The Standard from London, Greater London, England (2024)


monthly: 11s. monthly: 1007., 45s. monthly. proportion. DELIVERY.


DEATHS is FIVE tor SIN LINES EACH and One E.ry Additional Line. These announcements by the name and address of the 01 ping Tues 11 we by P. O. Orders or Cheque. Stamps 21010 if sent will be returned.

BIRTHS. 1. at St. Margaret's, Chichester-road, Croydon, rins Birch Crisp, of a daughter. Oct.

13. at Kirkley. Lowestoft, the Crumpton-Brown, of a daughter. Mrs. Tyson, wife of the Rer.

F. J. Dyson, Canterbury, of a son. 11. 9: 23.

Woodland-road, New Southgate. Ferguson, M.A., M.D. of a 0 Camden House. Kent-road. Southsea, Colonel M'Watters, Medical Staff, of a 4.

a1 Cairo. the wife of Captain A. K. Service Corps, of a daughter. IM.

6, the wife of L. Von Veltheim, of 0. at Woodcote. Bromley, Kent, the wife of of a daughter. 21 Poseneath.

Rowley Park, Stafford, the H. Wisen, C.M.S. Association Secretary, of MARRIAGES. 7. at St.

Mark's Church, by the Rev. the Hon. Canon Ponsonby, Rov. Reeves and Rev. H.

D. Butler, Hest son of Francis Porten Beacheroft. her al (ail Service (retired), of Shelton, SydenLetitia, daughter of George Money Seth of Park House. New Swindon. 13.

at St. Philip's Church, ut. by the Rev. P. C.

Banks. M.A., Robert, Swanel the Vicarage, Nethereld. to Kimie, youngest daughter of the Newton, Cottingham, East Yorks. 13. at St.

John's, Roscombe, by care. ricarof Charlton Marshall. Blandford, I. Whatley. rector of Aston Ingham, Hereof the bride.

and the Rev. S. A. Selwyn, Edward William Forward, of 1, Jarratteldest son of Captain Forward, J.P. Coumbe House, Axminster, to Florence Sophia, the lat- William Druce Cattle, M.R.C.S., tHou -stershire, and Mrs.

Cattle, of Gwalior, 14. at St. John's, Brixton, vil. S. of Mount Edgeumbe-gardens, ClaphamGravchurch-street.

E.C., to Edith Louise, ter of the late James Mitchell, of 45. Bellefields- AM 13. at St. Peter's Church. BourneRov.

C. S. Towle. Arthur Hodson Nelson, S. Pallas, 10 Evelyn Arden, younger daughter of Burnham Grange, Bournemouth.

Cot 23. at St. Jude's, South(. Sloggett, rector of Chiddingfold, Surrey, the Rev. S.

Blake, Henry Maxwell Sloggett, 1. M.S.. only son of the Rev. C. Sloggett, to youngest daughter of N.

Coulthurst, Mala- MELLOR ASHBY. -Oct. 14. at the Church of Gardens. by the Rev.

A. E. Foster, the Rev. and the Rev. Gifford H.

Johnson, M.A.. son of J. Mellor, of Eccleshill. Bradford, eldest daughter of J. T.

Ashby, of Kew DEATHS. 13. at The Elms, Folkingham. Lincolnshire. ha Bradley, widow of the late Rev.

Edward Bedel, vicar of Lenton, Lincolnshire, 11N (11, 13. at 28. Highland-road. Upper Norwood, a. u.dow of the late Lieut.

Colonel H. J. BrockArmy. in her 91st year. Friends will please Che only) mrimation.

Indian papers, please 61.4 1806. at Raskelf Vicarage. near Easingwold, to smit Bull. Jackson, of Over Vicarage, Fra-ral at the Old Church, Over. Cheshire.

Friday, 30 p.m. 01. 11. at his residence. 12.

Royal-circus. Edinheral William Cavaye, in his 95th year. Henry Herbert, aged 15. eldest son of Rev. of SE.

St. Augustine's-road, Camden-square, N.W. 12. Margaret Beale Cooper. eldest surviving of the late Dr.

Beale Cooper, Bengeworth, Evesham, war. 13. at her residence. Redland, Bristol, gues, widow of the late Francis Edwards, of Bristol, -Oct. 10.

at The Cottage. Latimer-road, New Marcia Elizabeth Hardinge. widow of the late Hardinge, rector of Barrow, near Chester, and daughter of the late Rev. E. G.

Arnold, rector of Great achan. Norfolk. and Lady Charlotte Arnold, of The urness. Bournemouth, aged 43. -Oct.

13. at Derwent-hill, Keswick. Maria beloved wife ol Lt. Col. Sir E.

Y. W. Henderson, h. C.B. Sunday.

Oct. 11. at 54. Alexandra-road. S.

HampEmily Louisa Lucas, widow of the late Robert Wood Esq. of Abbeynold, Kilburn. Oct. 14. at his residence.

Bolts Cross. Peppard, Henley. Oson, of broncho-pneumonia. William Pannell, -tor mar ner. for many years on the West Coast of Africa, his 76th sear.

No vardALTALLOCH. Oct. 12. 21 Poltalioch, Argyll, the Lady Malroh: of Poltallo. h.

aged 55 ITER, Oct. 13. at Richmond Lodge. West Croydon. Marroved aud devoted wit of George Jolin Potter, -Oct.

13 at Langston Cottage. Pow Tor. HorraDam- Lonisa, wolow of the late Sir James Salmon, M.D.. R.N.. Inspector General of Hospitals and Fleets.

13. at 8. Church-road, Brixton, S.W., Fanny, Lamartine Yates. EMORIAL WINDOWS, CHURCH BRASSES in richest glass. 25s.

to 35s. a foot. Est mates. (Established 50 years.) Took March (late O'Connor). Both 4.

window and Borners-street. brass W. admirable." HERALDIC OFFICE. rmation upon all matters connected with BERALDRY and GENEALOGY. 25.

(RANBOURN-STREET. London. W.C. AMEN SHOOLBRED and Tottenham-courtFunerals throughout in town and country. onumental work, valuations for probate, family Telegrams.


and 188. Westminster-bridge-road. Tenebratio. Telephone, 4839. BARKER Co.

Kensington, STEALS CONDUCTED in Town or Country. Cremation. Embalming. moderate Barker's. Kensington.

Telephone, DARKER end Co. Kensington, W. ECT SYSTEM OF BURIAL. NITARY 1 and BURIAL ASSOCIATION of Burial -Full most Sanitary System 50. Great SILVER, JEWELS, urately Valned or Purchase for cash, from to 10.000/.

SPINK and SON. Diamond Merchants SOLD. SILVER. JEWELS. ELECTRO SILVER ued or Purchased.

SPINK and SON, Diamond Merchants. V. or City. Est. 1772.

(PLO. JEWELS, SPINK and SON. Appraisers for the Loyal Profession. Executors, 17 and 18. Pr W.

(corner of Air-street): 1 2. Gracechurch-street, CornLondon. F.C. PALL IN SILVER. 3 SILVER SPOONS and FORKS, TO-DAY'S PRICE.

ENT STREET. LONDON. TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. RELAR PROOFSAFES. -Gentlemen 11 of may have a better price and uttered tor sale at public auction, by ITHS and SONS, 43.

Cannon-street, years. and Co. Ltd. 8. ART VELVETEEN.

Tor AUTUMN and WINTER DRESSES. Patterns Post Free. VELVETEEN. PRESS OPINIONS: September, 1896. says: for children are involund by the mere turning over of 1.


VELVETEEN, ENGLISH- MADE FABRIC, rivalling 3 and Italian Velvets. MERIT Patterns Post Free. VELVETEEN world -wide reputation for 118 WEARING QUALITIES, Portent Finish. I Soft Pile and -ful Draping. Patterns Post Free.

VELVETEEN. Jit. a vast number of A'11-11 Shades and tonable Colours. lid. per yard.

26 inches wide. in Patterns Post 1. STREFT. London. W.

SPECIAL NOTICE. A LFRED WEBB MILES and COMPANY, street, Hanover-square, London, 10 have on View a choice Assortment Materials for Winter. comprising for Overcoats: Vicunas, and Cashmeres, for Frock and Morning 09 of the largest Stocks in London and Homespun Suitings in new varied selection of new Winter are P11 and made in the most Tenced cutters and workmen at Gentlemen respectfully A WEBB MILES rns and forwarded on COMPANY'S application. contain a large variety of the Winter Overcoats, Ulsters. at wort Coats.

Shooting Capes, FurTor m. -lerate prices, as models to take BRITISH PRODUCE SUPPLY ASSOCIATHE use. (Limited). 1 and NOTTINGHAM. Chairman, British as been will open established its to Central obtain Depot a fair on The tollowne good- will be supphed TTER, CHEESE, A EG IS.

HAM. As con LACON. FRUIT, trade mark. Cable Brand," will be a and quality. Cash with order or on delivery.

was the London radius. Special p. WILLIAM BROOMHALL, a Hogs. Secretary. 1 W.C.

WATER INSTANTLY appointed NIGHT or Agents. DAY Then fir. in of House. Without ex us pusie UGHTNING GEYSER. Fitzroy -square).

Detailed List The Standard. No. 22,556. LONDON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1896. TEN PAGES, ONE PENNY.

ORIENT LINE MAIL NEW ZEALAND, SERVICE.The following Steamships leave London as under. Plymouth one day later, Naples nine days later, for Albany, Adelaide. Melbourne, and Sydney, with her Majesty's Mails, calling at Colombo, and taking passengers to all ports in Australasia 6910 10000 h.p. 16 ORIZABA 6237 7000 Oct. 30 6297 7000 Nov.13 ORIENT 5365 6000 Nov.27 Passengers leaving London seven days later than above, and travelling overland.

can overtake the steamer at Naples. Loading Berth, Tilbury Docks. First and Second Saloon Fares, 551. to 707. Return, 652.

to 105l. Also Cheap Third-class Tickets. F. Green and Co. Head Office: Managers -Anderson, Anderson, and Fenchurch-avenue, London.

