On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor's web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.
Costa Rica
. Nica denies plans to boost forces at border with CR over holidays
. Guatemala mediation in Nica/CR dispute unlikely; Chinchilla to amp
up border security
. Cables To Impede After Hours Navigation Of Colorado River
El Salvador
. Funes: United States supported his personal security
. One Dead, 15 Wounded in Grenade Blast in El Salvador
. Funes says Wikileaks chapter is closed, denies fears for personal
. Guatemala Declares State Of Siege Due To Zeta Presence Near Mexican
. Honduras to have 100MW of wind energy by end of 2011
. HRW denounces murders of 18 journalists and activists this year in
. Lobo wants to instill "fear of God" in cabinet
. Poll Reveals Widespread Rejection of Aleman's Presidential Bid
. Nica denies plans to boost forces at border with CR over holidays
. Guatemala mediation in Nica/CR dispute unlikely; Chinchilla to amp
up border security
. Panama is prepared to face natural disasters, says civil protection
system head
. Panama's VP forecast disaster for Canal expansion
. Panama denies wikileak saying US tried to manipulate tender for
Canal expansion
. FTA btw Panama, US advances, says Martinelli
. Jamaican Government Confirms Veracity of Cuba's WikiLeaks Report
. Natl Assembly Delegates Discuss Construction, Education, Trade
. Cuba's Raul Castro Meets PLA Ranking Official Ma Xiaotian in Havana
. Economy Minister Continues Discussion of Cuban Policies at ANPP
. Cuba's Raul Castro Natl Assembly Address: 'Not One Ounce of
Credibility in US Policy'
. Cuba & China Normalize Financial Relations
. Cuba's Cupet to Operate Oil Blocks Offshore Angola, Angop Says
. Reform will sustain socialism - R. Castro
. US Remittances to Cuba may be paid in Cuban pesos, as of today
. Cuba's econ changes will lead to self-employed sector of 2M ppl,
end of ration card
. Cuba foresees economic growth of 3.1% in 2011
. US monitored Spanish firms with investments in Cuba
Dominican Republic
. Wikileaks: Corruption in the Dominican Republic is "bold"
. Dominican Republic urges mass vaccination in neighboring Haiti
. Dominican Republic authorities confirmed 59 cases of cholera
. Dominican Republic urges mass vaccination in neighboring Haiti
. Haitians in U.S. Brace for Deportations to Resume
. Paraguayan troops travel to Haiti to support reconstruction
. Protests over cholera leave 1 dead
Costa Rica
Monday 20 December 2010
Cables To Impede After Hours Navigation Of Colorado River
Costa Rican supplying food and fuel to Nicaraguan troops to be charged
with treason, says President Chinchilla
Costa Rica's presidenta, Laura Chinchilla, announced that cables will be
placed on the Colorado river to avoid navigation after hours.
Although the presidenta was short on the details like the hours of
prohibition, she did make it clear that the move is a precautionary
measure in the face of a threat by the Nicaraguan army to navigate river,
which unlike the San Juan, is completely in Costa Rican territory.
Chinchilla also said that electronic devices will be installed for the
safety of the Colorado river water.
The presidenta also warned that anyone who supplies food and fuel to the
Nicaraguan troops occupying the dispute territory of the Isla Calero will
be charged with treason.
While Costa Rica is taking measures against a troop build up in the area,
Nicaraguan authorities ruled out any increase of troops in the border.
El Salvador
Funes: EE.UU. apoyo seguridad personal
>> Nego que tema a que FMLN le oiga sus llamadas
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El mandatario inauguro ayer el Primer Parque Inclusivo, en el Parque
Balboa, situado en Planes de Renderos. En declaraciones a la prensa, Funes
sostuvo que el mismo gobierno salvadoreno ha pedido informacion a su
embajador en Washington. FOTO EDH / MARIO AMAYA
El Servicio Secreto de Estados Unidos colaboro con el Estado Mayor
Presidencial para reforzar la seguridad del presidente Mauricio Funes. Asi
lo reconocio el mandatario quien, al mismo tiempo, nego que tenga temores
de que el FMLN intervenga sus llamadas telefonicas, tal como salio a
relucir en los cables que la embajada de Estados Unidos envio al
Departamento de Estado de ese pais, publicados por el sitio de
filtraciones WikiLeaks.
"Por espacio de tres semanas, miembros del Servicio Secreto estuvieron
saliendo con oficiales en mis caravanas para monitorear rutas,
desplazamientos, y encontraron algunos aciertos y fortalezas, pero tambien
encontraron debilidades que nos las hicieron saber a traves de un
informe", dijo Funes, quien por primera vez opino sobre los informes
Agrego que habia pedido colaboracion en ese sentido a otros paises como
Brasil y Espana. "Eso no significa que por ello estoy desconfiando del
FMLN o que tenga informacion de que el FMLN me ha infiltrado los
telefonos", acoto, y agrego que el FMLN no tiene "capacidad" para filtrar
llamadas telefonicas.
Califico ademas de "subjetivas" las declaraciones que el ex Encargado de
Negocios estadounidense destacado en el pais, Robert Blau, hiciera al
Departamento de Estado norteamericano.
En ese sentido, desestimo el peso que dichas declaraciones podrian tener,
en vista de que Blau "no es ni siquiera (funcionario) del primer nivel
dentro de la estructura jerarquizada de mando y responsabilidades en la
Embajada de los Estados Unidos. El no estaba fungiendo como embajador",
El sitio WikiLeaks tambien registra que el ex encargado de negocios de
Estados Unidos califico de "esquizofrenico" al gobierno de Funes ante el
Departamento de Estado norteamericano.
Funes dijo que ese adjetivo pudo haber sido utilizado "porque, por un
lado, esta el presidente, con un pensamiento, y por otro lado, el FMLN con
otro pensamiento".
El mandatario defendio la informacion que maneja la diplomacia
estadounidense, y senalo que otros gobiernos, incluso el salvadoreno, se
informa a traves de sus diplomaticos acreditados en cada pais.
"Eso no tiene que llamarse espionaje ni contraespionaje, es informacion
que pasa y que es legitima, que pasan los funcionarios de las diferentes
embajadas a sus respectivos gobiernos", dijo Funes ayer, durante la
inauguracion del Primer Parque Inclusivo para discapacitados en el Parque
Balboa, de Planes de Renderos.
Funes aseguro que el tema, para el, "es capitulo cerrado", en vista de que
los Estados Unidos seguiran recibiendo informacion de sus delegados
diplomaticos en todo el mundo.
Critico algunos senalamientos de sectores de oposicion que ven un posible
clima de inestabilidad en el pais, en vista del contenido de los cables
enviados por la Embajada estadounidense, segun los cuales, Funes tiene una
relacion resquebrajada con el FMLN.
"Que descubrimiento, o sea que ellos descubrieron la orilla azul de la
bacinica. Y quien no sabe que en El Salvador hay diferencias de opinion,
de criterio, de percepcion, de analisis entre el Presidente de la
Republica y el partido de Gobierno, si yo mismo las he aceptado y las he
hecho publicas... Claro que hay diferencias", admitio Funes.
Funes: United States support personal safety
"He denied that issue to hear their calls FMLN
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The president inaugurated yesterday the First Inclusive Park in Balboa
Park, located in Renderos Plans. Speaking to the press, Funes said that
the Salvadoran government itself had requested information from its
ambassador in Washington. EDH PHOTO / MARIO AMAYA
The United States Secret Service worked with the Presidential to
strengthen the security of the president Mauricio Funes. This was
acknowledged by the president who, at the same time, he denied having
fears that the FMLN involved telephone calls, as it emerged in the cables
that the U.S. Embassy sent the Department of State of that country,
published by the seepage site WikiLeaks.
"For three weeks, the Secret Service officers were coming to my caravan to
monitor routes, movements, and found some successes and strengths but also
weaknesses that we found made them known through a report," Funes said,
who first said about the leaked reports.
He said he had asked for cooperation in this regard to other countries
like Brazil and Spain. "That does not mean I am therefore uneasy with the
FMLN or has information that the FMLN has infiltrated phones me," he said,
adding that the FMLN has "no capacity" to filter calls.
Also called the "subjective" statements that the former U.S. charge
d'affaires in the country featured, Robert Blau, did the U.S. State
In that sense, rejected the weight that such statements might have, given
that Blau "is not even (an official) of the first level within the
hierarchical structure of command and responsibilities in the United
States Embassy. He was not served as an ambassador, "he said.
The WikiLeaks site also records that the former charge d'affaires of the
United States described as "schizophrenic" Funes the government before the
U.S. State Department.
Funes said that such an adjective may have been used "because on one hand
is the president, with a thought, and on the other hand, the FMLN with
another thought."
The president defended the information handled by American diplomacy,
noting that other governments, including El Salvador, reported through its
diplomats in each country.
"That has to be called espionage or counter-intelligence, is information
that passes and that is legitimate, go by officials of different embassies
to their respective governments," Funes said yesterday during the
inauguration of the First Inclusive Park Handicap in Balboa Park ,
Renderos Plans.
Funes said the issue for him is closed chapter ", given that the United
States will continue to receive information from its diplomatic
representatives around the world.
He criticized some signs of opposition sectors that are a potential
climate of instability in the country, in view of the contents of cables
sent by the U.S. Embassy, according to which, Funes has a cracked
relationship with the FMLN.
"What a discovery, or whether they found the blue edge of the chair. And
who does not know that in El Salvador there are differences of opinion,
opinion, perception, analysis between the President and the ruling party,
if I have accepted myself and I have made public ... Of course there are
differences, "admitted Funes.
One Dead, 15 Wounded in Grenade Blast in El Salvador
SAN SALVADOR - One person was killed and at least 15 others were wounded
in a grenade blast at a video-game parlor in downtown San Salvador, El
Salvador's National Civilian Police, or PNC, said Sunday.
The incident occurred Saturday at the video-game establishment in the Hula
Hula section of the capital, where an M-67 fragmentation grenade exploded,
said the PNC chief at the station in downtown San Salvador, Gersan Perez.
"Apparently, it has to do with a problem between the (Mara) 18 and the MS
(Mara Salvatrucha) gangs," Perez said.
The 15 people wounded in the attack were taken to San Salvador hospitals,
where one was pronounced dead on arrival, the PNC chief said.
Hugo Alexander Perez, a 30-year-old man who sustained several abdominal
wounds and went into cardiac arrest, died in an ambulance on the way to
the hospital, the Diario de Hoy newspaper reported, citing a doctor at
Rosales Hospital.
Officers arrested a man after the blast who identified himself as a Mara
Salvatrucha member, the PNC chief said.
Investigators are still trying to determine whether the grenade was thrown
into the store or was "mishandled," the police spokesman said.
One person was killed on Dec. 9 when a grenade was thrown at San Salvador
City Hall, causing $20,000 in damage.
That attack came after city officials and peddlers squared off over a
municipal government plan to regulate activities in the capital's historic
The plan calls for removing street vendors' stalls and relocating them.
El Salvador's two largest violent youth gangs, known as "maras," are Mara
18 and Mara Salvatrucha.
Mara Salvatrucha is a criminal organization that evolved on the streets of
Los Angeles during the 1980s, with most of its members young Salvadorans
whose parents fled their nation's erstwhile civil war for the United
Because many of the gang members were born in El Salvador, they were
subject to deportation when rounded up during immigration crackdowns in
California in the 1990s.
Sent "home" to a land they barely knew, they formed gangs that spread
throughout El Salvador and to neighboring countries in Central America,
where membership is now counted in the tens, or even hundreds of
thousands, and gang members are engaged in murder, drug dealing,
kidnapping and people smuggling.
In addition to those activities, gang members are blamed throughout
Central America for a spike in rapes and robberies, and for running
protection rackets to extort "taxes" from bus companies and owners of
small businesses.
Police estimate that some 10,000 gang members, most of them affiliated
either with Mara 18 or Mara Salvatrucha operate in El Salvador.
President Mauricio Funes has implemented a security policy that calls for
deploying army troops in areas plagued by violence, which claims an
average of 13 lives per day in the Central American country.
Funes considera un capitulo cerrado los cables WikiLeaks y niega temor por
su seguridad
Por Agencia EFE - hace 19 horas
San Salvador, 19 dic (EFE).- El presidente de El Salvador, Mauricio Funes,
considero hoy "capitulo cerrado" las filtraciones de WikiLeaks, al tiempo
que admitio que ha habido diferencias de opinion con la ex guerrilla del
FMLN y que pidio asesoria del servicio secreto de EE.UU., aunque no por
temor a su seguridad.
"Para mi es capitulo cerrado (...) El Gobierno de EE.UU. va a seguir dando
informacion a traves de sus sedes diplomaticas y eso es lo que hacen todas
las sedes diplomaticas y eso no tiene por que llamarse espionaje ni
contraespionaje", declaro Funes a periodistas.
El mandatario aludio a la publicacion de cables secretos en los que la
embajada de EE.UU. en El Salvador opinaba en agosto de 2009 que la
cohabitacion entre Funes y sus socios de la antigua guerrilla del Frente
Farabundo Marti para la Liberacion Nacional (FMLN) estaba rota "en malos
terminos" y su divorcio "sellado".
Esos mensajes filtrados por WikiLeaks y difundidos por diario El Pais de
Espana senalan que el encargado de negocios de EE.UU. en El Salvador,
Robert Blau, consideraba que el mejor calificativo para definir al
Gobierno de cohabitacion era el de "esquizofrenico", tras un seguimiento
sobre la situacion en el Ejecutivo y ante la preocupacion de que "el duro
pulso politico acabe amenazando la fragil democracia del pais".
"?Quien no sabe que en El Salvador hay diferencias de opinion, de
criterio, de percepcion, de analisis, entre el presidente de la Republica
y el partido en Gobierno? Si las hay, si yo mismo las he aceptado, yo
mismo la he hecho publicas", afirmo Funes.
"En aquellos aspectos que no coincido con el FMLN, yo no tengo ningun
empacho en plantearlo y plantearlo con meridiana claridad porque es mi
responsabilidad", sostuvo, y aseguro que ha hecho publicas las diferencias
desde el primer dia de su Gobierno.
Cuestiono a sectores que advierten de que se "pone en riesgo la certeza
juridica del pais" o "se enrarece el clima politico", y lo atribuyo a "una
total ingenuidad o peor mala fe".
A su juicio, se trata de "una informacion subjetiva que da un funcionario
de una sede diplomatica de como esta percibiendo el pais".
"Una cosa es la percepcion que tenga el funcionario en cuestion y otra
cosa es la posicion oficial del Departamento de Estado, ahi es ahi donde
usted tiene que hacer la diferencia. Usted no puede tomar como posicion
oficial del Departamento de Estado, por lo menos de la secretaria
(Hillary) Clinton, la posicion de un funcionario que no es ni siquiera del
primer nivel", complemento.
Confirmo, por otra parte, que solicito la colaboracion del servicio
secreto de Estados Unidos para brindarle capacitacion y actualizacion a
los integrantes del Estado Mayor Presidencial, que se encarga de la
seguridad de Funes y de su familia.
Funes detallo que tambien pidio colaboracion en esta materia a su colega
de Brasil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, y al Gobierno espanol.
"Eso no significa que por ello estoy desconfiando del FMLN o que tenga
informacion de que el FMLN me ha infiltrado y mucho menos me ha infiltrado
los telefonos", puntualizo.
Sobre el calificativo de esquizofrenico con el que se describio su
Administracion, senalo que si el diplomatico estadounidense lo uso para
referirse a una "doble personalidad, porque por un lado esta el presidente
con un pensamiento y por otro lado esta el FMLN", en ese caso "el concepto
esta bien utilizado".
Funes asumio el poder el 1 de junio de 2009 como el primer presidente de
izquierda en la historia del pais.
Funes considered a closed chapter WikiLeaks cables and denies fear for
their safety
By Agencia EFE - 19 hours ago
San Salvador, Dec 19 (EFE) .- The president of El Salvador, Mauricio
Funes, said today "closed chapter" WikiLeaks leaks, while admitting that
there were differences of opinion with the former guerrillas of the FMLN
and advice requested U.S. Secret Service, but not fear for their safety.
"For me it closed chapter (...) The U.S. government will continue
providing information through its diplomatic and that's what all the
diplomatic missions and that does not have to be called espionage or
counterespionage" said Funes told reporters.
The president referred to the publication of secret cables in which the
U.S. embassy in El Salvador in August 2009 felt that cohabitation between
Funes and his associates of the former guerrillas of the Farabundo Marti
National Liberation Front (FMLN) was broken "on bad terms" and their
divorce "sealed."
These messages filtered by WikiLeaks and disseminated by Spain's El Pais
notes that the U.S. charge d'affaires in El Salvador, Robert Blau,
considered the best adjective to define the Government of cohabitation was
"schizophrenic" after monitoring the situation in the Executive and to the
concern that "the hard political pulse runs threatening a fragile
democracy the country. "
"Who does not know that in El Salvador there are differences of opinion,
opinion, perception, analysis, between the president and the party in
government? Do exist, if I have accepted myself, I myself have made
public, "said Funes.
"In those areas that do not agree with the FMLN, I have no qualms about
plants and plants with clarity because it is my responsibility," he said,
and said he has made public the differences from the first day of his
Questioned sectors that warn that "threatens the country's legal
certainty" or "thins the political climate", and attributed it to "a total
naivete or worse bad faith."
In his view, it is "subjective information that gives an embassy official
on how the receiving country."
"One thing is the perception by the officer in question and another thing
is the official position of the Department of State, here is where you
have to make a difference. You can not be taken as official position of
the Department of State, at least the secretary (Hillary) Clinton, the
position of an official who is not even the first level ", he added.
Confirmed, moreover, requested the assistance of the United States Secret
Service to provide training and updating the members of the Presidential
Guard, which is responsible for the safety of Funes and his family.
Funes explained that also called for cooperation in this matter to its
Brazilian counterpart, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, and the Spanish
"That does not mean I am therefore uneasy with the FMLN or has information
that the FMLN has infiltrated me, much less cell infiltrate me," he said.
On the label of schizophrenia with that described his administration, said
that if the U.S. diplomat he used to refer to a "split personality,
because on one hand is the president with a thought and on the other side
is the FMLN, at that case "the concept is well used."
Funes took office on June 1, 2009 as the first leftist president in U.S.
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Guatemala Declares State Of Siege Due To Zeta Presence Near Mexican Border
The countryside in the northern department of Alta Verapaz, Guatemala.
Today in Latin America
Top Story - The Guatemalan government declared a state of siege Sunday and
has sent hundreds of troops to a northern province where officials claim a
Mexican drug gang is taking control of towns and threatening residents.
President Alvaro Colom announced that the emergency rule in in the Alta
Verapaz department - the term used to refer to provinces in Guatemala -
would last 30 days and allows the military to order anyone suspected of
conspiring against the government to be arrested and imprisoned without a
"It is to bring peace to the people and recover their confidence in the
government," Colom said, according to The Associated Press.
There was no major fighting reported in the department on Sunday and
pictures published by the local press showed armed military men stopping
vehicles in the streets. In the city of Coban, national police and
soldiers searched homes and inspected all cars as they entered and left
the department's capital.
Ronaldo Robles, a spokesman for President Colom, said that the department
had been overtaken by the Zetas drug gang. The Zetas are a group of
ex-soldiers who began as hit men for Mexico's Gulf drug cartel, but broke
out on their own and have become one of the most violent drug gangs not
only in Mexico, but throughout Central America.
