The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)

THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER. MONDAY MORNING, MARCH IS, 1939 Borne Problems TERRY and the PIRATES Thii Feature Also Appears in Colon In Sunday's Inquirer By Milton CanifT four "IT WW RATHER A GOOP OOOHjTHAT DONT BERATE 1 YOURSELF1, A IDEA-PUT MEN A 0 Jt I MUST HAVE A I IF Seen Tiir- Jumbles Below ere the names of twelve bridges. How many can you unscramble to read correctly). I. DMRABOASAS TWHAT DVaTmOST CONCEITED PEOPLE MEAN, I CAN'T RESIST A CHANCE.


MASIBLULRIGW PURSUE 6AN6STEK9? 4. LORKNBOY 5. TNAMAHTAN Elderly Woman Tells How She Solved Problem of Dependency Florence Goodall A problem -which has put many a gray hair into jnany a harassed head is that of the elderly dependent in the home the old mother, aunt, grandmother or, frequently, friend who for one reason or another becomes a sort of permanent guest in a household not her own. For some unexplained cause these dependents usually are women, and pathetic figures they are in 6. HTGIORUBOR THE BUNGLE FAMILY, Georg Is Just aa Dumb in Th Sunday Inquirer ByTuthill i 7.

TLMTLEIWAIE 8. EOTNLMRA instances, Knowing themselves unwanted, rele 9. JLAOUE 10. ORDNTUO II. GHWENELI gated to scraps of life left over from family living, permitted in a way to exist on sufferance, yet it seems to me there seldom need for this, and that the remedy is in the hands of the one who suffers most deeply from the problem the dependent herself.

Licked at Start Too often an elderly woman mine Into the home of a rela How can elderly depend-ats in the home solve problem of their own happiness? For the best letter received in answer to this problem $5 will be paid, and I for each letter published. Checks are mailed out within two weeks after publication of letters. Letters should be addressed to Home Problem No. 25 12. VGLWNEOI Solution Tomorrow tive to live proceeds on the theory that she Is bound to be the fifth wheel and either turns abnormally sensitive or assumes attitude of defense which has ill Children's Puzzle Winners March 4, Answtri NILSON IDDY Wlnn.r ef Pint Prise (leys) A -mt II.

Ely Culbertson Occasionally Player Must Shelve Convention to Follow a Good Clue The Philadelphia Inquirer are now to tackle the hardest job you ever had. You have won before and you can win I'll 11 JAMES ROWAN "The owner of a home has the right of way in it. When my son lived in my home he yielded the right of way to me. Now that her licked before she even begins her new life. As a rule there is little reason for her to be sure members of the household resent her presence and that they constantly go out of their way to administer reminders of her position among them.

The chances are they will be too busy about their own affairs to pay her much attention one way or the other; certainly if they had considered her a real menace to their home life it Is imlilfolw fiVio wmilrl hav. hapn right belongs to him and his wife and I must make them feel Children Prize Contest WHO IS THIS? 631 that I understand the rules. the declarer could catch his breath. Conventions are extremely valuable, but when followed religiously they can be a great burden. Surely no one can criticize East's double of three no trump after his partner had bid hearts.

But If, by bo doubling, East had to guarantee that a heart opening would suit him It Is obvious that he would be deprived of doubling whenever he had the other three suits controlled. 4687 246537887 AN AYOM BVSOAAP 2463582753872 SOWEIRHRSOSKW 5372648572634 I RI OWVE TWEI I 6 2 7 3 5 i 2 4 8 2 6 3 ISETALWEWI PAN 4 8 5 2 7 6 3 5 8 2 T4 (T DDDLVHMOALEAO 2.653762483526 VITI YR ATRRQNY 7283652473726 YI I 3 EORU HU am particularly happy when I can make my efforts in some 3823 N. Park Pa. Winner of Pint Prise Girls) BEA DORSEY 830 Sprue Wilmlngton, Del. WINNERS OP THI THREE ADDITIONAL PRIZES SIVILLA ECK 3142 Chatham Phila, Pa.

EVELYN WILKINSON 25SI N. 7th St, Phil, Pa. DANE WARTMAN Cleyton, N. J. small way serve as a help to others.

But most of all I have helped myself. Finds Interests The answer Is that It is well to know all the conventions, but it Is better to "use one's head." taken into it these days of hard realism. Creatine a happy place for herself is solely up to the dependent and is a task never achieved by self-pity, self-assertiveness or any other form of selfishness. No dependent need be a burden unless she deliberately makes herself one. Even though she may be be (Copyright 19.10) It "Simple music has always Interested me, so I began helping In the church among the young people.