E.C., For to passages the apply Branch to the Office, latter 16, firm, at co*ckspur-street, 5, Fenchurch W. RIENT NAPLES, PORT SAID, SUEZ. and COLOMBO. Every fortnight. Cheap Single and Return Tickets, and Circular Tickets for Tours in the Mediterranean.

-Apply as above. ORIENT London and Naples every fortnight. SERVICE Through booking to Cairo. via Port Said or Apply as above. EST AUSTRALIAN GOLDFIELDS, by ORIENT LINE, from London direct.

Every Fortnight. -Apply as above. USTRALIA by new twin-screw steamers of the NORTH GERMAN LLOYD. each of 10.500 tons register, from Southampton to Colombo, Albany (for Perth), Adelaide, Melbourne, and Sydney. Through tickets to all parts.

Splendid first and second class accommodation, including rooms (in the first class) for single passengers. Tons. Southampton. Genoa. DARMSTADT 5.300 Oct.

26 Nov. FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE 10,500 Nov. 23 Dec. BARBAROSSA 10.500 Dec. 21 Dec.

29 Special train from Waterloo Station at 9.30 a.m. on day of sailing. Apply to KELLER, WALLIS, and 32, co*ckspur-street, No. Charing-cross, 65, 66, 67. Gracechurch-street, City.

Telephone 2012. Telegrams, "Teutonic, London," and at Manchester and Southampton; or to Philhpps and Graves, Botolph House, Eastcheap, E. or Kane and 19. Rue Scribe, Paris. and Pleasure Voyage.The favourite passenger ship TORRENS (F.

Angel Commander), lying in the London Dock, will leave for ADELAIDE about 24th October. Passengers booked at through rates for Melbourne, Sydney, and all Australian Ports. Surgeon and Stewardess carried. -Apply to Sewell and Crowther, 18, co*ckspur-street, S. or to Trinder, Anderson, and 4, St.

Mary-axe. E.C. AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, AMERICA, Canada, India, and China, Every Week.For dates and fares see our Passage Book, post free on application to Wm. Ashby and 26, Leadenhail-street, London, E.C. NASMANIA, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, INDIA, CHINA, Japan.

West indies, and South African Colonies. -STEAMERS for all above ports at regular intervals. Goods shipped and insured. Passages engaged. -For rates and dates apply to STALEY, RADFORD, and 2, Fenchurchavenue, Lime-street.

E.C. TEST AUSTRALIAN GOLD to FREMANTLE. the nearest Port direct. Lowest rates of Passage Money. S.s.

URMSTON GRANGE will leave London, via the Cape, about 20th October. Fares-Saloon, second class, steerage (accommodation on deck). from 14 guineas. BETHELL, GWYN, and 22, Billiter-street. E.C.lI (HEAP PASSAGES to INDIA, South Africa, America, Australia, accommodation on large and commodious steamers at lowest fares, no booking fees.

Sailing lists and all information gratis. Banking and agency business of every description transacted. Packages and parcels to any part of India at through rates. Horses, dogs. and other live stock shipped at lowest rates of freight.

-Apply to William Watson and 7, Waterloo-place, London. and 23. Water-street, Liverpool. DOYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET COMPANY. Under contract for her Majesty's Mails to West Indies, Brazil, and River Plate.

Dates from Southampton, Tns To Ports. Cherbourg, Vigo, Lisbon. PerThames 5645 Oct. 16 nambuco, Bahia, Rio. Monte Video, and Buenos Ayres.

Medway 3730 Oct. 21 West Limon, Indies. and Pacific Jacmel. Ports. Colon, Corunna, Leixoes (Oporto), Vigo, Villagarcia, Teneriffe, Minho 3444 Oct.

Las Palmas, Pernambuco, Maceio, Bahia. Rio, Santos, Monte Video. BuenosAyres. (from' West Indies, Colon, and London) 2402 Nov. 11 Central America.

Return, Tourist, and Family Tickets. Reduced Parcel Rates. Apply at 18. Moorgate-street, E.C.. or 29, co*ckspur-street.

S. W. SOUTH and EAST AFRICA NATAL DIRECT (for Johannesburg Pretoria), DELAGOA BAY, INHAMBANE. BEIRA (for Mashonaland), and CHINDE, culling at TENERIFFE. The favourite steamers of the ABERDEEN DIRECT LINE leave the LONDON DOCKS Every Fortnight.

Splendid accommodation for saloon passengers at moderate fares. Passengers booked through to Johannesburg and Pretoria. Next departures: S.s. IFAFA Capt. W.

0. Moore 27 S.s INYATI (new steamer). Capt. Stuart, R.N.R...Nov. 10 S.s.

ILLOVO Capt. F. 24 Large and airy state-rooms. Electric light and every modern convenience. Surgeon and Owners, John T.

Rennie, Son, and 4, East India avenue, Leadenhall-street, E.C. THE TRANSVAAL and MASHONALAND GERMAN EAST AFRICAN LINE of MAIL STEAMERS. -This Company despatch every 21 days from Hamburg, calling at Amsterdam and Naples, one of their fine steamers to Zanzibar. Mozambique, Beira (for Mashonaland), Delagoa Bay (for Johannesburg), and Durban, via Suez Canal. This route is the best to Mashonaland (via Beira), and to Zambesia (via Chinde).

-For through fares apply to the Agents, Ellis, Kislingbury, and 14. St. Mary-axe, London. THE CANARY ISLANDS, MADEIRA, and MOROCCO LINE of STEAMERS. Autumn and Winter Resorts.

From October 1. 1896. until June 1897, the excellent STEAMERS of this Line will be despatched weekly from St. Katharine Docks, London, calling at Teneriffe and Las Palmas and at Madeira fortnightly. Fares (first-class only) to any of the above-named ports, single 107.

to 12l. inclusive. Return (availabie for six from 15t. 129. to according to position oi berths.

Passengers making the voyage may break the journey at any port of call. Voyage occupies about 17 days. These steamers are entirely new and fitted throughout with all latest improvements, electric light, Stewardess carried. For further particulars and time tables apply to Forwood Bros. and 3.


Free rail from London. BERLIN Oct. 17 ST. LOUIS Oct. 24 Special Train leaves Waterloo Saturday 9.40 a.m., conveying Saloon Passengers alongside steamer in Dock at Southampton.

Steerage outfit free. -Apply to Richardson, Spence, and 3. co*ckspur-street. and 116, Leadenhall-street, London; 22, Waterstreet, Liverpool; and Canute-road, Southampton. A NCHOR GLASGOW to NEW YORK.CIRCASSIA 22 Nov.

5 Excellent accommodation. Cabin fares from 9l. second cabin from 6l.10s. -A. H.

Groves, 5. Rue Scribe, Paris; T. Cook and Son, 13. S. Henderson 18.

E.C. ONDON to NEW YORK WEEKLY.WILSONS and FURNESS-LEYLAND Fares from NINE GUINEAS. -Apply Allan Brothers and 103, Leadenhall-street. E.C. TEW YO LINE.

LONDON to NEW YORK, by the Express Steamers from Southampton: 9000 tons 13.500 h.p. Oct. 17 Augusta 8000 tons 12.500 h.p. Oct. 23 Furst Bismarck 9000 tons 13,500 h.p.

Oct. 30 Free tickets by special train on day of sailing from London (Waterloo Station) to Southampton Docks. Apply to Smith. Sundius, and as agents, 22, co*ckspurstreet, S.W.: 158, Leadenhall-street, F.C., London; and at Southampton and Plymouth. ings by the fast and fine steamers of this Line from -Monthly sailVancouver, calling at Honolulu and through tickets, including passage by any Atlantic Steamer and CanadianPacific Railway to Vancouver, apply to Canadian Pacific 67-8.

King E.C.; 30. S. J. Huddart, Managing Owner, 22, F.C. TAPAN, -CANADIAN PACIFIC ROUTE, via New York, Montreal, Vancouver.

Only line running through trains Atlantic to Pacific under one management. Largest, fastest. only twin-screw steamers on Pacific. Leave England thrice weekly; Vancouver berths. or descriptive ye pamphlets, apply CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, 67-8, King William-street, E.

or 30, S. W. BAGGAGE and CONVEYED all Winter to resorts SOUTH at of fixed FRANCE, through rates, by Geo. W. Wheatley and 10.

Queen-street, Cheap side, E.C., and 23. Regent-street. S.W.. London; 35, Dalestreet. Liverpool: 12.

Rue Auber. Paris. JOUND THE WORLD, via San Francisco. Full particulars of 20 routes, embracing America. New Zealand.

Australia. Japan, China. India. and Europe, post free. -AMERICAN and AUSTRALIAN LINE, 122, Pall-mall, S.

and Leadenhall-street. E.C. ALIFORNIA and WESTERN AMERICA.Through Tickets issued at lowest rates. Choice of Atlantic Lines and American Railways. Passengers met on arrival New York.

Every attention and facility accorded. Illustrated Guides post free -AMERICAN and AUSTRALIAN LINE. 122, Pall-mall, S. W. TOTICE.

TAS. SHOOLBRED and SPECIAL SHOW DAY will be on MONDAY, OCTOBER 19th, when all the LATEST 1 NOVELTIES for the AUTUMN and WINTER view. SEASONS will be on AS. SHOOLBRED and Co. also beg to invite an inspection of their EXTENSIVE opened SHOW-ROOMS in the which have been NEW PREMISES RECENTLY ERECTED.




METAL of COMPETITION No.4.-First Ladies' Gold Watch with single initial in real diamonds on the back. MISS B. Second DAVIES. Prize, 199, Gold Bangle Commercial-road, Bracelet Peckham. S.E.

(1280 words). with single initial in real diamonds, MR. W. L. HANDLEY, 52, Reed worth-street.

Kennington. S. E. (1272 words). EXTRA PRIZE of Gold Pencilcase, MISS H.