Guatemala's decision to take measures against a Mexican drug organization
shows the reach that the Zetas have and the fact that the gang views the
country as a safer area to conduct business. Mexican President Felipe
Calderon began an effort in 2006 to combat the country's organized-crime
groups, which has resulted in both the capture of many principal drug
lords and the deaths of over 30,000 people.
"Mexican drug-trafficking groups are simply moving to Guatemala as a safer
place to conduct their operations," said Anita Isaacs, a political
scientist who studies Guatemala at Haverford College, according to The
Wall Street Journal.
Honduras contara con 100 MW de energia eolica a finales de 2011
Posted on Sunday Dec 19th at 5:39pm
En el primer semestre del proximo ano, la empresa Eolica de Honduras
entregara la subestacion de Santa Ana a la Empresa Nacional de Energia
Electrica (ENEE).
Luego de una semana de haber iniciado los trabajos de construccion del
parque eolico mas grande de Centroamerica, los tecnicos de la ENEE
realizaron la primera inspeccion a la zona.
Jose Moran, gerente de Desarrollo Energia Eolica de Honduras, explico que
"los tecnicos pudieron apreciar la rapidez con que estamos avanzando en la
construccion de la subestacion, cuando este terminada y energizada sera
transferida en total propiedad a la ENEE y esto sera alrededor de julio o
agosto del proximo ano".
Agrego que "la mision tecnica de la ENEE aprecio la calidad de los
trabajos, la responsabilidad con que se realiza la construccion, tanto
desde el punto de vista ambiental como el impacto a la comunidad".
La subestacion es el lugar donde se entregara la energia generada por el
proyecto, con una capacidad de 100 megavatios, que es la capacidad total
del proyecto.
Esta subestacion servira para dividir la linea actual que va desde la
subestacion Suyapa en Tegucigalpa hacia la subestacion de Pavana,
Esta ultima es una subestacion de interconexion entre El Salvador y
Nicaragua, donde tambien se conecta Lufussa. Esta subestacion esta
valorada en entre siete y ocho millones de dolares, en equipo y costos de
De acuerdo con las explicaciones de Moran, esta subestacion representa
para la ENEE una mejor confiabilidad de la linea, porque se instalara
equipo de proyeccion, el que permitira identificar con certeza donde se
encuentra alguna falla.
Ademas, parte de esas obras implican las mejoras de las lineas desde
Suyapa hasta Pavana, "estas obras adicionales se piensan realizar en el
primer semestre de 2011 y eso le permitira a la ENEE mover mayor cantidad
de energia".
Moran explico que "la idea nuestra es arrancar maquinas una por una y por
grupo en junio del proximo ano, de esa forma vamos entregando energia poco
a poco a la ENEE y la meta es instalar la totalidad de la energia en
noviembre y diciembre".
"Para que nosotros podamos arrancar una maquina tenemos que ser capaces de
alimentarla primero con electricidad para hacer las pruebas y
posteriormente enviar la energia que se genere en esa turbina, por eso es
importante la construccion de la subestacion", afirmo Moran.
El gerente de Desarrollo expreso que los tecnicos se fueron satisfechos
con las obras, "les sorprendio el avance tan rapido y eso nos da mucha
satisfaccion, porque despues de tantos anos estamos logrando las metas".
Evelyn Nunez, encargada de relaciones comunitarias de Energia Eolica de
Honduras, dijo que la poblacion tanto de Santa Ana y Sanbuenaventura ven
con gran expectativa el inicio de las obras.
Detallo que se activaran unos 400 puestos de trabajo dentro de los
proximos dos anos y 75 durante el periodo de mantenimiento del proyecto.
"Los predios donde se instala el proyecto son rentados y esto genera una
relacion con 250 familias, de las cuales muchas ya comenzaron a recibir
"El proyecto en la zona esta impulsando la economia, el traslado de
personas no solo de la construccion sino de estudiantes o instituciones
que impulsan energia renovable tambien esta generando mayor turismo",
comento Nunez.
Hasta el momento la empresa ha contribuido con las comunidades en
proyectos de electrificacion, agua potable y mejoramiento de escuelas,
entre otros.
Honduras will have 100 MW of wind power in late 2011
Posted on Sunday Dec 19th at 5:39 pm
In the first half of next year, the company delivered Wind substation
Honduras Santa Ana to the National Electricity Company (ENEE).
After a week of starting the construction of the largest wind farm in
Central America, ENEE technicians performed the first inspection of the
Jose Moran, manager of Wind Energy Development in Honduras, said that "the
technicians were able to see how fast we are moving in the construction of
the substation, when completed and energized in total property will be
transferred to ENEE and this will be around July or August next year. "
He added that "technical mission ENEE appreciated the quality of work, the
responsibility with which construction is done, both from the standpoint
of environmental and community impact."
The substation is the place to be given the power generated by the
project, with a capacity of 100 megawatts, which is the ability of the
This substation will serve to divide the current line that runs from the
substation Suyapa in Tegucigalpa to the substation Pavana, Choluteca.
The latter is an interconnection substation between El Salvador and
Nicaragua, which also connects Lufussa. This substation is valued at
between seven and eight million dollars in equipment and land costs.
According to Moran's explanations, this substation is for ENEE better
reliability of the line, because screening equipment will be installed,
which will identify with certainty where there is a failure.
Moreover, some of these works involve enhancements to the lines from
Suyapa Pavana, "these additional works are intended to perform in the
first half of 2011 and that ENEE will allow more energy to move."
Moran explained that "the idea is to boot our machines one by one and
group in June next year, that way we deliver power slowly to ENEE and the
aim is to install all power in November and December."
"For us to start a machine have to be able to feed her first with
electricity for testing and then send the energy generated in the turbine,
so it is important to build the substation," said Moran.
The Development Manager said that technicians were satisfied with the
works, "I was surprised by the progress so quickly and that gives us great
satisfaction, because after so many years we are achieving the goals."
Evelyn Nunez, in charge of community relations Honduras Wind Energy, said
the population of both Santa Ana and look with great expectation
Sanbuenaventura the start of work.
Detailed to be activated about 400 jobs within the next two years and 75
during the maintenance period of the project. "The land where you install
the project are rented and this creates a relationship with 250 families,
many of which have already begun to receive payments."
"The project area is driving the economy, the movement of people not only
of construction but of students and institutions that promote renewable
energy is also generating more tourism," Nunez said.
So far the company has contributed to the communities in electrification
projects, drinking water and improvement of schools, among others.
HRW denuncia 18 asesinatos de periodistas y activistas este ano en
(AFP) - Hace 1 hora.
WASHINGTON - La organizacion de defensa de los derechos humanos Human
Rights Watch (HRW) denuncio este lunes que desde la asuncion del
presidente Porfirio Lobo en Honduras en enero pasado 18 periodistas y
activistas han sido asesinados.
Ademas de los asesinatos, HRW ha recibido denuncias "creibles" de 29 casos
de ataques o amenazas contra reporteros, defensores de derechos humanos y
activistas politicos, segun un informe divulgado este lunes.
"A un ano y medio del golpe en Honduras, las consecuencias para los
derechos humanos se siguen sintiendo", afirmo el director para las
Americas de HRW, Jose Miguel Vivanco.
"Hasta que las autoridades hondurenas tomen medidas concretas para reducir
la impunidad y detener los ataques, sera dificil restaurar la credibilidad
en el sistema democratico del pais", dijo Vivanco.
HRW ha sido critica de la situacion de los derechos humanos en Honduras
desde el golpe de Estado de junio de 2009, cuando fue derrocado el
presidente Manuel Zelaya y tomo el poder un gobierno de facto.
Pero tras la llegada al poder en enero de Porfirio Lobo a traves de
elecciones, se siguen registrando abusos, segun la ONG.
De los 18 asesinatos, "muchos sucedieron en circunstancias que sugieren
que los crimenes tuvieron motivacion politica", indico HRW.
El gobierno de Lobo debe otorgar recursos adicionales a la unidad de
defensa de los derechos humanos, garantizar la independencia judicial y
permitir una comision internacional que investigue los crimenes, agrego
HRW report 18 murders of journalists and activists this year in Honduras
(AFP) - 1 hour ago.
WASHINGTON - The organization of advocacy group Human Rights Watch (HRW)
reported on Monday that since the inauguration of President Porfirio Lobo
in Honduras in January this year 18 journalists and activists have been
Besides the killings, Human Rights Watch has received allegations
"credible"in 29 cases of attacks or threats against journalists, human
rights defenders and political activists, according to a report released
"A year and a half of the coup in Honduras, the human rights implications
are still being felt, "the Americas director of HRW, Jose Miguel Vivanco.
"Until the Honduran authorities to take concrete measures to reduce
impunity and prevent attacks, it will be difficult to restore the
credibility of the democratic system, " said Vivanco.
HRW has been critical of the human rights situation in Honduras since the
coup of June 2009, when he was overthrown President Manuel Zelaya and took
over a government de facto.
But after coming to power in January Porfirio Lobo through elections, are
continuing to abuse, according to the NGO.
Of the 18 murders, "a lot happened in circumstances suggesting that the
crimes were politically motivated, " said HRW.
Lobo's government should give additional resources to defend the unity of
human rights, guarantee judicial independence and allow an international
commission to investigate crimes, HRW said.
Honduras: Lobo inculcara temor a Dios a gabinete
Pastores y sacerdotes seran parte de la estrategia
19.12.10 - Actualizado: 20.12.10 09:37am - Redaccion:
CALIFICAR 1 2 3 4 5 calificacion actual: votos: 0 10 comentarios
Imprimir Enviar
El presidente de Honduras, Porfirio Lobo, implementara una politica
nacional de valores y principios.
Lobo ha girado instrucciones para comenzar una cruzada en favor de
inspirar el temor a Dios en todos los funcionarios.
La mision ha sido encomendada al comisionado presidencial de Religion y
Culto, Carlos Portillo, quien se ha encargado de coordinar visitas a
ministros, viceministros, directores, gerentes y otros funcionarios en el
cumplimiento de una politica nacional de valores y principios.
Portillo ha dicho que el principal objetivo es inspirar el temor a Dios en
la mayoria de los funcionarios publicos, pero en particular a aquellos que
se encargan de manejar los recursos del Estado.
Politica de valores
"Existe una politica de Estado que es la politica nacional de valores y
Estamos tratando de hacer un corte transversal de la sociedad y los
funcionarios no son la excepcion; de hecho, necesitamos valores y
principios en los funcionarios porque son los que manejan los recursos del
Estado", manifesto Portillo. "Solo a traves de la palabra de Dios es
posible llegar a realizar esto porque con el temor a Dios el principio de
mayordomia se amplia y se aplica y de hecho eso es lo que estamos tratando
de hacer: que el funcionario sea mucho mas responsable en el manejo de los
recursos que no le pertenecen", sostuvo el comisionado de Religion y
Participan iglesias
En la iniciativa participan representantes de las diferentes iglesias que
operan en el pais.
"Estamos apoyandonos no solo con los pastores evangelicos, sino que con
las diferentes iglesias. Igual nos acompanan sacerdotes, pastores; nos
acompanan de diferentes denominaciones porque lo que pretendemos hacer es
estar con ellos".
"Este es un acompanamiento que hacemos como gobierno, por eso es que la
mision nuestra esta ligada a la Presidencia de la Republica y es la
voluntad expresa del Presidente que hagamos esta cosa y no vamos a dejar
de hacerlo", asevero.
El presidente Porfirio Lobo ha identificado su gobierno con la filosofia
del humanismo cristiano: una tecnica social que defiende la plena
realizacion del hombre dentro de principios cristianos.
Honduras: Lobo instill fear of God to cabinet
Pastors and priests are part of the strategy
12/19/1910 - Updated: 12/20/1910 9:37 a.m. - Writing:
Rate 1 2 3 4 5 Current rating: Votes: 0 10 comments Print Send
Tegucigalpa, HONDURAS
The president of Honduras, Porfirio Lobo, implement a national policy on
values and principles.
Wolf has issued instructions to start a crusade to inspire the fear of God
in all staff.
The mission has been entrusted to the Presidential Commissioner of
Religion and Worship, Carlos Portillo, who has coordinated visits to
ministers, deputy ministers, directors, managers and other staff in
implementing a national policy on values and principles.
Portillo said that the main goal is to inspire the fear of God in most
public officials, but particularly those who are responsible for managing
state resources.
Policy values
"There is a state policy that is national politics of values and
We are trying to do a cross-section of society and officials are no
exception, indeed, need values and principles because they are the
officials who manage the state's resources, "said Portillo. "Only through
the Word of God is possible to do this because the fear of God, the
principle of stewardship is extended and implemented and in fact that's
what we're trying to do: that the official is much more responsible
management of resources that do not belong, "said Commissioner of Religion
and Culture.
Participating churches
The initiative involves representatives of different churches that operate
in the country.
"We are relying not only with evangelical pastors, but with the different
churches. Same with us priests, ministers, of different denominations have
joined us because what we want to do is be with them. "
"This is an accompaniment that we as a government, that is why our mission
is linked to the Presidency of the Republic and is the express wish of the
President to do this thing and we will not quit," he said.
President Porfirio Lobo has identified his government with the philosophy
of Christian humanism: a social technology that supports the full
realization of man in Christian principles.
Poll Reveals Widespread Rejection of Aleman's Presidential Bid
Report by Maria Jose Uriarte: "Rejection of Aleman's Candidacy." - LA
Saturday December 18, 2010 04:26:42 GMT
In that regard, 84.9% of citizens consulted during the most recent poll
conducted by M&R Consultants said they were not willing to
unconditionally support the presidential bid of the Constitutional Liberal
Party (PLC) leader. Therefore, should he run against President Daniel
Ortega in an election, the latter would win.
In a scenario where Aleman and Ortega were the presidential candidates,
47.5% would vote for the current president, and only 11.1% would vote for
the liberal leader, while 41.3% did not say who they would vote for.
The independent voters are the ones who would less support Aleman's
candidacy unconditionally, with 86.4%. In addition, 50.4% of those who
identify themselves as opposition reject him.
Adults in the urban sector, especially in Managua, are the ones who refuse
to support Aleman's candidacy. However, he insists that he will not give
up his plans to run as candidate unless another hopeful defeats him in
primary elections. ORTEGA AHEAD OF HIM
When participants in the M&R poll were asked about their unconditional
support for President Ortega, he got higher percentages than Aleman. A
total of 45.3% said they would unconditionally support Ortega's
presidential bid, while 44.6% said they would not.
However, those results contrast to some extent when citizens were asked if
they agreed that the Nicaraguan president cannot run for a re-election
because the Political Constitution bans a presidential re-election for
more than two consecutive periods. Those who agreed are 48%, while 42.5%
Only 9.5% preferred not to comment on the subject. THE PACT IS ALIVE
One of the factors that could have influenced the poor support for Arnoldo
Aleman as presidential candidate is that citizens have the perception that
his pact with President Ortega and the Sandinista National Liberation
Front is still current.
A total of 51.1% of those consulted replied that there is a pact between
Aleman and Ortega, even though the former president insists in denying
that the political agreement between them is still alive and repeatedly
refers to the president as "dictator."
The perception among independent and opposition voters, and even among
Sandinistas, is that the pact is still current, particularly among the
independent voters, where 65.4% believe so.
For 56.1% of the voters, the pact has benefited exclusively some persons
and parties and not the Nicaraguans. Only 17.8% feel it has benefited the
people, while 26.1% preferred not to reply.
Nicaraguans view the decision of justice s and liberal government
officials tosupport the decree despite the initial resistance as part of
the political agreement between the two leaders.
A total of 48.5% believes that the decision to reintegrate was the result
of a partisan mandate, although they do not rule out that personal reasons
could also be a factor. "BETTER ALONE THAN IN BAD...(COMPANY)"
Another relevant aspect of the poll is that 56.5% of the population would
prefer if candidate Fabio Gadea Mantilla turns down the proposal to be
running mate in Aleman's ticket, as proposed by some PLC leaders as a way
to achieve unity among opposition forces.
Only 9.3% replied they agreed with the radio station entrepreneur
accepting a proposal of that nature and 34.2% did not reply.
The independents were the group that mostly opposed that possibility, with
57.9%, followed by opposition members, with 55.2%.
However, despite his credentials, the radio station owner could not gar
ner enough support either to win the national elections against Ortega.
Should both be the candidates in the presidential election, Ortega would
obtain 43.4% and Gadea Mantilla 21.1%. AS USUAL, THE HIDDEN VOTE
The hidden vote remains at 35.5%, but according to Raul Obregon, of the
M&R firm, there are greater possibilities that this segment will bend
toward Gadea Mantilla at the time of voting.
The poll results also registered that 57.5% of citizens agreed that in
order to preserve democracy, the liberties and citizens' rights in
Nicaragua, it is necessary to maintain the unity of all democrats in an
organization like the National Opposition Union (UNO) in 1990. However,
34.1% feels the contrary and 8.4% did not reply.
Despite the efforts, however, the unity of the opposition forces is not a
situation where a solution can be seen in the near future.
Nicaragua descarta refuerzos a la frontera para responder a las medidas de
Costa Rica
Por Agencia EFE - hace 21 horas
Managua, 19 dic (EFE).- El Ejercito de Nicaragua descarto la movilizacion
de mas fuerzas a la frontera sur para responder a medidas de vigilancia y
control adoptadas por Costa Rica durante las fiestas de Navidad y fin de
ano, informa hoy la prensa local que cita a una fuente militar.
El portavoz de las Fuerzas Armadas de Nicaragua, coronel Juan Ramon
Morales, dijo al diario local La Prensa, que el cuerpo castrense mantendra
sus labores "normales" de vigilancia y patrullaje en el territorio
El Ministerio de Seguridad de Costa Rica informo este sabado en un
comunicado que la policia de frontera se restablecera y reforzara con un
grupo de 200 funcionarios de la Fuerza Publica en la frontera norte.
Ademas, se enviaran al menos cien oficiales de policia a Barra del
Colorado, en la zona caribena, en las cercanias del area donde Costa Rica
y Nicaragua mantienen un litigio desde hace casi dos meses.
En esa localidad se establecera "una base de operaciones con monitoreo
electronico (...) con el fin de tener mayor control de la seguridad de la
zona", indica la nota oficial de San Jose.
El Gobierno costarricense anuncio ademas un "reforzamiento de la presencia
y vigilancia en todo el cordon fronterizo con aproximadamente 30 puestos
de avanzada" asi como patrullajes en los principales rios costarricenses
afluentes del fronterizo rio San Juan, como el Colorado, el Sarapiqui y el
San Carlos.
Estos patrullajes seran coordinados por el Servicio Nacional de
Guardacostas y el Servicio de Vigilancia Aerea, tanto para control de
fronteras como del narcotrafico, para lo cual tambien se colocaran camara
de video, detalla el boletin.
"Nosotros (el ejercito de Nicaragua) no pretendemos bajo ningun punto de
vista (...) incrementar fuerzas en la frontera porque no tenemos ninguna
situacion que amerite el envio y refuerzo de tropas y efectivos militares
en la frontera" en los dias de este fin de ano, afirmo el coronel Juan
Ramon Morales.
Segun Morales, en la frontera sur trabajara un dispositivo "normal", sin
precisar cifras, que siempre se ha mantenido en la frontera sur en funcion
de desarrollar el patrullaje de vigilancia y resguardo de la soberania
nacional, asi como la lucha contra el narcotrafico.