Then I announced that $5,000 IN CASH PRIZES Bometlmes there are two (or more) distinct views of a situation the conventional and the common sense. In 98 per cent, of cases the conventional view also Is the common sense view, which Is merely to say that conventions are built on logic. Occasionally, however, the player must put convention aside because he has received some clue, some Indication as to the right bid or the right play, that is far more Important than so-called partnership understanding. Let us consider the following deal: South, dealer. East-West vulnerable.

Rubber bridge. NORTH 410 7 5 OKJ109 A72 WEST EAST A.J984S sfcAKS ONone OQ889a 483 J1098 SOUTH dQ8 AQ10 0 A74S KQ54 Tho blddlne: my next undertaking was learn lng to use the typewriter. I sue Prominent in bataball. holden to others lor financing, there is no reason why she also ceeded so well with this that occasionally when my son asks me to do some typing for him I swell with professional pride, as his Prize Contest Rules high. "Now and then I read in the papers of grandmothers who Hera it a pleasant little game that will give you a mesiaga very day.

It it a numerical puzzle designed to spell out your fortune. Count the letters in your first name. If the number of letters is 6 or more, subtract 4. If the number is less than 6, add 3. The result is your key number.

Start at the upper left-hand corner of the rectangle and check every one of your key numbers, left to right. Then read the message the letters under the checked figures give you. Copyright 193C, bj WlUlam J. Miller. nisrlbnt4 br Kin.

Feature diet to, tna. have received A. B. degrees. could not work toward this end, out I could read good educa tional books.

My first choice was English literature. Then I spent a tnrunng montn wim carlyie's 'French Revolution and the THE WORD GAME works of Swift, Defoe and Charles Lamb. In the same way I studied art, history and appreciation. With the help of radio I Today's Test (MORIBUND: Mor'i-bund. On the point of dying.) Per provloit pimfet for back Iisdoi at Tte lnqulrtr South West North East 1 oo a a Pass AM Her It an exciting nw contit to your knowledge of well-known people.

Identify th perion whoi liihouett It printed abov and then writ paragraph of not more than twenty-five words telling for what he It famous. There will be two first prties awarded daily, on each to th boy and girl sanding In th correct answer nd th belt paragraph, judged according to originality and fact. In addition there will be thre other prizes. All prliet will mailed to winners and their names will be printed. Address aniwers to Children's Contest Editor, Th Philadelphia Inquirer.

First prizes include: camera, wrist watch, roller tlet.i, dictionary; other priies ar school bags, Yo Yo topi and double-end lead pancili. IMPORTANT! Answers to today's eonteit mutt mailed by midnight Wdntdy. Average Mark 20 words Timt Limit 20 minute iNT Ph.sii 3 NT Douoie doh.m Pass Pass Re. IS "NICKNAMES OP TNI IT.TU'-PHILADILPHIA IN9UIRII At least twenty-seven common English words of four or more let The recorded bidding does not give an absolutely accurate picture of ters can be found in the letters in MORIBUND. Can you find as many or more? The list will be published tomorrow.

whnt. tnnk Dlace. As may be Imagined West did not pass to South's redouble should expect to be furnished with interests, amusem*nts in a word, vicarious living. Numerous avenues to a rich dental life which cost nothing and make few demands are open these days to women of all ages. There are things to see, books to be read, movements to take part In.

Long, lonely hours present golden opportunity for self education. No one is too old for progress! Love Earned No one is too old, ever, to earn affection. And we, all of us, may as well make up our minds first as last that affection Is something we earn or we don't have it. We don't receive it on demand or by virtue of relationship or because we need it. We work hard for love and once we possess it we guard it with care or it's gone.

As an example of how successfully a dependent can rise above dependence, I am printing a letter from a lady who has, it seems to me, solved the problem in a way that should be an Inspiration to many In her situation. "As far back as I can remember I have had a horror of being a dependent upon my children in my old age," she writes. "Declining health and declining finances are a combination against which the wisest of us are powerless and when it became evident that no alternative was left to me but to live with my daughter-in-law, my first feeling was one of bitterness. "Finally 1 got myself in hand ana said to myself, 'You Some Points For Parents of three no trump with any great alacrity. In fact, he hesitated quite a while.

He realized that his own one heart overcall, based as It had been on distribution alone, might well have misled East Into expecting substantially greater honor strength. South's Redouble flnaiiv Wans of the vul- I I I 7 IB 4 ut 1J 3 -J; JuTtsT if Is. if ST 5S- yT so 7 3 sr 4 (if 01 i 5 1 Tg To wuv onnrilMnne and the fact became quite Independent of outside activities. "The things for which we work hardest are those we appreciate most. Perhaps this Is why, when a few weeks ago, I heard my daughter-in-law and her friend discussing their mothers and Jane said, 'I am certainly lucky.