E. CLARKE. Ravensdowne. Enys-road. Eastbourne (1270 INTENSELY words).

BUTTERCUP METAL POLISH gives an BRILLIANT and LASTING POLISH to BRASS, in COPPER, and STEEL. Sold by all Grocers, Oilmen, Company, penny Chiswick. and twopenny London, W. tins. -Makers, Chiswick Soap of LIVERPOOL certificate Messrs.

just Harmood been issued by the well-known certifying accountants, that Banner the and Son, of Liverpool, Daily they have examined books of the Liverpool Post." and that the increase Liverpool in the Echo." and Liverpool Weekly these three (all issued from year ending March, 1896, of with papers the same office) as compared the one previous week is year was 3.670.204. The Jargest number other printed in certified to be 1.058,846 copies. All the papers in Liverpool combined do not circulate so many papers. SPECIAL NOTICE! The and most useful Book for Photographers, Professional, is HOTOGRAPHY ANNUAL. It contains a list of Photography, Photographic the and Dark Rooms, Progress of Dealers Apparatus and Materials.

Optical Rays, Novelties in Photographic Paper Over 600 covers, pages 2s. 6d. of net. reading Cloth, 3s. matter, 6d.

splendidly Lanterns, illustrated. Iliffe and Son, 3. St. Bride-street, net. E.C.

Postage 6d. NOILET LANOLINE. is exactly similar to the natural fat of the human skin, and is prepared from the purified fat of lamb's wool. NOILET LANOLINE" Is therefore "Nature's Skin Emollient. It is soothing, protective.

bland and emollient. In tubes, 6d. and 1s. LANOLINE" Is TOILET super-fatted SOAP with "Lanoline. Lanoline" preserves it.

The soap cleanses the skin. ANOLINE" TOILET SOAP Gives suppleness and elasticity to the most sensitive skins. Specially adapted for infants. 6d. and 1s.

a cake. Of all chemists. PERSONAL. me important immediately. newsy -NANCY.

communicate. EXCUSE delay. -Protestant £5 Alliance. received 430. from Strand.

S. M. Sept. 29th. -T, H- on care of Nichols, 78.

An-5-road. W. given notice to anxious leave to here know Xmas, how cannot you make are, enough have to keep me. Am far from well, and very miserable. Write soon, best love.

-E. YEORGE SUTTON, who died in London-street, Fitzroy-square, in May. 1870. His CHILDREN are Requested to COMMUNICATE with Messrs. Andrew.

Wood, and 8. Great James-street. Bedford-row. London, W.C. WILLIAN WOOD, Portland-street.

B.A., Sonthport, who is formerly requested re- to COMMUNICATE with Ormerod and Allen, solicitors, 5, Clarence-street. Manchester. GLADSTONE BAG the from the seat Gentlemen of the who Second-class took a Booking Office, Waterloo, at 5.0 p.m., 5th October, will return same to intact. above Reward will be paid. 1 REWARD Sisters'-avenue, LOST Lavender-hill, between on journey Highgate via and Finsbury 20, Park and Waterloo and Clapham Junction, a small circular GOLD BROOCH, with 19 pearls on the outer edge of the circle.

-Anyone bringing same to 20, Sisters'-avenue will receive the above reward. NOTICE. ALLISON'S SALE by DICKINS and JONES. W. Owing to the extraordinary pressure of business, Dickins and Jones respectfully ask for the indulgence of their customers for any delay in the delivery of goods purchased.

Every effort will be made for despatching them as quickly as possible. DEAREST Great he is on the warpathagain Easterns: means putting them up again quickly. The highest price recently reached for Great Easterns was 1074 and the lowest during the recent slump, the price to-day is and Dear George Gregory says he sees his way quite easily to put them to 110 and then to 120. Buy at once, love, on receipt of this, and send me a wire to the Margate, giving your present address. so that I can wire you when to sell.

Dear George knows, you bet, ever devotedly, BERTHA. OST, my old Lincoln and Bennett." Found on my brother's head, looking like new: he had bought a box of TAKLIS for One Shilling, and metamorphosed it.1s. 2d. post free, with Velvet Pad Complete, from Taklis 15, Soho-square, W. BRIGHT staff of Male and have Female a specially Detectivesat selected Brighton for confidential inquiries.

Consultations free. -No. 1, Basinghall-street, London. THE NEW I to the success Mr. Henry Slater has personally achieved with the New Photography, he is prepared to introduce same in Divorce matters free of charge.

-Offices, No. 1. Basinghall-street. City. you desire an object accomplished.

a mystery cleared up. or the doings of a person secretly ascertained, consult SLATER, "the greatest detective of the age," vide Press.Offices, No. 1, Basinghall-street. E.C. LATER has for years been successful in nearly every case entrusted to him.

whether domestic, financial, or commercial. Telephone No. Offices, No. 1. Basinghall-street, City, E.C.

SLATER'S DETECTIVES for DIVORCE. Before commencing Divorce proceedings, consult Slater, who will obtain all available reliable evidence. Successful in every case in the Divorce Court for nearly eleven years. LATER'S DETECTIVES for ascertaining where people go. what they do, the company they keep, whether the club is responsible for late hours, and if shopping alone occupies so much Slater, 1.

Basinghall-street, E.C. ADY CYCLIST have an army of lady cyclist detectives throughout the kingdom for confidential services of all descriptions. Consultations free. -HENRY SLATER, Manager, 1, London. E.C.

A rine-street, TTWOOD'S Strand, DETECTIVE AGENCY, all 6, Confidential CatheMatters: Evidence collected for Divorce. Watching suspected Tracing Lost Friends. OVER 15 YEARS' confinned success. Interviews free. Agents all parts.

A WEEK SOLICITED at the for Sending the Sick is Poor of St. EARNESTLY Mary's, Plaistow. E. (London over the Border). to St.

Monica's Home of Rest for Women. and St. Mary's Holiday Home for Childrenat Southend-on-Sea. This is one of the largest and poorest parishes in East London-pop. 22.000.

TEN SHILLINGS will keep a poor child, whose only chance of recovery is pure air at the sea for a fortnight. Women and children from other poor parishes received in the -Cheques crossed Prescott's Bank, and payable to the Rev. T. GIVEN-WILSON, Vicar of Plaistow, London, E. of Management HOME for GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGE Board RECEIPT of ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS of 3l.

3s. from Mrs. Whaley, and 17. 1s. from J.

H. Gerrard, Esq. The Harvest Festival Service will he held in the Chapel at the Home, on Sunday Next. the 18th inst. Gifts of Fruit aud Flowers should be sent to, and will be gladly received by, the Matron.

British Home for Incurables, Crown-lane, Streatham. A collection will be made for the Chapel Expenses Fund, for which about 1007. annually is required. Cheques and Postal Orders to be crossed "Barclay and and sent to R. G.


TREASURER. A. BEVAN. 54. Lombard-street, D.C.

PLATT. The Institution, Vinestreet, Clerkenwell-road, F.C. TREAT NORTHERN CENTRAL HOSPITAL, Holloway-road, N. With the object of Clearing Off the Debt of 41007. due to the Bankers (the last remaining debt on the building), the following DONATIONS have been GIVEN and PROMISED, subject to the balance required being obtained by the end of the year: Amount already acknowledged £1375 10 0 Right Hon.

Lord Mrs. Mitchell £5 00 Grimthorpe £50 0 Mrs. Allan R. Benyon, Esq. 50 0 0 Miss S.

Ernest Palmer, Esq. 31 10 0 Mrs. Hilditch Evans S. Palmer, Esq. 10 J.

M. Molls, H. W. Prescott, Esq. 5 5 0 Lady Borton H.

Wimbush. Esq. Messrs. Jacob and Co. Thos.

Wordley, 5 00 Mrs. Lucy Milis Hughes-Hughes, Woodford Reynolds, 'Esq. being an exceptiona! 5 001 opportunity Esq. to 1 heavy 00 00 0 0 00 00 00 00 remove a burden of debt from the Hospital, Further PROMISES of HELP are Earnestly INVITED. LEWIS H.

GLENTON KERR, Secretary. ING'S COLLEGE HOSPITAL, Portugal-street, W.C.-The Committee of Management gratefully ACKNOWLEDGE the following Soden, 57. the Misses Dixon, 17. Funds are urgently Needed a for the Hospital and its Convalescent Home. N.


F. A. BEVAN, 54. Lombard-street, E.C. Supported entirely by Voluntary Contributions, THE SICKLY AND DESTITUTE.


WILL YOU GIVE IT? WILLIAM WHEATLEY (Superintendent). 4. Ampion-street, Regent-square, London, W.C. and Co MAPLE and Co MAPLE MAPLE and Co MAPLE and Co A THOUSAND LONDON BED-ROOM SUITES NEW SHOW ROOMS FOR BED-ROOM SUITES BED-ROOM SUITES MAPLE and Co have Rooms again for added Bed-room additional Furniture, Show and the present selection is altogether beyond precedent, both in variety of style and excellent value for money. Bed-room Suites from 3l.

10s. to A thousand suites to choose from. and Co BED-ROOM SUITES MAPLE and Co BED-ROOM SUITES A THOUSAND BED-ROOM SUITES FAHOGANY BED-ROOM SUITES MAPLE and Co of have also High-class a magnificent Bed-room Suites collection in Chippendale. Sheraton, Louis and other interesting styles. illustrative of the best class of cabinet work.

Mahogany is now a favourite wood, its agreeable warmth of colouring being most appreciable in decorative effects. A thousand Bed-room Suites to select from. and Co BEDSTEADS MAPLE and Co BRASS BEDSTEADS and Co BRASS BEDSTEADS MAPLE and Co BRASS BEDSTEADS MAPLE and Co offer ingthousands choice of from Brass a Stock Bedsteads compris- in an immense variety of patterns at from 38s. 6d. to all bought before recent advances, so that buyers will effect a great saring.

The largest selection of Brass and Iron Bedsteads in the World. MAPLE and Co BEDSTEADS 39,195 BEDSTEADS 39.195 THE LARGEST SELECTION IN THE WORLD MAPLE and Co MAPLE and Co BEDDING and Co SPRING BEDDING MAPLE and Co BEDDING MAPLE MAPLE and Co recommend Wire their and Chain double and Spring treble Mattresses, with a Hair Top Mattress, as forming a cool, comfortable, sanitary. and inexpensive bed. Special price list of Spring and other Pure Bedding, post free. and Co (Limited), the Largest and Most Convenient Furnishing Establishment in the world.

Many, acres of Show Rooms. Hundreds of for thousands immediate of pounds' worth of goods to select from, all ready delivery. Established more than half a century. Tottenham-court-road. London, W.