El portavoz militar aclaro que la institucion "estara pendiente y
vigilante" porque en caso de conocerse una actividad de los que trafican
con drogas en la frontera sur "tengan plena seguridad que vamos a estar
alli para enfrentarla".
Costa Rica y Nicaragua mantienen desde finales de octubre una disputa por
la soberania de un sector de la fronterizo Isla Calero, en el Caribe,
donde Managua concluyo la limpieza de un canal fluvial, mientras que San
Jose lo acusa de haber invadido su territorio y causar severos danos a un
La controversia limitrofe entre Managua y San Jose esta radicada en la
Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) de La Haya, Holanda.
(c) EFE 2010. Esta expresamente prohib
Ruled Nicaragua reinforcements to the border to respond to measures of
Costa Rica
By Agencia EFE - 21 hours ago
Managua, Dec 19 (EFE) .- The Army ruled Nicaragua mobilizing more forces
to the southern border to meet surveillance and control measures taken by
Costa Rica during the Christmas and New Year, local press reported today
citing a military source.
The spokesman of the Armed Forces of Nicaragua, Colonel Juan Ramon
Morales, told the daily La Prensa, the military body that will keep their
work "normal" surveillance and patrolling in the country.
The Ministry of Security of Costa Rica reported Saturday in a statement
that the border police will be restored and strengthened by a group of 200
officers from forces across the northern border.
Also, be sent at least a hundred police officers to Barra del Colorado, in
the Caribbean area, near the area where Costa Rica and Nicaragua hold
proceedings for almost two months.
In that location will be established "a base of operations with electronic
monitoring (...) to take more control of security in the area," the
official note of San Jose.
The Costa Rican government also announced a "strengthening of the presence
and surveillance throughout the border area with about 30 outposts" as
well as patrolling the main tributaries of the Costa Rican border river
San Juan river, such as Colorado, the Sarapiqui and San Carlos .
These patrols will be coordinated by the National Guard and the Air
Surveillance Service for both border control and drug trafficking, for
which also placed a video camera, detailing the newsletter.
"We (the army of Nicaragua) No claim under any view (...) increased forces
at the border because we have no situation that warrants dispatch and
reinforcement of troops and troops on the border" in the days of this end
of the year, said Col. Juan Ramon Morales.
According to Morales, on the southern border a device will work "normal",
without specifying numbers, which has always remained on the southern
border in order to develop surveillance patrols and protection of national
sovereignty and the fight against drug trafficking.
The military spokesman said that the institution "will monitor and alert"
because they know if an activity of those who traffic in drugs on the
southern border "have full confidence that we will be there to address
Costa Rica and Nicaragua hold since late October, a dispute over the
sovereignty of a sector of the border Calero Island in the Caribbean,
Managua completed the cleanup of a river channel, while San Jose is
accused of invading its territory and cause severe damage to a wetland.
The border dispute between Managua and San Jose is located in the
International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague, Netherlands.
(c) Reuters 2010. Is expressly prohibited
Guatemala mediation unlikely; Chinchilla to amp up border security
Posted: Sunday, December 19, 2010 - By Adam Williams
President Chinchilla vows to monitor food and fuel deliveries into Barra
del Colorado and Rio San Juan region.
Guatemalan President Alvaro Colom offered to serve as a mediator to help
resolve the ongoing Costa Rica-Nicaragua conflict. However, any such
meeting remains unlikely. Colom announced his intentions at the 36th
Central American Integration System (SICA) Summit meeting in San Pedro,
Belize last week. Mexican Ambassador Ruben Beltran also offered to help in
the mediation process.
According to an EFE report Tuesday, Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega
asked Colom to sit in as a mediator in a bilateral meeting. Though the
notion of mediation seemed promising, Ortega asked that the talks be held
"without conditions," meaning that the Nicaraguan troops would not be
removed from the Isla Calero prior to the meeting. Costa Rica has
reiterated on several occasions that they are not willing to participate
in bilateral talks with Nicaraguan troops present on the disputed parcel
of land.
In a statement released by the Costa Rican Foreign Ministry, Guatemala and
Mexico were thanked for their offers, the message concluded by reiterating
that "the first priority is to resolve the situation of the occupation of
the Nicaraguan armed forces (in the Isla Calero)."
In a breakfast meeting with the press on Friday, President Laura
Chinchilla said that a meeting to mediate the conflict should be held
under "conditions of equality" and that Nicaragua "should remove" troops
prior to holding a bilateral meeting.
Chinchilla also said the government plans to establish a greater police
presence in the border region to monitor the transportation of food and
fuel. The Barra del Colorado region in the northeast corner of the country
in the Limon province is a known gateway for drug and arms trafficking due
to minimal security or law enforcement personnel and an egregious lack of
government assistance. (TT Sept. 16, TT Oct. 15)
"We have decided to heavily improve security and control measures (in the
region), such as electronic monitoring," Chinchilla said. "We are looking
to monitor all navigation, especially on the Rio Colorado."
Panama esta preparada para enfrentar desastres naturales, dice Alvarado
Foto/Albin Garcia
Luego de varios dias de Lluvia los rios que rodean a la comunidad de
Yaviza provocaron inundaciones.
Powered by Translate
[10:21:25 am]
"Atendimos lo que habia que atender, evacuamos como teniamos que evacuar",
asi se expreso el director del Sistema Nacional de Proteccion Civil
(SINAPROC),Arturo Alvarado, al referirse a la labor que se desarrollo
durante emergencias que causaron las fuertes lluvias.
Alvarado enfatizo en el programa Debate Abierto que las emergencias por el
mal tiempo las atendieron desde antes de lo suscitado en el este de la
provincia de Panama, Darien y Colon, puesto que dias antes ya habian
refugiado en albergues a cientos de personas de Chiriqui; asi como en Juan
Diaz tambien se registraron decenas de afectados por inundaciones.
Segun el director de SINAPROC Panama esta preparada para atender urgencias
como la acaecida en los sitios mencionados.
Como "una prueba de fuego" califico Alvarado los hechos recientes, en los
que -segun el- 3 mil 190 funcionarios han trabajado.
Por su parte, el administrador Autoridad Nacional de Ambiente (ANAM),
Javier Arias, estima que en el pais se esta haciendo poco para evitar las
secuelas del cambio climatico.
Panama is prepared to face natural disasters, says Alvarado
Photo / Albin Garcia
After several days of rain the rivers surrounding the community of Yaviza
caused flooding.
Powered by Translate
[10:21:25 am]
"We addressed what we had to respond, evacuate and had to evacuate, " so
said the director of the National System of Civil Protection (NSCP),
Arturo Alvarado, referring to the work developed during emergencies caused
by heavy rainfall.
Alvarado emphasized Open Debate program that weather emergencies attended
them since before the rise in the east of the province of Panama and Colon
Darien, since that days before had taken refuge in shelters and hundreds
of people of Chiriqui; as well as Juan Diaz also saw dozens of people
affected by floods.
According to the director of SINAPROC Panama is prepared to deal with
emergencies such as occurred in the mentioned sites.
As a "litmus test" Alvarado called the recent events, in which according
to him-3 thousand 190 officers have worked.
For its part, the administrator National Authority (ANAM), Javier Arias,
estimates that the country is doing little to avoid the consequences of
climate change.
Panama's VP forecast disaster for Canal expansion
SUNDAY, 19 DECEMBER 2010 17:24
David Gilmour, former No 2 at US Embassy, Ricardo Martinelli , Barbara
Stephenson, Juan Carlos Varela
Panama's Vice President Juan Carlos Varela called the Panama Canal
expansion a "disaster" " during a luncheon with Ambassador Barbara
Stephenson in December 2009.
The statement came after a group led by Spain's Sacyr Vallehermoso SA
won a $3.1 billion contract to widen the canal to allow larger ships, a
confidential U.S. diplomatic cable said.
The cable, released by WikiLeaks and published in Madrid's El Pais
newspaper, said that Varela expressed concerns that Sacyr was in "deep
financial trouble" and might not be able to complete the work.
"The Canal expansion project is a disaster," the cable cited Varela as
saying at a lunch with U.S. Ambassador Barbara Stephenson on Dec. 29,
2009. "In two to three years, it will be obvious this is all a failure."
The ambassador's office had "provided relentless advocacy" for Bechtel
Group Inc., the largest U.S. engineering company, in its failed bid to win
the largest contract for the $5.25 billion canal expansion, according to
the cable.
Sacyr is working with Italy's Impregilo SpA to build a third set of locks
that will allow bigger ships to traverse the canal by 2014. The contract
was awarded in July 2009.
The El Pais article had no response from Sacyr on the cables. In August,
the company called the canal bidding process "exemplary," according to the
El Pais story.
Calls and e- mails by Bloomberg News seeking comment from Sacyr and
Varela's offices outside of business hours weren't returned.
The Panama Canal Authority, in an e-mailed response to the article, said
as the waterway's operator it "shields" itself from any outside pressure.
A January 2010 cable noted that Some days later, Varela repeated his
concerns during a conversation with Congressman Pedro Pierluisi, Puerto
Rico. According to the cable, Varela said the Spanish consortium was "very
weak" and that he had "genuine concerns" about its ability to execute.
The cable also indicates that Varela said to the embassy's number two:
"One does not mess with something as important as the Canal. When a bidder
makes an offer that is a thousand million dollars below the next
competitor, then something is seriously wrong. Of course I have the best
hope, but I fear that Alberto [Aleman] has made a big mistake. "
Varela was also concerned by the fact that they were looking for Spanish
companies to participate in the construction of the Panama Metro.
Later, Ambassador Stephenson asked the president, Ricardo Martinelli, on
the progress of the canal project.
The answer? "Martinelli made a face and seemed to be a little worried. He
said he feared the Aleman administrator may have tilted the contest to the
consortium including CUSA, directed by his cousin. "
Stephenson sent a cable to the State and Commerce departments, alerting
them that Varela and Martinelli were making such statements in the
presence of congressmen who visited Panama. But she added two significant
findings: One, that Varela's presidential aspirations were "sensitive" to
the possibility that the canal expansion would result in failure. And two,
the U.S. embassy has always considered that the Alemanmanager is a "highly
capable manager and unimpeachable integrity."
This cable and others reveal that the U.S. Embassy in Panama did what
Stephenson had branded in others as "ruthless lobbying" for the
consortium led by U.S. company Bechtel tro get the contract to build a
third set of locks. The embassy believed that if Bechtel won, it would
mean f the United States selling over a billion dollars in materials and
Therefore, the embassy was pleased to win the consortium led by Sacyr, a
Spanish company offered a price far below the other two competitors. The
embassy had "strong suspicions" that the price was possible because the
company was receiving a grant from the Spanish government. It was also
assumed that Sacyr would renegotiate the price later.
Meanwhile, experts from the Inter American Development Bank estimated the
total project cost at $5.9 billion(rather than the official estimate of $
5.25 billion), while Bechtel estimated that the cost could reach $9.9
billion if the contractor assumed all risk . Bechtel considered
challenging the tender, but finally decided not to.
The triumph of Sacyr "complicates our bilateral relationship to political
and economic level," said the ambassador in one of her cables to
Washington. The contract "is a sign of the growing Spanish influence in
Panama, with the possible loss of opportunities for U.S. exports for the
canal project "
The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) said it has shielded its management "from
interference and pressures of any origin or nature, to ensure, the
interests of the country and the state. "
It said the hiring process for the expansion of the Canal "ensures full
transparency and broader competitiveness."
The government has so far , declined to comment on the statements by
Martinelli and Varela. La Prensa reported that it had made numerous
attempts to contact Varela who did not return calls.
Sacyr The Spanish company declined to comment .
Panama descarta que EEUU haya manipulado licitacion para ampliacion de
Canal de Panama
Cable filtrado por Wikileaks hablaba de que diplomaticos norteamericanos
trataron de favorecer a una empresa de su pais en la adjudicacion, un
negocio de mas de 3.000 millones de dolares.
por Ansa - 19/12/2010 - 23:07
Resultado: 0 votos
Las autoridades panamenas rechazaron hoy que el gobierno de Estados Unidos
haya tratado de manipular la licitacion para las obras de ampliacion del
Canal de Panama, como afirman documentos de la embajada publicados por
La embajada norteamericana tambien informo a Washington en forma reservada
que el propio presidente panameno, Ricardo Martinelli, y el vicepresidente
y canciller, Juan Carlos Varela, tenian dudas sobre la adjudicacion de las
Segun cables de la embajada norteamericana, sus diplomaticos trataron de
favorecer a una empresa de su pais en la licitacion, un negocio de mas de
3.000 millones de dolares que fue vencido por el consorcio italo-espanol
Grupo Unidos por el Canal.
Integran el grupo las empresas Sacyr Vallehermoso (Espana) y Impregilo
(Italia), con un 48 por ciento cada una, y lo completan Juan de Nul
(Belgica) y Constructora Urbana (Panama).
Este grupo fue el que hace poco mas de un ano y medio se impuso en el
concurso con una oferta de 3.118 millones de dolares.
En mensajes reservados publicados por Wikileaks, diplomaticos
estadounidenses sostuvieron que Sacyr estaba tecnicamente quebrada y no
seria capaz de ejecutar el proyecto, y que lo habia ganado solo gracias al
apoyo del Gobierno espanol.
Panama ruled that the U.S. has manipulated bid for Panama Canal expansion
Cable filtered by Wikileaks talk that U.S. diplomats sought to promote a
business of his country in the award, a business of over 3,000 million
by Ansa - 19/12/2010 - 23:07
Score: 0 Votes
Panamanian authorities today rejected the U.S. government has tried to
manipulate the tender for the works to expand the Panama Canal, as alleged
embassy documents published by Wikileaks.
The U.S. Embassy also informed Washington in confidence that the president
of Panama, Ricardo Martinelli, and the vice president and foreign
minister, Juan Carlos Varela, had doubts about the award of the work.
According to U.S. embassy cables, diplomats tried to promote a business of
his country in the tender, a business of over 3,000 million dollars was
won by the Italian-Spanish consortium Grupo Unidos through the Canal.
Companies in the group Sacyr Vallehermoso (Spain) and Impregilo (Italy),
with 48 percent each, and the complete Juan de Nul (Belgium), Constructora
Urbana (Panama).
This group was making little more than a year and a half won the contest
with a bid of U.S. $ 3.118 million.
In messages posted by Wikileaks reserved, U.S. diplomats argued that Sacyr
was technically bankrupt and would not be able to run the project, and
that he had won only thanks to support from the Spanish government.
20/12/10 - 00:00 ECONOMIA
Avanza TLC de Panama y EE. UU.
El presidente panameno Ricardo Martinelli informo que todas las objeciones
estadounidenses al tratado de libre comercio con Panama han sido
1 de 1
Anadio que su aprobacion depende ahora de la politica interna y de la
disposicion del presidente Barack Obama para presentarlo al Congreso.
Martinelli, quien se reunion con empresarios estadounidenses, declaro que
el acuerdo comercial alcanzado recientemente entre Estados Unidos y Corea
del Sur significa que el de Panama y Colombia "puede ser que vengan lo mas
pronto posible".
"Todos los temas pendientes fueron resueltos. Hace una semana se firmo el
tratado de intercambio de informacion, que era lo unico pendiente",
Para subrayar el auge economico actual de su pais, Martinelli senalo que
el PIB crecera este ano por encima del 7 por ciento, que las obras de
ampliacion del canal de Panama marchan segun lo acordado para completarse
a comienzos del 2014, y que estan en construccion una linea de tren
subterraneo, ocho mil cuartos de hotel y 19 presas hidroelectricas.
2/20/1910 - 00:00 ECONOMY
Avanza Panama FTA and the U.S.. UU.
Panamanian President Ricardo Martinelli reported that all U.S. objections
to free trade agreement with Panama has been resolved.
January 1
He added that approval now depends on domestic politics and the
willingness of President Barack Obama for submission to Congress.
Martinelli, who was meeting with American businessmen, said the trade
agreement recently reached between the U.S. and South Korea means that the
Panama and Colombia "might come as soon as possible. "
"All outstanding issues were resolved. A week ago signed a treaty for the
exchange of information, which was all outstanding, "he said.
To highlight the current economic boom in his country, Martinelli said
that this year GDP growth above 7 percent, which works to expand the
Panama Canal go as agreed to complete in early 2014 and under construction
subway line, eight thousand hotel rooms and 19 hydroelectric dams.
Jamaican Government Confirms Veracity of WikiLeaks Report - CMC
Saturday December 18, 2010 03:32:36 GMT
According to a statement issued by the Office of the Prime Minister,
following the publication of the leaked cable, National Security Minister
Dwight Nelson was asked to investigate the matter. "The investigations
confirm that in 2009, concern was expressed by officials of the Cuban
Ministry of the Interior about the failure of the unit within the JCF
(Jamaica Constabulary Force) to adequately respond to communication from
its Cuban counterpart."
The statement said that the officer who headed that unit and who had been
assigned in 2006 was replaced, and the unit was reorganized and renamed
the Transnational Crime Narcotics Division. "Since then, there has been
full and active cooperation between Jamaica and Cuba on cou nter-narcotics
surveillance and interdiction, and no concern has been expressed by
officials of the Cuban Government. This cooperation has since assisted in
the conviction of a number of persons on charges of drug trafficking," the
statement added.
It said that officers from the Transnational Crime Narcotics Division and
other security forces personnel have made a number of visits to Cuba, the
most recent being less than a month ago, to confer with Cuban authorities
on ongoing efforts to combat drug trafficking and measures to strengthen
cooperation between Jamaica and Cuba.
"These include greater interface among high-level officers of both
countries involved in counternarcotics, intelligence sharing, and
interdiction operations. "The cable, which was written on 11 August 2009
by Jonathan Farrar, the US chief of mission in Havana, stated: "A
prevailing concern and significant frustration on the Cuban side is the
reportedly complete lack of c ooperation afforded them by the GOJ
(Government of Jamaica) when it comes to CD (Counter-Drug) information
It said that Cuban Ministry of Interior officials contend that smugglers
from Jamaica were using Cuban airspace and water to transport drugs
destined for the United States. The cable went on to detail an incident
where 13 bales of marijuana from Jamaica, destined for The Bahamas, were
dropped off in a field in Cuba, because the plane the smugglers were using
developed engine problems.
The main opposition People's National Party(PNP) said it wanted the
government to respond to the allegations contained in the cable.
ANPP Delegates Discuss Construction, Education, Trade Guidelines -
Saturday December 18, 2010 05:12:38 GMT
At 0202 GMT, National Assembly President Ricardo Alarcon opens the
afternoon session reminding the delegates that it will be a busy afternoon
and to please keep their questions or comments concise in order to be able
to complete the review of the guidelines. He also reminds them that they
cannot wrap up before selecting the judges for the People's Supreme Court.
He then introduces Economy and Planning Minister Marino Murillo.
At 0203 GMT, Murillo goes to talk about the taxes that will be applied to
any property owned, particularly of housing. He then asserts that they are
currently reviewing several housing units to ensure that the homes are
being used properly and efficiently, so that they can be redistributed a
ccordingly among the population if necessary because there is a housing
deficit. He then goes on to discuss the guidelines concerning the
construction sector.
At 0207 GMT, construction will continue to grow but individuals will be
encouraged to build their own homes on their own. To that end, the
availability of construction materials has to be reviewed. He then goes on
to introduce the language that the delegates have suggested for inclusion
in the guidelines. One suggestion is to add a guideline on the need to
build roads that are needed. Another guideline on the need to specify who
is responsible for the construction of tall buildings, which he says it
will always be the responsibility of the State.