Bob's mother has made me dread old age less than I did. She has shown me that it is possible not to be a dependent mentally even if you are physically unable to carry on. I am going to try, when I am old, to be just like I wanted to hug my daughter-in-law. Now I feel repaid a thousand-fold for my work during these years in one of the most difficult of the arts that of being a dependent in the home The dependent who makes herself independent insofar as possible of those responsible for her, who minds her own business, who has tact and good sense is quite likely to find herself a beloved member of any household. Exactly how this is to be done is a matter governed by the capacities and limitations of the individual.

The writer of the letter above has outlined one way. Do you know of other methods which would help dependents who read this column solve their problem? Home Problem No, 24 Here are more letters on the question, "How much should a wife forgive her husband?" that a runout at the four level might Yesterday's Puzzle Answers WORD GAME ANSWERS be extremely costly, West aeciaeo. let the redouble stand and hope for TnMriont.ttllv mltlht DOtnt Uio urou. out that South's redouble was based DAILY CRYPTOGRAM OUT OF CONTROL FAEYVZZAH ULEAJSVEY JHPLD DV-EA XVTY PEA HVYS SWEVCKW FAE- on about 10 per cent, logic ana ni nntimism. Hi weak spade Saturday's holding alone should have ruled out any such strong action.

it nm to selecting tne opening lead West could think of pan poeti tonlo pain enact topi panic apt tot pant nation action pact nape aen paint neat antio pec neap anent nothing except tne impuuvi i thu A double of tnw YCJ PY A sort, made after the other partner YVZPHLSB ZK WVSWAPUY VE has bid or overcaiiea, usuauy Imrt nf the fiUlt DUI. The general theory Is that the Jou- patient nine non patent nice anoint pat notice ante Stale so nicknemed to distinguish It from another Stat In th Union bearing similar nam. bler wants to assure nis ii i. ripimble to open the SWPZ OVE LZPTLHLSB. Into Intent Incept lote canton cant canto can cap capon caption canon eanin cannot cent cite cop oono cot cot contain coat coin bid suit despite the fact that the op ponents have gone to no Solution Tomorrow -Nickname Name of State- pectin nonce etone pecen none attic peat tact one tacit opti p.

on taint open pent tape otic pic tannic Icon Witt Mtakoso Bare Wrlto Nome et SUt Ren over It. avorv nt.her consldera- "Dear Miss Goodall: tlon aside and determined to be a "How much should a wife for- How to Solve a Cryptogram FH AHXXMOA IMA-WHPJXHT? YOUR NAME- uivo hpr hushand? In answer to PJH "good soldier," West aocueiy op.u i.i. trtv, hiohPRt heart and thereby pint tenon intone pino tent Innato this problem, which is so often a situation in American homes to blew up the defensive ship. Declarer pinco tear mano ADDRESS won with the ten ana iea a h. vincr The diamond sit daythat of the one we love oe- pnmlnir attrartpd to Someone potent tint Intact uation being revealed by West's ail else I first think of that proverb, point tine Inept pono tone inept -STATE CITY Thii it a cryptogram, which ll writing In cipher.

To lolv It, th correct letters muit be lubititutad for th Incorrect enei uid. It ll natural to tup-pot that the letter occurring most frequently mutt reprei.nt th common lotteri, tuch at etc. In th above It uud timet, 3, twice, twice, three timet and to on. Remember that in moit word occur lett often than contonantt. Start with the letter which appear moit often which it In thii case, and try variout lubititutiont which you think will fit in with th length and formation of the word.

Before long you will diicover the above cryptogram it "ARE WE GETTING BIG-HEARTED?" 'To forget a wrong is tne Dest Saturday'! Cryptogram Solution New brooms sweep clean and often "Yes, we say in our marriage HORIZONTAL VIRTICAL rerpmonv. 'until death do us so vigorously lip, test and teal loom to But the scope is wide, there quick end before jobs ar tinished. is many a trial, tne roaa is not, Intelligence Tost Answeri always smooth, while to some rnmfi more trials than to others. But to me the answer is always First Mother "You and Johnnie can play here in your room while nis mother and I have a visit In the Uvirig room." Second Mother: "They'll have a Pand time in here." Intelligence. Test By SHIRLEY SPENCER the same whatever your nus-band does that is wrong, if you really love him, the only way is to- fully forgive him.

Show Kim ure to follow suit, mree nrat u-mond tricks were easily made bv finessing against East's queen, and three club tricks and the heart ace rounded out the contract. Better Opening It was all very well for West to be so "obedient" and to abide by a convention as It affects the opening lead, but It would have been a great deal shrewder for him to have put the proper Interpretation on the bidding, particularly on South's redouble of the final contract A player may "take a chance" and bid three no trump on a sketchy holding In the adversely bid suit, but when he has done so he certainly wlU not redouble on top of It. This Is not Just bridge; It Is human nature. Thus, when East showed enough strength to double the three no trump contract, and South, In the face of this double, had the audacity to redouble. I think West could have relied on one thing, If on no other, and that was that 8outh had a sure double heart stopper.