ATTHEW GLOAG'S PERTH WHISKY. The MOST DELICIOUS and the SAFEST of ALL WHISKIES. FINEST OLD GLENLIVET BLEND (over seven years old). Delicate, Soft, and Creamy. 42s.

per net cash. Carriage paid. To be had only of MATTHEW GLOAG. Perth. N.B, Established 1800, at the same address.

Sample bottle on receipt of 3s. 6d. EAL SON'S BEDSTEADS. TEAL SON'S HEAL and SON'S BEDSTEADS. Bedding, celebrated For three-quarters of A century for the Purity and Quality Of its Materials, Its Comfort and Durability in use.

And its Moderate Price. Illustrated Catalogue Sent Post Free. SON'S BEDDING. HEAL SON'S BEDDING. HEAL TOTTENHAM-COURT-ROAD.

PECIAL and Co's MEAT JUICE, prepared from the finest English meat, can now be obtained of all the principal Chemists in the United Kingdom. Depots: 11. Little Stanhope-street, Mayfair, and Mayfair Works. London, S. W.

SHIPPING. (carrying her Majesty's CHINA, and DENINSULAR and ORIENTAL, COMPANY STRAITS. AUSTRALIA, CEYLON. EGYPT, MALTA, and GIBRALTAR. Accelerated through Services as under.

OVERLAND ROUTE to INDIA, the EAST, and AUSTRALIA. and KURRACHEE, by P. and 0. from LONDON and BRINDISI. Every Week.

Tons. London. Marseilles. Brindisi. CALEDONIA.

7558 Oct. 17 Oct. 24 ROME 5545 Oct. 23 Nov. 1 4136 Nov.

8 MALCUTTA, MADRAS, and CEYLON, by P. and O. from LONDON. Tons. London.

Tons. London. NUBIA. 5914 Oct. 23 6064 Dec.

COROMANDEL. 4652 Nov. 6 4656 Dec. 18 SIMLA. 5884 Nov.

20 SUMATRA. 4607 Jan. CHINA, JAPAN, and STRAITS DIRECT EVERY WEEK. MAIL STEAMERS leaving LONDON and BRINDISI EVERY FORTNIGHT. Intermediate Steamers Every alternate Fortnight.

The intermediate sailings from London are as follows, and fortnightly thereafter SUNDA ....4674 22 SHANGHAI 3315 BORNEO ..4573 Oct. 31 CANTON 3317 Dec. 12 Nov. 14 JAVA 4093 tons. 26 USTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND.

and TASA MANIA. The P. and O. COMPANY'S STEAMERS, carrying her Majesty's Mails, leave LONDON for SYDNEY, Melbourne, Adelaide, and Albany for West Anstralian Goldfields direct, calling at Brindisi, Every Fortuight. Dates of departure as Tons.

h.p. Oct. 23 Capt. A. Daniell 5545 6000 Nov.

6 A. Adamson 6838 10000 Nov.20 OCEANA Capt. Stewart 6803 7500 Dec. 3 VALETTA Capt. G.

W. Atkinson 5023 5250 Cheap Single and Return Tickets. First and Second Saloon Passengers only carried. Fares 357. and 707.

VENICE to and O. EGYPT COMPANY and will BOMBAY, despatch by P. and STEAMERS from VENICE to EGYPT (Port Said) Every Three Weeks, as Passengers Tons. Venice. Brindisi.

due Bombay. CLYDE 4136 Oct. 15 Oct. 17 Nov. 2 SUTLET 4205 Nov.

5 Nov. 7 23 SUTLEJ. 4205 Nov.26 Nov.28 Dec. 14 MEDITERRANEAN and GIBRALTAR, EGYPT, MALTA, P. PORT and SAID, 0.


26. MARSEILLES, Oct. 17, 30. Nov. 13, 27.

CHEAP RETURN TICKETS to the P. and O. COMPANY ISSUE RETURN TICKETS at reduced rates to India. Ceylon, China, Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, Gibraltar. Malta, Brindisi, and EGYPT, and ROUND the WORLD TICKETS at REDUCED RATES.

DENINSULAR and ORIENTAL COMPANYFor passage and freight apply ac 122, Leadenhall-street. and 25, co*ckspur-street, London. Freight Brokers, Escombe Liverpool. Manchester, Middlesbrough, Southampton, Glasgow, and London. Parcels 4d.

per lb. NCHOR LINE INDIAN SAILINGS. A Liverpool to Bombay. Liverpool to Calcutta. ARMENIA.

3395 3547 tons tons Nov. Nov. 25 3 NUBIA 3189 tons Oct. 24 PERSIA 3551 Nov. 9 Excellent accommodation Moderate fares.

and 55. Parliament-st. Henderson 18. Leaden E.C. by the IMPERIAL and ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS of the AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S.

leaving TRIESTE Monthly on the 3d, at Noon. and BRINDISI 4th. after the arrival of the train due at Brindisi at 11.0 a.m. Passengers from London via Brindisi should leave by the 9.0 p.m. train on the 1st of each month, and via Trieste on the 1st at 11.0 a.m.

The well-known fast steamers Imperator and Imperatrix are usually employed on this line. Next Departure, 3d Imperatrix (s), Capt. T. Rassevich. -For through tickets apply to Hickie, Borman, and agents, 22, Billiterstreet.

E. and 14, Waterloo-place, S.W.; or to any of the principal Passenger Agents. new Mail Steamers of the AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S S.N. are leaving TRIESTE EVERY WEDNESDAY at noon, in the following order SEMIRAMIS (s) 21st October. CLEOPATRA (S) 28th HABSBURG 4th November.

And so on, in counection with the newly established WEEKLY THROUGH TRAIN DE LUXE, viS OSTEND, VIENNA, TRIESTE. Passengers this train should leave London on Mondays at 10.0 a.m., reaching Trieste on Wednesday at 8.20 a.m. Above steamers leave Brindisi every Thursday in connection with the train due there at 11.0 a.m. Passengers via Brindisi should leave London on Mondays at 9.0 p.m. Arrival at Alexandria at daybreak on Sundays.

Express trains to Cairo leave Alexandria at 7.0 a.m. and 9.0 -For through tickets apply to Hickie, Borman. and 22, Billiter-street, E.C., and 14. Waterloo-place, S.W., or any of the principal Passenger Agents. CONSTANTINOPLE, GREECE, and the LEVANT PORTS by the IMPERIAL and ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS of the AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S, leaving TRIESTE EVERY THURSDAY, at 11.0 a.m..

and BRINDISI EVERY SATURDAY, at 1.0a.m. Passengers from London should leave on Wednesday. at 11.0 a.m.-For through tickets apply to Hickie, Borman, and agents, 22, Billiter-street, E.0., and 14, Waterloo-place, S. or to any of the principal Passenger Agents. YOUTH For Through Rates of Passage, at Lowest Rates.

by all Routes and Steamship New Territories, Mashonaland and MatabeleLines A to CAPE COLONY, Transvaal, and the A FRICA. land, Apply to THOS. COOK and SON, Chief Office. Ludgate-circus, London, E.C. RAILWAYS, PLEASURE TRIPS, SOUTH and DOVER and RAILWAY LONDON, COMPANIES.

CHATHAM, ROYAL MAIL EXPRESS SERVICES to PARIS and the CONTINENT, via DOVER and CALAIS, DOVER and OSTEND, and FOLKESTONE and BOULOGNE. Dover Dover Dover Dover and and and and and Leaving. Calais. Ostend. B'logne.

Calais. Calais. 1 2 C1.1 2 Cl. 1 2 Cl. 1 2 C1.

1, 2, 3 Cl. Charing-cross 9.0 a.m. am am 11.0 a.m. 9.0 p.m, Cannon-street 9.5 11.5 9.5 Victoria 10.0 11.0 9.0 Holborn 9.0 9.55 /11.0 19.0 Paul's 9.2 9.57 til.2 19.2 Not calling at The fast and powerful Steamers of the South -Eastern Company, ALBERT VICTOR, LOUISE DAG MAR, or MARY BEATRICE, run DAILY between FOLKESTONE and BOULOGNE, in connection with the 10.0 a.m. Service from London and the 10.30 a.m.

from Paris. The largest and fastest Steamers of the Chatham Company, CALAIS-DOUVRES. EMPRESS. VICTORIA. INVICTA, DOVER, and CALAIS, now run daily in connection with all the services via Dover and Calais.

SWITZERLAND and BERNE, MILAN, and TURIN by 9.0 a.m., 10.0 a.m., 11.0 a.m., and 9.0 p.m. Daily. 1st and 2d Class. BRUSSELS, COLOGNE, and GERMANY, via CALAIS. by 9.0 a.m., 11.0 a.m., 9.0 p.m.; via Ostend, by 10.0 a.m.

and 9.0 p.m. Daily, 1st and 2d Class; and by 5.35 p.m. daily from S.E.R. Stations, and 5.45 p.m. ou Weekdays only from L.

C. and D. Stations. For fares and further particulars as to all train services see timebooks and handbills of the respective Companies. MOUTH-EASTERN FUNERAL of the LATE ARCHBISHOP of CANTERBURY.

On FRIDAY NEXT a SPECIAL TRAIN for CANTERBURY will leave CHARING-CROSS at 9.0a.m. and CANNON-STREET at 9.5 a.m. 1st, 2d, and 3d Class Return Tickets will be issued by this Train. ALFRED WILLIS, Manager Passenger Department. ONDON, CHATHAM, and DOVER RAILWAY.

FUNERAL of the late ARCHBISHOP of CANTERBURY. On FRIDAY, Oct. 16. a SPECIAL FAST TRAIN will leave VICTORIA at 9.45. Holborn 9.40, St.

Paul's 9.42, and Herne-bill at 9.50 a.m. for Canterbury, at 1st, 2d, and 3d class ordinary fares, for persons wishing to attend the funeral of the late Archbishop of Canterbury. The Special Train will Return from Canterbury at 3.30 p.m. for the above Stations. LONDON, BRIGHTON.