At 0211 GMT, Murillo goes on to talk about the guidelines pertaining to
trade which he says are a total of nine of which the most important one is
the "restructuring of commerce, wholesale and retail." He says that there
is a need to assess how goods an d services can be made available to the
population based on demand and purchasing power. He then talks about what
the delegates have suggested to be included in the guidelines on trade. He
says the delegates have commented on the need to add a guideline on
consumer protection.
At 0213 GMT, he adds that the delegates have made other suggestions, such
as the inclusion of a guideline on the "compatibility of the economy with
defense and state reserves," and another on the need to "change the
mentality of society" regarding the economy, and the need to promote an
economic culture among the population.
At 0215 GMT, Murillo says that the work from now on is harder than ever
adding that the guidelines alone will not work or change anything unless
people work hard. He then addresses President Raul Castro saying he has
concluded his intervention.
At 0216 GMT, Alarcon proceeds to give the floor to the delegates that have
asked for time to pose a question or concern. Two delegates comment on the
guidelines regarding higher education and vocational training. Other
delegates make suggestions on the environmental and land guidelines.
Another delegate comments on the need to add wording to the effect that
parents need to know that the education of their children is their
responsibility and not the school's.
At 0226 GMT, Alarcon introduces Murillo again to address the questions and
comments made by the delegates. He talks about the higher education sector
and the importance of improving the quality of high school education and
to make university entrance exams more complex. He then talks about
vocational training. He explains that these education issues are relevant
to the guidelines in that they impact the productivity of the economy but
asserts that these are also issues that will be addressed by special
commissions prior to the Party Congress.
At 0231 GMT, he then goes on to talk about the environmental impact of
enterprises and reminds the delegates that there have be en other comments
on the need to address the environment topic in a separate guideline. He
then goes on to address a concern over housing, particularly when an
individual gets housing through his or her job and what happens when said
individual loses that job. He says that there is housing deficit but that
people will not be forced to vacate their homes. He adds that this issue
is being reviewed but states that people will remain in their homes even
if their job status changes.
At 0233 GMT, he then talks about school lunches and says that they have
considered the idea of charging a fee for the lunches because about 40% of
students do not eat the food they are provided and he says this is a waste
of a valuable resource. He says that they have considered charging for
this service because some people do not value what they get for free and
adds that no decision has been made on this. He says that there i s also
the possibility of charging for food in some territories and not in
others. He then says that in another related topic, anyone who loses any
educational material, such as books, should have to pay for the lost
At 0236 GMT, Murillo then goes on to briefly talk about ambulance
services, adding that often there are no ambulances available for patients
but that it may be a problem that may have to be addressed at a local
level with the hospitals that manage those resources to make them more
efficient. He then gives the floor to Alarcon.
At 0237 GMT, Alarcon says that Cuba is in the "midst of a national process
of debate and discussion in which everyone has to study, and make an
effort to learn as we undertake this adventure because Socialism is not
written in stone." He says that Cuba is not the only country in the world
that is currently studying austerity measures. He says that the difference
is that "only in Cuba are these discuss ed with the people, with
everyone." He then proceeds to give examples of inequality around the
world as higher education costs soar in England and Puerto Rico, and the
US Congress lowers taxes for the "rich." He says the difference is that
all the measures and actions that will be undertaken are discussed by the
people in Cuba, and adds that everyone should make an effort to study
these issues because they are complex. He says that Cuba is undergoing an
"economic adjustment" even though it is a "blocked" country that has been
challenged by the US embargo.
At 0243 GMT, he says that one of the Cuban Five is studying economics
because he found that to be important, and adds that if he can study
economics while in prison, then everyone should be able to do so as well.
He says that if the Five can endure isolation, the Cuban people can
definitely work together for the future of Cuba. He adds that the Five are
proof that anything is possib le. As he says this, everyone stands to
applause, including Raul Castro.
At 0247 GMT, cast ends.
Cuba's Raul Castro Meets PLA Ranking Official Ma Xiaotian in Havana
By reporter Liu Tong: "Raul Castro Meets PLA Deputy Chief of General Staff
Ma Xiaotian" - Xinhua Domestic Service
Monday December 20, 2010 05:32:52 GMT
(Description of Source: Beijing Xinhua Domestic Service in Chinese --
China's official news service (New China News Agency))
Material in the World News Connection is generally copyrighted by the
source cited. Permission for use must be obtained from the copyright
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Economy Minister Continues Discussion of Cuban Policies at ANPP Session
Figures indicate program running time. For a video of this program,
contact GSG_GVP_VideoOps@rccb.osis.gov or, if you do not have e-mail, the
OSC Customer Center at (800) 205-8615. Selected video is also available on
OpenSource.gov. - Cubavision
Sunday December 19, 2010 13:52:26 GMT
At 2300 GMT Video shows Raul Castro arriving, people in the audience
standing up applauding. Camera then switches to Marino Murillo Jorge, vice
president of the Council of Ministers and economy and planning minister,
who reminds audience that on the previous day the session progressed as
far as Guidelines No. 128 and that today, they are to discuss from 129 up
until the last guideline. He adds that social policy, agro-food policy,
transportation, commerce, and tourism are still pen ding. He explains that
the same procedure followed the day before will apply for today's
discussions. "First the guidelines are explained and at the end of the day
the questions will be answered," Murillo says. With regard to social
policy, he shows a slide reporting that there are 37 guidelines. He
explains that "the achievements of the revolution, such as access to
medical attention, education, culture, sports, recreation, and social
security, will be preserved." He presents a chart to show how this
guideline is reflected in the budget, providing 2010 figures for each of
these activities and estimates for 2011 when "better rationale will be
applied to expenses without affecting the quality of services that are
At 2303 GMT Murillo states that the second item on the chart is "the need
to recover work as the way to contribute to society, which is very
important," He emphasizes that work must be recovered as the ma in source
of income. He points to a need to have a qualified labor force and
criticizes the Labor and Social Security Ministry for not having conducted
a survey to establish a balance of the qualified labor force all the way
down to the municipal level. He talks about demographic trends and the
pyramids he presented earlier. He adds that based on these trends the
composition of the qualified labor force must be projected five years
ahead. He mentions that there is a group of agricultural municipalities
where the situation will be complicated because of a shortage in their
labor force due to migration problems at the municipal level.
At 2311 GMT he broaches the six health guidelines, which include: increase
in quality of services, reorganization of services, and the efficient use
available technology. Murillo also mentions the need to adjust study
programs to country needs and "increase external revenues as a result of
medical services that are rendered dom estically and abroad." He discloses
that "not everyone knows that medical services contribute a large sum in
revenues to the balance of payments."
He turns to sports and its two guidelines, which involve giving priority
to practicing sports and physical activity for the population in order to
better the quality of athletes. He mentions that the sports industry is
going through "a complicated financial situation."
At 2315 GMT with regard to the three guidelines for culture, Murillo
states that the Culture Ministry will have to continue working on
increasing external revenues to make cultural activities sustainable to
alleviate the state in the financing of its activities. With regard to
social security, he says that the path is for people to finance their own
social security because "with the aging of the population it is not
possible for the state budget to assume this cost." He stresses that this
is why those who join self -employment ranks and those who work in other
forms non-state production must registered in a special social security
regime. He emphasizes that everybody must contribute to social security.
At 2317 GMT Murillo reports that 10 guidelines are devoted to employment
and salary. He says that "sal ary must be the main incentive for work" and
recalls that much has been said about the productivity problem. He shows a
chart that proves that 50% of a person's income does not exactly come from
the salary of the result of his or her labor. Such 50% include the ration
book and other subsidies, he states. He links the lack of productivity
with the fact that a great share of the income does not come from work.
At 2321 GMT he lists other aspects of the guidelines such as "the need to
guide the rationalization process of 'inflated payrolls' and the
possibility for 'non-state sources of employment." He notes that a third
aspect is "to maintain the p olicy of a reduction of undue gratuities and
excessive personal subsidies." He emphasizes that "the gratuities that are
true of our socialism and our constitution will remain unchanged." He
presents a bar chart to show composition of employment with number of
people employed in production of goods (agriculture, forestry, fishery,
mining, manufacturing industry, and construction) which he refers to as
"the economy of material production" and it represented by a green bar.
According to Murillo, the red bar represent basic services (electricity,
gas, water, transportation, communications, warehouses, commerce,
restaurants, and hotels), which complement production. The aqua blue chart
denotes other services (education, health, culture, sports, and other
services such as communal services, personal services, financial services
and others). He cites and compares figures, concluding that there has been
an increase of more than 600,000 people to render the same services.
Murillo states: "I am not against services, which are important. What I am
against is how payrolls have been inflated with people who render the same
services but not always with better quality." He adds: "such level of
expenses makes them irrational and they must be brought within rational
levels." He ascertains that employment has grown uncontrolled. He contends
that the employment structure must be organized. According to analyses, he
states: "the same services can be rendered with better quality, more
efficiency, but with less people."
Murillo complains about the unjustified growth of employment, the fact
that 50% of the land is not being used, and the large quantities of food
that must be imported. He emphasizes that the reorganization of employment
and the production of food as the main replacement of imports are two
paths in the economic reorganization that is underway.
At 2327 GMT Murillo reports that, with regard to the policy on employment
and salaries, there are 10 guidelines concerning the elimination of the
ration book,. He states that this issue has been thoroughly discussed and
that this is linked to a transformation of salaries. He continues
discussing the guidelines for social policy and refers to the social
assistance. He states that the budget for social assistance is now low,
but that there are aspects that must be reviewed. He explains that there
is a budget for social security and one for social assistance, which is
the assistance given to people who truly need it because they are disabled
for work and have no relatives to support them. He also says that in
reviewing social assistance it was found that there are families where
such assistance was not warranted but that it was also found that there
were cases where the assistance was merited and was not being received. He
highlights, "it is also clear in the guidelines that this revolution will
leave no one unprotected but this matter has to be planned and studied."
At 2331 GMT Murillo explains that the "labor availability processes"
include four groups from now until the first few months of next year. He
adds that these four groups comprise 457,000 people, "of this figure,
between 127,000 and 130,000 people will change their work model and this
is being studied." He cites several examples of how people can become
self-employed renting spaces from the state or using their own homes. He
adds that "if those 127,000 or 130,000 are subtracted from 457,000 it
means that there are 340,000 or 350,000 who will face the "labor
availability process" and will have to go to other sectors or to the
non-state formula." Murillo states that according to estimates of the
latter figure 30% will have to receive "some sort of state assistance"
until they reach retirement age.
At 2338 GMT Murillo then reviews dep uties' proposals with regard to
social policy. He first mentions deputies' concern over apparent
contradiction between extension of retirement age and labor availability
process. He stresses that no one can retire ahead of time because there is
no money for that because it is not contemplated in the budget. By use of
a chart Murillo explains that there is no contradiction between the two.
At 2342 GMT Murillo says that another doubt deputies have is if there will
be a charge for aesthetic surgeries that do not involve health problems,
as well as for sex change operations. He responds that there will never be
a charge for operations made because of health problems. Other operations
will have to be studied. With regard to sex change operations, there is a
commission that studies the case and decides who gets operated and who
does not. There is no charge for those who are operated because they have
to undergo clinical and scientific studies to establish why the ope ration
must be done.
At 2343 GMT he mentions that deputies are concerned about hiring of Cuban
athletes abroad. Murillo states that the government is not proposing the
contracting of high yield athletes (atletas de alto rendimiento) abroad.
He discusses high yield sports and stresses that it is more important to
promote the sports industry and organize sports so that people can engage
in physical activities.
At 2345 GMT Murillo takes a look at another point raised by the deputies:
preservation of government support for cultural activities, as well as the
rationalization of art education.
At 2346 GMT he mentions that there was also concern over the elimination
of the ration book. He explains that there is a group that is more
vulnerable than others and that there is a need to know where these people
are in order to help them.
At 2348 GMT Murillo announces agro-industrial policy guidelines but he is
interrupted by Castro who mentions that the to pic just discussed, the
ration book, received the highest number of opinions.
Murillo continues, he shows another slide discussing the agro-industrial
policy and adds that agro-industrial activities are essential to the
economy. He announces that the economic model must be transformed to
establish a limit between state and enterprise and that it is important to
clearly establish the role of the sector in coming years. Work methods
must be changed and inefficiency must disappear, Murillo emphasizes, as he
goes on to discuss local government at the municipal level and
agricultural development. He stresses that it is very important to
establish the role of the agricultural sector in the next few years, but
that work methods must be changed.
At 2356 GMT Murillo calls for closer ties between agriculture and
industries and makes some comments about the upcoming tomato harvest,
which he says is better organized than that of last year but that there
are things that c an be done better. He continues to read the list of
guidelines deputies had comments on.
At 0000 GMT Murillo reports that there are 169 municipalities in Cuba. Of
this figure, 127 operate under an agricultural economy. He adds that
approximately 97 municipalities could be incorporated into the municipal
initiative project to grow their own food. He also discloses that "4.3
million people live in the 97 municipalities and that they have an
agricultural potential of 4.9 million hectares of which 2.2 million are
already planted. The current impor t cost of only four products -- rice,
beans, beef, and cooking oil -- amounts to $860 million per year and for
those municipalities it amounts to $252 million, which represent 12.2%."
"These are products that could be produced in Cuba," Murillo states, "but
municipalities must be studied first in order to design a municipal
self-supply strategy." He broaches other guidelines such as those on
coffee production, dairy cattle development, and milk production, as well
as other agricultural activities. He emphasizes that "people cannot be
allowed to earn more selling, than producing and putting abusive prices on
their products." However, he states that there is nothing wrong with
selling their surplus production but that income derived from it will be
Murillo also mentions three guidelines for sugar production that addressed
deficiencies in the sector. He says that they made a five-year projection
seeking to find the optimum size for the sugar harvest in Cuba. He turns
to discussing the fishing activity aimed at attaining an efficient
development in all its forms to increase revenues and promote more food
At 0011 GMT Murillo asks Mirelys Martinez Piedra, president of the
Municipal Assembly of the People's Power of Caibarien to explain pork
project they have undertaken. Murillo yields the floor to Martinez.
At 001 4 GMT he discusses the guidelines for industrial and energy
policies. He explains that in the case of the industrial policy, there are
25 guidelines, which are aimed at increasing revenue. They also seek to
develop exports and reduce imports; create the necessary competitive
conditions, implement programs to improve the industrial sector, and
concentrate on production.
At 0017 GMT Murillo continues to discuss the 19 guidelines for the main
industrial sectors saying that they establish priorities and objectives to
increase foreign revenues, promote greater national integration, and
create processes of reorganization and investment with a view to 2015.
At 0019 GMT Murillo states that with regard to the energy policy there are
13 guidelines aimed at: "increasing national energy sources and their
efficient use; completing the Energy Revolution Program; increasing the
development of renewable resources; and planning actions that will lead to
energy savings.& quot;
At 0020 GMT Murillo highlights that "it is very important that at all
ministries and government levels there be a good energy load balance for
the next five years" because of the high cost of electricity. He repeats
that the relation between the nation's generation capacity and what the
economy demands is something that must be established at least five years
ahead. He said that this projection was made and that it revealed that the
generation capacity has to be increased but not at the levels as was
originally estimated.
At 0023 GMT Murillo reports that energy is generated using big traditional
plants and by way of the electronic groups that are connected. He adds
that to produce a gigawatt of electricity Cuba is using from 337 to 339
tons of fuel. On this topic, Murillo concludes that "the government knows
the investments that must be made and the generation potential that the
country will gradually incorporate year after year. He men tions the
importance of maintenance to get energy plants going and reviews proposals
from deputies with regard to the energy policy.
At 0028 GMT Murillo discusses 14 guidelines for tourism policies. He
comments that tourism is one of the most stable activities. He states that
the international crisis affects tourism and adds that if there are any
questions, the tourism minister can answer them. He explains that in the
case of tourism it operates under a self-financing plan using foreign
currency. He advises that to keep it dynamic for the next few years it is
important for the rest of the industries to be prepared to keep it well
At 0041 GMT he turns his attenti on to the deputies' proposals on tourism.
He says that guideline 239 expands health tourism: the country must
advance more in the organization of health tourism and remarks that other
less advanced country in the health sector are doing better than Cuba in
this regard.
At 0042 GMT Murillo broaches the 19 guidelines for the transportation
sector. More investments to obtain greater yield are recommended. With
regard to cargo, it is said that priority should be given to railroad as a
means of transportation for it. He shows a chart with a projection of
cargo to be transported from now until the year 2015. Murillo reaffirms
that the responsibility to keep a balance on cargo in the country belongs
to the Transportation Ministry.
At 0048 GMT Murillo says that with regard to passenger transportation, the
country must advance to the extent that the economy allows it. He reads
deputies' proposals for the sector, one of them being their concern over
the need to solve the passenger transportation problem. Murillo states
that he already discussed with the transportation minister the policy that
will be followed in 2011 regarding the number of passengers who must be
transported and the financing needed to have acceptable transportation
A t 0051 GMT Murillo refers to tax on land and says that he only wanted to
mention it because a tax on ownership of transportation units is under
At 0052 GMT Station ends broadcast.
Cuba's Raul Castro ANPP Address: 'Not One Ounce of Credibility in US
Corrected version changing Billing Language to English. For assistance
with multimedia elements, contact OSC at 1-800-205-8615 or
oscinfo@rccb.osis.gov. - Cuba.cu
Sunday December 19, 2010 14:59:40 GMT
We have been meeting for several days now discussing extremely important
matters for the future of the nation. This time, in addition to our
customary work in commissions, the deputies have met in plenary with the
purpose of analyzing the details of the current economic situation, as
well as the budgetary proposals and the economic plan for the year 2011.
The deputies have also devoted long hours to the thorough evaluation and
clarification of some doubts and concerns about the Draft Guidelines for
the Economic and Social Policy of the Party and the Revolutio n.
Our media has given a broad coverage to these discussions in order to make
it easier for the general public to receive this information.
In spite of the impacts of the world crisis on the national economy, the
irregular rainfall pattern during the last 19 months -from November 2008
until June this year-, and without excluding our own errors, I can affirm
that the performance of the 2010 economic plan could be deemed as
acceptable considering the times we are living. We will attain the goal of
2.1 per cent growth in the Gross Domestic Product, better known by its
acronym (GDP); exports of goods and services have increased. The annual
forecast figure of foreign visitors has already been reached when the
current year is not yet at a close. Although once again we will not be
able to meet the planned revenues goals, we have strengthened the domestic
financial balance and, for the first time in several years, we are
beginning to see a favorable dynamic, still s omewhat limited, in work
productivity as compared to average salary.
Withholdings of foreign transfers or, what amounts to the same thing, the
restrictions we were forced to impose at the end of 2008 on payments from
Cuban banks to foreign suppliers -which shall be totally suppressed next
year- have continued to decrease. At the same time, significant progress
has been achieved in the rescheduling of our debt with our principal
Once again I would like to thank our commercial and financial partners for
their confidence and understanding; I confirm to them our most steadfast
intentions of punctually honoring our commitments. The Government has
given precise instructions to not take on new debts without guaranteeing
their payment within the terms agreed upon.
As was explained by the Vice President of the Government and Minister of
Economy and Planning, Marino Murillo Jorge, next year's plan foresees a
3.1 per cent GDP growth, which should be re ached in the midst of a
scenario that is not any less complicated or tense.
