted Couple 30-35 want work on farm or summer place Best of references Box 14 Walden Vt 258-259 Personal Position as chauffeur or clerk in drug store Write Box Caledonian 258-262 in town Essex County Court resumed sessions Tuesday morning Sheriff Fred PL Hastings is in attendance with Ralph Ash Ward Bedell Frank Pierce Merlin Bradshaw and Homer Sargent as Petit Jurors Calvin Hastings is in Bellows Falls for the week Mr and Mrs Floyd Higgins and sons of St Johnsbury visited Mr Higgins parents Mr and Mrs PL Higgins Sunday Mrs Alfred Goudreault Sr visited her daughters Mrs Amy Lane and Mrs Lillian Leclerc in West Burke Sunday Mrs Mabel Thompson who has spent the winter with her daughter Mrs Baker went Wednesday to her home in Potter Place Henry Brooks Newport was in town Sunday Willard Brewer Plainfield has been spending several Engagement and Wedding Rings are created solely for those who would give or own the finest Unfurnished Apts Trusses fitted I or Kupuire I guarantee every truss I fit tu the rupture perfectly To Dv 3y and comfortable to give com olete satisfaction in every way Elastic Hosiery and Abdominal jupporters Telephone o- write foi ppointrYjnt Welcome Eastman Reliable Pharmacist 36-38 Eastern Ave Representative Boston Tenements Tel 274-W ifirH 1 Mfg Co ioou Maijei-s 0f fjnc shirts Complete line samples Mr Leon Holbrook Barnet Vt 254-259 home with Mrs Ethel McHurg of EugTene Hunt Tenement now ready Call 584-M 253-258 ST JOHNSBURY ROTARY CLUB Apt on the hill 32 Central St 249tf 5 room downstairs apt with bath Mrs Keniston Lyndonville Vt 258-260 Chas Howe Jeweler and Optometrist 86 Railroad St Tel 269 St Johnsbury Vt In Arlington A Prescott THE STORf WHERE YOUTH IS SERVED' Next regular meeting of the St 258-263 Johnsbury Rotary Club Monday May 16 at 1215 noon at the Colonial Restaurant Visiting Rotar-ians welcome Lucian Leclerc Pres A French Sec Private and Personal Forrest Green has gone to Bridgeport Conn where he has rtn-ployment Mis Ernest Hartshorn and Mrs Clarence Peck and little son Rodney were in Littleton Thursday in consultation with a specialist tor the little boy At the special town meeting held Thursday evening the article relating to the exemption from taxation for further period of five years for the manufacturing plant of the Danville Manufacturing Company was laid upon the table By a previous vote of the town on March 7 1933 all buildings rebuii following a fire are exempt from taxation for a period of five years Ralph Cahoon is confined to his home by illness Charles Eastman formerly a resident here passed away Thursday at his home in Wheelock Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in Wheelock with burial in the Danville Green Cemetery Business Places PASSUMPSIC LODGE NO 27 A Concord II who has been guest of Mrs Blanche Chase Mrs Wark of Hardwick is a guest of Mrs A Fisher Dr Gould who has been in Miami and Orlando Fla for four months returned home Wednesday A birthday party was held at the vestry Wednesday evening There were individual tables for each month appropriately decorat ed with a hostess presiding at each table Supper menu was meat loaf tomato sauce peas and mashed potatoes rolls and jello with whipped cream Miss Simpson presented a program of songs and recitations by the primary pupils' urd folk dances by the gramma) school students The May group Mrs White Mrs Tyler- Mrs Sund and Miss Moore with Mis Gould as adviser sponsored the supper Air and Mrs Downer Moore of Littleton were guests of Miss Jeane Moore Sunday afternoon Miss Lucy Buffum Burleigh Carpenter and Frederick Pauline Cosbi and Marion motored to Craftsbury and were guests of Mr anti Mrs Wheeler Sunday Mr and Mrs Selbie Bogie and family visited Carlot Bogie in Northfield Sunday FOR RENT Store opposite Littleton Bank Bldg (to be vacated June 1 by Goold) 1000 ft floor space steam heat A Dodge Tel 110 Littleton 256-258 00 The CH Goss Co Used Vehicles Situations Wanted Female 183 THIS COUPON and 5 others together with 44 cents entitles the holder to this offer- Can be redeemed at The CALEDONIAN-RECORD OFFICE 107 Eastern Avenue St Johnsbury Vt If you order by mail enclose 15 cents extra for postage to cover a radius of 150 miles from this office Name Address City Regular communication Thurs June 2 7:30 for dispatch of business Visiting brethren welcome at all communications FREDERICK BALDWIN 1929 Chrysler Coupe $125 Worshipful Master im Do(iKe 2-Dr Tour Sedan 675 1932 Hudson Sedan 245 FRED DOLLOFF Woman desires general housework Tel 404-M 257-259 Capable woman wishes housekeeping position with lone elderly person Living wage Mrs Tippett Railroad St 257-259 How can a loan he really personal and private if you have to aak friends and relatives to co-sitrn or endorse your note? At Prrsonnt you don't have to get co-makers hesitate to come in even if you don't have the kind of security required elsewhere Our main requirement ia just your ability to repay mnall regular amount You won't le asking us a favor We ll appreciate your calling Personal Loans up to S300 Personal FI ii a nee a FLOOR 2 182 No Main St Barre Vt Phone 317 tf Secretary CALEDONIA LODGE NO 6 I Help Wanted-Male Auto Loans Ready cash no unnecessary delay No red tape Car remains in your poasen-sion strictly confidential Twenty monthly payment plan Open 9 a to 6 in Monday evenings to 8 Call or write SILVER PLAN INC 196 Main St Burlington Vt 1928 Hupmobile Sedan 50 1937 Packard 4-I)r Tr Sedan 995 1930 Packard 4-Dr Sedan 165 I 1936 Pontiac 4-Dr Tr Sedan 575 1934 Terraplane 2-Dr Sedan 245 TRUCKS 1934 Chevrolet Ch Cab 225 1935 Chevrolet Ch Cab 245 1934 Ford Ch Stake 295 1932 Dodge Mec Dump 95 TURN TO THE Experienced farm hand married or single Tel Barnet 46-13 247 tf Right young man with car to train for managers position Singer Sewing Machine Co 107 Railroad St St Johnsbury Vt 258-263 One Casserole Cover and one Fiuit Dish make up the 33rd unit to be available at the Caledonian-Record office Saturday May 21 Three previous units consisting of one large Platter and one Fruit Dish three Soup Plates and two Cups and two Saucers are utill available Regular meeting Monday May 16 at 730 Cutting Lawton Sec.

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The Caledonian-Record from St. Johnsbury, Vermont (2024)
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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.