AND SOUTH COAST RAILWAY. and CHEAPEST ROUTE, Via NEWHAVEN, DIEPPE, and ROUEN. Two Special Express Services (Week-days and Sundays). London to Paris (1 and 2) (1, 2, 3) Paristo London (1 and 2) (1, 2, 3) a.m. p.m.

a.m. p.m. Victoria 10.0 9.45 Paris 10.0 9. 0 London 10.0 9.55 p.m. a.m.

p.m. a.m. London arr. 7.0 7.40 Paris. arr.

7.0 7.45 7.0 7.50 Fares--Single: First, 34s. Second, 258. Third, 18s. 7d. Return: First, 58s.

Second, 42s. Third, 33s. 3d. A Pullman Drawing-room Car runs in the First and Second Class Train between Victoria and Newhaven. BRIGHTON AND connection with the Day Express Service.

a Special Train leaves Brighton 10.30 a.m. for Newhaven Harbour. Returning at 5.20 p.m. FOR full Particulars see Handbills. (By Order) ALLEN SARLE, Secretary and General Manager.

COOK'S POPULAR and TOURS. Winter, 1896. days' Tour, 13 guineas (Extensions to Florence, Milan, Venice, Naples, Oct. 22d. -Ten days' Tour, 10 guineas, Oct.

24th. days' Tour, 15 guineas, Oct. 24th. days', 13 guineas. Oct 15th and 29th.

MEDITERRANEAN and ADRIATIC CRUISE. -Twenty-five days', 20 guineas, Oct. 24th. Illustrated Programme free by post from THOS. COOK and SON, Ludgate-cireus, London.

IVIERA, Pyrenees, and Italy. -COOK'S SINGLE and RETURN TICKETS by all Routes. Interpreters at the chief stations en route. Conductor leaves London every Tuesday from November 3, assisting passengers. free of charge.

to Marseilles, Cannes, Nice, Monte Carlo, Mentone. Special arrangements for insuring baggage. -For full particulars apply to THIOS. COOK and SON, Ludgate-circus, London; City Office, 99, Gracechurch-street: 33, Piccadilly: 13, co*ckspur-street, Pall-mall: 82, Oxford-street. 445.

West Strand. CEAN PASSAGE Australia, Cape, Apply to GAZE'S Tourist Office for information, and passages by best Steamship Lines at lowest rates. Tickets issued to all parts of the Globe. Overland Routes to the East. Round the World Tours (see Shipping Programme' HENRY GAZE and SONS (Limited), 142, Strand; Piccadillycircus: and 18.

Westbourne-grove. London. 21 organised GUINEA by Dr. Lunn MEDITERRANEAN and Mr. Perowne on the CRUISES s.s.

MIDNIGHT SUN. 3188 tons: electric light, splendid cuisine. Fare includes return ticket, London-Calais-Marseilles, and 21 days' cruise. Nov. 30, to Ajaccio, Naples, Sicily, Tunis, Algiers, and Southern Spain, or Jan.

26, to Palestine and Egypt. Extended cruise, Oct. 23. 35 guineas, to Constantinople, Athens, Lectures by Sir Lambert Playfair, the Archdeacon of Manchester, Professors Sayce, Mahaffy, Lanciani, Canon Tristram. -Full details, Secretary, 5, Endeleigh-gardens, N.W.

AMPTON COURT, Richmond, Kew, Kingston, and Teddingtonby saloon steamerQUEEN ELIZABETH. from LONDON BRIDGE(Surrey Old Swan 9.50. DAILY (Fridays excepted, but including Sundays), calling at all piers. cheap fares. Luncheon 2s.

6d. each. EDGAR SHAND, Owner and Manager. GEORGE GREGORY AND COMPANY, STOCK AND SHARE DEALERS, TEAD OFFICES, Lothbury, Nos. 3 and Bank 4, of England, TOKENHOUSE- London.

CONDON, MANCHESTER, HASTINGS. LIVERPOOL, BUILDINGS, BRIGHTON, E.C. Telegrams: "Grammarian, London" National Telephone No. 800. Branch Offices 226, Piccadilly, Piccadilly-circus.

London, W. (immediately opposite the London Pavilion). Telegrams, Gregarious, National Telephone No. 97. No.

263, Regent-street. Oxford-circus, London, W. (facing Peter Robinson's). Telegrams: "Greggoe, London National Telephone No. 87.

Irene Chambers. Market-street, Manchester (facing, the Royal Exchange). Telegrams: Gregal. National Telephone No. 2210.

Derby-buildings, No. 24. Fenwickstreet, Liverpool (opposite the National Provincial Rank of England). Telegrams "Geography, Liverpool." Nationa! Telephone No. 6542.

Central Chambers. No. 2, The Quadrant, Brighton (facing Willing's Jubilee Clock Tower). Telegrams "Gregorian, Brighton National Telephone No. 346.

Queen's Chambers (adjoining the Queen's Hotel). Hastings (facing the Albert Memorial). Telegrams: "Gregory, Hastings' National Telephone No. 31. MERICAN RAILS, HOME RAILS, and A FOREIGN STOCKS at 1 STOCK PER CENT.

25 COVER. Shares. £5 £10 COMMANDS COMMANDS £500 £1.000 STOCK or or 50 Shares. £20 £2.000 100 £50 £5.000 250 £100 £10,000 500 £1000 £100.000 5000 There is no further charge or liability whatever. EVERY speculating.

INVESTOR and read GREGORY'S SPECULATOR. HINTS before to SPECULATORS. 420 pages, 9th edition, illustrated, which can be obtained gratis and post free, together with 23 other publications. all of vital Interest to Investors and Speculators in Stocks and Shares. GREGORY and COMPANY, STOCK and SHARE DEALERS, LONDON, BRIGHTON, MANCHESTER, HASTINGS.

LIVERPOOL, COCHRANE and DEALERS. SONS, Established STOCK 1867. and SHARE 67, Cornhill, London, E.C. (late 13 and 14, Cornhill). Accounts can be opened in all Stocks and American Shares at 1l.

per cent. cover, with no further liability. Cover runs off at middle tape prices. Apply for Prospectus. Telegrams, "Cochrane, London." Bankers, London and Westminster.




(moderate Most priced), 9 to 13, De Vere-gardens, Kensington WALK MANSIONS HOTEL (high-class) electric charming position choice appointments. lift, light, modern sanitation, and everything up to date. Good service and excellent cuisine. En pension. 70 rooms, either singly, in pairs, or in sets, with sitting or drawing room.

and private bath-room. Special accommodation for families. Tel. "Kensingtonian, YOWER HOUSE (RESIDENTIAL) HOTEL, Gower-street Station, London, W.C.-Spacious dining, drawing, reading. billiard, and smoking rooms: passenger lift to all floors; bed-room, use of baths (hot and cold), and attendance, from 2s.

per day, and 10s. for seven days: the most central situation in London. -Apply to Manager for tariff. TEPHEN'S FAMILY 120 and 122, Cromwell-road, S. bed-room, and attendance from 2gns.

per week. Arrangements made with families. Good public rooms, private sitting-rooms if required. -Address Manager. DRIGHTON.

NEW STEINE Sea Moderate boarding terms include breakfast, luncheon, dinner, bed-room, attendance. and usual public-rooms: private sitting-rooms extra: excellent cuisine. For tariff apply T. Gray, Proprietor. HOTEL, facing tional the sea, close to Deronshire Park and baths.

Excepcuisine: choice vintage wines. Home comforts and moderate charges. Sanitary certificate. -M. E.

HARRISSON, Proprietress. UNBRIDGE PARK PRIVATE HOTEL En Redecorated. Electric light. Hydraulic Tennis. Near golf links.

-Miss Jefferson, Manageress. HOTEL VICTORIA et des PRINCES (open from Oct. 1). Fine situation, full South, with large garden. Every English home comfort.

Perfect sanitary arrangements. Lift. LEUBNER, Proprietor. NICE ST. Family Hotel, in BARTHELEMY charming elevated (Villa situation: 15 min.

from town English tennis. golf, free 'bus: telephone. Pension from Summer, HOTEL DU LOUVRE. AIX-LES-BAINS. -HOTEL firstclass Hotel, with all modern improvements; specially charming resort in Autumn and Winter.

Climate dry, bracing, and sunny. Excellent educational institutions. Illustrated pamplets sent free on application to Mr. CARL LANDSEE, Proprietor of Hotel Tyrol. PENSION English and Amer.

Pension: healthiest 6fr. to 8fr. lunch, tea. dinner, wine, lights, hydr. -SETTERFIELD DE LA VILLE, Piazza Barberini: full south.

Same Proprietor. tions. Perfect sanitation. 34 days from England. All REID'S HOTELS.

-Splendid situasteamers met. The mean temperature of the Winter months is Faht. Pamphlet free. -F. Passmore, 124, Cheapside, E.C.

CONTINENTAL HOTELS. NEW COMPANIES, COMMERCIAL, The LIST of APPLICATIONS will be OPENED on WEDNESDAY. 14th 1896. and CLOSED on or before MONDAY, 19th October, 1896. NHE CITY of BIRMINGHAM TRAMWAYS COMPANY -Incorporated under the Companies Acts, £1,000,000, divided into 80,000 Five per Cent.

Preference Shares of £5 each. and 120,000 Ordinary Shares of £5 each, whereof 40.000 Preference Shares and 60,000 Ordinary Shares form the First Issue. First Mortgage Debentures. £500,000. ISSUE of £220,000 FOUR PER CENT.

FIRST MORTGAGE DEBENTURES of £100 each, at the price of £102. 24.000 CUMULATIVE FIVE PER CENT. PREFERENCE SHARES of £5 each, at the price of £5 4s. per Share. Payable as follows: First Mortgage Debentures.

Preference Shares. On £10 £1 On Allotment £92 £4 4s. £102 £5 49. The 60,000 Ordinary Shares of £5 each have been applied for and allotted at par. The Mortgage Debentures are payable to bearer.

and form part of a present issue of £300.000, of which £80.000 have been subscribed by the Debenture and Share holders of the Birmingham Central Tramways Company (Limited), and are repayable on the 15th October, 1917, and are limited to £500,000. being one-half of the capital. They will be secured by a Trust Deed constituting a first charge on the property of the entire undertaking. Interest at the rate 4 per cent. per annum is payable half-yearly on the 15th of April and the 15th of October.