The year 2011 is the first of five included in the midterm projection of
our economy. During this period we shall be gradually and progressively
introducing some new structures and concepts in the Cuban economic model.
During the coming year, we shall decisively move on to reduce superfluous
expenses, thus promoting the saving of all types of resources which, as we
have said on several occasions, is the quickest and safest source of
income at our disposal.
Likewise, we shall not overlook in the least the social programs in the
areas of health, education, culture and sports; we would rather raise
their quality, since we have identified enormous reserves of efficiency
through a more rational use of the existing infrastructure. We shall also
be increasing exports of goods and services, while continuing to
concentrate investments in those areas showing the quickest return on
Regarding the economic plan and the budget, we have insisted that the old
story of non-compliances and overdrafts must come to an end. The plan and
the budget are sacred. And I repeat, from now on, the plan and the budget
will be sacred; they were drafted to be complied with, not to make us feel
content with justifications of any sort or even with imprecisions and
lies, whether deliberate or not, when the goals previously set are not
At times some comrades, although without a fraudulent purpose, contribute
inaccurate information received from their subordinates without previously
checking them and so they fall into unconscious lying. But these false
data could lead us to make wrong decisions with major or minor
repercussions on the nation. Whosoever acts in that manner is also lying,
and whoever these persons may be they must be definitively and not
temporarily removed from the position they hold and, after the analysis of
the corresponding bodies, th ey must also be removed from the ranks of the
Party, should they be a member of it.
Lies and their harmful effects have accompanied mankind since we learned
the art of speech in ancient times, motivating society's condemnation. We
recall that the eighth of the Ten Commandments of the Bible reads: "Thou
shalt not bear false witness or lie". Likewise, the three basic moral
ethical principles of the Inca civilization stated as follows: do not lie,
or steal, or be lazy.
We must struggle to eradicate, once and for all, lies and deceit from the
cadres' behavior at all levels. No wonder Comrade Fidel in his brilliant
definition of the concept of Revolution, pointed out, among other things:
"...to never say a lie or violate ethical principles".
After the publication of the Draft Guidelines for the Economic and Social
Policy on November 9th last, the train of the Sixth Party Congress has
taken on steam, since now the true congress will be the open and honest
discussions of said guidelines by Party members and the entire people.
This genuine democratic exercise will allow us to further enrich that
document and, without excluding divergent opinions, achieve national
consensus about the need and urgency of introducing strategic changes in
the way the economy functions, with the purpose of making Socialism in
Cuba sustainable and irreversible.
We should not be afraid of discrepancies of criteria and this instruction,
which is not new, should not be interpreted as being limited only to the
discussions of the Guidelines; the differences of opinion, preferably
expressed in the right place, time and form, at the right moment and in
the correct form, shall always be more desirable than the false unanimity
based on pretense and opportunism. Moreover it is a right nobody should be
deprived of.
The more ideas we are capable of inspiring in the analysis of a problem,
the closer we shall come to its correct solution.
The Economic Policy Commission of the Party and the 11 groups which make
it up, have worked long months to draw up the abovementioned guidelines
which, as we have explained, shall constitute the leitmotif of the
Congress, based on the conviction that the economic situation is the most
important task of the Party and the Government and the basic subject of
cadres at all levels.
During the last few years we have been insisting that we could not let
ourselves be carried away by improvising and hurrying in this area,
bearing in mind the magnitude, complexity and the inter-relations of the
decisions to be adopted. For that reason I think that we did the right
thing when we decided to defer the Party Congress even though we had to
patiently resist the honest and also the ill-intended protests both inside
Cuba and abroad urging us to rush into the adoption of a score of
measures. Our adversaries abroad, as we might expect, have challenged our
every step, first by calling the measures cosmetic and insufficient and
now trying to confuse public opinion by prophesizing a sure failure and
concentrating their campaigns on the extolling of an alleged
disappointment and skepticism with which they say our people have welcomed
this draft.
Sometimes it seems that their most heartfelt wishes prevent them from
seeing the reality. By making their true desires evident, they blatantly
demand that we dismantle the economic and social system that we created,
just as if this Revolution was willing to submit to the most humiliating
surrender or, what tantamount to the same thing, rule its own destiny by
submitting to denigrating conditions.
Throughout 500 years, from Hatuey to Fidel, our people have shed too much
blood to accept the dismantling of what we have built with so much
To those who may entertain those unfounded illusions, we must remind once
and again what I said before this Parliament on August 1, 200 9, and I
quote: "I was not elected President to restore capitalism in Cuba nor to
surrender the Revolution. I was elected to defend, maintain and continue
improving socialism, not to destroy it", end of quote.
Today, I add that the measures we are implementing and all the
modifications that need to be introduced to the updating of the economic
model are aimed at the preservation of socialism by strengthening it and
making it truly irrevocable, as was stated in the Constitution of the
Republic at the behest of the vast majority of our population in the year
We have to put on the table all the information and arguments behind every
decision and also suppress the excessive secrecy to which we became used
to during these 50 years that we have lived under the enemy siege. Any
State must reasonably keep some matters secret; that is something nobody
can deny. But matters defining the political and economical course of the
nation shall be no secret. It is vital to explain, provide arguments and
convince the people of the fairness, need and urgency of any measure, no
matter how tough it appears to be.
The Party and the Communist Youth, as well as Cuba's Workers' Central and
its unions, along with the rest of the mass and social organizations have
the capacity to mobilize the support and the confidence of the people
through debate, free from unviable dogmas and schemes that would put up a
colossal psychological barrier that we need to dismantle little by little,
and we shall do it together.
That is exactly the fundamental agenda that we have reserved for the
National Conference of the Party to be held in 2011, after the Congress,
at a date we shall set later. On that occasion we shall analyze, among
other matters, the modifications of the working methods and styles of the
Party since, as a result of the deficiencies found in the performance of
the Government administrative bodies, the Party has engaged in the
exercise of functions outside its duties, thus restricting and
compromising its role as the organized avant-garde of the Cuban nation and
the top leading force of society and the State, as established by Article
Five of the Constitution of the Republic.
The Party should lead and supervise and not interfere with the activities
of the Government at no level: it is the Government that governs. Each
body has its own norms and procedures, depending on their missions in
It is necessary to change the mentality of the cadres and of all other
compatriots in facing up the new scenario which is beginning to be
sketched out. It is just about transforming the erroneous and
unsustainable concepts about socialism, that have been deeply rooted in
broad sectors of the population over the years, as a result of the
excessively paternalistic, idealistic and egalitarian approach instituted
by the Revolution in the interest of social justice.
Many of us Cubans confuse socialism with freebies and subsidies and
equality with egalitarianism. Quite a few of us consider the ration card
to be a social achievement that should never be gotten rid of.
In this regard, I am convinced that several of the problems we are facing
today have their origin in this distribution mechanism. While it is true
that its implementation was inspired by the wholesome idea of ensuring
people a stable supply of foodstuffs and other goods to counter the
unscrupulous hoarding by some for profit, it is an evident expression of
egalitarianism that equally benefits those who work and those who do not,
or those who do not need it, thus generating bartering and resale in a
submerged black market, etc, etc.
The solution to this complex and sensitive matter is not that simple since
it is closely related to the strengthening of the role of salaries in
society. That will only be possible if, at the same time, freebies and
subsidies are reduced and the p roductivity of work and the supply of
products to the population are increased.
In this matter, as well as in the reduction of overstaffing, the Socialist
State shall not leave any citizen unprotected and via the social welfare
system it shall ensure that people who are unable to work will receive the
minimum required protection. In the future there will be subsidies, but
not to products, but to Cuban men and women who for one reason or another
really need them.
As is known, as from September the cigarette rations were eliminated. This
product was received only by part of the population. Obviously, due to its
harmful effects to human health, it can not be considered a basic
Next year we can not afford to spend around 50 million dollars to import
coffee, which has so far been distributed in rations to all consumers,
including newborn children. Since this is an unavoidable necessity, we
intend to mix it with peas, as we used to do until 2005, since they are
much cheaper than coffee, whose price is almost three thousand dollars per
ton, while the cost of peas is 390 dollars.
If we want to keep on drinking pure, un-rationed coffee the only solution
is to produce it in Cuba where it has been proven that all the required
conditions for its cultivation exist, and where we can produce enough
quantities to satisfy the demand and even to export it with the highest
These decisions, and others that we shall have to apply, even though we
know they are not popular ones, are a must in order to be able to maintain
and even improve the free public health, education and social security
services for all of our citizens.
The leader of the Cuban Revolution, Comrade Fidel himself, in his
historical speech on November 17, 2005, stated, I quote: "Here is a
conclusion I've come to after many years: among all the errors we may have
committed, the greatest of them all was that we believed that someon e
really knew something about socialism, or that someone actually knew how
to build socialism", end of quote. Hardly one month ago, exactly five
years later, in his message on the occasion of the International Students
Day, Fidel confirmed these concepts which are still fully valid.
I for one remember the idea of a Soviet award-winning scientist who about
half a century ago was thinking that even though the possibility of a
manned flight into space had been theoretically documented, it was still a
journey into the unknown.
While we have counted on the theoretical Marxist-Leninist legacy,
according to which there is scientific evidence of the feasibility of
socialism and the practical experience of the attempts to build it in
other countries, the construction of a new society from an economic point
of view is, in my modest opinion, also a journey into the unknown.
Therefore each step must be profoundly meditated upon and planned before
the next step is ta ken; mistakes are to be timely and quickly amended so
that the solution is not left up to time, which will make them grow and
will and finally send us an even more costly invoice.
We are fully aware of the mistakes we have committed and the Guidelines
precisely mark the beginning of the road to rectification and the
necessary updating of our socialist economic model.
Nobody should claim he or she has been deceived: the Guidelines signal the
road towards a socialist future, adapted to Cuba's conditions and not to
the capitalist and neo-colonial past which was defeated by the Revolution.
Planning and not free market shall be the distinctive feature of the
economy. As was outlined in the third general guideline, the concentration
of ownership shall not be allowed. This is as clear as glass, but there is
no one as blind as the one who doesn't want to see.
The building of soci alism should be according to the special features of
every country. It is a his tory lesson that we have learned very well. We
do not intend to copy from anyone; that brought about enough problems to
us because, in addition to that, we also copied badly; but we shall not
ignore the experiences of others and we shall learn from them, even from
the positive experience of capitalists.
Speaking about the necessary change of mind, I shall mention one example:
we have arrived at the conclusion that large numbers of self-employed
persons are one more employment opportunity for working-age citizens with
the aim of increasing the supply of goods and services to the population
which could rid the State of those so that it could focus on what is truly
decisive, what the Party and the Government should do is facilitate their
work rather than generating stigmas and prejudices against them. Therefore
it is fundamental that we modify the existing negative approach that quite
a few of us have towards this form of private employment. When defining
the feature s that ought to characterize the building of a new society,
the classics of Marxist-Leninism stated, among other things, that the
State, on behalf of all the people, should keep the ownership over all the
basic production means.
We turned this precept into an absolute principle and almost all the
country's economic activity started to be run by the State. The steps we
have been taking and shall take in broadening and relaxing self-employment
are the result of profound meditations and analysis and we can assure you
this time there will be no going back.
Cuba's Workers' Central and its respective national unions are currently
studying forms and methods to organize the provision of assistance to this
labor force, promote full compliance with the Law and the payment of taxes
and encourage these workers to eschew illegalities. We should defend their
interests just as we do with any other citizen, as long as they observe
the approved juridical norms.
The introduction of the basic concepts of the taxation system at different
levels of education becomes very important, since younger generations will
become permanently and concretely acquainted with the application of taxes
as the most universal form of redistribution of the national income, in
the interest of covering social costs.
From the point of view of the society as a whole, we have to encourage
among all taxpayers the civic values of respect of and compliance with tax
payments; we should educate people in that discipline and culture, reward
those who comply and sanction tax evaders.
Another area where there is still much to do, in spite of the advances
made, is the attention to the different production modalities in
agriculture to remove the existing obstacles to the promotion of
productive forces in our rural areas so that, depending on the savings
from saving on the import of foodstuffs, farmers can receive just and
reasonable revenues for their hard wo rk. However this does not justify
the fixing of extremely high prices to the commodities consumed by the
After two years since we started to distribute idle lands in usufruct, I
think we are in conditions to evaluate the allocation of additional areas,
above the limits regulated by Decree-Law 259 of July 2008, to those
agricultural workers who have achieved outstanding results in the
intensive use of the lands they are responsible for.
I think it timely to clarify that the ownership of the lands distributed
in usufruct belong to all the people. Thus, if these are required for uses
different from these in the future, the State would compensate beneficial
owners for their investments and would pay to them the value of the
benefits created.
In due time, once we conclude the studies based on the experience we have
been accumulating, we shall submit to the Council of State the
corresponding proposals to modify the abovementioned Decree-Law.
One of the most difficult barriers to overcome in the effort to create a
different view -and we should publicly recognize that-, is the lack of
knowledge about the economy among the people, including quite a few cadres
who, giving clear proof of a supine ignorance on the subject, adopt or
propose decisions while facing customary problems without stopping for a
minute to evaluate their effects and costs, or without knowing whether
there is a budget or resources assigned to that end according to a plan.
I have not made any discovery when I state that improvisation in general,
particularly when it comes to the economy, leads to a sure failure
regardless of the lofty ends one intends to attain.
On December 2 last, on the occasion of the 54th anniversary of the landing
of the Granma, the official newspaper of our Party published an excerpt of
the speech delivered by Fidel in 1976 on that same date when we were
celebrating the twentieth anniversary of that ev ent. Given its validity
and relevance I find it appropriate to quote it: "The strength of a people
and a revolution lies precisely in its capacity to understand and cope
with difficulties. Despite everything, we will move forward on numerous
fronts and we will struggle bravely to increase the economy's efficiency,
save resources, reduce non-essential costs, increase exports and create
economic awareness in every citizen. I said earlier that we are all
politicians; now I add that we should all be economists, that the mindset
of saving and efficiency is different from a consumer mindset", end of
Ten years later, on December 1 of 1986, during the postponed session of
the Third Party Congress, Fidel stated, and I quote: "Many do not
understand that the Socialist State, just as any other State or system,
can not deliver what it does not have. Much less is it going to have that
which it does not produce if it gives away money without having a produ
ctive backing. I am sure that overstaffing, excess money paid out to
people, idle stocks, and wasting of resources are all linked to the great
number of unprofitable companies that we have in our country..." end of
the quote.
After 34 and 24 years respectively, from these instructions given by the
Leader of the Revolution, these and many other problems are still with us.
With his genius, Fidel was breaking through, showing the way, and the rest
of us didn't know how to ensure and consolidate the march forward to
pursue those goals.
We were lacking cohesion, organization and coordination between the Party
and the Government. In the midst of the threats and the daily emergencies
we neglected mid and long-term planning; we did not act strong enough
against the economic violations and the errors committed by some leaders
and we also stalled in correcting decisions that didn't have the effect we
On more than one occasion I have referre d to the fact that in this
Revolution almost everything has been said and that we should check which
of the instructions given by the Leader of the Revolution have been
fulfilled and which have not, ever since he made his vibrant statement
"History Will Absolve Me" until the present. We will retake Fidel's ideas,
which continue to be valid, and will not allow the same to happen to us
Errors, if they are just analyzed with honesty, can become experiences and
lessons that could teach us how to eradicate them and avoid its
replication. That is precisely the great usefulness of a thorough analysis
of errors. That should become a permanent rule of conduct for all leaders.
The reality of figures prevails over all our hopes and dreams. Since our
early years in first grade, when we studied elementary arithmetic, we
learn that two plus two makes four, not five or six. You don't have to be
an economist to understand that. Therefore, if at any give n time we have
to do something in the economic and social field whose cost can not be
covered by the resources available, we should do that bearing in mind the
consequences and knowing, ahead of time, that, ultimately, bare facts
shall irremissibly prevail.
Cuba has tens and tens of thousands of professionals graduated by the
Revolution in the specialties of economy, accounting and finances, just to
mention some, which we haven't known how to make a proper use of their
knowledge in the interest of the nation's orderly development.
We have something that is very precious, which is human capital. We must
further unite it, with the help of the National Association of Economists
and Accountants (ANEC) to take up the task of constantly and
systematically instructing our educated public and their leaders at all
levels in this subject. A large number from the ANEC National Board took
part in the first seminars that we organized to analyze these guidelines
and many o f their members are immersed in the process of discussions
under way.
In this regard, we should emphasize the decisive contribution made by
thousands and thousands of accountants to recover the place they deserve
in economic management which, as we well know, is an indispensable
condition to ensure success and order in everything that we intend to
In these circumstances, nobody should lose sight of the relevance of
keeping a differentiated approach to the youth. I should emphasize the
decision to exempt new graduates fulfilling their Social Service from any
overstaffing reduction process.
Now then, we are not trying to assign them to jobs that have nothing to do
with their professional profiles, as it has occurred in the past, when
they were even employed as doormen at some work places, because that
period is precisely designed to train them in production and the provision
of services, so that they could complement the theory they learned in
school with practice and cultivate in them the love for work.
No less important is the work to be carried out by cadres and specialists
involved in the drafting and review of legal documents, along with the
modifications that are being implemented. For example, the issuance of
almost 30 provisions -including decree-laws, Government agreements and
resolutions from various ministries and national institutes- have been
required to create the legal framework for two guidelines (158 and 159),
referring to self-employment, its taxation regime and the reduction of
Just a few days ago, a resolution issued by the Ministry of Finances that
modified the prices set by redistribution centers for a series of
agricultural products had to terminate another 36 resolutions of that same
body, issued on different dates in previous years, but all valid.
These facts give you some idea of the work facing us in the area of
juridical organization for the purpose of reinforcing the institutionality
of the country and eliminating so many irrational prohibitions that have
been on the books for years, without bearing in mind existing
circumstances, creating a true breeding ground for multiple barely legal
actions that frequently give rise to corruption in different degrees. One
can arrive at a life-tested conclusion: irrational prohibitions lead to
violations and that in turn leads to corruption and impunity; that is why
I believe that the population is right in its concern over the
mind-boggling procedures associated with housing and automobile sales
between individuals, just to mention two examples that are currently under
study for an orderly solution.
At the right time, we must simplify and group together legislation in
effect which is generally rather spread out. The guiding documents are
drawn up to be mastered by those responsible for their fulfillment, not
just to be filed away. As a result, we have to educate all cad res and
demand that they work with legal provisions that govern their functions
and monitor that this complies as a requisite for suitability in occupying
a determinate position.
It is worthwhile remembering, once again, that ignorance of the law is no
excuse for not following it and that, according to the Constitution, every
citizen has equal rights and responsibilities, therefore whoever commits a
crime in Cuba, regardless of the position he or she holds, whoever they
may be, shall have to face up to the consequences of their mistakes and to
the weight of justice.
Moving on to another matter, also part of the Guidelines, in next year's
plan, we have excluded 68 important investments for the country because
they have not followed the established requirements, among them funding
definition, technical and project preparation, the definition of building
forces capable of undertaking them in the set terms and evaluation of
feasibility studies. We shall not allow the wastage of resources destined
for investments resulting from spontaneity, improvisation and
superficiality which, in more cases than not, has characterized the
investment process.
In dealing with these subjects I must refer to the decisive role
corresponding of Party cadres, the Government, mass and youth
organizations in the coordinated and harmonious management of the process
of updating the Cuban economic model.