That being so, It would have been the height of logic for West to have double-crossed the declarer by opening an unbld ault and, of course, that suit would have been spades. Obviously, on low spade openlnf East would have dropped declarer's nrl defender, would have 32 Broth killer 33 Anger (Slang) 34 Arablan seaport 35 At dtf fane 36 Finishing line 37 Poor 39 Pleyer 41 M.leiheef 43 PuWy 46 Htrd'i grass 49 Weepons 50 Sunburn 52 Wigwam 54 First part of State nam 56 Tropical fruit I 57 Polishing powdar 58 Former rurof 59 Formerly 60 Fruit pastnj 61 Army 62 Capital 61 Possess 67 Sailor 1 Chief division ef long poem 2 Body of water 3 Deficiency (pl.) 4 Encountered 5 Begin 6 Sharpener 7 Division 8 Nurse (OrV antal) Interior dot 10 Meesured out scentily 1 1 Supreme deity (Norse myth) 12 Little lak 13 Ages '9 Jer 22 Scepter 25 South AM. cen antelope 27 Card game ef Spanish origin 29 Provided wKft lamp 31 Htatu Flowr Dry 7 Indian 42 Cotton fibfe 14 Assent to 4 Copied 1 5 Oitrichllk 45 Devour bird 47 Putrid lo Scent 48 Thing (Law 1 7 Tidier 49 Give right 1 8 Second part of entrance of Stat 5 1 Rocky sum. nam mit 20 Subitanc 52 Purify, as used in pay- meteli lng 53 Living 21 Second creature part ef State 58 Eicursion nickname 58 Ceremonial 23 Imparts to pole 24 Former 61 Esteem 26 Food mad 63 Sliding from taro chine pert root 64 Picture 27 First pert of 66 Having flat State nick- broastbon name 68 Land meeiur 28 Adverse 69 Tree 30 Doctrine 70 Merchant 32 Monk 71 Network 35 Reach In 72 Hordeolum cellene 73 Departure 38 Lock bolt pre. from om- lection mon belief Not Thig I.

English Channel and North Sea. 2. Atlantic and Pacific. 3. Atlantic and Mediterranean.

4. Eatt China Sea and South China Sea. 5. Tyrrhenian Sea and Ionian Sea. 6.

Baffin Bay and Atlantic. 7. Arctic Ocean and Bering Sea. 1. Strait of Belle Itl.

9. Strait of Babel-Maudeb. 10. Upper and Lower Bay of New York harbor. Word Praia Aaiwors r.

Ought, bought 1. Nail, snail 2. Arrow, marrow Hidden Name Amwart T. oolidg, Silent Cel. 2.

hi, Wm. Henry Harrison I. orth Carolina. Polk 4. riday, born on Friday, Inaugurated on Friday, died on Friday 5.

lectoral Commission 0 endridge 7. piscapalian I., Theodore t. A dams, John 10. ylor, Zaehary 11.

I mpeechment 12. Id Hickory 13. York fined, by whom were they guarded? 6. How many of the cardinals are from the United States? Name them. 7.

May Pope of any nationality be elected? Has one nationality dominated, and if so, which one? 8. Were there any jewels Interred with the Pope body? Did Vatican City have its own coinage and stamps or did they use the Italian coins and stamps? 9. When was the independence of Vatican City recognized? 10. What color Is the flag of Vatican City end what emblem Is on This is special quiz. Score 10 for each question, or fve for part.

1. How many Popes have now served the Church since the first one? 2. How many cardinals constitute the full College of Cardinals? How many are there actually now? 3. How many Popes were named Pope Pius before the one now deceased? What was the name of the Pope before this late Pope Pius? 4. What majority of votes is required to elect new Pope? (b) How do cardinals get their positions? 5.

During the election were the cardinals free to come and ge as that you can live aoove your trouble. Be cheerful and he will soon find himself, and he will feel that his affair with the 'Other Woman' was just a passing fancy. And often he will, in more deeply for you. "If sometime memory returns for a fleeting moment, just become interested, in some special home activity and in a busy life there happiness is most often found. "When children are concerned, special thought should be given for their continued happiness, which can never be found where parents are separated.

I think our young friend should try to forget the misstep and think of the first happy years of her married life and I feel sure her husband will appreciate her more as the years go by. "MRS. GILBERT H. BOYS, "Avondale, First Mother: "Say 'how-do-you-? to your little guest and ask him wnat he wants to play." Second Mother: "Dont hang your wad. shake hands with BUI." children are unacquainted, ly make on easier approach to-rd knowing each other if they ar to thenuelvt.

jComeWe rife ere blliiest ei WediMaVy aid Seterdoyfi rattltd oS five spade tricks before eONftOIKAIlOH thlK EiHitdi they were f.nei irawrtu.

The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

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Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.