The first coupon for £2 will be payable on the 15th April, 1897. The Preference Shares form part of a present issue of £200,000, of which £80,000 have been subscribed by the Shareholders of the Birmingham Central Tramways Company (Limited), and are entitled to a cumulative preferential dividend of 5 per cent. per annum, payable half yearly on the 15th April and the 15th October, the first six months' dividend being payable on the 15th April, 1897. They are also preferred as to capital. TRUSTEES FOR DEBENTURE HOLDERS.

John Alexander Christie, Cranethorne, Leamington. James Ross, of Montreal, Canada. DIRECTORS. William Mackenzie, Toronto, Canada, President of the Toronto Railway Company. James Ross, Montreal.

Canada, Vice President and Managing Director of the Montreal Street Railway Company. Henry Buckley, Chairman Birmingham Electric Supply Company (Limited). William Neale, Chairman of the Birmingham Central Tramways Company (Limited). BANKERS. -The London and Midland Bank (Limited), Cornhill, London New-street, Birmingham other Branches.

Messrs. Milward and 188, Fleet-street. London; 41, Waterloo-street, Birmingham. William Holmden. Registered Offices-119.

Colmore-row. Birmingham. ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS. This Company has been formed for the purpose of acquiring Tramways in the City of Birmingham and neighbourhood, and for the development of the tramway system within that area. Messrs.

William Mackenzie. of Toronto, President of the Toronto Railway Company, and James Ross, of Montreal, Vice President and Managing Director of the Montreal Street Railway Company, have acquired from the Birmingham Central Tramways Company (Limited) the entire undertaking of that Company, for the sum of and certain other payments. And by a contract dated the 1st day of October. 1896. and made between Messrs.

Mackenzie and Ross. of the one part, and this Company of the other part, those gentlemen agree to resell the tramways and property to this Company as from the 15th day of October, 1896. at the sum of being the amount of the purchase money before mentioned. and the estimated sums payable for the costs, charges, and expenses incurred in and incident to the negotiations for the purchase and the formation of this Company up to the 15th day of October, 1895. The methods under which the Tramways of the Birmingham Central Tramways Company have been worked have afforded no fair indication of their earning capacity, but the traftic is steadily increasing.

The earnings on all routes of the Central Company for the 12 months ending 30th June, 1896. £171.493 Net £44.101 Passengers carried 30.071.562 This is sufficient to pay interest on the present issue of Debentures and Preference Shares, and leave a balance of 22.0007. It is anticipated that, by the expenditure of the further capital now proposed to be spent in the construction of additional lines, and the adoption of improved systems of traction. the net earnings will be largely increased, sufficient to provide a very substantial dividend on the Ordinary Shares, and to make ample provision for depreciation and redemption. Application for Debentures and Preference Shares should be made upon the Forms accompanying the Prospectus, Forms of Application for Debentures and Preference Shares may be obtained from the Company's Secretary or Bankers.

Dated October 13th. 1896. TOTICE is hereby Given, that the ELEVENTH ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING of the METROPOLITAN INDUSTRIAL DWELLINGS COMPANY (Limited) will be held at the Registered Office of the Company, Connaught Mansions, Victoria-street, Westminster, on Thursday, the 22d day of October, 1896, at Twelve o'clock noon. Immediately after the above Meeting an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company will be hell at the same place, for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit. passing, with or without modification, the following Resolution That the Capital be increased to COOl.

by the creation of 20,000 new Shares of 5. each, and that the Directors be authorised to issue, from time to time or at any time, such new Shares with such rights and privileges or with such restrictions to such persons, and on such terms and conditions, including power to issue the same at a premium, as they in their discretion shall deem expedient. Notice is also Given, that the Transfer Books of the Company will be Closed from the 15th October to the 22d October, 1896. By order. Connaught Mansions, 34.

Victoria-street, WestLINDSAY S. G. YOUNG. Secretary and General Manager. minster.

13th October, 1896. OGYANA RAILWAY COMPANY FIVE PER CENT. DEBENTURE LOAN. -Notice is hereby Given to the Holders of the above-mentioned Bouds, that the INTEREST thereon. due on the 1st will be PAID on and after Monday, the 2d together with the Bonds drawn for redemption on the 7th at the British Bank of South America (Limited).

2A. Moorgate-street. London. E.C.. between the hours of eleven and two.

Saturdays excepted. The Bonds and Coupons must be lodged three clear days for the British Bank of South America (Limited), HENRY K. GREGORY, pro Manager. London, 14th October, 1896. of MONTREAL FIVE PER CENT.


due 1st November. 1896, on the above-mentioned Loans PAID on and after November 2d by the Bank of Montreal, 22, Abchurch-lane, E.C. The Books of the Debenture Stock will be Closed on the Evening of the 17th after which date the Stock will be transferred ex dividend. Coupons must be left for examination between the hours of Ten and Two (Saturdays excepted) three clear days prior to payment being made. Forms may be had on application on and after the 19th inst.

For the Bank of Montreal. LANG. Manager. No. 22.

Abchurch-lane, E.C., October 12th, 1896. DROVINCE of PER CENT. LOANS 1874 and HALF-YEAR'S INTEREST due November 1st, 1896, on the above-mentioned Loans, will be PAID on and after November 2d by the Bank of Montreal, 22, Abchurch-lane. E.C. Coupons must be left for examination, between the hours of 10.0 and 2.0 (Saturdays excepted), three clear days prior to payment being made.

Forms may be had on application on and after the 19th inst. For the Bank of Montreal. A. LANG, Manager. No.

22, Abchurch-lane, F.C.. October 13th. 1895. TINTO COMPANY (Limited). -Notice is RI hereby Given, that the SHARE TRANSFER BOOKS of the Company will be CLOSED from Saturday.

for the 24th, to Saturday, the 31st October, both days which inclusive, be the pre- the paration of the Interim Dividend, will paid on 2d November, 1896. Holders of Share Warrants to Bearer are informed that they will receive payment of the said Interim Dividend at the rate of Eighteen Shillings per Share, free of Income-tax, on and after Monday, the 2d November, 1896. on presentation of Coupon No. 36, either at the Company's Office in London, or at the Rue de Provence, 56, Paris, or at the Deutsche Nationalbank in Bremen. Coupons for payment in London must be left four clear days previously for examination, and may be THOMSON, deposited forthwith.

By GEO. N. Secretary. Offices of the Company.30. St.

October. 1896. COFFEE COMPANY of 400,0007. A PER CENT. MORTGAGE Messrs.

Glyn. Mills. CERTIFICATES Currie, and Co. will be prepared to ISSUE SCRIP in exchange for the Allotment Letters and Bankers' receipts, after 16th October, at their Banking House, 67, Lomon or bard-street, E.C. TAMES LAMONT and SHARE DEALERS.


Speculator and Investor with who minimum wishes, of with risk, a should little Every write at once for our prospectus, terms of business, showcapital, to secure large profits, a ing the safest and most reliable method of dealing. SPECIAL. Our ERIE SPECIAL OPERArealised a net profit of per cent. Duration 8 days. Cheques have been forwarded.

now forming a "Special in a certain Stock which we are well assured IMPORTANT are Operation" and will prove a most brilliant success. will have a sharp rise, Shares 2l. each. with no further liability. Full particulars sent free on application.


T. Brock and including the immense Spectacular Nautical Device, The Wreck and the Lifeboat the Travelling Tinker, the Giant Peaco*cks, the Expanding Stars, Can be witnessed by tens of thousands without extra payment. 1s. 6d. from London and back, including admission.

PALACE. -TO-DAY (Thursday), Comedy, MARY PENNINGTON, SPINSTER, at 3.0. Mr. Sydney Brough and specially selected Company from the St. James's Theatre (seats 1s.

to Organ, 1.45, 7.15; new Illusion. "Trewey's Last Dream." from 2.0 Living Pictures Cinematographe). preceded by Quenton Ashlyn in Humorous Musical Sketch, 6.45 (6d. and Military Band, 3.45. 8.30: Picture Gallery, 10.0 till dusk (free).

Palace brilliantly illuminated at dusk, open 10.0 till 10.0. children half-price. NEVERUS SCHAFFER, the most marvellous Juggler and Equilibrist in the world, specially and exclusively engaged to appear at the CRYSTAL PALACE EVERY EVENING. Preceded by the Three Polos in new act, entitled Camping Out." 1000 free seats: reserved seats. 6d.


Vocalist, Miss Florence Christie. Violinist. Sarasate. Grand Orchestra. Conductor, Mr.

August Manns. The Programme will Pathetique." No. 6, in minor (l'schaikowski) Concerto for Violin and Orchestra (Mendelssohn): Symphonic Prelude, Am boss ode: Hammer (W. Wallace) (first time at the Crystal Palace): Solo for Violin. Viva Sevilla" (Sarasate).

Overture, William Tell' (Rossini). Seats, 1s. to 4s. SARASATE will Play Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto, with Crystal Palace Orchestra. NEXT SATURDAY, at 3.0.

His only appearance at an orchestral concert this season. Conductor, Mr. August Manns. Numbered seats. 2s.

and may now be booked at Crystal Palace and City and West-end Music Agents': unnumbered seats. 1s. RAND PROMENADE CONCERTS. -CRYSTAL SATURDAY EVENING, at 8.0. Vocalists, Oct.

17: Miss Edith Miller. Mr. Harper Kearton, Mr. Musgrove Tufnail. The Crystal Palace Military Band, Bandmaster, Mr.

Charles jun. Accompanist. Mr. Walter W. Hedgeock.

CRYSTAL KENNEL PALACE. CLUB'S FORTY-FIRST DOG SHOW. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, and THURSDAY NEXT. October 20th, 21st, and 22d. Admission to Palace and Show, One Shilling each day.

SHOW. The whole of the vast Aquarium area and gaileries 10-DAY. SE -ROYAL -The BOOK and NEWS TRADES SECOND ANNUAL GREAT an interesting display of art and literature and apparatus in operation. with all latest improvements. No extra charge.