In the course of the gradual decentralization that we are putting forth,
we have adopted different measures in favor of increasing the authority of
administrative and business executives on whom we shall continue to
delegate powers. Simultaneously we are improving control procedures and
raising to higher levels the demands to confront manifestations of
negligence, apathy and other behaviors incompatible with public positions.
Likewise, we are fully aware of the harm caused by the "upside-down
pyramid" to the cadres policy during the years; I mean, when salaries are
not paid in relation to the importance and hierarchy of leadership
positions, nor is there adequate differentiation between some and others,
all of which works against motivation for promoting the most capable
workers towards senior level responsibilities in the companies and in the
ministries themselves. This is a basic matter that must be resolved
according to what is indicated in guidelines number 156 and 161, referring
to salary policy.
The sixth Party Congress should be, as a fact of life, the last to be
attended by most of us who belong to the Revolution's historical
generation. The time we have left is short, and without an ounce of
immodesty or conceit, I think we have the obligation of taking advantage
of the power of the moral authority we enjoy among the people to trace out
the route to be followed.
We don't think we are more intelligent or able than anyone else or any of
the like, but we strongly believe that we have the elemental duty to
correct the mistakes that we have made all along these five decades during
which we have building socialism in Cuba. To this Endeavour we will devote
all the energy we have left, which fortunately is not just a little.
We will increase our perseverance and our intransigence against wrong. The
ministers and other administrative and political leaders know they will
count on our full support when, while performing their duties, they
educate and the same time are demanding with their subordinates and are
not afraid of running into trouble.
Running into trouble for confronting the wrong is right now one of our
main tasks.
Likewise it is very clear to all of us that we are no longer living
through the early years after the triumph of the Revolution in 1959, when
some of those who were appointed to government posts resigned to
demonstrate their opposition to the first radical measures adopted by the
Revolution. That behavior wa s then branded as counterrevolutionary.
Today, the true revolutionary and honest behavior is for any cadre to
resign with dignity and without any fear whenever they feel tired or
incapable of fully performing their duties. This will always be preferable
to a demotion.In this regard, I should refer to three comrades who
occupied important positions in the leadership of the Party and the
Government. As a result of their mistakes, the Political Bureau asked them
to resign to their condition as members of that leading body, the Central
Committee and as deputies to the National People's Power Assembly. I am
referring to Jorge Luis Sierra Cruz, Yadira Garcia Vera and Pedro Saez
Montejo. The first two were also released from their positions as minister
of Transportation and of the Basic Industry respectively. Sierra took upon
himself attributions he was not entitled to, which led him to make serious
mistakes in management. Yadira Garcia's performance as minister was
dreadful , which became particularly evident in the poor control of the
resources allocated to investments, which led to a waste of those
resources, as it became obvious during the expansion of the nickel factory
Pedro Soto Alba of Moa, in the province of Holguin. Both comrades were
severely criticized at the joint meetings of the Political Bureau and the
Executive Committee of the Council of Ministers.
On his part, Pedro Saez Montejo, evidencing superficiality incompatible
with his position as First Secretary of the Communist Party in the City of
Havana, infringed upon the party work standards, something that was
discussed with him by a Political Bureau commission which was presided
over by myself and made up by comrades Machado Ventura and Esteban Lazo.
It is fair to say though that these three comrades the mistakes which of
them had made and adopted a correct attitude. That is the reason why the
Political Bureau Commission decided to respect their condition as memb ers
of the Communist Party. Likewise, we deemed it convenient to assign them
to tasks related to their respective specialties.
Personally, the three of them will continue to be my friends but my only
single commitment is with the people, particularly with those who have
lost their lives in these 58 years of continued struggle since the coup
d'etat in 1952. This has been the procedure followed with three high level
leaders, so let it be known that this would be the same procedure to be
followed by the Party and the Government with every cadre. We will demand
more from them, but at the same time we will war them and adopt any
relevant disciplinary measure if any of the established rules are
infringed upon.
As was established by the Law to Modify the Country's Political and
Administrative Division, on January next year the new provinces of
Artemisa and Mayabeque will be created. Their respective governments will
start to world according to the new organization al and structures
conceptions, which are far more rational than the ones that exist in the
present Havana province.
All functions, structures and payrolls have been already defined. We are
still working of the definitions of their attributions as well as their
relations with the Central State Administrative Apparatus, national
companies and political and mass organizations. We will follow very
closely this experience so that it could be gradually implemented on all
other local government bodies throughout the country in the course of the
next five years. We very much favor the usefulness of continuing to
gradually increase the authority of provincial and municipal governments
by entrusting them with greater faculties for the execution of local
budgets, which will absorb much of the taxes generated by the economic
activity aiming at contributing to its further development.
The relations with the peoples and governments of almost every nation move
on amidst th e convulsive international situation.
The world has known in amazement the scandalous revelations of hundreds of
thousands of classified documents of the US Government. Some of the most
recent are about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; others deal with the
most varied topics about the US relations with tens of States.
Although everybody is wondering what is really going on and how could this
be linked to the twists and turns of the US politics, what has been
revealed so far show that that country, although pretending to practice a
kind rhetoric, essentially, it continues to implement the usual politics
and acts as a global gendarme.
There isn't the slightest willingness on the part of the United States to
change its policy against Cuba, not even to eliminate its most irrational
aspects. It is evident that a powerful and reactionary minority that props
up the anti Cuban mafia continues to have a major influence on these
The United States not only turns a blind eye to the overwhelming call
issued by 187 countries asking for an end to the economic, commercial and
financial blockade against our country. In the year 2010, it reinforced
its implementation and once again included Cuba in its spurious lists,
whereby they take upon themselves the right to qualify and denigrate other
sovereign States to justify punitive actions or even acts of aggression.
The US policy against Cuba does not have an ounce of credibility. The US
has no other choice but to resort to lies to reiterate certain
allegations. Some of them stand out for being scandalously false, as the
one asserting that Cuba is a country that sponsors international
terrorism, tolerates domestic traffic in children and women for sexual
exploitation, violates flagrantly human rights and is responsible for
significantly restricting religious freedom.
The US government tries to hide its own sins and attempts to evade its
responsibilities when i t allows that notorious international terrorists
who have been wanted by the legal systems of several countries continue to
live with impunity in that country while maintaining our Five brothers
unjustly imprisoned for fighting against terrorism.
In its slanderous campaigns about the human rights situation in Cuba, the
United States has found the connivance of European countries known because
of their complicity with the CIA secret renditions, the creation of
torture and detention centers, for placing the burden of the economic
crisis on the lowest income workers, violently repressing demonstrators
and implementing discriminatory policies against migrants and minorities.
We will continue to struggle, together with all Latin American nations,
for an emancipating integration. In the context of the Bolivarian Alliance
for the Peoples of Our America, we will continue to work to consolidate
the solidarity and unity that will make us ever stronger.
Therefore, we will continue to support he sister nation of Haiti where our
health staff together with Latin American and Haitian doctors who
graduated in Cuba, in a selfless and humanitarian way, are coping with the
cholera epidemic, the destruction caused by the earthquake and the sequels
of hundreds of years of exploitation and plundering of that noble people
that needs the international community to grant resources for
reconstruction and especially for a sustainable development.
This is also the right occasion to convey, from this parliamentary meeting
and on behalf of all Cubans, a message of support and solidarity to the
brother people of Venezuela, who are suffering from the ravages of
torrential rains which have great human and material losses. At a very
early stage, the tens of thousands of Cuban cooperation workers who are
offering their services in that country were instructed to place
themselves at the disposal of the Venezuelans and of President Hugo Chavez
for what ever might be necessary.
April next year will mark the 50th anniversary of the proclamation of the
Socialist character of our Revolution. In the sands of Playa Giron our
forced fought for the first time to defend socialism and within hardly 72
hours and led by Commander in Chief in person, they managed to defeat the
mercenary invasion sponsored by the US government.
On the occasion of such a relevant commemoration, there will be a military
parade on April 16 with the participation of troops and combat equipment,
to be attended by the delegates to the 6th Congress of the Communist Party
who will gather on that very afternoon to begin their works, which we hope
will conclude on April 19, the day when we celebrate the Victory of Playa
Giron. The parade will be closed by tens of thousands of youths
representing the new generations, which are the guarantee of the
continuity of the Revolution.
This celebration will be dedicated to our youth, which has never failed to
be faithful to the Revolution. Youth were those who died during the attack
on the Moncada and Bayamo garrisons; youth were those who rose up in
Santiago de Cuba led by Frank Pais; youth were the Granma expeditionaries
who after the fiasco at Alegria de Pio, founded the Rebel Army, and were
joined by waves of other youths from the countryside and the city,
particularly by the reinforcement that came from Santiago that was
personally organized and sent by Frank himself; youth were those who were
members of the powerful clandestine movement; youth were those who
courageously attacked the Presidential Palace and the Radio Reloj radio
station on March 13, 1957, headed by Jose Antonio Echeverria; youth were
those who fought heroically in Giron; youth and teenagers were those who
joined the literacy campaign also 50 years ago; youth were most of those
who fought against the mercenary bands organized by the CIA; youth were
those who wrote beautiful pages of courage and stoicism in the
internationalist missions in several countries, particularly those in
support of the liberation movements in Africa; youth are our Five Heroes
who risked their lives I the struggle against terrorism and have suffered
more than 12 years of cruel imprisonment; youth are many of the thousands
and thousands of cooperation workers who defend the human life by curing
diseases that have already been eradicated in Cuba, supporting the
literacy programs and disseminating culture and the practice of sports
throughout the world.
This Revolution has been the results of the sacrifices made by the Cuban
youth: the workers, farmers, students, intellectuals, military, all the
youths from all the times when they have lived and struggled.
This Revolution will be carried forward by the youth, full of optimism and
with an unshakable faith in victory.
Equally big have been both the challenges and dangers since the triumph of
the Revolution, especially af ter Giron. But no difficulty has ever bent
our spirit. We are and will be here due to the dignity, the integrity, the
courage, the ideological strength the revolutionary spirit and the
sacrifice of the Cuban people which since long ago embraced the concept
that socialism is the only guarantee to continue to be free and
Thank you, very much.
Cuba & China Normalize Financial Relations
December 19, 2010 | Print This Post Email to a Friend
HAVANA TIMES, Dec. 19 - Cuban and Chinese authorities have agreed to
normalize their financial relations as a result of the 23rd Session of the
Intergovernmental Commission. The Asian giant also gave the island an
unspecified interest-free governmental credit and a donation, both for
development projects.
"China is a relatively new member of Cuba's creditor club, having provided
billions in loans over recent years. But it is now Havana's biggest
creditor and second largest trading partner, after Venezuela," wrote Marc
Frank earlier in the week for the Financial Times.
Cuba's Cupet to Operate Oil Blocks Offshore Angola, Angop Says
December 20, 2010, 9:25 AM EST
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By Colin McClelland
Dec. 20 (Bloomberg) -- Angola's national oil company signed a
production-sharing contract with Cuban Commercial Cupet SA to operate two
blocks off the southwest African country, state news agency Angop reported
The deal to operate blocks N23 and N33 was signed Dec. 8 in Havana by
Mateus de Brito, an administrator at the Angolan company, Sonangol, and
Rafael Luis Arias Batista, deputy president and director general of Cuban
Commercial, Angop said, citing Sonangol.
Reform will sustain socialism - Castro
Raul Castro speaks of the Cuban revolution being at stake
Published: 2010/12/20 07:48:54 AM
CUBAN President Raul Castro told legislators on Saturday that the future
of the country's revolution was at stake as the government tries to
institute sweeping economic reforms, but that the changes were meant to
strengthen socialism - not replace it.
Cuba has announced it will lay off 500000 workers from bloated state-run
enterprises, while simultaneously allowing more free enterprise.
It has also begun to scale back many of the subsidies Cubans have come to
rely on to compensate for salaries that are about 20 a month.
Mr Castro has argued that the changes are needed to boost notoriously low
productivity, and that once that happens, living standards will begin to
rise. He urged his countrymen to embrace the changes, and warned that
those who did not would be left behind.
"The life of the revolution is in the balance," Mr Castro said in a two-
hour speech closing a twice-yearly meeting of the island's national
assembly. He repeated his contention that the limited measure of
capitalism that is being injected into the economy does not mean the end
of the revolution's ideal to create an egalitarian utopia.
"The strategic economic changes are being made to sustain socialism," he
said. "They are to preserve and strengthen socialism, so as to make it
irrevocable." Sapa-AP
Los envios de dinero de EE.UU. a Cuba podran ser pagados en pesos cubanos
EFE, Miami (EE.UU.) | hace 4 minutos | Comenta | Votar
+ 0 - 0 | Imprimir
Las agencias de envios de remesas a Cuba podran pagar los giros en pesos
cubanos a partir de hoy, con la entrada en vigor de una nueva norma de la
Oficina de Control de Activos Extranjeros del Departamento del Tesoro de
EE.UU. (OFAC, por su sigla en ingles).
La nueva norma del Tesoro entra en vigor 15 meses despues de aprobarse
varias medidas adoptadas por la administracion del presidente Barack Obama
para liberar las restricciones sobre viajes a Cuba y envio de dinero.
"Este es un gran paso que beneficiara a los cubanos que viven en la isla,
que ya no tendran que hacer ningun tipo de conversion para recibir su
dinero. De igual forma, esta medida agilizara los tramites para el pago de
las remesas", dijo a Efe Victoria Lopez Negrete, vicepresidente de
Productos para Estados Unidos de Western Union.
"Western Union envia dinero a Cuba desde 1999 y cuenta con mas de 150
oficinas en Cuba, donde tratamos de prestar un servicio rapido y
eficiente. Esta nueva medida hara mas facil nuestro trabajo", agrego
La medida permitira a cualquier persona que vive en Estados Unidos enviar
giros de dinero a Cuba a parientes con segundo grado de consanguinidad
como tios y primos, ademas de padres, hermanos e hijos, y recibirlas de
forma mas directa.
Lopez Negrete indico que su empresa puso en marcha la campana '50 Dias
Para Compartir', que permitira por las fiestas de fin de ano enviar dinero
a menor costo y obsequiar tarjetas prepago como regalo de Navidad por
diferentes montos de dinero y con servicio de entrega a domicilio.
"De acuerdo a un sondeo de opinion pudimos identificar que la preferencia
de la gente para regalar dinero en efectivo subio de un 44 por ciento en
2009 a un 52 por ciento este ano, ya que la gente cree que es mas util el
dinero que un regalo; debido a la crisis que sufre el pais", aseguro la
La campana, que se inicio el 9 de noviembre y termina el 25 de diciembre,
tambien invita a los clientes de Western Union a votar en su pagina de
internet cinco instituciones de beneficencia, reconocidas por Unicef, y
que trabajan por el cuidado de los ninos.
Todas ellas recibiran una donacion de 100.000 dolares y la ganadora
obtendra 50.000 dolares mas.
Remittances U.S. to Cuba may be paid in Cuban pesos
EFE, Miami (USA) | 4 minutes ago | Comment | Rate
+ 0 - 0 | Print
Agencies remittances to Cuba can pay money in pesos as of today, with the
entry into force of a new standard of the Office of Foreign Assets Control
of the U.S. Treasury Department (OFAC, its acronym in English).
The new rule takes effect Tesoro 15 months after the adoption of various
measures taken by the administration of President Barack Obama to release
the restrictions on travel to Cuba and sending money.
"This is a big step that will benefit the Cubans in the island, which no
longer have to do any conversion to get their money. Similarly, this
measure will streamline procedures for payment of remittances," said Efe
Victoria Lopez Negrete, vice president of products for the U.S. to Western
"Western Union sends money to Cuba since 1999 and has over 150 offices in
Cuba, where we try to provide a fast and efficient service. This new
measure will make our jobs easier," added Lopez.
The measure will allow anyone living in the United States send money
transfers to Cuba with second-degree relatives by blood and uncles and
cousins, as well as parents, siblings and children and receive more
Lopez Negrete said his company launched the campaign '50 Days To Share ',
which allows for the holidays this year to send money to give away cheaply
and prepaid cards as a Christmas gift for various amounts of money and
service delivery home.
"According to an opinion poll could identify the preference of people to
give cash rose from 44 percent in 2009 to 52 percent this year because
people believe that money is more useful than a gift, due to the crisis
facing the country, "said the executive.
The campaign, which began on November 9 and ends on December 25, also
invites customers to Western Union to vote on its website five charities
recognized by Unicef, and working for the care of children .
All of them receive a grant of $ 100,000 and the winner will get $ 50,000
Por Francisco Forteza LA HABANA, 19 (ANSA) - Los cambios economicos
calificados de "irreversibles" por el presidente cubano Raul Castro,
generaran un sector privado de alrededor de dos millones de trabajadores
"cuentapropistas" y la paulatina desaparicion de la libreta de
abastecimiento, anticiparon funcionarios del gobierno castrista.
La libreta de abastecimiento, identificada con la historia familiar y
social de los cubanos desde hace 50 anos, le cuesta al Estado alrededor de
mil millones de dolares anuales y el ministro de Economia, Mariano
Murillo, especulo con su paulatina desaparicion. Las transformaciones se
iran introduciendo en la sociedad cubana durante los proximos cinco anos y
los funcionarios economicos de la isla advirtieron que requerira de un
cambio cultural que implique el "reconocimiento del papel" de los nuevos
emprendedores privados.
En sintonia con esta nueva vision de la economia privada, Castro pidio
el sabado ante el Congreso cubano terminar con la "demonizacion" de los
Castro, en un energico discurso, insto a los cubanos a cambiar "su
mentalidad" de varias decadas, que los llevo a ignorar el debate, a
confundir el socialismo con las "gratuidades y subsidios" y a "demonizar"
el trabajo privado.
"O rectificamos o ya se acaba el tiempo de seguir bordeando el
precipicio, nos hundimos, y hundiremos el esfuerzo de generaciones
enteras", dijo Raul Castro el sabado ante la ultima sesion de 2010 del
Funcionarios economicos cubanos detallaron que las transformaciones
comenzaran a partir de 2011 y seran notables cuando termine el quinquenio
ya planificado, en 2015. El concepto predominante entre los funcionarios
locales es que debe lograrse un "consenso nacional" aunque este no elimine
"las opiniones diversas".
Castro defendio "el debate sin ataduras a dogmas y esquemas inviables,
que constituyen una barrera psicologica colosal, que es imprescindible
desmontar poco a poco y lo lograremos entre todos".
Tambien rechazo que "muchos cubanos confundimos el socialismo con las
gratuidades y subsidios, la igualdad con el igualitarismo, no pocos
identificamos la libreta de abastecimientos como un logro social que nunca
debiera suprimirse".
Esa "libreta", lanzada a inicios de la decada del 60 -a poco del
triunfo de la revolucion- para enfrentar un "desabastecimiento" de
alimentos y productos de consumo masivo a causa del bloqueo de Estados
Unidos, se convirtio con el tiempo en una "canasta" mensual muy subsidiada
para cada familia para mantener los precios que existian hace 50 anos.
El ministro de Economia, Mariano Murillo, explico a los legisladores
durante la ultima sesion parlamentaria que "la libreta" cuesta al
presupuesto estatal mas de mil millones de dolares. Murillo considero que
seria "bastante complicado quitarla de un golpe" y defendio un proceso
"paulatino" hacia su desaparicion.
Castro, por su parte, admitio, no obstante, que la solucion para el
"igualitarismo" y las "gratuidades" no es sencilla "pues guarda estrecha
relacion con el fortalecimiento del papel del salario en la sociedad".