All Entertainments as usual. AQUARIUM. -At 3.0 and 8.0, See the COUNTESS unarmed in a DEN of furious. fully-grown LIONS. The Countess only performs twice daily.

namely, at 3.0 and 8.0. See the Lions and Baby Lions, on view all day. AQUARIUM. -See the lovely LIVING PICTURES. Thirty exquisitely beautiful Tableaux by artists' living models.

A series of magnificent paintings mounted with human grace and beauty. in the World's Great Show, 2.30 and 7.50. Over 350 artists, and 150 varieties. Free. -See Four Huge ELEPHANTS WALTZING.

Marching, and Forming Squares. See the Baby Elephant at dinner. See the whole group of elephants a band of musicians, and actually playing a drum, organ, cymbals, concertina, All free, in the World's Great Show, 2.30 and 7.30, and at 12.45 noon in the Early Varieties, commencing 10.45 a.m. Come Early. TO GREATEST ROYAL SHOW.

2.30 and 7.30 (Early -The Varieties, WORLD'S 10.45 a.m.). 350 artists. Every known form of Varieties, including exquisitely lovely Living Pictures, by artists' living models. See the performing Elephants and the Champion Dog Jumper, and 150 Varieties, all free in the World's Great Show. Through See your own bones by the Rays.

Grand Swimming Pertickets. with admission, by District Rail. At 3.0 and 8.0, see the Countess X. unarmed in a Den of furious, fully-grown Lions. formances, 5.0 and 10.0, including Rod v.

Man. See the New Animated Photography, Life in Motion on Canvas. AND CEYLON EXHIBITION, EARL'S COURT. IMRE KIRALFY. Director General.

LAST 2 of the Grand Spectacle India." LAST WEEKS of Indian City. LAST 2 WEEKS of Mahommedan Mosque. LAST 2 WEEKS of Hindu Paradise. LAST WEEKS of Native Artisans. LAST WEEKS of India and Ceylon Jugglers.

LAST 2 WEEKS of Great Ship Scene. LAST 2 WEEKS Devil Dancers. LAST WEEKS of all Side Shows. LAST WEEKS of New Cingalese Baby. LAST 2 WEEKS of Hindu Contortionist.

LAST 2 WEEKS of Nautch Dancers. LAST WEEKS of Elephants and Camels. LAST 2 WEEKS of Pretty Zebus. Open from 11.0 a.m. to 11.15 p.m.

Admission One Shilling! One Shilling INDIA AND CEYLON EXHIBITION. LAST WEEKS Lieut. DAN GODFREY'S APPEARANCE as Conductor the Grenadier Guards' Band previous to his retirement from the Army. Coldstream Guards, Venanzi's Orchestra, Empress, and other Bands daily. TRAFALGAR DAY, OCTOBER 21st.

FREE ADMISSION to the INDIA and CEYLON EXHIBITION, Earl's-court. All Sailors, Royal Marines. Marine Artillery, and Veterans in Uniform will be admitted free. GIGANTIC "WAVERLEY" WHEEL. BICYCLES TWO will be WEEKS.


19. and BURGESS MINSTRELS. ST. JAMES'S HALL, Piccadilly and Regent-street, W. Enormous Succees of the Present Brilliant and Attractive Entertainment, Supported by the very best Minstrel Comedians and Vocalists in either Hemisphere.

THE THIRTY SECOND ANNIVERSARY of this world-famed and ever-popular Company will be celebrated On TUESDAY. 20th October, at 8.0, by the production of an exceptionally humorons and delightful programme. A charming souvenir will be presented to the audience. Plantation Revival Songs Every Friday Evening. Nightly at 8.0.

Matinees Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays at 3.0. Box-office open at Tree's (The Hall), 10.0 to 7.0, and libraries. -General Manager. Mr. LAWRENCE BROUGH.

and prettiest BURGESS. songs of recent LATEST years, "That SUCCESSES. Grand MOORE Old Song," beautiful ballad sung nightly by Clement Stewart, and Honey, will you cling to me? exquisite plantation refrain. May be ordered of all music-sellers. Pub.

nett 1s. or post free 1s. 7d. from Music St. James's Hall.



TUSSAUD'S EXHIBITION. THE CELEBRATED ROUMANIAN ORCHESTRA. Performance Every Afternoon and Evening, Admission children under twelve, 6d. MADAME TUSSAUD'S EXHIBITION. EGYPTIAN ENGLAND'S HALL, HOME of MYSTERY Established 1873.

Lessee a and Manager, Mr. J. N. MASKELYNE. Performances Daily, at 3.0 and 8.0.

Special Features of the present Animated Photographs; David Devant's Inimitable Sleight Hand; the beautiful illusions. The and the Birth of Flora; a Rustic Carnival, by Mr. R. A. Roberts: the famed Mechanical Orchestra: the delightful old magical Sketch, WILL, THE WITCH.

AND THE WATCHMAN. Reserved and numbered seats. 5s. and area. the best 1s.

balcony in London: view equal to the dress circle of a theatre. Children under twelve half-price. AGYPTIAN HALL. ANIMATED PHOTOGRAPHS. The first and finest in London, introduced by Mr.


Open to the Public for REAL ICE SKATING On SATURDAY. October 31. Season Tickets Can now be obtained from the Manager. A LEXANDRA PARK RACES. SATURDAY NEXT.

Oct. 17. First Race at about 1.45. The best Carriage Enclosure at any Race Meeting. ALEXANDRA PARK RACES.

SATURDAY NEXT, Oct. 17. A Special Train (First-class only) from King's-cross (G.N.R.. No. 3 Platform), at 12.45, arriving at Wood-green (Alexandra Park), 12.55.

Returning from Wood-green, 5.25. Return fare single 1s. LEXANDRA PARK RACES. SATURDAY NEXT, Oct. 17.

The last A.P. meeting this year. Great Improvements to Racecourse and Enclosures. PICTURE GALLERIES. RTS and CRAFTS EXHIBITION SOCIETY.A street, FIFTH from to EXHIBITION Six.

Now Admission Open. 1s. New Gallery, RegentC. W. BECKETT.

Secretary. DARIS SALON'S PICTURES, 1896, include the Startling Works, Tattegrain's "Les Bouches Laubadare's L'Arene." Veber's Mad on Delacroix's Poesy of -CONTINENTAL GALLERY, 157, New Bond-street. Admission with catalogne. PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY'S EXHIRITION OPEN. Photographs, Apparatus.

Lantern Slides, Pay Photography, the Kinematescope. Daily 10.0 to 5.0. and Sat. Evenings, 7.0 to 10.0. 6d.

At THE GALLERY. 5A, Pall-mail East. THE LIFE of OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, Illustrated by 365 sublime Water-colour Drawings by J. JAMES TISSOT, are Now on View Daily at the LEMERCIER GALLERY (late Gallery). 35, New Bond-street, from 10.0 to 6.0.


PLATE GLASS. EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY. 10, St. Swithin's-lane, London, E.C. THOS.

POTTER, Sec. AW REVERSIONARY INTEREST SOCIETY 1853. Paid-un capital and Debentures 530,0007. REVERSIONS and A LIFE INTERESTS PURCHASED. or Advances made thereon.

-24. Financial year ends 20th November, 1896. NATIONAL PROVIDENT INSTITUTION For MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE. Ciaims Paid nearly 10.000.0000. Invested Funds nearly 5,000.0007.

All the profits are divided among the assured-already divided, 4.600,000l. All persons now assuring will receive an additional share of profit over later entrants at the next division in 1897. Applications for Agencies invited. No. 48.

Gracechurch-street. London. F.C. -Established 1840. THE GUARANTEE SOCIETY.

Fidelity guaranteed in all situations of Trust. No. 19, Birchin-lane, E.C. A. MUZIO, Secretary.

SPECIAL ADVANTAGES TO PRIVATE INSURERS. THE IMPERIAL Insurance Company Est. 1803. 1. Old Broad-street, E.

and 22. Pallmall, S. W. Subscribed Capital, 1,200,0007. Paid-up.

300,0007. Total funds over 1.500.000/. -E. COZENS SMITH. Gen.

Man. ILLUSTRATED LECTURE on NEW ZEALAND, 15th, Friday. Y.MI.C.A.. 16th. -Mr.

Aldersgate-street. W. COURTNEY. Wednesday. of 14th.

Thursday. Bureau, 85. New Oxford-street, who has been 44 years Colonization in New the Farm Zealand, Cadets, will show Governesses, Capitalists. Tourists, Farmers. Invalids.

others the advantages be Housekeepers, Lady Helps, and Party, sailing 12th to November gained by going in Mr. Tenth on in New Zealand Doors Company's open line 7.30. to steamer commence Ruapehu. at Last party numbered 118. Shipping Admission 6d, CONCERTS, MUSICAL RECITALS, ST.


12, Dec. 3 (1896), Jan. 14, Feb. 4. 18, and 25; March 11 and 18; and A April 1 (1897), commencing at Eight clock.


B. HOLLANDER. Mr. HENSCHEL'S CHOIR. Subscription for the Series of Nine Concerts: Sofa stalls, 37.

balcony stalls or front area stalls, 27. 10s. area stalls. 17. 10s.

Single tickets, reserved: Sofa stalls. 10s. balcony and front area stalls, 79. area stalls, unreserved balcony. admission, 1s.

Prospectus and Tickets at Basil Tree's, 28. Piccadilly, and 304, Regent Stanley Lucas and Ashton's: Mitchell's Hays': Keith, Prowse, and Gastrell's; Newman's Box-office: And of CHAPPELL and 50. NEW BOND-STREET. W. scribers ENSCHEL wishing to CONCERTS.

retain their -11th seats will Season. greatly -Sub oblige by sending an early application to Mr. Basil Tree, St. James's Hall; usual Agents; and Chappell and 50. New Bondstreet.


James's Hall. TUESDAY AFTERNOON NEXT. October 20, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, October 27, at Three o'clock. Erard Grand Pianoforte. Tickets.

10s. at the usual Agents: Tree's Ticket Offices, 28. Piccadilly, and 304. Regent-street or ConcertDirection Mayer (W. Adlington), 224.


WOOD. SATURDAY NEXT, and Every Saturday. at 8.0. Orchestra of 103. Lewler, Arthur W.

Payne. Cornet, Howard Reynolds. Organist, Percy Pitt. Madame Fanny Moody. Herbert Grover.

Charles Manners. QUEEN'S HALL. RICHTER the CONCERTS. direction of Mr. N.


Oct. 19, at 8.30. BEETHOVEN Overture, DVORAK Symphonic Poem, Der Wassermann" (MS.) WAGNER Siegfried Idyll. DVORAK Symphonic p*rn. "Die Mittagshexe" (MS.) WAGNER Vorspiel.

Act Die Meistersinger." WAGNER Huldigung's Marsch." HALL. RICHTER Concert. CONCERTS. Monday, Oct. 26, at 8.30.

Third and Last Concert, Monday. Nov. 2. at 8.30. Subscription tickets, 17.

15s. and 17. 7s. 61.: single tickets. 10s.

55.. and 23. of the usual Agents: Tree. St. James's Hall; Robert Newman's Box-office, Queen's Hall; and of N.

Vert. 6. Cork-street, W. MISS Brixton MARY Hall. Monday, Oct.

CHATTERTON'S 19, at 8.0. The Band CONCERT, of Harps at (pupils of Miss Mary Chattertom) will Play at 8.0 precisely. Tickets, and 1s. -Address 24. Kennington-oval, S.E.

CHARITIES AND HOSPITALS. THE GREAT GALE and the LIFEBOATS. The Committee of the Royal Institution earnestly Appeal for Funds for the maintenance of their 298 Lifeboats on the coast and to reward their gallant crews. UPWARDS of 100 LIVES have been saved during the great gales of the last few days. which have done much damage to the boathouses, slipways, and the other property of the Institution, entailing a heavy pecuniary loss.

HELP is EARNESTLY SOLICITED. Annual subscriptions and donations SO will be thankfully received by the Secretary, Charles bibdin, 14, John-street, Adelphi, W.C.. and by all the Banks in the United Kingdom. THE INCORPORATED CHURCH BUILDING SOCIETY has heiped half the parishes in England and Wales by making 8235 Grants, amounting to 976,653., towards 2222 additional new Churches, and Churches rebuilt, enlarged, or repaired. From the MISSION BUILDINGS FUND.

19.70S. have been granted towards 751 hamlets, chapels, school churches. Both Funds dependent 011 voluntary support. Fresh CONTRIBUTIONS, urgently needed to continue and extend the work, may be sent to Messrs. Hoare, or to Messrs.

Drummond, Bankers; or to Rev. R. Milburn Blakiston, Secretary, 7, Dean'syard. Westminster. S.

W. NIVERSITY COLLEGE HOSPITAL, Debt Gower-st. Urgently NEEDED. present to Bankers and Tradesmen exceeds 15,0007. Bankers: Coutts and 59.

Strand. N. H. NIXON, Secretary. HOMEOPATHIC HOSPITAL and Soho, London.

Dispensary -Out- for patients, 2.0 to 4.0 daily. Tuesday and Friday Evenings, 7.0 to 10.0. Medicine, 1s. each bottle. Treatment by correspondence.

In-patients, 27. 2s. weekly: private room. four to six guineas. Stone, enlarged prostate.

and stricture cured in a few weeks. Diseases of women cured by electrolysis. Pamphlet of successful cases gratis: larger books 5s. and 1s. post free.

SAMARITAN CHILDREN FREE HOSPITAL Marylebone-road, for WOMEN N. W. (unendowed), Funds much wanted. GEORGE SCUDAMORE. See.

11- he 10 rS. re, 0. w. are te ses ger Mr. of the rent NE 111 vi: bet he ard aura os.

ester: 1 to be 401. to 601. 01. rom two tie test test rail- arty 5504 ses. cing NG ker1 10 See ists CIS.

D. lars E.G. Pur- ad or li an rs to ark. ence, auc will ately perty fair firstessrs. preerties inter with treet 20 bed trand, bed agree it clay nths, not to our 18.C.


COVER SYSTEM. 7 THE loss is there limited, the profits independence are unlimited, and is sura an in acting that the principle must and does recommend itself to business men--indeed, it is the only method on which deal. ENGLISH AMERICAN RAILS, RAILS. FOREIGN STOCK, £10 COMMANDS £1000 STOCK. £50 COMMANDS £5000 STOCK.

£500 COMMANDS proportion. STOCK, and so on No other liability whatever. INHIS well-known and old-established firm offers the greatest facilities for dealing in any way in A LL CLASSES of STOCKS and SHARES. TOHN SHAW, HEAD OFFICE. I DOCTORS'-COMMONS.

LONDON, E.C. W. B. DEALERS, COCHRANE 15 and 14, and CORNHILL, STOCK and LONDON, SHARE E.C. Bankers-London and Westminster.

Telegrams, "REINVEST. Business done at close prices. No commission charged. Accounts opened for the Stock Exchange fortnightly settlements. and also upon the Usual Cover System.

Accounts opened for Three Monthly Settlement without Carrying Over Rates being charged. Prospectus, our Special Market Report, with latest advices. also Monthly Investment Book, and other publications, forwarded gratis upon application. W. B.

COCHRANE and 13 and 14. Cornhill. E.C. DRUDENTIAL STOCK SHARE OPERATIONS. best and safest method of speculation." of have been ciosed at an average duration of LIABILITY 42 days.

a 5l. Share realising upon average 97. 98. 81. For particulars and a copy of the Guide to Sue cess," sent gratis, apply to CHARLES BENNETT and Co.

(established 1899). Stock and Share Dealers, 43. New Broad-street, London. F.C. DOUGLAS, PAID HUNGERFORD.

and WILLIAMS. PROFITS DURING 1895. Jan. 2, 87. per cent.

Feb. 1, 67. March 1, 5.: April 87.: May 1, 7l. June 2, July 1, August 1, Sept. 2, Oct.

1. Nov. 1. Dee. 2.

71. Total for 12 months, 921. per an average of nearly 87. PER CENT. PER MONTH.

PROFITS PAID DURING 1896. Jan. 2........ £6 per cent. Feb.

£7 per cent. Mar. 2. £6 per cent. Aprill.

£6 per cent. May £6 per cent. June £5 per cent. July 1........ £5 per Aug.

£5 per cent. Sept.1. £5 per cent. Oct. 1......

£5 per cent. OUR NEW ILLUSTRATED MANUAL mailed free upon request. showing how these profits may be made WITHOUT SPECULATION. Cheques for profits mailed promptly 1st of each month, and for withdrawals of capital on 2d and 18th of each month. Trial investments of 54.

and wards may be made. We have dissatisfied Client. DOUGLAS. HUNGERFORD, and WILLIAMS. 5, Copthall-avenue, London, E.C., 11.

Place de la Bourse, Paris. H' IS STATE HIGHNESS RAILWAYS the NIZAM'S COMPANY (Limited). GUARANTEED -The Directors of his Highness the Nizam's Guaranteed State Railways Company (Limited) are prepared to receive TENDERS for the Supply and Delivery 10 ASS CARRIAGES. as per Specification, obtained at the Company's Offices for the sum of which amount will not be returned. Tenders are to be addressed to the Managing Director, marked "Tenders for Third -class not later than noon on Wednesday.

28th October. 1896. The Directors do not bind themseives to accept the lowest or any tender. By order of the Board. W.

C. HALL. Managing Director. Offices of the Company, 268, Winchester House, 50, Old Broad-street. E.

15th October. 1896. GOFF and S. DEPOT for TRAVELLING and SPORTING REQUISITES. 17 and 18.

KING-STREET. COVENT-GARDEN, LONDON, W.C. RUNKS, PORTMANTEAU'S. (S. GOFF and Co.) Prices fully other traders.

Now on Sale, very fine Collection of Travelling Trunks, Dressing Rags, Suit Cases, together with Bankrupt Stocke, Auction Goods. New and Secondhand. Intending purchasers should at once make an inspection before deciding else where. Cabin Trunks, solid leather Portmanteaus, 20s. (GLADSTONE BAGS.

(S. GOFF and Co.) cowhide, nut brown, strong steel frames, stout lining, hand-sewn throughout. double straps, 10s. 13s. 169.

6d. Hundreds of new and secondhand trunks, portmanteaus, dressing bags, cheap. Cycles. New Branch: 80 and 81, Strand (in front of Hotel Cecil). ADIES' DRESS BASKET TRUNKS.

Covered dull waterproof overland canvas. inside tray, good lock, eight leather corners. Note 203. 22s. 30s.

Thousands of others. S. GOFF, and 18. King-street. Covent-garden (near Charing-cross).

Branch. 80 and 81, Strand. Telegrams. Innumerable." London. CHARLES TUCKEY Purchase and at the GREAT SALE of 10.000 dozen Baskets PIPER HEIDSIECK'S PREMIER QUALITE CHAMPAGNE SEC.

Sold entirely of Without Reserve. By Order an eminent Firm of Bankers in New York. Per Basket. Containing One Dozen Bottles Duty 408. Paid.

Per Basket. Containing Two Dozen Half-bottles 458. Packages and and Carriage Free, Great Offices Cellars, 40. Tower-street, E.C. termediate profits.

Splendid direct, from Scotland. Save infirst band spirit entirely free from adulteration. quality. One A case genuine matured (car. paid) for or 6 doz.

at 34s. 6d. of 12 bottles Campsie Glen Whisky CampsieGlen, -Send order direct the Scotland. No agencies. FORTNUM, of MASON, thisSEASON'S and Co.

respectfully Muscatel raisins, Jordan almonds, Elvas FRUITS, and including Imperial selected announce plums. Eleme figs. East and West India Freuch and crystallised apricots, cherries. ginger. Guava jelly, other varieties of choice dessert fruits: also gages.

Chinois and sultanas, and currants for culinary Valentia raisins Foreign Warehouse, 182, purposes. Piccadilly. W. TANN'S FIVE-GUINEA SAFES.Strong Room, Plate Fire and Closet, Burglar Proof Safes for all purposes. Reliance" "Anchor Deed Boxes.

Listsfree. -11, Party Wall, and E. C. Warehouse Trade Doors, Mark the word Beliance" across an anchor. Beware of imitations.

The Standard from London, Greater London, England (2024)
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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.