El salario promedio mensual en Cuba es de unos 400 pesos nacionales
(unos 20 dolares), y aunque su poder adquisitivo puede cubrir algunos
servicios como el alquiler de viviendas, es insuficiente.
En resumen, Castro subrayo que 2011 es el primero de los cinco
incluidos en la proyeccion a mediano plazo de economia cubana durante los
cuales "se iran introduciendo cambios estructurales y de conceptos en el
modelo economico cubano".
Para el presidente cubano las "decisiones que sera necesario aplicar,
aunque sabemos que no son populares, si son obligadas para poder mantener
y mejorar incluso los servicios gratuitos de salud publica, educacion y la
seguridad social a todos los ciudadanos". ACZ
19/12/2010 18:33
By Francisco Forteza LA HABANA, 19 (Bloomberg) - The economic changes
described as "irreversible" by Cuban President Raul Castro, the private
sector will generate around two million workers "self-employed" and the
gradual disappearance of the ration card, Castro government officials
The ration card, identified by family and social history of the Cuban
people for 50 years, costs the state about a billion dollars a year and
the economy minister, Mariano Murillo, speculated with their gradual
disappearance. The changes will be introduced in Cuban society over the
next five years and the economic officials warned that the island will
require a cultural change that involves the "recognition of the role" of
the new private entrepreneurs.
In line with this new vision of the private economy, Castro called on
Saturday to the Cuban Congress end the "demonization" of "self-employed."
Castro, in a forceful speech, he urged Cubans to change "their mind"
for several decades, which led them to ignore the debate, to confuse
socialism with "entitlements and subsidies" and "demonizing" the private
"O rectify or already running out of time to continue along the cliff,
we sink, and sink the effort of generations," Raul Castro said Saturday
before the final 2010 session of parliament.
Cuban economic officials detailing the changes will begin from 2011
and will be noticeable when you finish the five already planned in 2015.
The prevailing concept among local officials is to be achieved a "national
consensus" but this does not remove "alternative views".
Castro defended "the debate with no ties to dogmas and viable schemes
which are a huge psychological barrier, it is essential to gradually
dismantle and we will succeed together."
He also rejected "many Cubans confuse socialism with the entitlements
and subsidies, equal to egalitarianism, not just identify the ration book
as a social achievement that should never be deleted."
This "notepad", launched earlier in the decade of the 60-by little the
triumph of the revolution, to address a "shortage" of food and consumer
products because of the U.S. blockade, became in time a "basket" heavily
subsidized monthly for each family to keep the prices that existed 50
years ago.
The economy minister, Mariano Murillo, told lawmakers during the last
parliamentary session that "the book" costing the state budget over a
billion dollars. Murillo considered it "very difficult to remove in one
stroke" and advocated a process of "gradual" to his disappearance.
Castro, meanwhile, admitted, however, that the solution to the
"egalitarianism" and "freebies" is not simple "as closely related to
strengthening the role of wages in society."
The average monthly salary in Cuba is about 400 Cuban pesos (20
dollars), and although their purchasing power can cover services such as
rental housing, is insufficient.
In summary, Castro said that 2011 is the first of the five included in
the medium-term projection of the Cuban economy during which "will be
introduced structural and conceptual changes in the Cuban economic model."
For the Cuban president "decisions that need to be applied, although
we know they are not popular, they are obliged to maintain and improve the
free services including public health, education and social security to
all citizens." ACZ
19/12/2010 18:33
Cuba preve crecimiento economico de 3.1% en 2011
Actualizado a las 0:00 horas.
Agencia EFE
"El Gobierno ha impartido instrucciones precisas de no asumir nuevas
deudas sin la seguridad de cumplimentar su pago en los plazos pactados".
Raul Castro | Presidente de Cuba
La Habana. El Gobierno de Cuba preve que el Producto Interno Bruto (PIB)
del pais crezca un 3,1% en 2011, un ano en que las "exigencias" para hacer
avanzar la economia de la isla seran "mucho mayores", advirtio el
Ejecutivo. El ministro de Economia, Marino Murillo, dio los datos ante la
Asamblea Nacional que concluyo el sabado con la asistencia del presidente
Raul Castro.
La expectativa de crecimiento economico fijada por el Gobierno para el
proximo ejercicio supera en un punto al alcanzado en 2010 (2.1%), pero se
situa por debajo del promedio anual calculado para el plan quinquenal con
horizonte 2015, dijo el ministro.
El plenario de la Asamblea Nacional comenzo sus trabajos el pasado
miercoles para analizar los resultados del pais durante 2010, aprobar los
planes economicos para el proximo ano y estudiar el proyecto de reformas
impulsado por el gobierno de Raul Castro para "actualizar" el modelo
La ampliacion del trabajo privado en la isla como alternativa a la
supresion de empleos estatales (unos 500 mil durante el proximo ano) son
dos de las principales medidas de ese plan de ajustes.
En este sentido, el Ministro de Economia preciso que a lo largo de 2011 se
suprimiran definitivamente 146 mil puestos de trabajo estatales y se preve
que 351 mil funcionarios publicos pasen a otras formas de empleo
La estimacion es que de esas 351 mil personas, al menos 100 mil se
incorporen en el ambito del trabajo por cuenta propia.
Las previsiones de ingresos por turismo fue otro de los datos ofrecidos
por el Ministro de Economia, quien preve un crecimiento del 29.5% en este
capitulo. Para 2011, Cuba espera recibir 2.7 millones de visitantes, un
10% mas que este ano.
Eliminaran retenciones
El presidente de Cuba, Raul Castro, anuncio que tambien en 2011, el pais
eliminara todas las retenciones de pago que han afectado a sus socios
comerciales y agrego que la isla ha logrado "significativos avances" en la
renegociacion de sus deudas.
En un discurso ante la Asamblea, Castro informo que las limitaciones
impuestas en el pago de los bancos cubanos a los suministradores
extranjeros desde 2008 han ido disminuyendo y seran "suprimidas
totalmente" el proximo ano.
Ademas, resalto que la isla ha logrado renegociar las deudas que mantiene
con sus principales acreedores, y agradecio la "confianza y comprension"
de sus socios comerciales y financieros. "El Gobierno ha impartido
instrucciones precisas de no asumir nuevas deudas sin la seguridad de
cumplimentar su pago en los plazos pactados", destaco el mandatario.
Cuba foresees economic growth of 3.1% in 2011
Updated at 0:00 pm.
Agencia EFE
"The government has given clear instructions not to take on new debt
without the assurance of complete payment in the agreed deadlines."
Raul Castro | President of Cuba
La Habana. The Government of Cuba provided that the gross domestic product
(GDP) grow by 3.1% in 2011, a year when the "demands" to advance the
economy of the island will be "much more" said the executive. The Minister
of Economy, Marino Murillo, gave the information to the National Assembly
which concluded Saturday with the assistance of President Raul Castro.
The expectation of economic growth set by the government for next year
than at a point reached in 2010 (2.1%) but below the average calculated
for the horizon year plan to 2015, said the minister.
The plenary of the National Assembly began its work last Wednesday to
discuss the results of the country in 2010, approving the business plans
for next year and study the project of reforms promoted by the government
of Raul Castro to "upgrade" the socialist model.
The expansion of private work on the island as an alternative to the
elimination of state jobs (approximately 500 000 over the next year) are
two of the main steps of this plan of adjustment.
In this regard, the Finance Minister said that over 2011 will be
definitively 146 000 state jobs and is expected to pass 351 000 civil
servants to other forms of employment.
The estimate is that of those 351 000 people, at least 100 000 are
incorporated in the field of self-employment.
The estimates of revenue from tourism was one of the data provided by the
Minister of Economy, who forecasts growth of 29.5% in this chapter. In
2011, Cuba expects 2.7 million visitors, up 10% this year.
Eliminate withholding
Cuba's President Raul Castro also announced that in 2011, the country
removed all payment holds that affected trading partners and added that
the island has made "significant progress" in renegotiating their debts.
In a speech to the Assembly, Castro said that the limitations imposed on
the Cuban banks pay foreign suppliers have been declining since 2008 and
will be "completely abolished" next year.
He further stressed that the island has managed to renegotiate the debts
it has with its major creditors, and welcomed the "confidence and
understanding" of their business and financial partners. "The government
has given clear instructions not to take on new debt without the assurance
of complete payment in the agreed deadlines," said the president.
EEUU vigilo a empresas espanolas por tener inversiones en Cuba
Lunes, Diciembre 20, 2010, 15:50Europa, Latinoamerica, Norteamerica
Aguas de Barcelona, Altadis, Freixenet, Repsol o Iberia, hasta un total de
25 companias, han sido las empresas espanolas vigiladas estrictamente
desde hace anos por Estados Unidos en Espana por tener relaciones
comerciales con Cuba, destaca este domingo un trabajo publicado en el
portal web Rebelion.
De acuerdo con cables suministrados por Wikileaks y divulgados este
domingo por el diario El Pais, Estados Unidos ha evitado por ahora imponer
sanciones, aunque llego a plantearselo tras la vuelta de los socialistas
al Gobierno espanol y el cambio de la politica de ese pais hacia la isla.
Los diplomaticos estadounidenses han vigilado con mucha atencion la
politica espanola hacia Cuba desde que Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero llego
al Gobierno.
Los papeles de la Embajada se deshacen en elogios con el Gobierno de (Jose
Maria) Aznar que, con su linea dura de "critica estridente", "hizo mucho
para impulsar la democracia, los derechos humanos y las libertades
fundamentales en Cuba", segun la version estadounidense.
Llegado Zapatero al poder, la Embajada se planteo en julio de 2004 si era
conveniente mantener la moratoria a la imposicion de sanciones a las
empresas espanolas con inversiones en la isla.
En esa fecha, la idea era que aunque Zapatero no seria en sus
planteamientos tan cercano a Estados Unidos como Aznar, no habia hecho aun
nada para suavizar la linea dura.
El analisis de la Embajada concluia que imponer sanciones daria al
Gobierno de Espana la excusa para normalizar el dialogo con Cuba.
Ademas, Espana alegaria que con ello se rompia el acuerdo entre la Union
Europea y el Gobierno estadounidense para dejar en suspenso las sanciones.
"El Gobierno de EEUU tiene poco que ganar y mucho que perder en sus
objetivos de politica exterior no renovando la moratoria", concluia la
comunicacion del embajador George L. Argyros al Departamento de Estado.
Pronto, sin embargo, los timidos gestos de apertura al dialogo con Cuba
del Gobierno espanol hicieron a EEUU replantearse esa politica.
En un despacho fechado el 1-o de diciembre de 2004, Washington volvia a
plantearse la posibilidad de establecer sanciones ante ese giro.
"En materia de derechos humanos, el Gobierno ha roto con el enfasis de la
Administracion de Aznar en apoyar a los activistas democraticos para
buscar en su lugar un mayor dialogo con el regimen de Castro", especifica
el cable de la embajada estadounidense.
No obstante, la Embajada dudaba de la eficacia de imponer sanciones: "Pese
a nuestro disgusto sobre la direccion de la politica espanola con Cuba,
debemos analizar si nos interesa ahondar nuestras diferencias con la UE
autorizando sanciones contra entidades espanolas", decia el documento.
Ademas, agrega el texto: "Incluso los paises que se han resistido a los
esfuerzos espanoles por debilitar las posiciones de la UE sobre Cuba
podrian sentirse obligados a apoyar a un socio de la UE ante las acciones
legales de EEUU contra empresas ibericas".
Ese despacho incluia informacion sobre las empresas espanolas que tenian
inversiones en Cuba, la localizacion de sus inversiones y, en algunos
casos, su cuantificacion.
Las empresas identificadas por EEUU en esa comunicacion como susceptibles
de potenciales sanciones eran las siguientes: Sol Melia, Inversiones
Ibersuizas, Occidental Hoteles, Grupo Pinero, Iberostar, Barcelo, NH
Hoteles, Grupo Riu, Hotetur, Aguas de Barcelona, Altadis, Freixenet,
Repsol e Iberia.
La Embajada justifico la parquedad de sus datos al alegar que las
companias procuraban ser opacas en relacion con Cuba ante la amenaza de
Esa misma informacion se incluye en las comunicaciones del ano 2005, con
algunos anadidos sobre la evolucion de las relaciones Espana-Cuba y con
una consideracion de politica interna: aunque el Partido Popular estuviera
en desacuerdo con la politica de Zapatero hacia la isla, rechazaria que
las companias espanolas recibiesen sanciones.
En 2006, el Consejo de Seguridad Nacional pidio a la Embajada en Madrid
que ampliase la informacion sobre las relaciones economicas entre Espana y
Cuba. En las respuestas, junto a las companias antes citadas se anadia la
presencia de Iberdrola, Banesto y BBVA en la isla.
Carta inquisitorial
En paralelo, la Comision del Mercado de Valores de EEUU (la SEC) remitio a
Repsol una carta inquisitorial para pedir explicaciones sobre sus
operaciones tanto en Cuba como en Iran en la que pedia toda clase de
datos, asi como una valoracion del "potencial impacto de las actividades
sobre la reputacion de la compania y el valor de sus acciones".
Con respecto a Cuba, Repsol contesto que tenia desde 2000 un acuerdo con
la petrolera estatal para buscar petroleo en siete bloques de sus aguas
territoriales, sin haber logrado resultados.
Los activos en la isla son minimos y los pagos al Estado cubano, en
concepto de impuestos, casi testimoniales. La petrolera, eso si, logro
ingresos de 18 millones de dolares (cerca de 14 millones de euros) al
ceder participaciones en sus derechos de exploracion a otras dos
La Embajada se hizo eco de ese requerimiento en una comunicacion en 2008
citando la informacion que publico en su dia el diario espanol El Pais.
En el informe sobre inversiones espanolas en Cuba de 2008, aparecen
citadas nuevas companias, aunque ya en forma de listado y sin especificar
el grado de presencia.
Junto a las anteriores, tambien se menciona a Marsans, Iberostar,
Globalia, Endesa, Iberdrola, Penasanta, y a las entidades financieras
BBVA, Banco Sabadell, CAM, Caja Madrid (de las que se precisa que solo
tienen pequenas oficinas de representacion para finanzas comerciales).
En 2009 fue la administracion Obama la que dio pasos para retirar
restricciones a envio de remesas y viajes de familiares a Cuba y la
comunicacion de la Embajada refleja la felicitacion del Gobierno espanol
por esos pasos.
Los telegramas de los ultimos anos no reabren el debate sobre imposicion
de sanciones a las empresas espanolas, pero la Embajada sigue vigilante.
En el ultimo despacho sobre inversiones espanolas en Cuba, por ejemplo, se
hace eco del interes manifestado por Telefonica por entrar en la isla.
U.S. monitored by Spanish companies have investments in Cuba
Monday, December 20, 2010, 15:50 Europe, Latin America, North America
Aguas de Barcelona Altadis, Freixenet, Repsol or Iberia, for a total of 25
companies, Spanish companies have been strictly controlled for years by
the United States in Spain for having trade relations with Cuba, said on
Sunday a paper published in the portal Rebellion web.
According to Wikileaks supplied cables and released Sunday by the
newspaper El Pais, the U.S. has so far avoided imposing sanctions, but
never submitted after the return of the Socialists to the Spanish
Government and the change of policy toward that country island.
U.S. diplomats have watched closely the Spanish policy toward Cuba since
Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero came to Government.
The papers are full of praise Embassy to the Government of (Jose Maria)
Aznar, with its hard-line "shrill criticism", "did much to promote
democracy, human rights and fundamental freedoms in Cuba," according to
the U.S. version.
Zapatero came to power, the Embassy was made in July 2004 whether it was
appropriate to maintain the moratorium on the imposition of Spanish
companies with investments in the island.
At that time, the idea was that although Zapatero would not be in their
approach so close to the United States and Aznar had not yet done anything
to soften the hard line.
The analysis concluded that the Embassy would impose sanctions on the
Government of Spain for an excuse to normalize dialogue with Cuba.
In addition, Spain would argue that this would break the agreement between
the EU and the U.S. government to suspend the sanctions.
"The U.S. government has little to gain and much to lose in their foreign
policy objectives by not renewing the moratorium," concluded the
Ambassador George L. communication Argyros the State Department.
Soon, however, the timid gesture of openness to dialogue with Cuba from
the Spanish Government made the U.S. rethink that policy.
In a dispatch dated 1 December 2004, Washington raised the possibility of
punishment for that turn.
"In human rights, the government has broken with the emphasis of the Aznar
administration to support democratic activists to seek instead a greater
dialogue with the Castro regime", specifies the U.S. embassy cable.
However, the Embassy doubts about the effectiveness of sanctions: "Despite
our disappointment about the direction of Spanish policy in Cuba, we must
look if we want to deepen our differences with the EU to authorize
sanctions against Spanish banks," the document said.
In addition, the statement said: "Even countries that have resisted
Spanish efforts to weaken the EU position on Cuba might feel obliged to
support a partner for the EU to the U.S. legal action against Iberian
That release included information on Spanish companies that had
investments in Cuba, the location of their investments and, in some cases,
their quantification.
Identified by U.S. companies in the communication as capable of potential
sanctions were: Sol Melia Inversiones Ibersuizas, Occidental Hoteles,
Grupo Pinero, Iberostar, Barcelo, NH Hoteles, Riu Group, Hotetur, Aguas de
Barcelona Altadis, Freixenet, Repsol and Iberia.
The Embassy justified the paucity of their data by claiming that the
companies sought to be opaque in relation to Cuba under the threat of
The same information is included in communications in 2005, with some
additions on the evolution of Spain-Cuba relations and domestic political
consideration, although the People's Party disagreed with policy toward
the island Zapatero, rejected that Spanish companies sanctions.
In 2006, the National Security Council requested the Embassy in Madrid to
expand the information on economic relations between Spain and Cuba. The
responses, along with the aforementioned companies is compounded by the
presence of Iberdrola, Banesto and BBVA in the island.
Inquisitorial Charter
In parallel, the Securities and Exchange Commission of USA (SEC) sent a
letter Repsol inquisitorial to request clarification of its operations in
Cuba and in Iran in which he asked all sorts of data and an assessment of
"potential impact activities on company reputation and shareholder value.
With respect to Cuba, Repsol said it had since 2000 an agreement with
state oil company for oil in seven blocks of their territorial waters,
without having achieved results.
Assets on the island are minimal and payments to the Cuban government in
taxes, almost testimonial. The oil, yes, achieved revenues of $ 18 million
(about 14 million euros) to give participations in its rights to explore
two other companies.
The Embassy echoed that request in a letter in 2008 citing information he
published in his day the Spanish newspaper El Pais.
The report on Spanish investment in Cuba in 2008, new companies are cited,
although in list form, without specifying the degree of presence.
Along with the above, also mentions Marsans, Iberostar, Globalia, Endesa,
Iberdrola, Penasanta, and financial institutions BBVA, Banco Sabadell,
CAM, Caja Madrid (of which states that only have representative offices
for small business finance .)
In 2009 Obama was the administration that took steps to remove
restrictions on remittances and family travel to Cuba and communications,
Embassy Greeting reflects the Spanish Government for those steps.
Telegrams from the previous years did not reopen the debate on sanctions
against Spanish companies, but the embassy remains vigilant. In the last
dispatch of Spanish investment in Cuba, for example, reflects the interest
expressed by Telefonica to enter the island.
Dominican Republic
Wikileaks: Corrupcion en Republica Dominicana es "audaz"
Sab, 18/12/2010 - 23:37
Muy Bueno
El Mejor
Cable filtrado por Wikileaks y enviado desde la embajada de Santo Domingo
menciona los problemas que la corrupcion en el pais centroamericano afecta
la inversion extranjera.
El cable dice textualmente que el gobierno Dominicano "tiene exito en
atraer inversiones mediante buenas relaciones publicas, con una retorica a
favor de los negocios, e incluso firmando contratos con terminos
favorables para los inversores extranjeros, cuando en realidad el panorama
para los inversores extranjeros esta embrollado con intermediarios
corruptos y un entramado legal proclive a satisfacer los antojos de los
funcionarios publicos"
El mensaje diplomatico es especialmente relevante en una Republica
Dominicana en la que la lucha contra la corrupcion no da buenos
resultados, al punto que la misma poblacion, segun encuestas, considera
que es un mal tolerable.
Con informacion de El Pais.
Wikileaks: Corruption in the Dominican Republic is "bold"
Sat, 18/12/2010 - 23:37
Very Good
The Best
Cable Wikileaks filtered and sent from the embassy in Santo Domingo
mentioned the problems of corruption in the Central American country
affects foreign investment.
The cable reads the Dominican government "is successful in attracting
investment through good public relations with rhetoric in favor of
business, and even signing contracts with favorable terms for foreign
investors, when in fact the outlook for foreign investors is embroiled
with corrupt brokers and a legal framework conducive to satisfy the whims
of public officials "
The diplomatic message is particularly relevant in the Dominican Republic
in the fight against corruption does not give good results, to the extent
that the same population, according to surveys, believes that is a
tolerable evil.
With information from El Pais.
Republica Dominicana urge a vacunacion masiva en la vecina Haiti
En un comunicado emitido el domingo, el embajador dominicano ante la ONU,
Federico Cuello Camilo, pidio que la vacunacion masiva "erradique de una
vez y por todas este mal de la isla'', que ha matado a mas de 2.400
Actualmente 5.00/5
Resultados: 5.0/5 (2 votos emitidos)
Colocan vacuna a una menor | Henry Delgado
Las autoridades dominicanas ante Naciones Unidas y la Organizacion de
Estados Americanos urgieron el domingo a ambos organismos a ordenar una
operacion de vacunacion universal contra el colera en la vecina Haiti,
ante el "saldo inaceptable'' de muertos en la isla debido a la enfermedad.
En un comunicado emitido el domingo, el embajador dominicano ante la ONU,
Federico Cuello Camilo, pidio que la vacunacion masiva "erradique de una
vez y por todas este mal de la isla'', que ha matado a mas de 2.400
"En pleno siglo XXI es inaceptable que presenciemos pasivamente como
tantos mueren y tantos mas continuan aquejados por una enfermedad del
medioevo'', dijo en Santo Domingo el canciller dominicano, Carlos Morales,
citado por el comunicado.
El viernes, un grupo de epidemiologos recomendo a la OPS buscar
financiamiento que garantice un suministro mensual de vacunas contra el
colera por parte de los dos unicos fabricantes en el mundo.
Desde Washington, el Instituto de Vacunacion Sabine anuncio el viernes que
solo hay disponibles en el planeta 100.000 vacunas etiquetadas, las cuales
protegerian a 50.000 personas, ya que son necesarias dos dosis. Agrego que
uno de los fabricantes tardaria varios meses en etiquetar otro millon de
vacunas ya fabricadas.
El segundo fabricante podria tener disponibles a fines de 2011 otras
650.000 vacunas.
Dominican Republic urges mass vaccination in neighboring Haiti
In a statement Sunday, the Dominican ambassador to the UN, Federico Cuello
Camilo, called for mass vaccination "eradicated once and for all this evil
from the island,''which has killed more than 2,400 people
Currently 5.00 / 5
Results: 5.0 / 5 (2 votes cast)
Shot put with a lower | Henry Delgado
The Dominican authorities to the United Nations and the Organization of
American States on Sunday urged both bodies to order an operation
universal vaccination against cholera in neighboring Haiti, at the
"unacceptable''balance of people on the island due to illness.
In a statement Sunday, the Dominican ambassador to the UN, Federico Cuello
Camilo, called for mass vaccination "eradicated once and for all this evil
from the island,''which has killed more than 2,400 people.
"In the XXI century it is unacceptable that passively will witness many
more continue to die and many afflicted with a disease of the Middle
Ages,''he said in Santo Domingo, Dominican Foreign Minister Carlos Morales
was quoted by the press.
On Friday, a group of epidemiologists recommended to PAHO seek funding to
ensure a month's supply of vaccines against cholera by only two
manufacturers in the world.
From Washington, the Sabine Vaccine Institute announced Friday that it is
only available on the planet labeled 100,000 vaccinations, which would
protect 50,000 people, since they require two doses. He added that one of
the manufacturers would take several months in another million vaccines
labeled as manufactured.
The second manufacturer may be available in late 2011 650,000 other
Las autoridades de Republica Dominicana confirman 59 casos de colera
Por Agencia EFE - Hace 1 minuto.
Santo Domingo, 20 dic (EFE).- El numero de afectados por colera en
Republica Dominicana aumento a 59, tras la confirmacion de otros nueve
casos, informo hoy el Ministerio de Salud que, sin embargo, aseguro que la
enfermedad "se encuentra bajo control" en el pais.
De acuerdo con la cartera, 55 de los afectados "realizan sus actividades
cotidianas de manera normal", mientras que el resto recibe tratamiento
medico, aunque esta fue de peligro.
De los ultimos casos confirmados, cuatro estan hospitalizados "en
condiciones estables" y los otros cinco "fueron dados de alta de manera
satisfactoria", agrego una nota del Ministerio de Salud.
Asimismo, la fuente aseguro que "todo esta listo" para la realizacion
manana de la segunda jornada nacional de educacion y prevencion del brote
en barrios, sectores y provincias del territorio dominicano.
La cartera de Salud agrego que, tal y como sucedio en la primera jornada,
se espera que mas de 100.000 voluntarios se integren a las actividades
educativas programadas en todo el territorio nacional.
La mortal enfermedad aparecio por primera vez en octubre pasado en la
ciudad haitiana de Mirebalais (centro).
Un estudio medico frances asegura que se produjo por el vertido de heces
fecales a un rio desde un campamento de soldados nepalies miembros de la
Mision de las Naciones Unidas para la Estabilizacion de Haiti (Minustah).
El secretario general de la ONU, Ban Ki-moon, confirmo la semana pasada
que proximamente nombrara un grupo de expertos cientificos para investigar
el origen de la epidemia de colera en Haiti, donde mas de 2.500 personas
han muerto a causa de la enfermedad.
Dominican Republic authorities confirmed 59 cases of cholera
By Agencia EFE - 1 minute.
Santo Domingo, 20 dic (EFE) .- The number of people affected by cholera in
the Dominican Republic rose to 59, following the confirmation of nine
cases, said the Ministry of Health, however, said the disease is under
control "in the country.
According to the ministry, 55 of those affected "perform their daily
activities as usual", while the rest received medical treatment, although
it was in danger.
From the previous confirmed cases, four are hospitalized "stable
condition" and five "were discharged in a satisfactory manner, " said a
note from the Ministry of Health.
The source further said that "everything is ready" to carry out the second
day morning of national education and prevention of the outbreak in
districts, sectors and provinces of the Dominican Republic.
The portfolio of Health added that, as happened on the first day, it is
expected that more than 100,000 volunteers are integrated into educational
activities scheduled around the country.
The deadly disease first appeared last October in the Haitian city of
Mirebalais (center).
A French medical study says was caused by the dumping of feces into a
river from a camp for members of the Nepalese soldiers of the United
Nations Mission for Stabilization in Haiti (MINUSTAH).
The UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, confirmed last week that will soon
appoint a group of scientific experts to investigate the source of the
cholera epidemic in Haiti, where more than 2,500 people have died from the
Haitians in U.S. Brace for Deportations to Resume
Published: December 19, 2010
The Obama administration has been quietly moving to resume deportations of
Haitians for the first time since the earthquake last January. But in New
York's Haitian diaspora, the reaction has been far from muted, including
frustration and fear among immigrants and anger from their advocates, who
say that an influx of deportees will only add to the country's woes.
Times Topic: Haiti
Haiti is racked today by a cholera epidemic and political turmoil, as well
as the tortuously slow reconstruction.
"I don't think Haiti can handle more challenges than what it has right
now," said Mathieu Eugene, a Haitian-American member of the New York City
Council. "The earthquake, the cholera, the election - everything's upside
down in Haiti."
Federal officials suspended deportations to Haiti immediately after the
Jan. 12 earthquake. In addition, a special immigration status, sometimes
granted to foreigners who are unable to return safely to their home
countries because of armed conflict or natural disasters, was extended to
Haitians in the United States, allowing them to remain temporarily and
work. Many Haitians, including some with criminal convictions, were also
released from detention centers across the country.
But in recent weeks, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, an arm of the
Department of Homeland Security, has begun rounding up Haitian immigrants
again, including some who had been released earlier this year, immigration
lawyers said. On Dec. 10, the agency disclosed, in response to questions
from The Associated Press, that it would resume deportations by
Immigration officials said they would deport only Haitians who had been
convicted of crimes and had finished serving their sentences.
Barbara Gonzalez, a spokeswoman for Immigration and Customs Enforcement,
said in a statement last week that the agency was deciding whom to deport
in a manner "consistent with our domestic immigration enforcement
priorities," but did not elaborate. The Obama administration has said it
is focusing immigration enforcement efforts on catching and deporting
immigrants who have been convicted of the most serious crimes or who pose
a threat to national security.
Haitians who have been granted the special immigration status, known as
temporary protected status, will continue to be shielded from deportation,
officials said. The protection was granted for 18 months and is set to
expire in mid-July; Haitians who have committed felonies or at least two
misdemeanors were not eligible for the program.
Immigration officials did not say how many people they planned to send
back to Haiti when deportations resume next month, but they revealed last
week that 351 Haitians were in detention.
Mr. Eugene and other Haitian community leaders in New York said that
despite the limits of the government's plan, the city's Haitians were
bracing for a resumption of wider deportations.
"The people in the community are worried because they don't know what the
next target population is going to be," Mr. Eugene said.
Ricot Dupuy, the manager of Radio Soleil, a Creole-language station in
Flatbush, Brooklyn, said he had been "flooded with calls" about the plans
for deportations.
Immigration officials would not say when they planned to resume
deportations of noncriminals. The Haitian government has apparently not
commented on Washington's decision to resume deportations. The consul
general in New York did not respond to phone messages, and the Haitian
Embassy did not respond to calls and e-mails.
Nearly a year after the quake, an estimated 1.3 million Haitians are still
displaced from their homes. The cholera outbreak has killed more than
2,500 people and hospitalized 58,000 more, according to the Haitian
government. And disputes over the preliminary results of the presidential
election last month have escalated into violence.
Advocacy groups have been lobbying the Obama administration to postpone
the deportations. The Center for Constitutional Rights, based in New York,
wrote President Obama to say that their resumption would endanger the
deportees' lives. The Haitian government often detains criminals deported
from abroad, the organization said; because cholera is quickly spreading
through that country's detention system, the policy "would end up being a
death sentence for many," it said.
An official of Immigration and Customs Enforcement said the State
Department had been working with Haitian officials "to ensure that the
resumption of removals is conducted in a safe, humane manner with minimal
disruption to ongoing rebuilding efforts."
Among those who have been rounded up in the past several weeks is a
42-year-old odd-jobs man who was detained last week by immigration
officials in Manhattan and was being held on Friday in a jail in Hudson
County, N.J., said his lawyer, Rachel Salazar, who asked that her client's
name be withheld because she did not want to jeopardize his case.
The man, who immigrated to the United States as a legal permanent resident
in 1990 and has a 5-year-old child, was last detained in February because
of three past felony convictions, including for assault, petty larceny and
attempted robbery, for which he had served time. But he was released in
May, during the moratorium on deportations, Ms. Salazar said.
The detainee said he was being held with about 40 other Haitians, the
lawyer said, and he had not been told when the government planned to
deport him.
Militares paraguayos viajan a Haiti para apoyar la reconstruccion
Por Agencia EFE - hace 22 horas
Asuncion, 19 dic (EFE).- Un contingente de militares paraguayos partio hoy
a Haiti para colaborar en la reconstruccion de ese pais caribeno, azotado
ademas por una epidemia de colera tras el devastador sismo de enero
La Primera Compania de Ingenieria Multi-Rol, integrada por cien oficiales
y suboficiales del Ejercito, la Fuerza Aerea y la Armada de Paraguay, se
unira a la Mision de las Naciones Unidas para la Estabilizacion en Haiti
(Minustah), informaron fuentes oficiales.
"Al inicio de este ano, Haiti fue azotado por la naturaleza, a su
presidente (Rene Preval) he encontrado en varias ocasiones, hasta con
lagrimas en los ojos, pidiendo ayuda humanitaria", afirmo el jefe de
Estado, Fernando Lugo, al despedir a la mision en la base de la Primera
Brigada Aerea.
El gobernante destaco que su pais ha recibido mucha ayuda de la comunidad
internacional y que llego el momento "de dar, con bandera propia, de lo
que somos, de los que tenemos".
La mision, la primera con bandera del pais, ya que anteriormente los
militares paraguayos se sumaban a fuerzas de Argentina o Brasil, sera
comandada por el coronel Milciades Rojas e incluye ademas a dos medicos,
seis enfermeros, equipos y maquinarias viales.
Los militares paraguayos apoyaran a la Minustah en la apertura de caminos,
edificacion de viviendas, perforacion de pozos y potabilizacion de agua,
una tarea fundamental en momentos en que el pais afronta una epidemia de
colera que ha causado mas de 2.500 muertos.
Paraguayan military travel to Haiti to support reconstruction
By Agencia EFE - 22 hours ago
Asuncion, Dec 19 (EFE) .- A Paraguayan military contingent left here to
Haiti to help in the reconstruction of that Caribbean country, also hit by
a cholera epidemic following the devastating earthquake of January.
Company's First Multi-Role Engineering, consisting of one hundred officers
and NCOs of the Army, Air Force and Navy Paraguay, will join the United
Nations Mission for Stabilization in Haiti (MINUSTAH), officials said.
"Earlier this year, Haiti was ravaged by nature, its chairman (Rene
Preval) I found on several occasions, even with tears in his eyes, for
humanitarian aid, " said the head of state, Fernando Lugo, to dismiss The
mission at the base of the First Airborne Brigade.
The president said his country has received much support from the
international community and that it was time "to give, its own flag, what
we are, who we have. "
The mission, the first flag of the country, where previously the
Paraguayan military forces were joined with Argentina and Brazil, will be
commanded by Colonel Miltiades Rojas and also includes two doctors, six
nurses, equipment and road machinery.
The Paraguayan military support for MINUSTAH in opening roads, building
houses, digging wells and drinking water, an essential task at a time when
the country faces an epidemic of cholera that has claimed more than 2,500
Protestas por el colera en Haiti dejan un muerto
Los casos de colera se multiplicaron hace un mes en toda la region, donde
los habitantes temen que las aguas sean contaminadas
Puerto Principe | Sabado 18 de diciembre de 2010
EFE | El Universal
Una persona murio hoy en la zona de Duvivier, en la periferia norte de
Puerto Principe, en medio de protestas contra la decision del Gobierno
haitiano de trasladar a esta localidad excrementos y basuras, que vecinos
relacionan con el brote de colera, dijeron testigos.
Ramon Robert, dirigente del Comite de Relevo de Duvivier, murio por un
disparo realizado por la Policia durante una manifestacion en contra de la
medida, indico Salvatory Saint Victor, miembro del mismo comite.
Varias centenas de vecinos de la localidad, situada cerca del popular
barrio Cite Soleil, estaban organizando su cuarta manifestacion para pedir
que se cierre el deposito "porque las materias fecales provocan el
colera", dijo Saint Victor.
Los casos de colera se multiplicaron hace un mes en toda la region, donde
los habitantes temen que las aguas sean contaminadas.
Saint Victor declaro que la Policia, que protegia el lugar, intervino y
disparo contra los manifestantes.
Durante los sucesos, al menos tres personas fueron apresadas, segun la
misma fuente.
El secretario general de la Plataforma de las Organizaciones Haitianas de
Derechos Humanos (POHDH), Antonal Mortime, condeno la actitud de la
Policia que, segun el, no tiene "ninguna consideracion por el derecho a la
Senalo que "hace varios meses que los vecinos de Duvivier se movilizan
contra el deposito de basuras y excrementos" en la localidad.
El total de muertos por la epidemia de colera en Haiti aumento a 2 mil
535, segun datos emitidos este sabado por el Ministerio de Salud Publica y
Poblacion (MSPP), que cifro en 114 mil 497 el numero de afectados por el
El colera, que afecta el pais caribeno desde mediados de octubre, se ha
extendido por los diez departamentos del empobrecido Haiti.
En Artibonite, en el noroeste del pais, han muerto 807 personas, lo que le
convierte en el departamento mas afectado por el colera.
Tras dicho departamento figura el Norte, con 455 fallecidos; el Oeste, que
incluye la capital, Puerto Principe, con 387; el Centro con 225; el
Noroeste, con 211; Grand Anse (Suroeste), con 189; Sureste, con 85;
Noreste, con 80; Sur, con 69; y Nippes, con 27.
(c) Queda expresamente prohibida la republicacion o redistribucion,
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Protests by cholera in Haiti leave one dead
Cholera cases a month multiplied across the region, where residents fear
that the waters are polluted
Port-au-Prince | Saturday December 18, 2010
EFE | El Universal
One person was killed today in the area Duvivier, on the northern
outskirts of Port-au-Prince, amid protests against the Haitian
government's decision to move to this town excrement and garbage, which
neighbors related to the outbreak of cholera, witnesses said.
Robert Ramon, leader of the Relay Duvivier, died of
shot fired by police during a demonstration against the measure, said
Salvatory Saint Victor, a member of that committee.
Several hundred residents of the town, located near the popular Cite
Soleil, was organizing its fourth demonstration demanding the closure of
the depot because the stool cause cholera, "said Saint Victor.
Cholera cases a month multiplied across the region, where residents fear
that the waters are polluted.
Saint Victor said that the police, who protected the scene, intervened and
opened fire on demonstrators.
During the events, at least three people were arrested, the report said.
The general secretary of the Platform of Haitian Human Rights
Organizations (POHDH) Antonal Mortimer, condemned the attitude of the
police that he claims has "no regard for the right to life."
He noted that "several months ago Duvivier's neighbors are mobilizing
against the deposit of refuse and excrement" in the town.
The death toll from the cholera epidemic in Haiti rose to 2 000 535,
according to data released Saturday by the Ministry of Public Health and
Population (MSPP), which amounted to 114 000 497 the number of people
affected by the outbreak.
Cholera, which affects the Caribbean country since mid-October, has been
extended by ten departments of the impoverished Haiti.
In Artibonite, in the northwest, killed 807 people, making it in the
department most affected by cholera.
After the department include the North, with 455 deaths, the West,
including the capital Port-au-Prince, 387; the Center with 225, the
Northwest, with 211, Grand Anse (Southwest), with 189, Southeast, 85;
Northeast, 80; South, with 69, and Nippes, with 27.
Araceli Santos
T: 512-996-9108
F: 512-744-4334